2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair

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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

Love2Lurk' date='Oct 18th 2012, 7:10 PM

Keisha Renee' ‏@KeishaRenee
My Family!! Band and Crew!! #glamliy http://instagr.am/p/Q7H-zklmh6/
Retweeted by TommyJoe Ratliff
vistadiva' date='Oct 18th 2012, 9:04 PM

Goatiegarden HD
TJR Birthday/ Naked Love
[bbvideo=560,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-PMQi6P ... -PMQi6PXow[/bbvideo]
sealuv' date='Oct 18th 2012, 9:22 PM

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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


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sealuv' date='Oct 18th 2012, 9:27 PM

got it....

[bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=mRhb ... a_LdgMK_i4[/bbvideo]
Silvia' date='Oct 18th 2012, 9:30 PM

Kickin' In HD
[bbvideo=560,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gtle-Iv ... ature=plcp[/bbvideo]

Trespassing HD
[bbvideo=560,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJvPBb-p ... ature=plcp[/bbvideo]
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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

sealuv' date='Oct 18th 2012, 9:31 PM

[bbvideo=560,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C-a0_xT ... youtu.be&a[/bbvideo]
sealuv' date='Oct 18th 2012, 10:00 PM

Slideshow: 19 Photos on PB by @DianaKat1: Adam Lambert Phoenix AZ Photobucket album. Dibaby/10-17-12
See them... http://fb.me/1EqvT7Zsh
vistadiva' date='Oct 18th 2012, 10:49 PM

Awww...well, this may cheer you up even more than the vids:

vistadiva' date='Oct 18th 2012, 11:12 PM


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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

sealuv' date='Oct 18th 2012, 11:14 PM

vistadiva' date='Oct 19th 2012, 12:28 AM


You HAVE to sit down and read this great review (I know it's long). Written by a music lover and semi-pro writer at MJ's (don't freak) who is actually a Cook fan....not an Adam fan. Really a great read.

Adam Lambert is more fabulous than llamas at the Arizona State Fair


I soooooo want you to read it, I'm copying it here.
Handing over a 3-pack of men’s tighty-whities to get into an Adam Lambert show somehow feels wrong. If the price of admission to the State Fair is undies for our veterans, shouldn’t I be donating a silk teddy to rebuild some brave woman soldier’s self-esteem as her battle scars heal? (Hint: read Dan Savage. There are potential romantic partners who’ll be totally fine with the scars… and others who may like them a bit too much for comfort.)

Silk underthings for anybody are out of my budget right now, while the Arizona State Fair’s free-with-fair-admission-if-you’re-okay-with-meh-seats concert series is jubilantly affordable, provided I don’t break the bank through excess noshing on fried-bits-on-a-stick in the hour before the show.

Lambert puts on a lively and polished performance, much of it with a funk-infused dance beat, much of it dealing with scars and the ways we heal from them. He most often seems to play theater-type venues loosely like this one — and he works that crowd skillfully — but if you get a chance to see him at a large nightclub instead, do that thing. The ideal ambience for a Lambert show involves dancing in a little sequined dress, carrying a glow-in-the-dark drink, and if you can work in a feathered mask and a whip, that’d be perfect. (Appropriately, he’s doing a Hallowe’en guest stint on Pretty Little Liars in which he performs in essentially that setting, wearing fangs.)

Lambert’s show starts not with a bang but with a fast-burning fuse–
Do you feel it kickin’ in? What you’ve got right here — sit down and read! this is no time to be dancing — is not only a perfectly sensible question with which to start a show, but a synecdoche of what Lambert’s show is about.

You are invited to transport yourself to a different plane of consciousness. Lambert’s a “take you on a journey” artist rather than a “tell you my story” artist. Both kinds can be fun and provoking, in different ways, but it is a difference. Right here, you’re invited to get drunk on music and join Lambert’s party, and it’s implicit in the vision of the gal drinking herself silly that you may be doing it to escape some very bad things in the world (many of which will be explored in the second half of the show). At the same time, it’s a joyous-feeling song. This tension among joy, despair, and escapism is going to matter, later.

Lambert’s feel for a compelling beat is masterful. I suspect a person with three left feet could dance coherently to Kickin’ In. It doesn’t sound all four-on-the-floor, yet the beat is easy to follow.

