2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium

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2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium


Post by Tiki »

Kaydan :)' date='Jul 8th 2010, 11:23 PM

joooory' date='Jul 8th 2010, 11:54 PM

indybeck71 HD
Sammie-Ma' date='Jul 9th 2010, 10:29 AM

Nashville and Knoxville from my point of view.
Adam was great in Knoxville. That voice , that face that body :">. The show was GREAT in Knoxville but he was a demigod in Nashville. There are vids for you to watch so I do not have to tell you how his voice was and how sexy his body and dancing is.
On stage Adam looks just like the photos you see. He is all man on stage. Those muscles of his look just like the vids and photos you see. In person he is slim. I only saw him running to and from the bus in Nashville. I saw him from the back the first time. His body is slim with a good shape. His waist was so small from the back and his lats curved down so nice to that small waist they were smooth and his shoulders were nice. His shoulder muscles are like you see in photos and vids. His body looks like it would feel frim from all that I could see. Oh and the white T-shirt with black letters or design was tight from my point of view :"> .As one friend would have said years ago his body is good for sex. To me he looks like a dancer. I use to take dancing. His hair is so thick. I was looking at him from the back and when he turned his face to the side it was standing out at the top of the curve of his cut almost like Goku from DragonBall Z and he had on bronzer on his face. To me it looked like his skin in the rush as if he were that color form nature. Later on after the show as he left the to go to he bus he looked cream colored in the alley. His hair was down to the left side the side a swipe some could call an emo look. If you go and look at the bus vid from Nashville the first voice you hear yelling "Adam" and the first clapping of hands was me. I yelled when I heard the lady from New Orleans say " There he is." He was taking with some man. I could see a little smile when I was clapping his chin and jaw line is manly with that smile. I only saw his left side of his face. The when the other people clapped he turned around. I had a better view of him going on the bus that the vid looks like. I watched him climb up the stars on the inside of the bus. His arms from the back was very slim like the rest of him. I love how his hips looked as he climbed into the living section of the bus. There were only few of us who saw him from the vantage point I had. Most people were lined up on the side of the bus. We were in a line too but in the front of the bus.

Now in Knoxville I did get Allie, Tommy and Monte autographs. (Monte short and handsome in person. He may be an inch or two taller than me.) Tommy and Monte's are on my mirror and Allie's is on my ticket from Knoxville. I had a fangirl moment in front of Tommy. Yes Tommy is that handsome. At my age... The photo of Sasha and I is blurred so badly I may not put it up. She is so sweet. I told her that I had sent her a tweet about how much she looked like a famous singer dancer from the past. I mentioned my shoes to her... the ones she hate (remember the ugly shoe tweet from her) and we laughed together about it with our right hands together. The photo of me and Terrance is better. He and I looked each other straight in the eyes and talked. I told him how beautiful his mother was and how he looked just like her. For the photo he puts his arm around me and his skin is so smooth and soft with those large hard muscles. His color is such a beautiful deep tan. He is just a little lighter than I am. BTW Taylor smokes and Neil and Adam are without question cut fron the dame cloth.
Now in Nashville as Kathy and I drove by I saw Brook and Taylor walking down the street together.
I am still in the Adam afterglow.
Misha2' date='Jul 9th 2010, 12:21 PM

Knoxville was my first Glam Nation concert. The Tennessee Theatre is a gorgeous venue, Adam's voice was beautiful, the dancing was fierce and fun, the entire show seemed to go by in a flash, and I left exhilarated.

I intended to tape audio in Knoxville, too, but I packed for the trip there in a rush and I thought I forgot the recorder the first night. I was in the first row behind the pit, though all the way to the side, and probably too close to the speakers anyway for good audio. In Nashville I was in the balcony.

Adam was great in Knoxville. And I was closer, but he seemed a little more distant there, slightly reserved (in comparison), though he was still vibrant and enthusiastic.

I thought his vocals were extra amazing in Nashville. He showed out, as the old(er) folks used to say. He was definitely more unrestrained vocally. He went for notes, not saving his voice for anything, and did different (at least to me) runs on some songs and I felt more emotion in his singing. He got crazy love from the audience (a very diverse crowd). I also felt more connection during the between-song interaction, even though he was saying essentially the same things as he said in Knoxville. I chuckled at his line about "sweating like a --- in church" at the church of country music. I thought he explained his set list for any critics in the audience. : ) And his "thank you" during WLL sounded very Elvis (I almost expected a "very much").

