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2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:34 am
by glambertparty
'H Tide' date='Apr 13th 2010, 8:42 PM'

Aw, Adam, trying to get Aaron to be more agressive. ::haha::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:34 am
by glambertparty
'JHS' date='Apr 13th 2010, 8:45 PM'

I think Aaron did great! For who he is, that was about as good as he could get. Adam *definitely* pegged him as to what's wrong. He's got to believe in that song to do it well.

Just *imagine* Adam doing that song!

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:34 am
by glambertparty
'CastroFan4Life' date='Apr 13th 2010, 8:49 PM'

BB is doing so well. This will shut up some haters and doubters!
When Ryan asked Lee why he was better this week he basically said "Because of Adam".... ::wub::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:35 am
by glambertparty
'JHS' date='Apr 13th 2010, 8:54 PM'

I can't tell if Siobhan has taken Adam's advice or not. Could she have sung this any slower? I don't think so. Maybe she did take it uptempo a bit? I'm scratching my head over it. I like what she's wearing, though.

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:35 am
by glambertparty
'adamazing' date='Apr 13th 2010, 8:57 PM'

She has a great voice but if she would have sped it up it would have been soooooo much better.

At least she told Adam she was happy to meet him even if she didn't listen to him.

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:36 am
by glambertparty
'CakeFinale' date='Apr 13th 2010, 9:06 PM'

Hee! Adam started the standing O for Big Mike! ::woot:: ::woot:: Sooo deserved the save ::heart::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:36 am
by glambertparty
'JHS' date='Apr 13th 2010, 9:09 PM'

Adam's critiques are *right on.* And he's taking the mentoring so seriously, really trying to help the contestants. He's way, way better than almost any mentor I've seen.... Which aren't too many, I must admit!

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:37 am
by glambertparty
'CakeFinale' date='Apr 13th 2010, 9:13 PM'

Katie's outfit is horrible.

It's like she's not getting the same growl in there as she did when she was with ADam

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:37 am
by glambertparty
'MoreGlam' date='Apr 13th 2010, 9:33 PM'

Adam was stunning both in Vegas and tonight!!!! ::heart:: ::heart:: And he worked very hard with these kids! And to think he had a migraine that day....

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 2:37 am
by glambertparty
'cb3414' date='Apr 13th 2010, 10:14 PM'

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:46 am
by glambertparty
'cb3414' date='Apr 13th 2010, 10:47 PM'


2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:46 am
by glambertparty
'fangurl1964' date='Apr 13th 2010, 10:50 PM'

Good article on Adam:
Adam Lambert rocked it on American Idol: Gave advice to contestants that was solid (PHOTOS)
April 13, 2010 10:22 PM EDT
views: 47
April 13, 2010 -- Adam Lambert has been questioned since he accepted the job to mentor on American Idol. The former contestant and rocker felt he could do a good job, but he had to prove it tonight to American Idol fans.

Prove his talents is exactly what he did. From the the live blogs to the fans, the audience loved Adam Lambert's advice on the performances and to the performers. One of the reasons they showed Lambert some respect was the fact that he told it like it was. Not sugar coating the facts, he gave the contestants the feedback they needed to hear and not what they wanted to hear.

CLICK HERE to see Adam Lambert in Concert

Most of his ideas were true to the liking of the judges in the end and the contestants really seemed stoked to be able to talk to someone who has been in the process as well as in the music.

Tomorrow night is American Idol Results where two contestants will be eliminated from the competition as well as Adam Lambert will perform live. At the end of the show, Ryan Seacrest asked Adam Lambert what he was going to be singing. Adam replied it was a surprise, but Seacrest prodded further and asked if he would sing 'What do You want from Me.' That single as well as others off his album is one of the top reasons to tune in tomorrow.

