2010-08-17 Providence, RI (Lupos)

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2010-08-17 Providence, RI (Lupos)


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barb4Adam' date='Aug 19th 2010, 9:48 AM

Journal of an Intrepid Glambertina – Part 2 Adam’s Vision
July 15, 2010 by juneauxena

"I love it that Adam has put so much of himself– his thought process and imagination– into this so public display that feels so personal to each of us in his audience. That really is Adam’s gift (besides, you know, that voice)....
He knows instinctively how to make each of the thousands in his audience feel like its all for them, personally. It’s in his laser gaze when he catches your eye in the audience.
“This is all for you,” he says to me with those eyes. And I know he speaks the truth".
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glitterynfierce' date='Aug 19th 2010, 10:16 AM



"I don't understand this Im british but ive never heard of him but he's doing british songs isnt he? Does he always do british songs? He sings them better than the origonals so I don't get why we dont know him over here. Someone wrote that UK radio wont play him so why not? If I heared him on the radio Id buy him. "

"Someone just sent me this link - WTF was that note after the second kiss??? He was on American Idol? They don't sing like this on X Factor."

"Jeez what an amazing performer, I demand more of this guy in the UK. Makes a massive change from the insipid Diana Vickers or the overproduced and vocally tuned JLS. Come on UK radio lets support some decent talent for once. Going to youtube Adam Lambert."

I know some fans aren't happy with the media focusing on the kissing instead of his talent, but it just gets his name out there and he'll likely win more fans once they watch the entire video. I hope this helps him in the UK to some degree.
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2010-08-17 Providence, RI (Lupos)


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barb4Adam' date='Aug 19th 2010, 10:52 AM

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2010-08-17 Providence, RI (Lupos)


Post by Tiki »

patsfan610' date='Aug 19th 2010, 1:51 PM

my Fever video :)

Silvia' date='Aug 19th 2010, 2:03 PM

nuuskamuikkunen' date='Aug 19th 2010, 3:09 PM

Here is talented @essell once again, fullfilling dreams

http://www.essell.mattijarvenpaa.com/Wallp...0_1680x1050.jpg :wub:


BlueIndigoSky' date='Aug 19th 2010, 4:10 PM

The bands bus has golden balls... Boss http://twitpic.com/2g8smw
about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

barb4Adam' date='Aug 19th 2010, 4:46 PM

"So IIHY is about to start and he takes a drink from the goblet, toasts Monte, and gives his “it’s only water” line, sounding so very innocent. Or not really. So then he’s doing the band intros during IIHY and he does Cam and LP and then gets to Tommy. He’s totally pawing him and Tommy’s leaning back, and I was like “oh crap, what are they gonna do?” So he just was like “This is Tommy Joe, he’s the bassist. Let me tell you something about Tommy. He likes girls.” Disappointed tone, long pause. “But he also likes this.” And they legit start making out. This wasn’t the kind of kissing they do during Fever, this was more like the AMA kiss. I’m like spaz.gif the entire time and don’t manage to take a picture. But then Adam wipes freaking lip stick off Tommy’s face when the break apart. And Tommy tried to follow Adam across stage when Adam went over to Monte. haha.gif I know it’s just fanservice, and like I said, I’m not that into Adommy, but Tommy looked seriously besotted at this point. wub.gif IIHY was really fun, he had us sing along and looked totally delighted that we knew all the words. During the dancers’ intros, he was cheering them all on, and his dance with Brooke was hot. And I’m pretty sure she hit him in the balls again, she’s probably doing it on purpose at this point. bleh.gif Oh, and he was doing his pointing thing during the “you” part and he gave a thumbs up to the guy I was next to. (The one he later kissed.) Since it was in my general direction, I decided to pretend it was aimed at me. happy.gif So they finish, and of course with as wild and intense as the crowd was all night, we were all screaming like crazy for him to come back. It was a really short wait for the encore, shorter than Foxwoods, I’m pretty sure. I could see Adam and the band off stage talking and laughing before they came back out.

