2010-09-01 Evansville, IN (Victory Theatre)

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2010-09-01 Evansville, IN (Victory Theatre)


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Sep 2nd 2010, 5:17 PM

Grrrrgirl1 HD
barb4Adam' date='Sep 2nd 2010, 10:45 PM


BooBooKitty' date='Sep 4th 2010, 9:34 AM
That's my banner!!

Thanks whomever for snagging the photo!!

Here's my meet and greet recap-

All righty then....

Meet and Greet
We were told when we purchased our VIP Glitz packages to be at the venue two hours before the doors opened, which meant 5pm, so we had scheduled the hotel shuttle to transport us at that time.
The day before the M&G ALF told us to be there at 5:30, but as our shuttle has already been scheduled there was no changing it. I had a moment in the hotel to knock back a shot while chatting up some new Glammy friends, then the shuttle honked and several of us piled in. We made friends along the way and arrived at the Victory Theater around 5pm.

There was a tiny vestibule just inside the theater at the will call window and we all gathered there to wait for something to happen. The place had no air conditioning and with 25 adrenaline fueled Glamberts we soon managed to ratchet up the temperature another few notches. We chatted around trying to put faces to ALF names, to Twitter names, AO, PF- everyone was someone somewhere and for the life of me I can't remember any of them, although I will never forget the faces. Crazy win a date with Adam Julie was one of our group.
We sweated.
We pulled out our precious VIP receipts and fanned ourselves, walked outside to try and find some air then came back in because the indoor humidity was a tad less than outside. It was 95 freaking degrees.
We sweated some more.
I glammed myself to just this side of ridiculous only to sweat it all away before being admitted to The Royal Presence?

By 5:30pm someone had the bright idea to try and go through one more set of doors and like lemmings we all followed, and by God I could feel manufactured air and it was lovely. There was a water fountain, a restroom, and a set of stairs for a few lucky ones to sit on.
Our relief was short lived however, as a crotchety old venue lady came by mumbling something about rules and forced us all back out into the sweaty vestibule.
Again we wandered aimlessly around the 30 square feet of oven, again walked outside in search of air to breathe, then again came back in because outside was Africa Hot and inside was merely Measley Hell Hot.

Then a guy- we'll call him Kevin right now, although shortly we will call him The Border Collie- stuck his head out and asked if we were there for the Meet and Greet. He said to hang tight, make sure we had ID and our receipt handy, and he'd be back in a few minutes or so.
It is now nearing 6pm- we've been sweating for an hour.
We sweat some more, and at this point I am feeling really smart to have eaten that banana before coming as I knew I'd need potassium. Take a note, peeps.

At around 6:15 Kevin does come back, and one by one we file past him holding our paperwork, now admitted through that first set of doors we tried to get through earlier. We are checked off a master list and are handed the first of our goodies- the VIP lanyard and laminated pass- woo-hoo!! We are stylin' now, and the poor, sweaty, unfortunate non-VIP'ers look at us through the glass like five year olds at a candy counter.
It is a tad less hot, but still sweaty, and by now the standing around is beginning to get annoying.
So we sweat some more.
We sweat for a really long time- probably another 25 minutes, it felt like an eternity.
Then our faithful Border Collie returns and herds us all up one flight of stairs to a different area of sweating- a long hallway where Neil appears to be in conversation with someone as he fiddles with a camera.
This new room does have a bar, but I am worrying about having to juggle a drink, my autograph item, my VIP t-shirt and other goodies, so I pass on the drink. I make friends with more people, and everyone is out of their mind nervous and I am not.
I am generally not excitable over things like this and remain calm, although I'm beginning to think how silly I would feel if I passed out. I find a bench along a wall and sit and people watch.
Neil is attracting NO attention and personally I think it aggrieved him mightily.

At around 6:45pm Neil and the Border Collie come back and herd us by groups into an elevator- I ride in the one with Neil and he is reasonably chatty. We stop and walk out into yet another room to.... you guessed it- wait and sweat.
We are told to form a line and suddenly everyone gets shy and no one wants to be at the front of the line to go first- mass exodus to the rear of the room. There are precious few people in front of me and at this point I think someone has to grow a pair so I stand there in line.
Neil plays with the camera focusing on a spot in front of a window while we sheep mumble amongst ourselves at what a silly backdrop for our special picture with Adam that will be, so I kind of loudly ask if we can be in front of a wall instead. But by then he was focused and ready, so window it was.
At that point, 7pm, we see someone vaguely Adam-like approaching from down a hallway- he enters the room and walks over to his spot, which I will call Exhibit A.

