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frank1088' date='Jul 17th 2014, 12:35 AM

Took my 80-yr-old mom to show tonight. First thing she says after the concert "Adam has a hickey." :haha:
crocked' date='Jul 17th 2014, 12:48

Who possibly gave it to him ...? I am not current with Adam's relationship.
And where is the hickey so I can watch for it in youtube..?

Your mother is sharp! :rofl:

I wonder if you can keep anything from her! ! :rofl:
misswood' date=Jul 17th 2014, 1:47 AM

[quote name='Tiki'srose' date='Jul 16th 2014, 10:50 PM' post='26439235']
Retweeted by anon
Here you go:

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vistadiva' date='Jul 17th 2014, 1:54 AM

Have no doubt, Skanks. It absolutely was a hickey. I was close enough to almost touch it.

You know they stayed in Montreal last night...and went to see Ferras. The guy (the dancer from KP's show?). That was draped on Adam in the backstage pix....and now he has a hickey!!!

The boy found STL.

Best line of Adam's banter tonight? During the "Gimme that luv" call and answer with audience, he actually sang "gimme that love....I'm a rock star". :haha: :haha: ILHSFM!

Oh, and in Toronto he talked about being a Killer Queen and getting lost in the black hole of QVC shopping. Tonight he gave equal time to Home Goods. Boi knows his shopping!

It was a great show...but those of u that thought he was holding back a bit and saving it for MSG...you're right. I think they are really excited to be in NY.
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infinite' date='Jul 17th 2014, 3:11 AM









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Sabine' date='Jul 17th 2014, 3:48 AM

You can see the "hickey" here quite good - looks more like a pimple/mosquito bite to me, but hickey surely sounds more interesting. :haha:


Found the pic but unfortunately without credit- if someone knows who made it please tell me so that I can give proper credit!
'frank1088' date='Jul 17th 2014, 11:10 AM
Oh my GAwd! Who's looking at the hickey? Look at that hair!!! :no:
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vampfever' date='Jul 17th 2014, 10:07 AM'

Love this :wub:
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'frank1088' date='Jul 17th 2014, 10:31 AM

My take on last night's show. I definitely felt he was holding back and his voice sounded a bit tired at some points. It was a DEAD audience in the 100 section. No one stood! But they loved Adam. The man next to me who saw Queen with Freddie loved Adam and said he was a perfect fit.

Now, I have been to a LOT of Adam concerts, including two Queen and Adam shows in Las Vegas so I thought there was nothing that could surprise me. But his vocals last night on WWTLF JUST. COMPLETELY. FLOORED. ME. The Queen fan next to me kept saying "Wow, Wow." Unbelievable.

I was disappointed that he didn't play with Brian on the couch though.

Great concert!
'vampfever' date='Jul 17th 2014, 10:41 AM

Awesome :thumbs:
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aviddem' date='Jul 17th 2014, 12:45 PM

My only Queenbert concert was Philly, and I could definitely tell he was saving his voice for MSG. Plus the sound up front (row 4) wasn't great at the Wells Fargo Center. :( Still was the best concert experience of my life! Marsha tempted me with her extra tickets to MSG, and if I wasn't traveling with hubby, I'd absolutely be on the train with my sister to NY right now! When I suggested it to my hubby, he got typically pissy so I just dropped it. Thanks anyway, Marsha, and I know you and Dee will have a blast! :hug:
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sherrie' date='Jul 17th 2014, 1:11 PM

This is a serious offense, whomever did that to him should have their license revoked and put in hair stylist jail. :o
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MicheleDE' date='Jul 17th 2014, 2:35 PM
frank1088 @ Jul 17th 2014, 9:31 AM

My take on last night's show. I definitely felt he was holding back and his voice sounded a bit tired at some points. It was a DEAD audience in the 100 section. No one stood! But they loved Adam. The man next to me who saw Queen with Freddie loved Adam and said he was a perfect fit.

Now, I have been to a LOT of Adam concerts, including two Queen and Adam shows in Las Vegas so I thought there was nothing that could surprise me. But his vocals last night on WWTLF JUST. COMPLETELY. FLOORED. ME. The Queen fan next to me kept saying "Wow, Wow." Unbelievable.

