2010-09-07 Dallas, Palladium Ballroom

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2010-09-07 Dallas, Palladium Ballroom


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Sep 9th 2010, 12:21 AM


Soaked HD

Silvia' date='Sep 9th 2010, 9:01 AM


Strut HD
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2010-09-07 Dallas, Palladium Ballroom


Post by Tiki »

AllThatGlitters' date='Sep 9th 2010, 10:40 AM

This show was my favorite show of the 3 I've been to so far (only one left for me :( ). Adam didn't hold back on a single note. He just seemed to be having so much fun up there! I snuck in my D80 but got busted with it right after Fever, so I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. Here are some of my favorites ...

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2010-09-07 Dallas, Palladium Ballroom


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Sep 9th 2010, 9:06 PM

I know we've moved on from that conversation, but here is a rebuttal blog about DUMBO THE ELEPHANT's so-called 'review'...


Homophobic Adam Lambert Review in Houston Press
Adam Lambert performed at the Hobby Center in Houston on Wednesday night. Not that you would know it from Brandon K. Hernsberger's insane review of the show in the Houston Press.

It starts with the line, "It doesn't matter if Adam Lambert is gay," and then launches into a diatribe that reduces Lambert to nothing more than gay. Along the way, Hernsberger gets basic facts about Lambert wrong. He opines that Lambert is talentless, and does nothing to back that claim up. And in the end, this reader was left with his jaw dropped, wondering when a more homophobic piece of writing last made it into a weekly newspaper.

Oh yes, it's also SO POORLY WRITTEN one is left wondering how a person like this managed to get a job at Houston's top alternative paper.

"Adam Lambert, Nyquil made of skin shaped like a black light with a glued-on wig made of spiky black sanctimony," Harnsberger writes, early on in this mess. Mixed metaphors and poor imagery aside, what on earth does this mean? Adam has skin like a black light? And the writer's concerned that our SOCIETY may be othering him?

But on to the more obvious homophobia. Hernsberger believes that the only reason Lambert is a star is because he is gay. He wouldn't have made it through the door on American Idol otherwise, Hernsberger says, ignoring the fact that Lambert didn't come out until after the show. He goes on to claim that people voted for Lambert out of a sense of guilt, but only enough to take second place because first place would be too much to give a gay person.

Wow, we're powerful people, we Americans, aren't we?

The author goes on to explain that the audience "slinks and turns away as if these acts are unacceptable at shows featuring our idol" when Adam kisses a male musician on stage, because, as he says, "Adam Lambert makes people believe things they know they don't believe, and for an hour and a half Wednesday night we all got to play pretend."

This is odd and hard to believe. The audience, acting as one somehow, slinks away? But not the author, of course. He's there to watch, and tell us about it. Brave man.

Apparently, our society, and by extension the entire audience at the Adam Lambert concert, is straight. Because why would gay people slink away?

This is called heterosexism. But why should we look at the author's homophobia, when he's doing such a boffo job of exposing our own? After all, he was at the gay guy's concert.

Along with writing novels, I teach writing at Arizona State University. This concert review would get an F among my freshmen, simply because it fails on so many levels. I teach my kids that no argument can survive without "conditions of rebuttal." This means that we must anticipate the views of those who might disagree with us, and rebut them. In Hernsberger's case, that would include the millions of people worldwide who think Lambert has an incredible voice and is a dynamic performer. A solid review would need to nod to these people, and then argue against their view. For example, one might say "enough people consider Adam talented for him to have a platinum album, but at this concert, he sounded off key and shrill."

But this reviewer opted to ignore these people, just as he ignores the concert as if it was somehow beneath him. And we see, from Hernsberger's writing, that he might simply be too cool and talented to waste his time reviewing such tripe as a platinum artist like Lambert.

The last line: "What's the difference between an Adam Lambert concert and a third-grade talent show? You get free sno-cones at one."

Would the Houston Press have allowed a white writer to review a Beyonce concert, and come back with nothing beyond a piece about how the "audience" was only there to feel better about liking a black artist?

