2010-09-10 Thackerville, OK Winstar Casino

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2010-09-10 Thackerville, OK Winstar Casino


Post by Tiki »

129aquarius' date='Sep 11th 2010, 9:44 AM

joooory' date='Sep 11th 2010, 10:12 AM

anthrogeekPF HD
Lulu2365' date='Sep 11th 2010, 11:16 AM

It sounds like this venue had the no camera policy.

@WinStarWorld @LightLoveAdam We have a standard no picture clause posted for the protection of the artists.
Hand' date='Sep 11th 2010, 11:26 AM

WinStarWorld The incident was handled by police, not WinStar secuirty. There were no arrests though 1 man was held for 10 min after patron complaints.
41 minutes ago via HootSuite

WinStarWorld WinStar consistently reviews security and safety procedures and we will be reviewing this event.
40 minutes ago via HootSuite

More yadayada defending from Facebook by their representer:

After talking to WinStar security we have learned that this was an incident handled by police who were assisting the concert. We received complaints from patrons at the concert that said a man in the front row was being blocking views and being disruptive.

Police officers approached the man, requested several times that he sit down, he refused, so they escorted him back to the back of the theatre. His wife, who was very concerned, was escorted to the back of the theatre by a WinStar security officer.

After speaking to the man for several minutes the police released the man and let him go back to the front of the concert. It is our understanding that after this incident the wife of the man called to thank the security officer for his behavior and assistance with the situation.

We will review this incident further with police who were assisting at the concert.]
barb4Adam' date='Sep 11th 2010, 11:36 AM

LiteraryWolf @RavingPirates OMG, I know. You got me so hooked on them 2 minutes ago via web

LiteraryWolf @RavingPirates 8D YAY I'm sort of sad the kiss was so short though 16 minutes ago via web
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2010-09-10 Thackerville, OK Winstar Casino


Post by Tiki »

Little Bee' date='Sep 11th 2010, 12:13 PM



Credit: bethmeister88
Little Bee' date='Sep 11th 2010, 12:17 PM

From _ninni

Adam_Fan_Forever' date='Sep 11th 2010, 12:21 PM

Hope it's o.k. to cross post a review from ALFC (Adam Lambert Fan Club) but I loved the interaction with Monte's dad since I don't recall him ever being in the picture before. If this is wrong let me know & I'll delete it. ETA: I just read backwards and saw the pic of Monte's dad. Great to put a face with the story!.

BlogsBack to Cinenke’s blogAdam in Thackerville!
Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 3:52 AM By: Cinenke
What can I say???? Adam was spectacular again last night!! He never has a bad show.....he puts so much heart, soul and energy into every preformance. This was my 9th show so far this tour, I have my final show tonight in Tunica. So exicted for tonights show but also kind of sad that it will be my last for this year. Major Adam withdrawls coming soon. His energy is so addicting you just can't get enough of it.

I was lucky enough to score an upgrade last night and was in 7th row, center. There was an older gentleman in front of me before the concert sitting alone and kept looking turning around and looking at the crowd and made some comment about not being able to believe all the people. Then he said, "I think the guitar lessons paid off"!!! Well, that got my attention pretty fast. So I leaned forward and ask him if he knew someone in the band and he said yes, he was Monte's dad!!!! He was like I told Monte he could play guitar if he would keep his grades up!!! OMG....he was so cute. He was so amazed at the crowd of people. I asked if this was is first time at the GNT and he said YES, we haven't seen Monte on tour since Madonna, 2 years ago!!!!! OMG! We talked for a while and he would say little things like I neer know how hard Monte worked at playing, I just thought he was goofing off with his friends. He wooped when I told him this was my 9th show, he couldn't believe it. He talked about Monte being away from the babies and then laughed and said, "wwell, he better work hard now, he has to make money to get them through school!!! How cute is that??? He talked a little more about Monte and Madonna's friendship, said that whenever Monte is in NYC or London, he stays at Madonnas house. Monte's Mom and more of their family finally showed up just before Allison started singing. Monte really looks like his Mom. She ended up filming the whole concert. They were both standing up the whole time and Monte's was swaying and putting his hands up in the air. At one point in the concert when Monte was up on the platform on Tommy's side of the stage, he looked out into the audience and pointed then blew a kiss......It was straight to his Dad!!!!! So cute!! After the show, I asked his Dad if this was as good as Madonna show and he said...young lady, this was better!! Then Monte's mom says "I think that $50 we paid for guitar lessons paid off"!!!! OMG....hysterical!! They are the cutest couple.