I was disappointed that he didn't play with Brian on the couch though.

Great concert!

I agree. Of course, Adam's "holding back" is still spectacular, we just know he is capable of going lots further than he did. I also was slightly disappointed that Brian didn't sit on the couch during KQ & play. Also, I can't think right now, but there was a part in one of the songs that he used to have the audience since with that he doesn't now... my mind is crap right now after the show last night so I can't think of it. Loved his "gimme that love" song lol... he's too cute. He is unbelievably sexy and gorgeous in person and the vids and pics do not do him justice for his singing and his appearance. He is larger than life, happy as a pig in sh*t, and having the time of his life, for sure.

I noticed an adorable gay couple down on the floor with their arms around each other during WATC & WWRY, I hadn't noticed them earlier. I guess because the lights are on brighter on the audience then? idk I also noticed other men thoroughly enjoying Adam, his singing & performance, and his outfit - when he came out with his leopard suit on, this one guy said to his friend, with a smile, "wow." And to see men of all ages, from a dad or uncle to a teenage boy in this one group, just really getting into WWRY, fist punching the air and everything, huge smiles on their faces... it's awesome. Also, towards the beginning the lady next to my friend, and her male friend - when Adam did a spectacular run at the end of one of the songs, he doubled over, laughing and shaking his head like "oh yeah!" and he couldn't believe it.

I didn't really look at other people for most of the show I was captivated by Adam and Queen, but those were a couple of things I noticed and loved seeing. :)

I'm so glad I have one more show... in Atlantic City.... but I did have tickets to MSG that I sold and I just knew from the beginning it would be a special show, it's just that I'd have to pay for a hotel & transportation is expensive, and I just couldn't afford it. So I'm sad I'm not going to tonight's show. But hopefully I'll be able to listen to a stream. :)
Sabine @ Jul 17th 2014, 2:48 AM

You can see the "hickey" here quite good - looks more like a pimple/mosquito bite to me, but hickey surely sounds more interesting. haha.gif

not sure, but I think it might be AliKat's?

aviddem' date='Jul 17th 2014, 2:57 PM
Does anyone have a link to where @Alikat posts her pics? She was directly in front of me last night, and my phone pics are crap!
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'barb4Adam' date='Jul 17th 2014, 3:02 PM

So sweet!! :hug:
And really luv their voices together!
Once again Adam keeps it mellow ans does not outsing Roger :thumbs: :w00twave:
MicheleDE' date='Jul 17th 2014, 3:14 PM

lol that hug was after the "mess up " at the end, it was so cute & funny

"press...press...pressure" :haha:
My friend, who is a glambert but has been a HUGE Queen fan forever, wasn't able to go to the Philly show (she went to the LA show & will go to the AC show) - her Queen fan-friends went to the Philly show and I asked how they liked them, she said they loved the show! Then one of the guys posted this:

"I want to tell Dori that having never seen Adam or even heard him, I thought he was fabulous! A new fan."

:thumbs: :D
aviddem @ Jul 17th 2014, 1:57 PM

Does anyone have a link to where @Alikat posts her pics? She was directly in front of me last night, and my phone pics are crap!
Her twitter is @Alikat1323

Love2Lurk' date='Jul 17th 2014, 4:29 PM

Yes....very sweet :wub:

And....yes....Adam is a class act :thumbs:

I really wish that Adam & Roger had more opportunities to interact....

Wishing they would perform UP as they did before ...with Roger out from behind the drums....

However...I get the feeling he is more comfortable with his drums :wub:

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'bebeg' date='Jul 17th 2014, 4:21 PM

Thoughts on my Philly/Queen/Adam adventure

**The Schuylkill Expressway is still the most frustrating, nerve wracking stretch of roadway. Philly is only a few hours from me but the expressway keeps me from going - only for Adam!

**While waiting in the lobby of our hotel for our room to be ready we met a woman who was with her daughter and son-in-law. She is originally from England but has lived in Pittsburgh for 30 years. She knew of Adam but was there for Queen. Didn't get a chance to talk to her after - would love to know what she thought of Adam.

