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2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:25 pm
by Tiki
kichekesho' date='Jul 18th 2010, 9:36 AM

Here's another view of Mad World. What an amazing show last night!

Mad World Encore
JosyLoosBR' date='Jul 18th 2010, 9:52 AM




2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:31 pm
by Tiki
Silvia' date='Jul 18th 2010, 10:16 AM

Voodoo/DTRH HD


Soaked HD


Fever HD


joooory' date='Jul 18th 2010, 12:07 PM

Gif from Ninni


2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:36 pm
by Tiki
kichekesho' date='Jul 18th 2010, 12:49 PM


His voice is so effortless and beautiful. Hearing and seeing Adam live has no equal.

I have a few more videos but they are taking forever to upload.
Renn' date='Jul 18th 2010, 1:43 PM

Okay. Recap now. I had said earlier that the Kansas City concert was the best night of my life, but last night easily takes the cake. It was absolutely amazing.

My stepmom, sister, and myself went out to eat at Paramount Cafe before the show and afterwards we were walking around 16th Street Mall (it's an outdoors thing). We were walking down the sidewalk and I look up at the person coming down the other way and it's TOMMY AND CAM! I was like...omg...omg...what do I do?! Because that kind of stuff never happens to me. I always see people posting that they meet Tommy but I never thought it would happen to me! And I say to my sister..."Omg...that's Tommy!" I give him a little wave and I was like "Hi I have a picture?" :D He says "Sure!" with a big smile. I was really trying my best not to look like an over-obsessed fan (though I am one) and I tried not to freak him out, haha. I could barely talk, yes, I am pathetic. My whole body was shaking, and we pose for the picture, and he puts his arm around me. He must have felt me shaking because then he starts rubbing little circles into my back super gently, and it was driving me insane. I was hoping that my step-mom would take a long time to take the picture so we could just stay like that. :"> Anyways, she takes the picture and I turn around to him and I start stuttering! I could barely talk! I think I said something like "You guys are sooo amazing....I'll see you tonight...?" or something like that. I honestly hardly remember, I was in shock. And he says, "Yeah, see you tonight!" His voice is adorable. And we walk away and I'm freaking out. Fast forward about 20 minutes, and we are walking down the next street over and there's Tommy AGAIN! I gave him a little wave and he says "Hey again!" <3 <3 He is so amazing and sweet. And here's the picture! I look horrible in it, but it's pretty hard to look good next to Mr. Beautiful.

Anyways, on to the actual concert. =P My stepmom and sister go down to their seats, we weren't sitting together, and I start to go to the doors for my seat, and guess what? Somebody stops me and says hi because they recognized me from the picture I posted before I left to the concert! So, shout-out to Karen, please come out of lurkdom and make an account. :D

The concert was beyond amazing. I'm awe of Adam's talent. The notes were INCREDIBLE. I was at the Kansas City show, and I had thought that was amazing, but this was just beyond everything! The crowd was wild! Everyboddy was standing up the entire time and dancing. Adam has a way of going from smoking hot sexy to cute and adorable. Whole Lotta Love was...omg. It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen/heard. After it was over, me and the lady sitting next to me just looked at each other and screamed "OH MY GOD!"

Adam brings so much happiness and joy into my life. On the drive home I just couldn't stop thinking about it. He has changed my life so much for the better. It seems weird that somebody I don't personally know can have that much effect on me, but it's true. I start to cry just thinking about it.

And, as I said in my review of Kansas City, you can't fully understand until you see it live. I'm so glad that this is a world tour because the more people that see him live, the better. It's indescribable.
kichekesho' date='Jul 18th 2010, 2:13 PM

It has been a surreal trip, and it keeps getting better!