Unlike Knoxville, in Nashville I couldn't see the stage a fourth of the time, and could only see it in slivers through people's shoulders the rest of the time. Nothing to do in that situation but dance like a wild and crazy person. (The narrow space between those hard pews didn't make it easy.) I left dripping in sweat both nights. He's not kidding when he says it's hot in there. I don't know how he maintains that intense energy level and movement and stays vocally on point.

I'm really glad for both different experiences in two terrific venues. Can't wait to see what he brings to the Atlanta show.
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2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Jul 9th 2010, 6:17 PM

noskerdycat HD
WLL Partial

joooory' date='Jul 9th 2010, 6:59 PM


joooory' date='Jul 9th 2010, 7:28 PM

skmissy HD
Dancing with Brooke.

Fever Partial
joooory' date='Jul 9th 2010, 8:15 PM

joooory' date='Jul 9th 2010, 8:52 PM

misty565 HD
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2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium


Post by Tiki »

Kaydan :)' date='Jul 9th 2010, 9:10 PM

Okay, recap time! Sorry it's taken me SO long, I've been retouching pictures, uploading videos, saving, overwriting, copying, listening, converting, doing ANYTHING I possibly can to keep from going back to real life. :lol: I guess I should start my review with the meet and greet/q&a, huh?

We left my house that morning at about 3:30am so we could get there at 11:30am (all aboard the fail boat, I put pm. I probably threw you people off. shiz.) and have time to get to the radio station (107.5 The River), get the passes, possibly grab something to eat, and then go meet Adam! :spaz: We pull up to the station at around 11:45, and my dad and I get out, go inside, and approach the front desk. My stomach is going crazy, probably for two reasons: 1. I was in the place I'd meet Adam Lambert for the first time ever. 2. I hadn't eaten much of anything. :lol: So we get in line behind to girls who won passes for the Orianthi meet and greet that was going on literally as we were in there. I could hear it and everything. After they finished up getting their passes and headed into the doors, my dad began to talk to the woman. He told her that we'd won passes the day before and we were here to get them so we wouldn't be doing it last minute and have something go wrong. She checks the computer's registry of winners and she doesn't see my name. So I start freaking out. I'm about to cry. I'm facepalming. I'm pretty much having an innerbody breakdown. BUT. My dad got all the kinks (not that kind.) worked out. He told her the reason it probably wasn't in the computer was because the man in charge of the promotion department had a meeting right after we won and he called us back afterwards, giving us all the information and times and was on the run ever since he made that call, and she said, "Oh, right, right. He told me about that." So we got our red bracelets (that I'm still wearing. Ha. Don't judge.) and we went to the nearest food place, Wendy's for some lunch. So we ate, blah blah blah, then I decide I hate what I'm wearing. The bathroom had a long line and if I waited, we might be late. So I was like, "FORGET IT. IT'S NASHVILLE, I DON'T LIVE HERE, IT'S FOR ADAM LAMBERT, I'M CHANGING IN THE PARKING LOT WOOO!" Yeah. I changed in the parking lot for your arse, Lambert. You owe me. Bring me to your lair. I mean... What?
So I threw on this other shirt I had, it was more sparkly and more... sparkly. And then I had to brush my teeth because Asian wings make yo breath KICKIN'. Like, "Daaaang I need to POWERBRUSH." So I powerbrushed. In the parking lot with a bottle of water and my toothbrush. I had the WHOLE resturaunt looking at me, and people kept walking up to go inside, but WHATE'RRR.What'errr. They don't get it.
So we tried to find a parking space, no luck, so we parked like a mile away and it was hot outside so I was walking with my arms held up so I wouldn't sweat.
.. ... okay then TMI.
SO. We get to the radio station at 12:45ish and the line is kinda short, but people keep arriving. The woman at the front, bless her heart, she had to keep telling us to shut up because she couldn''t hear the phone. So we were all whispering and freaking out and then Intern Adam came out and was like, "There's room for another Adam right?" or something like that and he was so adorableeee in his little boots and whatnot. XD Pretty sure he's gay. More than sure. 99.99% sure. Then again...
They tell us what to do.
"When we get inside, there's pizza and drinks, courtesy of Little Caesar's Pizza. You can take some, you don't have to, but when you go in, just grab a seat. You'll all be close."
They FIANLLY open the door, and I... I kinda line cut, but people weren't moving so it can't really be classified as a line cut, I guess. I get the VIP pass, and pretty much run (not really) to see what kind of seats they were talking about.
Oh. Dear lord. Floor in front of the stage? OUTTA ROOM. I was gonna squeeze in right next to someone's bean bag chair. If I would've, Adam would've tripped over me. So that's good I DIDN'T sit there. I grabbed a stool next to the wall and tried to contain the fangirl ~within. So intern Adam starts talking to us, he's hilarious oh my heck. He was the one who answered the phone when I won. I remember it clearly:
IA: 1075 the river.
K: ...About that Adam Lambert contest?
IA: You won!!
IA: You won it!

