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Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:51 pm
by madamimadam
I'm so glad that this is working out for everyone... I guess I shouldn't have asked Vampfever to reinvent the wheel with my demands to make the board look 'sleek and elegant'... Sometimes quick and dirty is the best solution!!!!

[lmao.gif] [0002.gif] [0059.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:57 pm
by Tiki
madamimadam wrote:I'm so glad that this is working out for everyone... I guess I shouldn't have asked Vampfever to reinvent the wheel with my demands to make the board look 'sleek and elegant'... Sometimes quick and dirty is the best solution!!!!

[lmao.gif] [0002.gif] [0059.gif]
Yup! [0144.gif] But no one can say you didn't try! [happy.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:00 pm
by madamimadam
OK, what about all the icons I brought in for the previous board. Should I bother or do you like the present ones?

You remember the little colored folders and Eye of Horus stuff?

Let me know which you prefer.

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:11 pm
by Tiki
madamimadam wrote:OK, what about all the icons I brought in for the previous board. Should I bother or do you like the present ones?

You remember the little colored folders and Eye of Horus stuff?

Let me know which you prefer.
I'm fine with what is here, and it would just be more work for you and vampfever, but again just my opinion. [smile.gif]

[foxes_251.gif] I guess we are all learning like Adam......LESS IS MORE!!!!!! [dance.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:01 pm
by Adora
Links started to redirect again instead of opening a new tab.... [sad.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:03 pm
by madamimadam
Adora wrote:Links started to redirect again instead of opening a new tab.... [sad.gif]
That's something that could only be fixed with the root file... It will work fine once we migrate to the new domain. Hang in there!


Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:47 pm
by svca
I love the darker color, much easier to read!

My only complaint would be that when I post a reply, especially from my phone.....the SUBMIT button is way, way, way down there because of all the smilies.....I kept losing my replies because I couldn't find the button.

Of course, it could be said that I shouldn't even BE on this site when I'm at work, but that's another story [0068.gif] [0068.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:55 pm
by madamimadam
svca wrote:I love the darker color, much easier to read!

My only complaint would be that when I post a reply, especially from my phone.....the SUBMIT button is way, way, way down there because of all the smilies.....I kept losing my replies because I couldn't find the button.

Of course, it could be said that I shouldn't even BE on this site when I'm at work, but that's another story [0068.gif] [0068.gif]
I know! It drives me bunkers also... This too will be fixed on the new domain!

Patience, grasshoppers!!!!

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:04 pm
by svca
No problem....I can be patient....just letting you know.

I do really like the darker colors.

Did you decide to keep the threads in a light/dark/light pattern or just make them all the same color? I tried to reply earlier in the day when you were asking for opinions, but lost my reply.

It kind of reminds me when you're redecorating your house, heh. The couch goes over here.....not I like it there, move it back to where it was.

It takes a while to get comfortable [fein.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:05 pm
by vistadiva
Everything looks great, Marie!! Looks like you have all the bugs lined up to be fixed when you move servers...don't forget about being able to link back to original post that you've quoted after submitting your reply.....

The spacing before the post starts looks much better now..

I wouldn't mind a larger type in the reply box... do know Adam is all squished up, right?? [0002.gif] [0002.gif]

Thanks for all the hard work you are doing to make this board perfect....but I wouldn't expect any less from you [0146.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:16 pm
by madamimadam
vistadiva wrote:Everything looks great, Marie!! Looks like you have all the bugs lined up to be fixed when you move servers...don't forget about being able to link back to original post that you've quoted after submitting your reply..... It's on top of the list

The spacing before the post starts looks much better now.. Yup! Might add an extra line, if possible...

I wouldn't mind a larger type in the reply box... I'll see if we can do that... do know Adam is all squished up, right?? [0002.gif] [0002.gif] Yup, second thing on the list!

Thanks for all the hard work you are doing to make this board perfect....but I wouldn't expect any less from you [0146.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:36 pm
by nica575
I LOVE everything about the new look!