So they did Mad World, which was great from what I remember, but honestly at that point I was so spaz.gif (and this was before I knew what was coming) that I don’t remember much. haha.gif And then, of course, was Twentieth Century Boy. He started it and I was just like “oh crap, this is going to be good.” You could just tell. He’d been so frisky and sexual all night long, it was going to culminate in something major. The audience was just buzzing with it. So he’s wailing his little heart out and all of a sudden he’s pointing to the girl in front of me and singing directly to her, and we all start freaking out even more than we already were. Then all of a sudden he’s on his knees kissing her. I was behind her, so I didn’t see the actual kiss, but I could tell what was going on and I was like shocked.gif for a second. I was completely paralyzed by it, and then I realized that everyone around me was grabbing for him and it was like time slowed down. I reached out my hand and ended up touching his hair. At first I was kind of stroking it (OMG that sounds so bad and awkward haha.gif ) and then I managed to just get my hand tangled in it for a second until he pulled away. I don’t know that I can even describe what it felt like (I’ve tried a bunch of times today already), but it was sweaty and sticky and there was a ton of gel in it, but it was still soft and flexible at the same time. It wasn’t like it was hard or anything, I just wanted to run my hands through it all day. My friend managed to get her hand on the back of his neck by his hairline. The real kicker here is that I ended up with glitter all over my hands and arm, and I wasn’t wearing any last night, so it was definitely from Adam. omg.gif It was really depressing when it got washed away in the shower this morning. So at this point we’re all tripping out, and Adam just starts singing again. And then he gets to the chorus and reaches out and grabs the guy next to me! omg.gif I think he picked him because not only was he cute, but just because he was tall. Adam barely needed to bend to reach the guy, anyone else as far back as him and Adam would have been essentially crowd surfing. So I react faster this time and take the opportunity to run grab on to his arm and I manage to run my hand all the way down. His muscles are very firm. Just saying. And then instead of letting go I held his hand for a second. Like, I had a good enough grip I probably could have pulled his glove off if I wanted to, I think I was the last one he pulled away from, I didn’t try to hold on when he pulled away though. Because he still had a song to finish and all that. haha.gif So yeah, that was f*cking epic. Then he finishes and the guy he kissed (Eric?) is just like “whoa, tongue and everything!” I told him he’s the luckiest guy ever. And then the crowd got really intense trying to crowd him, and I got kind of caught in it. It was probably the scariest moment of the night for me, my feet practically left the ground and my glasses almost got knocked off. But I managed to get out intact and found my friend and gave her a huge hug. We were just in complete disbelief. I’m pretty sure I alternated between spaz.gif and omg.gif for about an hour straight after that. Then as we were leaving I just kept repeating over and over “I f*cking touched Adam Lambert’s f*cking hair. OMG.” And I guess they couldn’t tell what was going on from the back, because some woman was like “You touched him?” and I told her how he kissed people and she was like "WOW." We were going to stay after but since we had to drive home we wanted to get going before the adrenaline wore off. I kind of felt like once I crashed it wasn’t going to be pretty. Oh, and in the car on the way home, my friend was like “I feel like I should call my boyfriend and apologize. It kind of felt like I was cheating on him.” "lmao.gif
BlueIndigoSky' date='Aug 19th 2010, 4:58 PM

This is content from:

Adam Lambert GlamFans Blog, by Claudia
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2010-08-17 Providence, RI (Lupos)


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sunrise123' date='Aug 19th 2010, 5:13 PM
QUOTE(Silvia @ Aug 19th 2010, 10:26 AM) *

Why won't British radio play him? blushing.gif
Could write an essay on this = but will try not to be too boring!!
Completely agree with Flyte and GF's comments.

To be brief (or will REALLY try to be)
- American Idol is only shown on satellite/cable tv here so has a very , very small viewing audience.
- Who's MAD idea to publicize him with Boy George in the UK- TOTALLY stereotyped by the British media - and definately not REHABILITATED - as a complete scumbag after several court cases. LOTS of UK media showed this with Adam looking quite Boy Georgish and BG being quite waspish and not v entertaining about the launch party. I posted rather boringly earlier on about the British media who adore sleaze - George Michael also has a poor reputation in the UK and other gay entertainers such as Stephen Gately have had a really hard time - although I have to say we also have many main stream gays who are adored. Sony MUST also tell Adam NEVER EVER EVER TO MENTION Gary Gllitter, who is a convicted paedophile.
- All the regional stuff in the UK was fabby and Adam clearly adored - however they have tiny listenerships . Capital Radio in London(big) have been very supportive as have all the major print media from the Times - who ran a fabby piece to Heat ( love you !!) who put WWFM as one of their top ten singles. Jonathon Ross and GMTV and JLC were all the really good TV thingies to be on - but still not getting HUGE audiences and/or were one offs. National radio is THE one in the UK and Adam has had no support here. One of the Radio 1 DJ's said that A was 'hideous' - how???? and they basically have not played him AT ALL. If he was a regular top 20 in the US charts he WOULD get played - like Katy Perry, LG etc etc - but he's not YET got that. Hopefully this will come SOON!
- There is a lot of music snobbery here - reality show stars CAN do well but usually the very young girlie ones. Susan Boyle was a novelty here who didn't even win BGT Adam is relatively old, has come through reality TV, has not written all his own songs, is on You Tube singing Brigadoon !!!! , seems to be COVERING other people's songs - Lady Gaga , Pink, Muse ( yes, WE know it's because they thought he was so fabby, but they don't know that )- and therefore has very VERY few UK credibility points.
- My teenage sons' girlie friends all have Adam on their Ipods (because he's cute!!) - but these kids do not download from I tunes or buy CDs - it's all illegal downloads. The legal downloads come from the teenies , for whom Adam is too sophisticated, (they buy all the Diana Vickers etc. stuff) or over 20's most of whom haven't even heard of him. Boys are into Indie or Urban stuff - not dance.
- Sony need to decide how to market Adam over here. Showed the SHOCKING Providence Suz vid to one teenage son today. Explined how SHOCKED the US was about it. After viewing he wanted to know WHICH BIT as totally VANILLA in comparison to the sort of concerts he goes to locally or in London or festivals.

Also , just have to say that kissing quite a FEW people on a night out is quite normal to my kids and their friends and in Europe a lot of us kiss to say hello and goodbye to people!!!

Sorry to bore on - but feel somewhat passionate about this!
Love XXX
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2010-08-17 Providence, RI (Lupos)


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joooory' date='Aug 19th 2010, 10:10 PM





Pre-show & Voodoo
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