The music is complex, and it’s talking to you. There’s a lot going on here. There’s the string riff that sounds almost like a fiddle, leading into the clapping (state fair hoedown, much?). There’s the vocal and drum build to Lambert’s entrance. There’s a tense little string riff under the early “she puts the shot glass down” in counterpoint with a cowbell-like form of percussion that creates a sense of urgency and also gives more sophisticated dancers some extra reference points to work with. There’s a rock-styled build under “can you feel it, kickin’ in?” roughly where I’d consider a bridge to be, finally breaking some of the compulsive drive of the music. If this is commentary on the compulsive search for escape, we are so there. While I sort of wish Lambert worked with more sophisticated lyricists, more in the Pet Shop Boys mode, I have to admit that he’s making the music do a lot of the social commentary that I’d ordinarily put into words.

Then Lambert takes it up a notch with Shady, which has the dirtiest and most wicked bass line ever. It’s a peculiarly divey blend of funk with Southern rock, set to a dance beat. The dance moves that strike me as appropriate for this song are illegal in Utah and Massachusetts, and are heavily taxed in Nevada. It belongs in a movie that has the suffix -sploitation somewhere in its IMDB description.

The show loosely mirrors the organization of Lambert’s 2012 album, Trespassing (buy at iTunes, buy at Amazon), in starting as upbeat dance music, then turning introspective. So Shady is followed by super-funky Trespassing, with its drum syncopation to challenge the more advanced dancers while driving home the point of how discordant those artificial no-trespassing divisions are. (Get a load of the R&B-goes-over-the-top-to-Gospel feel of the chorus to imply strongly that the line-crossing protagonist is on the side of the angels.)

It’s shortly before delightfully disco-styled If I Had You (from his debut album, For Your Entertainment) that Lambert gives the vital clue to what’s going on here. As part of his banter, he talks about how fans make friends at his show and tells people to turn to the person next to them and say “hello, friend,” specifying, “you have to say it corny like that.” He’s being camp, in a very positive sense.

You can’t camp about something you don’t take seriously. You’re not making fun of it; you’re making fun out of it. You’re expressing what’s basically serious to you in terms of fun and artifice and elegance. — Christopher Isherwood

Camp is to sexual politics as MAD magazine parodies are to movies: it’s over-the-top pastiche, there’s a good deal of poking fun, and yet somehow, at it’s best, it rings as true and becomes as memorable as the serious versions, while giving us an angle of view that wasn’t visible before. So Kickin’ In both expresses the driving urge for escape and deploys lyrics that don’t really glamorize it — and grabs the sense of joy that’s being sought. Shady picks up the sleaze and the sense of release — and the sure and affectionate knowledge that this very scene is going down in Scottsdale bars at this moment, among couples of every possible combination of desires.

Lambert incorporates the spirit of camp into the actual music, and that’s why If I Had You works for me, who ordinarily runs screaming from disco. Lambert clearly knows his musical predecessors on a level where he can pay them affectionate homage without straight-up imitating them. IIHY sounds disco-like, but it isn’t precisely disco. It’s the dance distillation of everything about the summer of 1977: disco, soft rock, hot sun, bikinis, Farrah Fawcett Majors, Donna Summer, and a mild case of heat stroke. And it’s somehow rendered musically with a tone of “I know perfectly well it’s the second decade of the 21st century — and aren’t these influences fun? Let’s have a Three’s Company theme party! We’ll serve fondue!”

The upbeat section closes with Pop That Lock, which moves into the 1980s and sounds like something Vince Clarke would have composed in his Yazoo phase (post-Depeche Mode, pre-Erasure). It sturms. It drangs. It leads into a snippet of Smooth Criminal. I’d say this is the weakest of the five up-tempo lead-in songs, partly because it’s a bit muddled in its Clarkiness and partly because it inexplicably turns into a glam-rock number with wailing guitars that then goes all Gospel on us. It goes too many places for me to be sure what its destination was supposed to be. (It also reminds me that Clarke would have swooned over Lambert’s vocals, as he did over Alison Moyet’s.)

Long pause. Pry me loose from Shady and IIHY, please. Don’t hesitate to break a finger if you have to.

The lock being popped is apparently psychological, as it’s now time for the introspective section of the show. I’m starting to suspect Lambert of having a peculiar little sense of humor, as the lyrics that seem superficial at first hearing turn out to interlock so neatly with the themes he’s trying to express here. (And that mindset, in itself, is campy: the superficial isn’t so superficial after all.)

