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2009-12-13 Tampa Jingle Bell Ball (St Petes Forum) - HOSTING

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:15 pm
by glambertparty
'judesmum' date='Dec 17th 2009, 8:13 PM'

Nice !

That would have been cool to be in a picture with just 1 other person, but I'm kinda happy to have been in the one with the gay boys....Adam's response to them seriously made my night. I wish everyone could have seen the shift in personality, it was great. It's like he dropped his guard and really connected with 1 of them....the guy was nuts over Adam, so it was sweet to see Adam respond to him in such an open way.

2009-12-13 Tampa Jingle Bell Ball (St Petes Forum) - HOSTING

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:16 pm
by glambertparty
'judesmum' date='Dec 17th 2009, 8:27 PM'

I'm not sure if he was from a fan board...he was standing in front of us in line and I told him I was so happy that there were some boys there to see Adam. He was adorable....he said his bf was very jealous of Adam. He was flailing about how Adam was so sexy, etc...he was a young guy, maybe 20 or so.
When we went in he was nervous...I told him ...breathe,breathe....keep it together. The person with me traded places with the guy so he could stand next to Adam for the picture....that was very nice, I highly doubt many would have given up that spot. Adam hugged him and told him he was so happy to meet him, and thanks for coming, etc...the guy was melting and going on about how much he loved him. It was all very sweet.

Don't get me wrong, Adam is always nice and pleasant, and smiles real big for the camera.....but it was different. He has such a barrage of women paraded in front of him everywhere he goes, that I think he was truly thankful that some young guys showed up, and one of them in particular was just CRAZY about him. I'm sure it made him feel good.