It's Adam, but it is a human Adam- a sort of man-boy who looked much younger than I would have ever thought and not at all a Glittery Alien. He was a young guy in a t-shirt, jeans, and flip flops- a guy that aside from the first layer of stage makeup and a wacked out hairdo you wouldn't look twice at. Slight of build, almost seeming small. It was at that point that the absurdity of the situation began to cross my mind.

Now- it is a great thing, a Meet and Greet. It was totally worth my money, I would do it again in a heartbeat (and am), and he was awesome. But I am old enough to remember carnival freak shows where you paid your money and walked through a murky maze to peek through a hole in the wall to look at unusual humans, and I remember the thrill of seeing something wondrous accompanied by the kind of skeeved out feeling in your stomach of it not quite being right to view someone in that particular context.
I am by no means comparing Adam to a freak show so don't twist my words- I am just saying that a touch of that same skeevy feeling danced across my mind as I stood in line to meet and have my picture taken next to Exhibit A. And I will admit that it did occur to me that being there probably wouldn't have been at the top of his list if it had been up to him. He has a great game face, no doubt about it, but I used game face for 35 years and know it when I see it. That was game face.

When the Border Collie barked once to signify it was my turn I walked up to Adam, extended my hand and God help the poor bastard but I babbled- I babbled like a schoolgirl. I will try and convey the jist of it as best I can remember because honestly it is such a blur to me- I will be regular text and blue will be Adam's replies. There aren't that many of them because the poor guy couldn't get a word in edgewise.
Anyway, I remember making it a point to look directly into his eyes and continued to as I began speaking:
"Hi, I'm Buderschnookie!"
"Oh OK, hi!"
(shaking hands now)
"I wrote the most popular blog on your new fan club website, it's been number one for over a week now"
"Oh, cool!"
"We were told that we were not allowed to give you gifts, but I brought a copy of what I wrote and was hoping that you might find a moment to read it?"
"Wow, OK, sure"
(He takes the envelope from my hands, puts it in his pocket! It has 'by Buderschnookie' on it! Woo Hoo!)
"It's all about how some of the press write about a segment of your fanbase and how we as older fans feel about that and you"
"Aww, that's sweet"
(he hugs me, I have no idea why, I did not ask for it)
I hold up the photo I have brought to be signed and while he is signing it he says nobody ever brings that photo and of course I have to babble some more about me-
"I wrote a Letter to the Editor of the LA Times and they actually printed it"
And he hugs me again, and God help me my mouth is up against his ear and I freaking keep talking about the goddam photographer who took that damn photo and how he wrote me an email and I love the picture because it looks like he (Adam) has a secret.
I mean, God Almighty, I could have snuggled in, sniffed deeply, closed my eyes and savored it, but no I had to keep talking and making it all about me.
The we separate and arrange ourselves in photographic mode with his arm around me and Neil says "Ready? 3..2..1.. snap."
When he lets go and it was time for me to leave I turned and uttered the ultimate in articulate compliments-
"Thanks for singing so good".
"Oh, thank you. Bye"

Thanks for singing so good?
Are you kidding me?
Not even grammatically correct, much less anywhere near the magnitude of what I wanted to convey.
As I exit the room I am given a choice of t-shirt sizes, then I take the elevator back down and I am done.

This will be considerably shorter, as we have all seen the videos, many well turned phrases have been written about his awesome-icity, and they are all correct.
I will say that his voice is far better in person than in recordings. It is richer, carries more resonance, and I heard more low tones than I ever thought possible. He is probably singing in a lower key than the recordings- I never noticed it all that much on the Youtubes but in person it was a marked difference.
The most overwhelming aspect of the whole show is that he is huge on that stage- his presence fills the room. He has totally mastered the art of communicating with the crowd because he looked directly at me while singing at least 15 times, and I'll bet everyone in there felt the same way. Massive charisma, the Carriage of a King, really.

And this is where things got really interesting for me.
The degree of difference between the two Adams was just immense.
Who can do that?