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:46 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 14th 2010, 12:21 AM'

Folder with an MP4 DLs of all BB's Footages from tonight thanks to @daynalane1 ::flowers::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:46 am
by glambertparty
'Jesses_Girl' date='Apr 14th 2010, 12:38 AM'

@adamlambert... always so damn amazing at givin' advice..!!
3 minutes ago via web

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:47 am
by glambertparty
'Screengems' date='Apr 14th 2010, 1:09 AM'

Youtube Links:

Adam Lambert mentors Tim Urban on American Idol 4/13/10

Adam Lambert mentors Casey James on American Idol 4/13/10

Adam Lambert mentors Crystal Bowersox on American Idol 4/13/10

Adam Lambert mentors Katie Stevens on American Idol 4/13/10

Adam Lambert mentors Siobhan Magnus on American Idol 4/13/10

Adam Lambert mentors Lee DeWyze on American Idol 4/13/10

Adam Lambert mentors Michael Lynche on American Idol 4/13/10

Adam Lambert mentors Aaron Kelly on American Idol 4/13/10

Adam Lambert mentors Andrew Garcia on American Idol 4/13/10

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:47 am
by glambertparty
'MoreGlam' date='Apr 14th 2010, 1:22 AM'

American Idol Liveblog: Of Mics and Mentor
By Michelle Collins
Tonight’s American Idol is a very special one, as it features Season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert as a real life mentor. I think we can all agree that this season’s Idols have a lot to live up to. For example, hitting more that 2 out of every 5 notes.

We’ve had two glasses of wine at Grand Lux Cafe and bring you this liveblog from the “comfort” of my parents’ bedroom in Miami. In other words, it’ll be a sh*tshow. Here we go!

8 PM: Seacrest sounds drunk. And we just remembered Michael was saved last week. Well, worse case scenario, if he gets booted again he can always create a brand of lip balm made out of his own saliva.

8:04: Lambert got a hold of the side-hair laminating machine. My mother things he looks fabulous, but I can’t help but be distracted by Matthew Morrison of Glee’s fedora in the background. If Carmen Sandiego is still where in the worlding, we found her.

8:05: “My tongue is not nearly as talented as yours.” — Ryan to Adam. Seacrest is throwing his balls high in the air tonight. American Idol is back people, and it is gaayyyy! We love it.

8:06: Crystal Bowersox is starting the show tonight, meaning it’s all downhill from here.

8:07: Sorry, it’s impossible to liveblog when my Mother is slapping her giant slipper against the tile and talking about what a great show Smoky Joe’s Cafe was. “That’s the song!” *snap snap* “slipper slap* “That’s it!”

8:08: Crystal’s killing it. “Let me tell you, Gloria Estefan can learn from her. Gloria Estefan sucks!” — Mom

8:10: Simon is speaking, and again, in the back, is Mr. Schuester’s fedora. Hat’s show biz.

8:15: Andrew Garcia just is not that great. And thank GOD Adam is being honest about his rendition of “Hound Dog.” “It needs more punch.” — Adam. Here, use our fist.

8:17: He can hold that microphone and strut cross the stage all he wants, but we are busy dirt napping it up. We wonder if his neck tattoo is there to cover up his Frankenstein bolts.

8:20: Jane Lynch and Matthew Morrison should always sit behind Simon. Watching them feign shock at his comments is more entertaining than the performers. Have we mentioned that we’ve already seen tonight’s Glee? And it’s amazing? Great.

8:26: RYAN’S MOMMM! That hair, fantastic. Highlight tweeeyunzzz!

8:26: OMG when Tim Urban sang “falling in love with you” and looked at Adam I couldn’t help but think ~**<3<3**~. Also calling him Turban is surely going to cause him to lose votes from anti-Talibanners Ryan.

8:28: Me: “He sucks.” Mom: “Beyond Sucks.”

8:29: He pulled it together at the end. Mom: “I liked it! It was good.” And this is how I was raised.

8:30: MATTHEW MORRISON FEDORA WATCH: Still perked. They need to give us a close-up of Iqbal Theba ASAP. Adam’s golf clap tells us everything we need to know: That was good, but Lambert would have cracked that crap out of the park.

8:35: Really happy that Adam is being critical of these Idols, unlike Usher or Miley or really any of the other mentors. Lee Dewyze has been pretty good all season, but it’s true: If Chuck E. Cheese ever invested in a Bruce Springsteen animatronic robot, it would be Lee Dewyze.

8:38: Dewyze killed it. Kara tells him he gets too serious when he sings… um, that’s his style. What does she want from this guy? Even Morrison’s Fedora is WTF-shrugging.