Anyways. He knew where I was from, and he knew I was listening online and won. He was like, "Where's the girl from ___________? Is she here?"
I raise my hand sheepishly. Lord knew what he'd say next.
"You're insane!"
"I know!"
"She listened online, guys. And she won. Give her a hand, yall."
All clap, stare at me (whether in a 'Yay that's awesome!' way or a 'You're kinda creepy' way, I didn't know.) I stop myself from bowing. Ok, I really wasn't going to bow. Except at Lambert's feet whaaaat. Ok I didn't do that either.
So he keeps talking and he's like, "Let's talk about Lindsey Lohan!" EL. OH. EL. So we're all just talking like a cray close knit family who's about to melt out of their pants.
He tells us HBIC is in the hallway. The hallway is 5 feet away from me. Tops. DOUBLEYOU. TEE. EFF. IS. GOING. ON.
"He's tweeting guys, hold on."
"Oh geeeez. CUZ DAMN IT I'M SEXY TOO." Indeed Intern Adam. Indeed.
"We ready [lunch]Box? We are? Everyone, please welcome... Adam Lambert!"
*curtain moves* *He walks out*
HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL, YOU GUYS. I REALLY CANNOT EXPLAIN IN WORDS HOW BEAUTIFUL HE REALLY IS. :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: Seriously, he's so... Otherworldly, unbelievably, prodigiously handsome. And he's SO tall, and SO SO SO skinny. Please, babe, eat a hamburger or something. </3
"Hello," he said deeply and playfully into the mic. WHAT. THE. HECK. HAPPENED. INSIDE. OF. ME.
HE THOUGHT HIS BUS CAUGHT ON FIRE. "I smelt firewood and I didn't know what was going on *laughs* I went to the front of the bus like, *inhales* Okay it doesn't smell up hereeee.. so I texted my tour manager like, 'Is the bus on fire?! Am I gonna burn in here?' and he was like, 'No it's the barbecue place right outside,' I was like, 'Oh.. Alright, well that's not as exciting, is it?" GODDDD HE IS SO PRESH. Then the intern said something about making it intimate and we all swooned.
"Are you into the tiger thing?"
"More of a tiger than a cougar fan."
He's a Johnny Cash fan. Someone hold me. I love him.
You've seen videos of the q&a right guys?
"You can smell me from there? I put too much on." NO, YOU REALLY DIDN'T. IT SMELLED HEAVENLY.
I can fianlly say I sang kareoke with Adam Lambert. They did a Bad Romance microphone duel. Cute cute cute cute. I could just... Put him in my pocket. "I just woke up." But you're so... fjadlksdjs in the morning. Jealous of whoever gets to wake up to THAT. :omg: btdubs, his crotch was in some chick's face when he tried to hand the microphone to some girl. I saw. Not that I was watching. :mellow:
His laugh yall. His LAUGH. It melted us. Or at least me. I don't know, but the little deep inhale hiccup sounding thing he does at the end of his laugh? SWEET CRAP. HEARTS IN MY EYES.
"Will you get mad and kick something tonight?"
"Maybe... No, I would never kick anybody." Boo. Hiss. Boo. Kick the security guard. NO YOU SHOULD'VE STOPPED THE SHOW, KICKED THE OLD FART CAMERA NAZI IN THE ARSE THAT GAS CHAMBERED MY MOM FROM TAKING VIDEO OF THE FULL SET, AND BEEN LIKE, "BACK TF UP YO, BACK UP." But whatever. You're cute, so that makes up for it.
After the presh Q&A, they told us to line up and Adam would sign ONE thing for us. WHAT TO SIGN, WHAT TO SIGN ADAMMMM SIGN MY ARM WAIT NO. I brought my cd with me, and I got him to sign that. We're moving up in line and I'm next, I can smell him from where I'm standing, and I'm watching his hands (stupid HAND fetish) as he strums them slowly on the table while looking for a place to sign this guy's frame with tons of pictures.
"Where do I sign?" Adam asked.
"Anywhere!" the guy replied.
So what does our Boy say? What does our Boy do?
"I'll sign the butt, then!!" He did. I watched him, giggling at himself. I was trying so hard not to laugh because that was probably the funniest thing I've heard in my life. His face was priceless. His grin, you guys. Oh man. :wub:
"Thank you!" he told the guy as the guy walked to the back of the line to wait for a picture.