The fact that I saw him first as a human person, then later as the stage persona caused some sort of huge disconnect that I am only now beginning to reconcile. For me as a fan, as a member of the audience I recognize that his voice really is the voice of a generation- something so rare and so finely honed that it simply delights the mind- we all know this.
But as large as that talent is, in my mind it is absolutely dwarfed by his stagecraft- the way he is able to walk on a stage, put on that persona, and dominate a room was just magnificent.
That that man-boy human person is able to transform into that manly hunk of raging bull boggles my mind. I saw two totally and completely different Adams- and the thoughts I have about each one are a complete 180º from the thoughts I have about the other.
It threw me for a loop.

He was bigger than I thought he would be, and he was smaller than I thought he would be.
That's the most enduring impression I got.

And for me, to take this massively talented voice and to add to that the ability to absolutely transform himself onstage- it augments his talent in every direction, in every way, to a place I can barely comprehend.
In a nutshell I believe that I have learned that all my obsessive fandom, my lust, my glambulge and hand and neck fetishes (hell, all his body parts) and fantasies- all this is directed at Stage Adam. This creature that he becomes is so much larger than life that I am compelled to want always more, more, more. There will never be enough of him.

I also think that Exhibit A man-boy Adam shouldn't be the object of my addiction- he deserves some space to himself and I think he has precious little and is holding on to what is left pretty tightly. I really found the thought of him being on display so I could come look at him to be a little weird.
I will probably still follow every move, but in my mind I will maybe not want to pry into his personal life as much- I now know that I can back off a tad and yet still be a crazy good fan.

I am glad it took me 5 hours to drive home because I needed that time to think. I was oddly emotional all the way home- my 5 star iPod playlist caused more than one set of tears. Flashes from the past, Freddie, Elvis- crazy lady was crazy driving home in tears. I was tired, emotionally and physically, and know that always puts me on the edge of tears. But above that I just felt strange- as if something had shifted in my core. Something in my World View has been altered- don't know if it was Adam, the show itself, being surrounded by so much cray-cray, or what, but something changed in me. I don't yet know quite what I mean by that, but I was affected.

I had a wonderful time- both glammax and MyJacket were exactly the right level of crazy for me. It was a really memorable trip and aside from being a bit overwhelmed I would not change a thing.
I am not always the most demonstrative person and I want to again thank both of them for including me and making this such a great adventure.

17 days until my Hard Rock show and my second Meet and Greet.
I do think this is a good way for Adam's fans to meet him in a controlled environment and have reconciled myself to accepting that for him it is part of the gig.
But I swear a little part of Exhibit A man-boy wanted to be somewhere else.

He needs a vacation.

MissRose' date='Sep 3rd 2010, 2:45 PM

Full Proper Review by MissRose of Evansville Glamnation Concert....

This was my 5th stop and last stop on the Glamnation Tour this summer for me.

It turned out to be my best view out of all of the shows and worth the nearly 600 miles of driving 1 way for me from Michigan.

I met up with a group of fans at a preparty thing then we went to the show at the Victory from there.

Like last night during the intermission between Allison's and Adam's sets, there was much dancing during the preshow music but security wasnt too happy with people dancing in aisles at times. During the playing of Beat It by Michael Jackson, we had a different young man in the balcony showing his dance moves off & getting the great reaction from the audience.

My ticket ended up being a front row type view on the right side. A kind lady (her name escapes me) with long grey braided hair and a very glam outfit managed to ask security if me, her, and another lady next to me could go to the barrier thing when Adam took the stage, he kindly agreed.

During FYE, me and the 2 other ladies went to the barriers right by the stage. The view was fantastic from start to finish. My camera was ready with fresh batteries to be snap happy too LOL.

Adam was great as always from start to finish, and of course great banter with the audience. I had a great view as well, and my mind was in overdrive as usual.

Tonight's set list is similar to other shows but for encore it was just Mad World.

This show definitely was a great way to end my Glamnation tour of sorts with lots of great memories including my fave: meeting Adam & interviewing him at the Chesaning showboat stop as part of a radio competition.

My pics....


2 short video clips




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2010-09-01 Evansville, IN (Victory Theatre)


Post by Tiki »

MissRose' date='Sep 6th 2010, 7:39 AM
A few of my fave pixs I snapped.... Click thumbnails to see larger versions....















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2010-09-01 Evansville, IN (Victory Theatre)


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Sep 6th 2010, 10:46 PM







joooory' date='Oct 1st 2010, 7:45 PM

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