Shame on the Houston Press for allowing this sort of blatant homophobia in their pages.
Posted 9th September 2010 by Bill Konigsberg
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2010-09-07 Dallas, Palladium Ballroom


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Sep 9th 2010, 9:47 PM

janeinch HD

Silvia' date='Sep 10th 2010, 1:20 AM


Silvia' date='Sep 11th 2010, 12:27 PM

Meagan Bowman
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2010-09-07 Dallas, Palladium Ballroom


Post by Tiki »

stardust1213' date='Sep 11th 2010, 2:17 PM

Has anyone seen this before? Written by a fan who met Adam in Dallas.
ADAM LAMBERT stops out for Trashy Tuesdays in DALLAS

Adam Lambert has been touring since June and last night, had a show at the Palladium Ballroom in Downtown Dallas. After his show he made his way to several gay bars where one bar in general, Bj’s was where I was about to have an experience that I will never forget! I Chatlin Galle met and hung out with Adam Lambert!
Every Tuesday me and my roommate, Erick go out to the bars downtown for “Trashy Tuesday.” As we made it downtown, I had asked him to drop me off at Bj’s because I wasn’t up for going to Jr’s. So he dropped me off and I met up with some friends who were already there. Later that night, I was walking around when a friend of mine stopped and asked me if a rumor he heard was true. He asked me if I’d heard of Adam Lambert being somewhere inside the bar. I told him no, but the curious side of me wanted to see if the rumors were true. Looking around, we walked towards the dance floor, I glanced up and immediately stopped in my tracks. There I was, shocks shooting down my spine, as I had Adam Lambert right by me! I walked over towards him and waited behind a guy, who was asking Adam if he could take a photo with him. Adam replied that he did not want to take any photos and before I could say “Hi” to him, his bodyguard told us to both move away from him. At that point, I moved as requested.
Since going out every Tuesday, I’ve made friends with a lot of the employees and one of them was guarding Adam. I started talking with him when all of a sudden I feel someone tap me on the back. Thinking it was his bodyguard again, I turned around to find Adam trying to get my attention. He told me to come talk to him and was let through to get to him, by his bodyguard. Talking with Adam, he told me I was really cute and I immediately started blushing. After talking with him for awhile, my roommate finally makes it back to Bj’s and comes over where Adam and I were sitting. With Adams bodyguards doing their jobs they stopped Erick, I told them that he was with me and let him through. After Erick and Adam had met, I asked if I could take a picture with him. Surprised by his response, Adam said that, for me it was ok and Erick then went to the car to grab the camera.
While Erick went to the car, a shot boy came by and handed us the whole tray of jello shots. We all grabbed one and we all took a shot! As soon as we finished the shot, Erick returned, and then Adam let him take a photo of him, me and another one of his friends. As I continued hanging out with Adam he asked me if I’d like a drink, now you know me I never turn down a free drink especially from Adam Lambert! So holding my hand, Adam, me, and his bodyguards walked over to the bar where we got a few drinks. Adam then had to go to the restroom, so we then made it to the restroom. Once finished their cab had arrived so we headed to the patio with Adam not wanting to leave just yet.

For a little while longer we hung out by the back gate and were all just talking. Adam grabbed my hand, I looked up and with the sweetest smile Adam Lambert kissed me. It was really sweet and put the biggest smile on my face! At this point, his bodyguard said they had to go and we all said our goodbyes. Adam then got in the cab and left, having to leave for Houston for another show tomorrow night.
Tonight was an amazing night for me and is something I definitely will never forget, but hasn’t ended yet! Lambert will be back in Dallas Thursday night, and might be making another appearance, but your just going to have to go out Thursday and find out for yourself!
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2010-09-07 Dallas, Palladium Ballroom


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Sep 12th 2010, 8:19 PM

Brooke Intro HD
joooory' date='Oct 1st 2010, 8:05 PM

vids4menu HD
joooory' date='Oct 2nd 2010, 11:33 AM

vids4menu HD
Little Bee' date='Oct 21st 2010, 8:20 AM

Music Again
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