I walk up there and think, "Once in a lifetime, don't mess up. Don't say something stupid. Don't faint. Don't squeal. Don't die. Smile. Remember to say please. Remember to thank him. Remember if you look in his eyes, don't drop to the ground when your knees give out, etc."
"Hey!!" he said excitedly, making my heart beat fast. I was tempted to look around to see if he was legiterally talking to me, but duh, who else would he be talking to. It was MY turn, after all.
I open my cd and fumble, trying to get the booklet out, while replying to him.. "YOU STUPID PERSON." I yell at myself. "HURRY UP. HE'S WAITING. WHAT IF THE WORLD DECIDES TO END WHILE I'M TRYING TO GET THIS OUT? I'LL DIE." To Adam: "Hey! How are you?"
So I get it out of the thing. As I hand it to him, he replies, "I'm good! And you?"
OSSSSSSHHHHH. Is he fosrs.
"I'm doing amazing, this is unbelievable!" I think is what I said.
"Aww, what's your name, sweetheart?" he asked me.
_________________________ <---- Me flatlining.
"Kayla," I replied. WHATWHATWHAT.
"Okay... I'm preeeetty (yes you are, babe) sure how to spell that... But... *bites his lip* (Cue me singing Lips of An Angel) Can you spell it for me?" THEN HE SMILED THAT BOYISH GRIN THAT MAKES EVERYONE GO STUPID. YOU KNOW THE ONE I MEAN, GUYS? THAT ONE? YEAH. THAT ONE.
I took a deep breath and was like, "OH CRAP HOW DO I SPELL MY NAME." You know that episode of Spongebob (probably not.) where the little mini spongebob's are seaching these file cabinets in his brain for his name then he goes bsc and throws water on all the people and other things? That was me, minus the throwing and bsc-ness.
"K..." and I stopped, watching him write it. THIS SHOULD BE IN HISTORY BOOKS ALL ACROSS AMUREEKA, JUST SAYING. He looked up like, "Okay, go on," and I remember looking in his eyes and he was smiling and I'm thinking like, "What even... How is he real? Is he human? Is he breathing? I don't see the rise and fall of his chest. ALIEN. ALIEN. ALIEN." So I spell the rest, and he signs it while still smiling like an innocent little boy and I'm like, " :omg: :omg:" and his handssssss and his hairrrrr and his faaaaaace and his chesttttttt whattttttt.
So he hands it back to me, and then says, "Thank you!" all chip and stuff.
"No, thank you!" I said grinning ear to ear, as I walked away. I kept turning back and watching him as he signed other people's stuff. It seemed like our whole conversation that lasted less than a minute was like, an hour. He has a way of making EVERYONE feel special like that. So I get in line for a picture and wait there for about... 10 more minutes, maybe more, I can't really remember because I'm freaking out. What if he touches me? What if he hugs me? What do I do?!?!
So we get up there and they're like, "OH HAY TWO PEOPLE BY THEMSELVES PICTURE TOGETHER," but I wanted a picture of just Adam and I so I stayed in line. They were like, "Get in there!" so I was like, "BOO YOU WHORES, JK ILUGUYS." And Adam was like, "Come here!" and did that little hand thing like, "come here!" so uh DUH, I went. He pulled me close to his side and his arm was around me and I'm like, "OH JEEEEBUSSSSSSS. *inhales*" MISTAKE MISTAKE MISTAKE MISTAKE MISTAKE. He smelled. So. Good. Want summa DAT. So the guy was about to take the picture and my arm was still by my side and I'm like, "SCREW IT." and I put my arm on what I thought was his middle back. Wrong. It was the small of his back. :omg: So warm, omg. I can still feel his back on my hand. Is that creepy? They snapped the picture and the other guy was like, "*walks off*" without saying bye or anything. Fosrs?! So since he walked away, Adam side hugged me and before he let go, I... inhaledagainsorry and was like, "Bye Adam!" and he was like, "Bye!!" Pretty sure he waved. Not sure, my vision was hazy. We walk out of the room and I'm like, "..." and my mom elbows me and says "Well?"
Me? Speechless. I manage to get out, "He's so perfect," but it sounds like, "His zu pufect," cuz I'm in a trance and really had no control over what came out of my mouth.
So what was meeting Adam like? I'll sum it up in a picture.