One of the very few moments that I found awkward ensued, as the keyboard player/music director led the audience in Sly and the Family Stone’s Thank You for Letting Me Be Myself. The blinking neon Author’s Message: This Is A Safe Place, All In Fun, All About Honesty took it over-the-top for me in a blatant way, rather than a fun way. We’re doing camp: it’s a given that the raunchiness is in fun, that pretensions are both celebrated and stripped bare, and that around midnight, this kind of party tends to turn into emotional strip poker, played for high stakes.

On the other hand, Lambert’s performing for a very general audience here, and there’s no guarantee that everybody gets the subtext. And then we get this (Outlaws Of Love), which is so friggin’ gorgeous that I’m in a forgiving mood.
The use of background vocalists works for me here because it reinforces the point that this isn’t primarily a song about personal longing but about community needs for equality. These particular background vocalists also lend a haunting voices-of-the-angels feel. Outlaws of Love ends up being a strange little heart-rending lullaby, again with a Vince Clarke feel.

The “author’s message” banter gets more intense in this half of the show, though I guess it’s a good thing to point out that Chokehold is about the kind of relationship one is supposed to leave, not about S&M as good clean fun. It’s not a fun song: the music grinds and drags, so the industrial feel is less danceable than depressing. I’ve also never been crazy about Lambert’s 2009-10 hit, Whataya Want From Me, here rendered in wistful ballad mode. (But singing one’s hits is mandatory, and this is the logical place in the show to put it.)

My wish to rewind the night to the first four songs and relive them five more times was somewhat lifted by Broken English, which is roughly what would happen if vintage Information Society was violently merged with early Mariah Carey, then got a bizarre out-of-nowhere dubstep-on-guitar bridge. The ensuing chaos expresses the “tower of Babel, can’t speak the same language” motif so crazily that I kind of end up appreciating the song more than I actually like it.

I flat out, shamelessly, stupidly fell for Naked Love, which is faintly ironic, as I never much like Michael Jackson, who’s clearly one of the influences — but it’s a 2012 update of what would happen if Vince Clarke had interfered with Justin Timberlake’s 1990s updates of the Michael Jackson sound, and so very sunny. It’s completely the flip side of Shady, from being sunny and sprightly instead of sleazy and steamy, to adopting “naked” as a metaphor for honesty where before it had all really been about sex and power. (Lambert’s “fruit” banter is also fairly heavy-handed in its message. He’s generally fluent, charming, and funny, though. And his lying down on the stage to mug for the camera in the pit works with his “drama on the nightclub floor” goals.)

Thematically, Naked Love is also the triumphant turn from longing (IIHY) though introspection and misunderstanding to honesty and fulfillment. That’s a feel that continues through closing number Never Close Our Eyes (the “grasp our freedom” song) and encore Cuckoo (the “let your freak flag fly” song). Cuckoo is funk-disco with a colder feel than IIHY: the chorus drives so hard that it’ll fill the dance floor, but Lambert’s actually going “Cuckoo! Cuckoo!” is one of those schticks that either starts a dance craze or fails utterly.

I’d love to see Lambert working with a label that actually gets how to promote his music effectively and consistently to dance clubs, so it builds some demand among music lovers who’ll “get” the aural references before sending it to radio (which is a harsh, cruel, and fast-changing world). I suspect I’m picking up on maybe half the subtext that a DJ who’s immersed in dance music would hear, plus the ways in which Lambert incorporates and plays off his musical inspirations has to be fun to mix into a set.

Lambert refers to wanting to invite the audience into his living room — and he gets pretty close to that, considering that he was actually playing to a crowd of around 6,000 in a vast, concrete barn. Walking out into the Phoenix summer night is like leaving some fabulous and fraught other planet, and the only reminders of what it all meant are fragments of tunes, bits of glitter, and really gorgeously plumed prize-winning chickens.

On that note, let’s wrap with Never Close Our Eyes, partly because its electric energy is one of the show’s several “holy crap!” moments and partly because it has an oddly wistful edge.
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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Oct 19th 2012, 1:15 AM

madamimadam' date='Oct 19th 2012, 1:10 PM

I agree completely...

lifesabeach' date='Oct 19th 2012, 1:18 PM

Good morning. :w00twave:

I flew in last night and got home a bit late. Concert was fantabulous. I interjected a few comments upthread on what was happening around us. I ended up sitting right smack next to Mei from L.A. so we had a great little group during the show. Sec. A was da bomb!