My YT channel is

2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:46 pm
by Tiki
slrgr' date='Jul 18th 2010, 4:04 PM

Wat a fun concert! This was our second Glam Nation show, our first was an outdoor venue in Council Bluffs. This concert was more intense--lots of crowd energy, very loud, much dancing. Our perspective was similar to SUZ526's videos, but about 12 rows farther back. We met a very nice "Glambert" from California who had been to several shows and was celebrating a friend's birthday. Hello, M, if you lurk here. Hope you enjoy the OC Fair.

Great singer. I would go to another show tomorrow if I could. I need to get a job with the stage crew so I can attend Adam Lambert concerts for a living.
joooory' date='Jul 18th 2010, 6:44 PM

Bunny_:)' date='Jul 18th 2010, 8:29 PM

Wrote my recap here:
Awesome meeting the band, wish I could have met Adam too!
joooory' date='Jul 18th 2010, 10:11 PM


banter before WLL

Short Clip from WLL

Soaked Partial
Silvia' date='Jul 19th 2010, 12:30 AM

Brooke-Adam dance HD

Band intros HD


2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:50 pm
by Tiki
Silvia' date='Jul 19th 2010, 8:58 AM

AllThatGlitters' date='Jul 19th 2010, 3:41 PM

Ok, so for someone who has posted only a handful of times, this is going to be a doozy. I just got home late last night, still too excited to sleep more than a few hours at a time and decided I need to relive the weekend one more time before returning to the real world (2 jobs, 2 kids, 2 dogs and a husband who really doesn't appreciate my fascination with AFL). Here goes...

My Mom and I arrived from Dallas early Friday morning and spent the whole day trying to figure out how to win meet and greet tickets. I even got through to the station once and the were like, tell us a story that begins with "you wouldn't believe it if I told you...". I'm like " ", and they are all "call back when you think of something", and I'm "no wait I'll think of something!" ... click. Damn, so close! So we go over to the pub where the station is broadcasting from to try and get details about when the Glambowl is going to happen and will it be a private party. Nobody seemed to know anything. Stayed to watch a free concert with the group Hedley performing, they were actually pretty good.