So we eat at this amazing Italian resturaunt and it's AMAZING. Did I mention it's amazing? I saw like 5 people almost bust it on the sidewalk outside our window, too. Hilarious. I lol'd. But what goes around comes around, right? Right. I change at the hotel, do my makeup, and get all decked out in my boots with like 4 inch heels. Yay, no more shawty. We're walking down the road and I almost bust it full out. Kaydan takes a tumble, almost. So after getting what I deserved, we kept walking and I saw the barbecue place bb was talking about, and was tempted to take a picture. But I didn't.
We get to the front of the Ryman, ok? We see scalpers. I'VE NEVER SEEN SCALPERS BEFORE, YALL. BIG "WHOA" MOMENT. THEY TRIED TO SELL ME TICKETS TO A CONCERT I ALREADY HAD TICKETS FOR. :'))))) AND I SAW INTERN ADAM OUTSIDE EEEEEEEE. Sorry. They check my mom's purse to make sure she's not a bomber or something and we get in, and I tear up them stairs in boots. It was a sight to behold, really. I thought it was kickawesome, my skills in climbing steep stairs in boots. Anyways, we get to the top and I was considering using my titbreak elbows on some lady, she said we cut her in line, BULL CRAP. You didn't move, the people around my mom and I weren't moving, we moved, we win, they lose. She complained the whole time, and I almost turned around and said, "LOOK LADY. THIS IS AN ADAM LAMBERT CONCERT. DON'T MAKE ME FIGHT YOU, BECAUSE I REALLY DON'T WANNA DO THAT HERE, WHERE THE MESSAGE OF THIS WHOLE SHINDIG IS LOVE." But I didn't. I just let two or three real cool looking peeps chinese cut me. o:) She didn't notice, though. She was too busy being a witch. :yes:
So while we were at the front of the line, Allison came on with Holiday. CRAP CRAP CRAP I WANTED TO SEE IT. I heard it though. So I got two shirts and a poster. WOO FOR USING OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY!
Then we go to the bottom floor and go through the doors to our seats, and they were SO MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT. I could see EVERY move. I could see their facial expressions. Amazing.
Allison had so much energy, how are we almost the same age?! She's so pretty too.. Her voice was outstanding, even better than last summer. The girl next to me left, so I invited some woman I became friends with to sit there instead of her obstructed view seat. So she went to get merchandise during Orianthi, who was BRILLIANT. I hate how people say she's boring, because she really isn't, by ANY means. Her guitar playing skills are wicked. Her voice is insane. She's gorge. Her set was so loud, you could feel it in your chest. She ended at around 8:45 I believe, and I remember her saying, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to inspire, and to love, the man you've been waiting for is up next, Adam Lambert!" I lost it. Lost. It.
The Pokemon Gotta Catch Em All picture of Adam came on the screen and we all screeeeeamed. Then it changed to the really acidic trippy one with the mirror image of bb. That changed kinda quickly and they continued setting up, and Neil walked across. I was like, "NEIL!!!" and people looked at me like, "Wut."
FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT REMIX. I pretty much had a barnyard. I sang that biznatch like it was my occupation. Big notes and everythang. Sorry people in front of me.
Music fades. Lights go out. OMG.
There he is. Top of the stairs, purple coat with the tassels, top hat, and as he croons the first line, I'm hooked. Bye sanity. Have fun, never wanna see you again! Safe travels!
He's puppeting the dancers. I'm staring. I'm transfixed. He's puppeting Taylor. He swings Taylor's arm. My phone vibrates. I don't even have to look to know it's my aunt. I text her keyboard smash without tearing my eyes away. He's on the table. "With your sexinEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS."
I scream, "YOU'RE NOT REAL!" while everyone else cheers as well. He's up on the table, dancing. "Come on Nashville!" or something like that. Maybe different. He defo said something. He steps down, he twirls twice. Dude's a ballerina.
Down the Rabbit Hole, so fun. So playful. He grabbed a few people's hands, too I believe. Right before, 'Gotta build em up and them burn em downnnn." I love how he sang that line. All poppy on the "up". And the hand thing he did. /handfetishItoldyou. "Whooooo are youuuu?"
The one in the casket, that's who I am.
You hear the western flare and you KNOW it's Ring of Fire. He sheds his coat, and his pants are sparkling. "Love, is a burning thing, and it makesss, a fiery ring."
Oh. Really? Didn't know. Thanks for the info, buddy.
Fever. He's sexual. Excuse me, sACKSual. He puts his arm around Tommy. His face is close, I think. He may have put his finger to his lips. Not quite sure, I was flailing hard.
"I wanna get all of you alone." Please do. I will take you up on that offer. I saw some dark alleys Adam that would've been real nice. just saying.
And at the end when he skipped up the stairs all happy go lucky like, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world, look at me, LUST YALL. LUST OVER ME," I got all happy inside. He's so cuuuute and I dunno how he's real. I honestly don't. It couldn't be the same guy I met this afternoon, but it was but it wasn't and yeah unreal.
So I'm sitting there like, "OHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDD," and texting like 4 poeple "fdjkalsjdkal AHHHHHH!!!!!!" at once, and my aunt, lol, texts back "Not good, huh?" AND I ALMOST LOL'D. But I didn't because he came out again and I almost threw my phone. :mellow: So.