8:40: Is it bad that Ryan said the name Aaron Kelly and I had no idea who it was? He looks like a newborn next to Adam. This is like a televised Make-A-Wish kid 3 days before the bucket kicking.

8:42: Not a huge fan of this song, but Aaron is much better than usual. Like… hitting the notessssuh. The Lambert energy has clearly infected these contestants, and judging by Adam’s golf clap and cheshire cat smile, he seems pleased.

8:46: That Siobhan and Adam outro was to die for. Please tell me she’s singing “Suspicious Minds.” She’s been off these past couple of weeks… she has to come back tonight, she just has to.

8:51: Love her look tonight. There must have been a sale on hair shellack.

8:51: OMFG SHE IS SINGING SUSPICIOUS MINDS!! Wait am I a genius? I can’t decide. (Yes.)

8:52: Aw Adam and Siobhan click.

8:52: What is with this country-ass background? What Elvis Geocities MIDI file did she rip this from? Siobhan, what happened??? She’s turned into a poor man’s Linda Ronstadt. I think even Linda would agree this is not a good idea.

8:54: This arrangement could be considered something of a disaster. But she got a raised clap from Adam — the first of the night — so who knows. I have to see Matthew Morrison’s fedora to decide…

8:56: MATTHEW MORRISON’S FEDORA WATCH: It is grimacing the sh*t outta me right now.

8:57: If Siobhan gets eliminated this week, and the Judges can’t save her because they saved Big Mike… I will not be pleased.

9:01: This KFC Double Down sandwich would nauseate me… but then I remember that their chicken’s don’t even have beaks or reproductive organs, and I relax.

9:02: I can’t believe Seacrest just threw down a Dunkleman burn. He’ll be off “Brooks Was Here-ing” himself Shawshank style later on this evening.

9:03: Mike is going to sing “In The Ghetto,” a song I love. Please, please limit your lip licking to twice per minute, Michael Lynch.

9:04: Not sure I love this melodic interpretation… he sounds good, but changing it too much for my liking. Where’s the melody??

9:05: I just realized, if Michael wins Idol, Keenan Thompson will secure his SNL contract for at least 6 more months.

9:10: Adam telling the contestants to let it out is the right advice. In other words, pretend like you’re talented Katie.

9:12: “I can’t believe of hundreds of songs… I’ve never even heard of this song! Out of the zillions of Elvis songs!” — Mother on Katie

9:13: MATTHEW MORRISON FEDORA WATCH: It looks wilted. Lifeless… Katie might be in trouble tomorrow.

9:19: Oh I love Casey! For all of those who didn’t think Adam was a suitable mentor, ps, f**k off. He’s given better criticism to these kids than most if not all the other mentors.

9:20: Casey pulled his locks back in basically the same sort of ponytail I was wearing all day today. “Another song I’ve never even heard! It’s just annoying!” — Mother on Casey.

9:21: I’m a Casey fan, but this is sounding less American Idol more those machines that when you flip them over it sounds like a sheep bleating. The previous sentence would have been way tighter if I knew what those things were called.

9:22: My Mother is convinced that Simon and Ellen HATE each other. I’ve spent the entire night listening to her interpretations of Simon’s disgust. I might be starting to believe it. Matthew Morrison’s fedora certainly does.

9:24: Listening to all of the performances tonight, Tim, Lee and Crystal were pretty much the best.



2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:47 am
by glambertparty
'lifesabeach' date='Apr 14th 2010, 2:09 AM'


2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:48 am
by glambertparty
'CastroFan4Life' date='Apr 14th 2010, 2:40 AM'

Here they call Adam "The King of Mentors" and go on about his awesomeness ending the story with "and can I just say I LOVE ADAM LAMBERT!"

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:48 am
by glambertparty
'istersay' date='Apr 14th 2010, 7:46 AM'

> How Would You Objectively Rate Adam As A Mentor? Poll

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:48 am
by glambertparty
'Tiki'srose' date='Apr 14th 2010, 8:33 AM'

From the Los Angeles Times-Idol Tracker

Our music critic Ann Powers is already campaigning for Adam Lambert to be "American Idol's" next judge (we second that emotion) and the Twitterverse is already aflutter with praise for the Season 8 runner-up, the first former contestant to ever mentor a season in progress.