Funny how even being that close you miss little stuffs, like I missed the mic jack-off during PTL, caught the tail end of lying down on the stage.

He was incredibly playful. I love these "one-off" shows where he gets to be spontaneous... and I'm wondering if it's being in the desert that gives him that magical naughty vibe.
vistadiva' date='Oct 19th 2012, 4:51 PM

And BONUS!!!

Here's the whole concert in one vid 1080P HD....AND it's good!! BIUT...no Cuckoo (obviously not a Glambert or Skank. They thought it was over when he left the stage after NCOE :haha: :haha:
And..a different angle with the band being focus of a lot of filming.

But...if you want it all in 1 download, here it is.

whole concert
[bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toP_xlN ... e=youtu.be[/bbvideo]
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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

vistadiva' date='Oct 19th 2012, 6:22 PM

Well, Ok then.............. :))


vistadiva' date='Oct 19th 2012, 9:33 PM

If anyone wants the MP3 of the full concert (minus Cuckoo), here's the download.


vistadiva' date='Oct 19th 2012, 10:03 PM

Ninni has been VERY busy!!


vistadiva' date='Oct 19th 2012, 10:12 PM

Thanks, BB

Devan did the download


It will bring you to a page with downloads for the various vids from this show. Pick the one you want. If it's the full version (minus cuckoo) it's the fullnativepride one.
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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

sealuv' date='Oct 20th 2012, 12:03 AM


Adam Lambert On

Queen, Trespassing

By Joe Lopez
Modern Times Magazine

Oct. 19, 2012 — Labels don’t mean much to Adam Lambert.

He broke into the mainstream on American Idol and was almost immediately outed — even though he was never the kind of guy who hid that he liked men.

But Lambert is more than just a label that says, ‘gay singer.’ He likes leather, rock and roll and rebellion.

Simply, his swagger is much more Freddie Mercury than Boy George and he is just about as talented.

More recently, he has eschewed the glam-rock label and has moved sonically into new genres. And even though he has recently filled the shoes of the former lead singer of Queen through a handful of dates this summer — billed as Queen + Adam Lambert — he is definitely his own man. His show at the Arizona State Fair Wednesday night is a testament to that.

Energetic, powerful and engaged, Lambert engaged the crowd in a rock and roll glamour show largely unseen in the contemporary landscape. His new album, Trespassing, was featured, but his energy onstage is as palpable as his incredible vocal range that has been praised across all continents.

About an hour before he took to the stage at Veterans Memorial Coliseum Wednesday night, he graciously sat down with some members of the Valley media, including Modern Times Magazine.

You still have the Adam Lambert thing going on...
I know who I am. And even if I like to experiment with different looks, and kind of level with it. Ultimately, it will always be part of the way that I present myself.

Congratulations on you new record and I heard that you went to No.1 right away...
It felt great after all of the hard work — about a year and a half working on the album. It is definitely a situation where you don’t know what is really going to happen, but your hoping, and for us to reach that milestone, that is a big reward.

What is Trespassing all about?
The song or the album? Well, the single is out now — request it at your local radio station if you want to — it is a song about being who you want to be and not letting anyone stand in your way. It’s like a march or an outcry for me. It is the first track on the record and it kick-starts the whole thing. It sets out what I am about — especially on this album. Sonically, the sound of the song is something that is rebelling against and trespassing on the current format in radio. It’s not trendy. It’s a different thing. We definitely borrowed a little bit from Queen and Michael Jackson.

You stepped into some legendary shoes when you recently toured with Queen. What was that like?
They called me and we did a little medley of songs on the European VMAs. It was such a great experience and I got along so well with them. Brian (May) and Roger (Taylor) are legends. They are part of one of the greatest rock bands in history. They are so down to Earth and really cool and were just genuinely excited and positive about the collaboration. We kept in touch and wanted to make something happen, so eventually we did, but it was a lot of work, but totally worth it.

You did some experimenting on the new album...
Yea, I think it is a little bit interesting the way the music industry works. People are expected to stay in a little box...Luckily I have a fan base who is along for the ride, so I feel like I do have the leeway to experiment with some different sounds. There are some rock elements in this record but it is more the spirit of rock and roll. The thing about Trespassing is it is a really fun album. There is stuff you can dance to, workout too, drive to. I feel I owe the audience a peek behind the curtain.