Well, I need to get going....got an 8 hour drive to Tunica, MS for my final show. And I have a M&G!!!!! Gonna be an EPIC day!!!
AdamLove to All!
.Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 3:52 AM By: Cinenke
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2010-09-10 Thackerville, OK Winstar Casino


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Sep 11th 2010, 12:52 PM

Celeron' date='Sep 11th 2010, 1:01 PM

I'm pretty sure the speculation is that the casino regulars were upset and therefore the security was targeting Adam fans. This is all speculation at this point.

Another account of the Winstar debacle from ALFC:

Hi! I remember you, in fact I sat right behind you in the second row. After WinStar staff told us that we could move to the left side of the stage because we could not see anything, "It's normal, we plan for this," we did move there. Admittedly, it was crowded yes, and it was hard to see over some tall people. However, from what I could tell nobody was pushing, shoving, cursing, or biting.

Suddenly, after the second intermission, here comes this one security guard who started pushing (literally shoving) people out of the way, checking tickets, checking ID for a couple of guys, and then pulling out at least four guys who did nothing more than, stand there? Then, about a foot to my left, I saw the gentleman get arrested for...standing there?

I've heard people say, "people were standing on their chairs," well, I can see where that would be annoying but there were no chairs where we were. And honestly, unless you were in the first four to five rows of people you would not have seen much. It was just like out of nowhere that one security guard (it was mainly him) started manhandling people out of the way. One reason why a lot of people didn't notice the commotion was that there wasn't one. People weren't shoving, pushing, screaming, or anything that would draw your attention to the left side of the stage. When the security guard starting pushing people, most were too shocked to do anything. So, we didn't really draw attention to it. We were trying to watch the show.

I hard someone on the feed say that Adam made strange faces during "Strut." Yes, he did. "Strut" is also when (mainly guys) were being hauled away looking confused because they weren't doing anything. "Strut" is also when that one main was arrested with his wife looking on and dragged out of there like he had attacked someone. At that exact point, I remember looking at the stage and seeing him and Terrance doing the part in strut where they drop to their knees (bend anyway) and they were both looking off to the left side like, "WTF?" So, Adam's tweet didn't really surprise me, but made me very vindicated.

Again, if you were not on the far left, I can see how you would have missed it. I noticed this particular security guard targeted mainly men (especially what one who lives by stereotypes would swear was gay) and the one guy who was arrested near the end of "Strut." Sadly, it did taint the night a little bit as I don't remember the amazing singing and the high-note near the end of TC Boy, but instead watching people being manhandled back to their seat (yeah, the elderly woman with the shiny ball-cap was a real threat) and arrested.

I also agree, from where we sat, you couldn't really see anything except the speakers
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2010-09-10 Thackerville, OK Winstar Casino


Post by Tiki »

Little Bee' date='Sep 11th 2010, 2:09 PM

Silvia' date='Sep 11th 2010, 3:38 PM

Silvia' date='Sep 11th 2010, 4:47 PM

Silvia' date='Sep 11th 2010, 6:11 PM

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2010-09-10 Thackerville, OK Winstar Casino


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Sep 11th 2010, 7:33 PM


Fever HD





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2010-09-10 Thackerville, OK Winstar Casino


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Sep 11th 2010, 8:45 PM

Band Intro HD

joooory' date='Sep 11th 2010, 10:59 PM

Jenscooby13 HD

Aftermath Partial

SFW Partial
joooory' date='Sep 12th 2010, 6:08 PM

anthrogeekPF HD





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2010-09-10 Thackerville, OK Winstar Casino


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Sep 12th 2010, 8:06 PM


SFW 2ed half HD

Sasha and Brooke intro HD


Sleepwalker HD -

Band Intro HD

Voodoo HD

Aftermath HD

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