The colors, the font size, the layout! I don't mind the member info on the right - easy to get used to!

I am also relieved that the page number /next page are together on the lower right.

The only minor thing is that the smileys are making the "Submit" button to be waaaay down somewhere....

Great job and Thank you, Marie!

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:04 pm
by madamimadam
OK, I just moved a bunch of smilies to the "View more smilies" clickable option beneath what is left and Vampfever made the post area smaller and widened the smilies area....

Unlisted ones start on page 3 of the "View more smilies" screen.

That's it for today...


Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:34 pm
by Tattoojo
OMG new color is great, thank you thank you my eyes aren't assaulted LOL [smile.gif] [clap.gif]

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 3:03 am
by sandra
Hi Marie,
You asked us to come to this board to make any suggestions.
I notice that things are already a lot more 'readable'; lovely, thank you!
I see the avitar is now on the right side of the page. Even though this is strange, I'm sure I'll get used to it.
However, the one problem that bothers me is that I like to refresh every time I finish reading a thread; that way, the 'envelope' at the side of the topic title becomes dimmed and I can see which threads I haven't read. On this board, refreshing the page takes you to the main menu which needs to be clicked again on the 'Let's Talk' section. Is there any way to put all topics on one page, like on the Neurox site? (I imagine not, as I've seen several sites that are similar to this one.) By the same token, if the 'Let's Talk' icon is pink, this means some threads haven't been read, and I'm not interested in reading all of them; I don't know until I get into the section whether there are new posts in the threads that I do read.
Thank you for all your good hard work!

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 4:32 am
by madamimadam
sandra wrote:Hi Marie,
You asked us to come to this board to make any suggestions.
I notice that things are already a lot more 'readable'; lovely, thank you!
I see the avitar is now on the right side of the page. Even though this is strange, I'm sure I'll get used to it. That will be fixed when we move to our own domain.

However, the one problem that bothers me is that I like to refresh every time I finish reading a thread; that way, the 'envelope' at the side of the topic title becomes dimmed and I can see which threads I haven't read. On this board, refreshing the page takes you to the main menu which needs to be clicked again on the 'Let's Talk' section. First of all, if you've read a thread to its last page, the icon will reset as "read" automatically. You don't need to refresh. I'm not sure 'how' you are refreshing, but for me either using the circle next to the URL bar or hitting F5 leaves me on the same place I was at but will add the new posts that may have happened while I was reading. Also, at the bottom of the page you can simply click on "Return to Let's Talk" or you may opt (further down) to click on "Board Index".

Is there any way to put all topics on one page, like on the Neurox site? (I imagine not, as I've seen several sites that are similar to this one.) Nope. That cannot be done.

By the same token, if the 'Let's Talk' icon is pink, this means some threads haven't been read, and I'm not interested in reading all of them; I don't know until I get into the section whether there are new posts in the threads that I do read. That is the norm for any sub-forum... even at IDF, if you saw the 'Concert' sub-forum as unread, you needed to go into it to see which venues had new posts. When you're in the Let's Talk sub-forum, go read the threads that interest you that have 'unread posts'. Once you've read all the topics you want, on top, click on Mark Topics Read and they will ALL become "read" threads.
Thank you for all your good hard work!
I hope the above answers make your experience here more enjoyable!


Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 4:52 am
by Hrithika
New clothes [yes.gif]

gonna surf around and explore
nice that smilies are redone better this way

thanks [0146.gif]

And big plus you can delete your own post

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:49 am
by sandra
Thank you so much for your reply, Marie.

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:17 am
by adamazing
Love the changes except the scrolling text on the page with all the different threads......immediately gives me a headache and makes my stomach feel like it does when riding a roller coaster. Anyone else or is it just me?

Suggestions and Comments

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:20 am
by vistadiva
adamazing wrote:Love the changes except the scrolling text on the page with all the different threads......immediately gives me a headache and makes my stomach feel like it does when riding a roller coaster. Anyone else or is it just me?
I'd have to agree with that. Marie, what does the scrolling mean??