Him and his beautiful self comes out after he's changed and sings Sleepwalker, and I'm on the verge of crying. I mean, "You're everything that I want, but you don't want me," is the most heartwrenching line, and he sings it with so much emotion that you just wanna throw your arms around him and be like, "I love you." Or maybe that's just me. But still. His voice was BEYOND AMAZING, and it literally took the whole crowd, wrapped all of us up in it and I seriously had chills from then on. Plus, I could see the sparkles on his head from as far back as I was (like... 20 feet maybe? I could STILL see every expression. He looked like... passionately sad/angry in this song kind of.) And Monte KILLED that solo. KILLED. BEAAAAAST. And the wails he did toward the end, INSANITY.
So, then it was Whataya Want From Me. I FORGOT. MY. GLOWSTICK. 8 HOURS AWAY. AND I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO RUN TO MERCH AND GET ONE. SHOOT. And I didn't have my iPod with the glowstick app, either. Fail. But that song was everything I expected. "It's about asking the questions." *raises hand* HEY. I GOTTA QUESTION. HOW ARE YOU REAL? I asked myself, and a lot of other people that, too. All of us agreed that he isn't real. Yay.
So.... After Whataya Want From Me, which was beautiful, was Soaked. I KNEW I was gonna lose it. I KNEW. Crying at music, or a person, has never really been my kinda thing, but honestly, I couldn't help it. I was basically staring with my mouth hanging open and tears flooding down my face the whole time after WWFM, not even gonna attempt to lie to make it sound like I'm not an emotional wreck. Because practically, he makes me an emotional wreck. He gets to the acapella part, right? People scream. I scream at them to SHUT UP. Everyone in my section listens. I felt powerful. Maybe it was the part of my hair that was blue underneath that made them feel like I could be really controlling. Yeah, no that made no sense whatsoever, but it just seemed like a cool place to interject that kinda comment. But yeah, everyone shut up when I said shut up. *flexes muscle* *thinks about Adam's muscle* Shoot. I'm offtopic.
Acapella. I had finally gotten the tears reduced to a mist, but LAMBERT, WHY. Crying again. Full-on Sanjaya crying girl crying. Minus the actual crying noises and disturbing face... I was actually smiling and crying tears of awe. :'(
Aftermath. Epic win of epic proportions that kept the tears flowing. That's all I can really say. He looked so adorable sitting up there on the steps, Monte playing the guitar. It actually made me think like, "Wow, it's like he's our best friend and it's like we're just sitting with him telling him our problems and he's listening and giving us the help and advice we need to deal with this problem." He made you feel really comfortable and he was so... Cute and boyish and handsome and charming while singing it and I don't know how ANYBODY can resist him. Anyone. You have to be dead or have a black heart.
EROTICAAAA, ROOOOMANCEEEE, I WANT TO PUT YOU IN A TRAAAAANCE. (I think that's the words, I can't remember anything right now. Still hungover from concert and all the epicosity that happened to me.)
I was flailing especially hard because I thought it was almost over because I'VE BEEN A GOOD GIRL AND HAVEN'T (hardly) WATCHED VIDEOS so I thought he was about to sing Music Again. So when he came out and started Sure Fire Winners, I was like, "FYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I DID fistpump. By myself. Nobody did it with me. My reign as HBIC in MF-7 was officially over. I still fistpumped like a boss, though. o:)
AND YOU GUYS. OH MY LORD. THERE WAS A NOTE HE DID. LIKE A WAIL. FULL ON WAIL. HE DROPPED TO HIS KNEES AND THAT WAIL RIPPED FROM HIM LIKE WHOOOOA MY GOD. Seriously, I don't know WHERE it came from. He was just like, BAM! *hits floor* *wails* My mouth had been open since Voodoo, and by this point my jaw was on the floor. I didn't pick it up. Then after he got up he started doing pelvis thrusts and just fdjksldkfjdsklakdjfFJADLSKFJASKDJAFJSKKADLSKJDLFKJLSAJFADL QUIT. WAIT NO DON'T. KEEP GOING PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
So Strut. Pimp cane. Black, white and blue jacket thing. UNF ALL OVER THE JOINT. WE WERE ALL UNF-ING IN UNISON. We were all screaming when he was like, "Open your mouth, open it wiiiide, let the freedom begin, get on the floor, just let it drop *appropriate drop move here with cane*, feel the fire within." YOU DROP SOME THINGS, THIS JUST GOT REAL. Seriously, we were ALL going crazy, and you KNOW what was on our minds. (Getting some nice, steamy, hot, fiery... quesadillas. There weren't any mexican joints, though.)
THHHHHEEEEEENNNNNN IT WAS MUSIC AGAIN. PROBABLY MY FAVORITE OF THE NIGHT, BESIDES WLL AND IIHY. He was soooooo presh during this, like presh overload. Someone gave him this little white envelope and he's like, "*cocks head while holding envelope next to His head* Thank you!" then he flings it backstage and it was soooodfjkslfk CUTE. Like, it reminded me of a golden ticket from Willy Wonka or something. :rofl: /I'mweird. Then he's like, "You want me to listen to GUITAR!!" and the FACE he madeeeee ughhhghdksjf so freakin djkslfjskd. And his dancing was phenom. PHENOM. Seriously, Music Again was ~magical~. FSHAAAAHHHH THE FACE HE MADE. "GUITAAAAR!" Sorry.
Booooo, If I Had You, DNW THIS TO ENDDDDD NOOOOOOO. He introduces the band and he's like, "I want you guys to meet my band- WHAT?!" and I'm like, "OHHHH, THAT WAS SO SOMETHING I'D SAY, THE LITTLE 'WHAT?!' YOU GO GLEN COCO."
