2013-07-19 Paso Robles, CA

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2013-07-19 Paso Robles, CA


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Jul 23rd 2013, 7:43 PM

madamimadam' date='Jul 24th 2013, 2:06 PM

HaloCircus 4m
Backstage at Mid State Fair with adamlambert http://instagram.com/p/cKNoyFIszK/
madamimadam' date='Jul 24th 2013, 10:18 PM

anon 28m
2 GREAT PICS @adamlambert at Paso Robles via Rhonda McPike https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hpho...273890332_n.jpg
hotouthere' date='Jul 27th 2013, 10:05 PM

Hi everybody! :wave:

I survived my trip, came home and was swamped with work the last two days but finally found time to catch up today on the forum and now I can report on my trip to Paso Robles!

I flew into LAX and drove from there to Paso Robles with an overnight stop in Oxnard. I am glad that I planned this pit stop because it took all afternoon and evening to get my rental car and drive that far. I had to take Advil to kill the pain in my leg from six hours of driving with constant stop and go traffic. (It should have taken less than 3 hours according to Map Quest!) The next leg of my journey went smoothly with a short stop in Santa Barbara, a walk along the beach and quick trip through the downtown area. Then it was time to head out to Paso Robles.

I arrived, found my hotel directly across from the fairgrounds and settled into my room and after a short while, I could hear…..ADAM :w00t: ! He could be heard loud and clear from my hotel room window during sound check. I didn’t care to venture out of my room as it was very warm outside. Later, sandyrk called to let me know she had arrived and invited me to a wine tasting at her hotel. We then proceeded to the fairgrounds and checked out the surrounding attractions, sampled some food and then headed to the venue. The sun went down, the temperature dipped quickly and after Allison performed, we were a bit chilly but ready for Adam. I still have to check out the videos but I know that you all had the pleasure of seeing them and appreciating how awesome he was that night!

I used my phone to shoot a video of the concert but after getting home, all I can say is that the video is a sideways, psychedelic, abstract painting with movement. My new cell phone (Motorola Droid) apparently stops recording after about 35 minutes which I was unaware of; I was holding it incorrectly and must have had it on the wrong setting. The sound is quite good but a couple men who were shouting their praises (which was quite refreshing), a girl screaming at the top of her lungs between each song, and my discussions with other fans along with singing, laughter and yelling made it great for my own memory of the event but too embarrassing to share! My seat was in row DD (not my bra size, haha) and I could have moved closer after they stopped guarding the front A-Z section but I was there mainly to listen to the concert. The other two I attended, I was too close to speakers where I could only hear the base or the drums and barely could hear Adam. This time I could hear his lovely voice and had plenty of room to dance and wave my arms as desired. I felt bad that this concert was not filled to capacity with fans from the area. They missed a very rare, wonderful opportunity to hear the most beautiful, powerful, joyful, voice on the planet!

I decided to stay in Paso Robles another day, had breakfast with sandyrk and a couple other fans, and moved to her hotel since it was quieter than the one directly across from the fairgrounds. I visited the town and drove around the surrounding area which is very scenic and enjoyed dinner with Sandy and her husband. The following day I took Highway 1 along the coast and drove up to visit my sister in Walnut Creek. I am sure that it would have been a lot of fun if Marsha had been able to join me as we had planned originally but in hindsight, we would have needed at least three to five more days see everything we talked about! Now, we can only hope that many more opportunities come along where we can go to Adam’s concerts and meet up and enjoy our friendships in this fandom.
madamimadam' date='Jul 29th 2013, 8:13 PM

SusieFierce 2h
Aww yay!! RT @didilynn2: My friend and her husband LOVED Adam's concert in Paso Robles @ScorpioBSB they were surprised by him!
madamimadam' date='Jul 30th 2013, 6:06 PM

bayoulady60 18h
@adamlambert Since I've just realized I had this locked :/, Here's some great PASO Pro PICS https://www.facebook.com/cellphone.mary/med...1748&type=3 … Thanks to Cindi Carter
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