Have you changed at all from when you burst on the scene with American Idol?
I think there is a lot more on my plate. Obviously when you have more responsibility in your life both to yourself and other people there are obviously some adjustments you have to make. But, I am really the same guy, I am just working harder.

Who are you going to vote for in this year’s election?
Do we have to talk about politics?

Do politics bother you?
Politics don’t bother me at all. They bother everybody else. As an American, I think we all deserve equal rights. Everyone is entitled to their own moral and religious views and I respect that. But there is a separation of church and state and it needs to be upheld.

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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

Sabine' date='Oct 20th 2012, 2:01 AM
QUOTE(aquariusfin @ Oct 20th 2012, 5:35 AM) *

Do you have more details on this oppressive contract? It'd be interesting to read original.gif
The contract is dated Jan. 2011. (Probably for Scotty M. and Lauren A.)



76 pages..... :rolleyes:

From what I have read the advances are lower than of the winner/runner-up from the years before.

I have also read that the contract of AI8 was open to the public for some reasons?? I was not around at that time but someone here should remember?
aquariusfin' date='Oct 20th 2012, 4:14 AM

Thanks for the contract links Sabine! It would seem based on it, as well as the time Kelly Pickler changed record companies, that if the artist is making money, RCA owns them for 6 years after Idol.

This is what the contract says about choosing tracks and producers.


Here is the part that defines the artist's ability to change genres and musical styles.


And lastly, the part that makes sure nothing negative is said about American Idol, the record company, Fox, etc by the artist.


And I know this discussion is in the wrong thread :ph34r: Feel free to move it, Madam :)
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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

vistadiva' date='Oct 20th 2012, 1:30 PM


He sure can pop that pelvis. Just sayin...........
vistadiva' date='Oct 20th 2012, 2:08 PM


barb4Adam' date='Oct 20th 2012, 7:38 PM

All Adam's fun moves on one page!! :devil: :w00twave:
TALCvids ‏@TALCvids
TYSVM! RT @_ninni: I've made a photobucket album with my Arizona concert gifs - http://bit.ly/OSfToM
vistadiva' date='Oct 20th 2012, 7:51 PM

"And show you what is cold..."


Adam...if that's he move you're going to be doing for that line in that song, I respectfully suggest ya change the words to

And show you what is hot.

Just makin' a suggestion here :rolleyes:
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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

vistadiva' date='Oct 21st 2012, 9:04 PM

WATCH THIS CHANNEL...this person has great HD close up vids:

[bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxtA4Pz ... e=youtu.be[/bbvideo]

[bbvideo=560,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsHugb0G ... sHugb0Gang[/bbvideo]

[bbvideo=560,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6LTwBoG ... 6LTwBoGDC4[/bbvideo]

[bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j8raHg ... e=youtu.be[/bbvideo]

[bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0qDngc ... e=youtu.be[/bbvideo]
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2012-10-17 Arizona State Fair


Post by Tiki »

Adamcrazed' date='Oct 21st 2012, 10:15 PM

I had that exact thought a couple of times during the concert!! :haha: Wait a minute. Rewind that.

It was fun meeting up with the Glamberts for a bite. Would have liked to have a setting where one could circulate and talk to everyone. Once in the venue it was not conducive to later interaction. Several have already described the event and the videos speak for themselves. Adam was a joy as always and being sexy!!! Where I was sitting the sound was compromised by an excess of drums, as someone already commented upthread - which was a real shame. Will make a point of sitting in the middle in future. The videos show how loose and happy Adam was. At moments I got the feeling he was a bit off that night. Like forgetting the lyrics to Pop That Lock and leaving the stage without it being a costume change and drinking all that hot tea. But if he was ailing in any way he sure covered it well and put on a memorable show. It was awesome to be there!!!

The show I sure wish I could go to is the one at New Year in Bali!!! What an exclusive, fabulous gig. WOW!! Good for Adam.
donnamb' date='Oct 22nd 2012, 8:02 PM

People keep saying to me "that's awfully far to go for a concert." How to explain that it's not just a concert? I will have to plan for more events ... and the social events before and after.

That said, wow, what a difference a week and a few thousand miles make - from the brown cactus - y desert of Phoenix to the monsoon in NJ on Friday, to today's lovely drive in the rolling hills and brilliantly colored trees in NW NJ (had court out by the Delaware Water Gap). As I mentioned to a few, I really want to see the ocean from the other side, so an LA trip is on my agenda.
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