So how did Adam think it went? Judging from his ear-to-ear post-show grin: fabulously. As for the memories it brought back? "It's nostalgic," he told Idol Tracker on Tuesday night. "When Ryan had me come up [to the stage] with the contestants, I was, like, 'Oh yeah, that's what this feels like -- standing next to Ryan, looking at the teleprompter, at the judges, the audience. ...' It puts it all into perspective. I am so thankful for 'American Idol,' for putting me on the map, for helping me start my recording career."

Adam's last-minute mentoring assignment came as a surprise to some, who contend that a year of post-'Idol' success does not exactly equal the real world struggles that many music artists face. To that end, Adam pleaded humility. "It was a big shock and an honor at the same time," he said. "Obviously, I'm just at the start of my career, so I'm not an established recording artist, but I do know where they are right now. It's fresh in my mind. I was here a year ago. So hopefully, I brought them a sort of insight into the process, and into knowing what it takes to get the judges' reaction, and a positive one, and what it's like to be up there. ... It's a tough process, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that the audience doesn't see."

More of Adam's post-show chat with reporters after the jump...

What are the differences between your group and this season?

It's a different group this year. I think there's definitely an emphasis on musicianship, there are a lot of people that play and it's definitely geared toward more of a singer-songwriter genre and sound. They're all great singers, they all have great voices, they're very likable. I think our season was a bit more diverse, musically.

Who were the standouts to you?

Vocally, it would be Michael [Lynche], I think he's probably got my favorite voice. Crystal [Bowersox], then Siobhan [Magnus] and Katie [Stevens] are both really strong singers. It's kind of early to really pick the favorites.

What do you make of the Siobhan "Lady Lambert" comparisons?

She's a free spirit. ... She's definitely a dynamic singer and she takes risks.
How weird can someone be on "Idol?"

How weird do you wanna be? You've gotta trust your own instincts out there as a contestant, no matter what your parents are saying, your friends, family, the judges, the people. ... At the end of the day, it's you up there.

A lot of people chose not-so-obvious Elvis songs. What are the pros and cons to going with the more obscure album cut?

The pro is, you can show yourself as more of an artist because you're not being compared to the original. I think that's always the idea behind doing something obscure. But you run the risk of people not knowing what you're singing, so they're not singing along because it's not familiar. And that's what's difficult: It's a show based on cover music, and that's definitely the transition between going from the show to the recording artist world -- because you're not singing other peoples' music, you're singing your own.
What do you miss about the show?

Having one specific goal every week. I have one and a half minutes to seal my fate every week and it's all gearing up to that. Now, in my life there's like 17 things going on at once. It's a lot more to think about. It's funny, "Idol" at the time was really hard and it's such a challenge and great opportunity to put yourself out there, but now when I look back at it, I go, "Wow, that was easy compared to what I do now." This is a full-time job and I'm so honored to have the opportunity, but it is a job. It's a lot of work.

Did you give the kids advice outside of music?

I said: "Get ready guys if you want this. It's your whole life. It's your everything. You have to put your whole heart and soul, all of your time, all of your energy -- that takes priority if this is what you want as a career."

Why have the last few years been so guy-heavy?

The demographic is mostly women voters.

Women don't vote for other women?

Not as much as the boy they think is cute.

Do you miss being in the bubble and not reading every tweet?

Oh, we got to see what was on the Internet when we were on the show. We were urged not to. We were told, "Don't look, it will drive you crazy," and there's a fine line with that. Sometimes it can drive you crazy and sometimes you have to tune out what everybody says and thinks. But it's also research -- it's a great way to figure out how you're coming off to people.

Any update on your upcoming tour?

It's all being formulated -- the dates are all being confirmed, I have to come up with a concept, the look of it ... the theme, the set list, it's all under development. It starts in June.

How did you enjoy Vegas?

I was in and out and I didn't really get a chance to enjoy it. I mentored and I had a great time doing that, but I flew out the next morning. I spent the rest of the time sleeping. I was supposed to see Muse and [when] I got back to my hotel room and had a little bit to eat, I was just tired. That's another thing about this life, you have to take responsibility and take care of yourself. But I was bummed -- I wanted to see Muse.

How about Coachella this weekend?

I'm busy working, I don't have time to play. I'm working for my fans to give them stuff!

-- Shirley Halperin

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