Everyone was dancing. I was dancing somethin' fierce with the lady next to me. She was old enough to be my mom. We still got down. WE GOT DOWNNNN. Then I stopped because I was still transfixed. Mouth still open and everything. That lady called me this afternoon, actually. Told me I looked like a deer in headlights. My bad.
So he introduces his dancers. I was the only one who actually screamed continuously for Taylor. I flove Taylor hahaha I was like, "YEEEAAAAAAH, GET IT!" So Adam's all presh and smiling like a little boy and it's so cute and so sexy at the same time and what is he. He asked us to sing along, so naturally I scream at the top of my lungs like a drunk person. I didn't know I had that much air left in me. The lazers were FANTASTIC, too. Amazingosity. BUT BOOOOOOO IT ENDED AND WE'RE LIKE "CRAPPPPPPP TWO MORE SONGS." He goes backstage and my dad starts to leave, and I'm like, "WAIT." So my mom was like, "I don't think he's coming out again," and I was like, "YES HE IS MOM, TRUST ME. I KNOW." He enjoys teasing us. All the time. That man, I swear.
Maaaaad Wooooorld!!! I liked this song to begin with, then he sings it, BAAAAM I think I luh you. (lol jk think is an understatement.) I was kinda worried about not getting a Whole Lotta Love, but that vanished when Monte started playing it and me and the chick next to me freeeeaked. I lost it. I've been hoping to see acoustic Whole Lotta Love since he did it the first time, and FIANLLY I got to! :spaz:
For those that have been, you all know it's a religious experience seeing that live. :omg: And I'm not saying that as a lame pun because my concert was in a former church either. ("I'm sweatin' like a... In church." *cue all swooning and laughing*) I'll do that in a moment. More of those wails ripped from his body, like I said, I don't know WHERE they came from, but I'm guessin' it's a real sweet spot cuz we all felt it. I wasn't even able to scream because I was like this: :omg: People in my section kept telling me to breathe. How thoughtful. They thought I was gonna pass out. The lady next to me wanted to make sure I made it back to the hotel okay, too. :rofl:
He leaves. We're breathless. We don't know what to do or say. We're like, "What. Just. Happened. To. Me." Honestly, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't even think of a sentence to say. I was just like, "Adam." That's the only thing I said when we were leaving the auditorium. That's it. I didn't even feel how badly my feet hurt, it just felt like they were on fire but I couldn't feel the pain in them because I'm like, "HIFDJASDNEJKJKFKDLASKJFDHJSALKA;KJLSKJDLFJDKSLKJDKFJDJK."
We go outside, and EVERYONE is like that. There's people lighting up everywhere. I wanted to take a picture of them all, but I couldn't function. I was seriously in awe, hearts and stars in my eyes, not believing what literally just happened. I still hadn't gotten over MEETING him, having him talk to me, let alone going to his concert. I'm sitting there, trying to keep it together, when I see an Asian guy run by screaming, "YEAH!!! YEAH!!!! WOOOO!!!! ADAAAAM!!!" and I'm like, "You know, I shouldn't have to keep this all in. Everyone's celebrating, nobody's sleeping, and if they are, they won't for long. YEEEEEAHHHHHHH!!! ADAAAAM!!!! YEAAAHHHH!!!!!!" We were going nuts. At least me and the Asian guy were. :rofl:
I didn't meet any of the band, although I wanted to. I didn't know where the buses were, because they're were various ones parked all over. I walked around kinda in a haze and I was like, "Forget it, I can't breathe." We walked the half mile back to my hotel, took the elevator, and got to our room, and when I look in the mirror, my eyes are GINORMOUS. I looked like a CAT. I keep standing there in one spot, looking out the window like, "I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do now. What do I do? What am I supposed to do? What just happened?" And my dad's being all mean like, "What are you doing? You know what just happened." You don't get it.
All in all, that was the greatest thing I've ever done. Over 1000 miles for Adam, and every mile was completely worth it. 1000000000% worth it. 8 long hours in the car, half of them in the early morning, totally worth it. Meeting him was the absolute best moment of my life, as was hearing him sing. He's so sweet, gentle and caring with all the fans, yet he's got that rebellious edge to him and you're just like, "What am I supposed to feel right now? Am I supposed to wanna hug him and be his biffle, or wish I was a cute gay dude?" I probably need to go to confession. That whole thing was in a church, you know. (Told you it was coming.) Too bad I never go to confession lmao. It's so awkward.
So, that's my review. Longish, strange, and cheesy, I know right? Sorry to keep going on and on and on, but I hope all of you guys meet Adam one day. You need to. Honestly. He's the sweetest man on earth. andhecalledmesweetheartohmylantastilldyingoverhere. :dead:
Ok. I'm done. Still touching up pictures. Sorry, like I said, there's bunches. And I'm writing a different review. This one was the composed one.. So there's gonna be a fangirl one. Not gonna post it, but if you want that too, I'll get it to you after I write it. I mean this is kinda fangirly, but it was written in a rush, so... Yeah. Fangirl one coming soon, lemme know.
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2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Jul 9th 2010, 11:17 PM