**As we were talking in the lobby and deciding how to get to the venue (our hotel was within walking distance), the woman from Pittsburgh decided they were walking. There were two other women there who decided to leave their car at the hotel and get a taxi. When I told them I had some issues with my legs and wouldn't be able to walk one of the women who were taking the taxi reached in her bag and handed me her pre-paid, reserved parking ticket. She didn't want anything in return just wanted someone to be able to use it.

**When I received the email last week from Cadillac Grille asking if we wanted to eat there before the concert, I jumped at it. Although it was a bit expensive I loved the idea that we could get in the venue without having to stand in line until they opened the doors. Turns out there was another perk -- the dinner was great!! And as we were leaving I asked which way was the best to get from the restaurant to our section and we got a personal escort from, I believe, the manager, to the concourse area of the arena.

**Our seats were in section 113 and prior to the concert I wasn't sure how close we would be to the center stage but turns out we were much closer that an I thought - yay!! And, yes, lots of people in our section sat. We were in the very first row so I didn't need to stand to see and, as I said earlier, I have some issues with my legs and can't stand for any length of time so the seats were perfect.

However, I don't believe sitting at a concert is any indication that people aren't enjoying it. My niece said something interesting to me last night -- Queen music is not necessarily music you dance to...it's more the clapping, head banging, sing along music, not necessarily poppy dancey music. And she's kind of right - when you look out at all the people standing, they aren't really dancing. They are bopping their heads, clapping and singing. I always get a bit defensive when it comes to this debate of sitting or standing at concerts. I believe people enjoy music differently. There is no right or wrong way.

**The 'hickey' looked like one of those zit/pimples you get from sweating. My first thought when I noticed something on his neck was "oh great now we're going to get a bunch of "OMG Adam has a hickey, who did it' speculations" (which I can't stand).

**He ignored the bra until he had to move it out of Brian's way. Don't understand the bra throwing. Especially when he has said many times he doesn't like it when people throw things at him.

Memorable moments from the performance --

-Adam, once again, laughing at himself as he did the 'ride'. Always my favorite moments.
-whatever it was that happened at the end of Under Pressure that had both Adam and Roger laughing
-channeling Elvis during Crazy Little Thing Called Love
-the power and beauty of his voice on Who Wants to Live Forever and The Show Must Go On
-the moment he begins singing Bohemian Rhapsody -- i thought back to that guy auditioning for Idol who could never have imagined that that moment would lead to these moments. It's overwhelming to think how that one small moment changed his life so drastically.
-the constant honoring of Freddie throughout the night.
-when he walks out in the suit with the crown. On paper it sounds so ridiculous. In person - it makes perfect sense. Of course, he's wearing a leopard suit and a crown. He deserves to be wearing a leopard print suit and a crown - at all times! :haha:
-Adam was stunningly beautiful and cute and sexy and funny all rolled into one. Then again, when isn't he?

He's come a long way since those days on the Idol stage and Glamnation. He seems much more comfortable on stage and in just being himself. He's exactly where he belongs - on stage, in front of adoring screaming fans. My niece told me this morning that she was trying to think who else could be stepping into this position and she couldn't think of one person. It's all Adam! And he knows it. But not in a conceited, boastful way but in a proud way. There's not an ounce of boastfulness or conceit in his performance. In fact, it's just the opposite - a lot of gratitude and humbleness with a dose of 'yea, I got this'.

My take away thought last night was how happy I am for him! He was born to be on stage whether as frontman for Queen or as a solo artist. The stage is his home!!
Oh.....one more thing.....I heard a guy sitting behind me say 'Freddie would be proud'!!! :D :D
Love2Lurk' date='Jul 17th 2014, 4:45 PM

Such a great post bebeg....

You always say so well what I feel about our Adam experience too......

I agree with you about the dancing part....the Wayne's World bit in the car bobbing their heads to Bo Rap....

Is a perfect example of how many enjoy Queen music....It is probably the original 'head banging' music :haha:

At my concert ...the people to my left...in the direction of the stage...kept popping up to dance....

However...the people to the right of us didn't....so I felt if I stood up I would block their view....

Thankfully the...the people to our left..re arranged themselves so they wouldn't block the rest of us...