Kaydan :)' date='Jul 10th 2010, 12:07 AM











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2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium


Post by Tiki »

MoreGlam' date='Jul 10th 2010, 12:41 PM

It's an awesome video! Fans interviewed after the concert.

You Tell Concerts.com
Adam Lambert Fan Reviews @ Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, TN
joooory' date='Jul 10th 2010, 3:22 PM

juanitarn76 HD Great Videos.

Band Intros







Voodoo & DTRH
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2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Jul 10th 2010, 4:40 PM



joooory' date='Jul 11th 2010, 9:53 PM

half IIHY and Band Intro
joooory' date='Jul 18th 2010, 1:04 AM

Voodoo & DTRH



joooory' date='Jul 26th 2010, 11:18 AM

fan video of Adam Interview at The river 107.5
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2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium


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vistadiva' date='Aug 6th 2010, 11:29 AM


Opening Medely











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2010-07-07 Nashville, TN, Ryman Auditorium


Post by Tiki »

Sammie-Ma' date='Jul 7th 2011, 12:09 PM

http://www.twitlonger.com/show/bjekph My GNT Rymann message to Adam
@adamlambert Adam today (7/7/11') in my eyes mark a special one year anniversary for both of us. First and foremost your total trumped over every sceptic even Simon. Yes, no one but no one though out their TV that night. One of best shows of the entire GNT right there before my eyes. You were perfect. Showmanship at it's finest, I feel sorry of those who missed this historic performance. As for me this was not only my second GNT show but the first time I step foot into what I considered for many years one of the "strong holds of the southern white man's world." Growing up in Memphis and considering my age I have seen many changes in my haft century plus years. Nashville's Ryman auditorium after watching many C&W programs in my early childhood seemed to be a "white only" world. Charlie Pride to me was the only exception to the rule. I do not keep up with the acts booked for the GOO I am sure non- whites have preformed there but that Nashville GNT will always shine as a double win situation. The stage was blessed with a performance by a multi talented and handsome beyond words rock star who on a very minor note just happen to be Jewish and gay with multi racial band and dancers. In the crown was one little middle aged black lady enjoying every moment of it who never dreamed either would ever step into the real (#realness) Grand Ole Opry.
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