By the end tho....everyone was standing :thumbs:

And...yes....I was very happy & proud for Adam as well...he is such a joy to watch :wub:
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MicheleDE @ Jul 17th 2014, 2:20 PM

I agree, when I saw it on the "Q" screen, it looked more like a pimple.
I just don't think Adam lets anyone "mark" him.
Love2Lurk' date='Jul 17th 2014, 4:52 PM

That is what I think too....

With all the shaving going on...he probably saves his neck too...could be a nick from that ???

Who knows :rolleyes: :haha:
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Love2Lurk' date='Jul 17th 2014, 5:08 PM

Here is a great view of UP....

Looks like Roger just stopped playing to early....cute how they laugh & hug :wub:
Queen + Adam Lambert UNDER PRESSURE Philadelphia (Philly)


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MicheleDE' date='Jul 17th 2014, 6:48 PM

*just wanted to add - bebeg reminded me - we were in the front row of our section 124 & after a few songs in, the guy behind us tapped me on the shoulder & said everyone behind us is sitting (only the ones on the right side, not the left) and asked for us to sit as well. We did, begrudgingly, at first... but then we stood back up. I think it's completely rude for someone at a rock concert down at that level, especially, to ask others to sit. I was standing & enjoying myself for the entire show except a few times I sat down. Unless there's someone who is unable to stand, I can understand that... but I just don't get sitting & thus requiring the people in front of you to sit as well so that you can see is wrong IMO. In these sections, every row is elevated more than the one before it, so it's not for someone being shorter/taller it's just a preference... and if you prefer to sit and I don't, that's your choice but it doesn't have to be mine. I don't like to sit at concerts unless I'm way up high like I was at the Muse concert last year (I won tickets but they were way up high, very steep up there & was scary to stand, even though we did some). Like I said, it's a preference, and I really get perturbed when someone asks me to sit when I don't want to (unless they tell me someone is disabled or unable to stand, then I'll oblige).
adamazing' date='Jul 17th 2014, 7:51 PM

There's always one - there was one in Vegas that hopes she never sees my daughter again. She asked me to trade seats with my size 0 daughter - I'm fluffy so I guess I was too big for her to see around. My daughter is 5'5" and had on 6" heels so after trading places with me, she stood the ENTIRE concert just because the woman was such a bit$h and the poor short little thing couldn't see past her at all. :haha:

I guess it takes all kinds. :hug:
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MicheleDE @ Jul 17th 2014, 2:14 PM

Her twitter is @Alikat1323

aviddem' date='Jul 18th 2014, 8:16 AM

She has only posted a couple on twitter (so far). Does anyone know if she uploads to a photobucket or something?
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bebeg' date='Jul 18th 2014, 8:47 AM








Love2Lurk' date='Jul 18th 2014, 8:54 AM

Great pic bebeg....

Love when Adam places his hand in the light beam......

He is such a joy :wub:
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'bebeg' date='Jul 18th 2014, 9:05 AM










misswood' date= Jul 18th 2014, 12:50 PM

devilwave.gif good morning, LA.
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bebeg' date='Jul 18th 2014, 5:44 PM

The only reviews I've read are from the first night and now the reviews from the only concert I could attend. Here's a great review from National Rock Review with some awesome pictures.


What I loved about the show was that at no point did it feel like we were watching a cover band or that Adam Lambert was trying to fill Mercury’s shoes. Lambert put his own stamp on it, and made it more of a celebration of Freddie Mercury and Queens Music. With the crowds response throughout the show, there is no question that Lambert was the right and possibly the only man for the job. Simply put, it couldn’t have been any better.

OMG these pictures!!!!











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aviddem @ Jul 18th 2014, 8:16 AM

She has only posted a couple on twitter (so far). Does anyone know if she uploads to a photobucket or something?
vistadiva' date='Jul 18th 2014, 7:12 PM

Yes she does...smugmug. I know Ali...I'll let you know when she posts her pics. Tennis Lover & I gave Ali and Luv2Laugh77 (who does the videos) our seats at this show cause the guys in front of them were HUGE! SAnd we didn't mind standing at the stage.

aviddem' date='Jul 18th 2014, 7:30 PM

Ali and Luv2Laugh77 (I'm terrible remembering names) were so sweet, and I was sure to give them the fandom's huge appreciation for all of the wonderful vids and photos!
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