Ok, this is where it starts to get good, the next morning (concert day!!!) we head over to Starbucks for breakfast and then walk down the street to the Paramount to see is they are starting to set up for the show. Sure enough, a truck and 3 buses are out back. We walk over to talk to a couple of fans that were milling around and everyone is so just excited for the show (Hi! Marley, and Lexie if you see this). We're standing there swapping Adam Lambert stories and I realize Longineu is talking on the phone down the street. Then Cam walks off the bus, she is sooo sweet. She chats and takes pics with us. Allison then comes out and says hi but heads quickly into the venue. Brook also came outside briefly. So, needless to say, we are now even more excited. All of the sudden the bus door opens and I catch a glimpse of a black and white baseball cap, and I'm like "Oh my God, I know that hat, that has to be Adam!" Sure enough a few seconds later, Adam and Taylor get off the bus and head down the street. There's a few seconds of should we follow or not, then the two 14 y.o. girls there with us take off after him, and we take off after them. We see Adam walking down the street headed for the Starbucks that my mom and I had just left! We, as casually as possible, follow them inside and get in line behind them (Adam ordered a venti ice coffee by the way). He also briefly picked up a Twilight CD which we all discretely passed around between us because Adam touched it, LOL. So we all place an order and we're standing right behind them and my mom can't stand it any more, she says, "Adam Lambert?", and he turns around, OMG he is sooo beautiful!, and she says "can I have a hug?", he smiles and says sure and then hugs her and the other fan who followed with us (Hi Barb! if you see this). At this point I have lost all power of coherent thought, I'm frozen into place just staring, my mom grabs my arms, pulls me forward and says you need a hug too! So I step up and hug Adam. I wish I could tell you exactly what it was like but it was so overwhelming and so quick that it's like it didn't really happen to me. So then Adam and Taylor are leaving and someone says "oh, no, we didn't even acknowledge Taylor!", so we all call "bye Taylor!" at his back as they walk out. I doubt be heard us. The door closes and we are all shaking, jumping up and down, hugging each other, laughing and talking at the same time. This is about the time my brain actually resumes partial function. We sit for an hour and just talk, what a way to meet new friends!
Next we head over to the bowling alley where the meet and greet is suppose to happen and I'm thinking if Adam sees us again we will officially have made it stalker status, but we have nothing better to do than try to catch glimpses of him all day. We are not there for even 15 minutes when Longineu walks through the door. He's all like "Hey, what's going on?" and we tell Adam has a meet and greet there soon. He's like "Oh really, well I want to bowl". So someone (Thanks Vicky! if you see this) goes over to rent the lanes right next to the meet and greet lanes and several of us go rent shoes and start a game. I can't believe I'm bowling and talking with LP! He is soooo cool, he gives me bowling advice as a sink gutter ball after gutter ball and high 5's me when I finally get a strike. Lots of other people come by and the people who won the met and greet show up. We spent the next hour and half taking with fans, drinking and bowling. I have to mention that I also met loriandjava and libracats there, Idolforums legends! They were so nice and had the best stories!
Adam showed up late for the meet and greet and was only there a short time, so we all took turns sneaking over there to take pictures. Again, he is so beautiful in person and he just seems to radiate energy. Adam left after about 20 minutes and so did LP so we all went our separate ways to get ready for the concert.
The concert was incredible! The happy, positive energy in the place is just amazing to be a part of. We danced, we sang, we screamed, it was soo much fun! You have to hear his voice live at least once, it is indescribable.
After the show we went back out to the buses, talk about a full circle day, and met Monty and Tommy and Allison. They were all so nice and hung around outside for at least an hour talking with fans. They all just seemed so comfortable and happy to stand around and talk with us. Finally Monty says he going to get some rest (he gets to go home and visit his family in the morning) he stops at the door of the bus, turns around and says " did everyone get everything they needed?" Is this guy for real? Could Adam have picked a nicer person the be his musical director.
We walked back to the hotel in daze. Still meeting and talking with fans on the way back. It's almost midnight and no one seems to want the day to end. I have too many funny fan stories to tell here so I will stop. But let me just end with saying, if someone ever asks me again to tell them a story that begins with "you wouldn't believe me if I told you..." I will tell them to pull up a chair! Best Day Ever!!!!!

2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:56 pm
by Tiki
madamimadam' date='Jul 19th 2010, 4:35 PM

RCAPromo Adam Lambert meets some lucky contest winners at Hot 107.1 in Denver! Thanks @MegaYoungblood
about 8 hours ago via Twitpic

AllThatGlitters' date='Jul 19th 2010, 4:56 PM

So they say a picture is worth a thousand words these to me are worth at least 10,000

Adam and Taylor
LP and I bowling!
meet and greet

2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:04 pm
by Tiki
AllThatGlitters' date='Jul 19th 2010, 5:06 PM

Hanging out at the bowling alley
Adam and Neil
Monte after the concert
AllThatGlitters' date='Jul 19th 2010, 5:19 PM

Me and Tommy
One more for Monte because he's sweet
and one more for Adam bacause he's HOT!

I have about 400 more pictures to go through. I will post a link when I am done photo editing.

2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:09 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Jul 19th 2010, 6:35 PM

joooory' date='Jul 19th 2010, 6:44 PM

beckysspam HD

Lulu2365' date='Jul 19th 2010, 7:36 PM

JULY 19, 2010, 4:59 PM
Live review: Adam Lambert @ the Paramount Theatre
Did the Adam Lambert fans at the Paramount on Saturday even care what he was singing about? Likely not, and that's OK. Photo by Denise Chambers,
If there’s one thing you can say about Adam Lambert [2], it’s that he’s not subtle. Not even in the least.
The Season 8 “American Idol” runner-up fills his live show with such ostentatious flamboyance there’s really no question of ever mistaking him. There wasn’t a moment during his hour and a half performance at the Paramount [3] on Saturday that was lacking in camp and spectacle, from the enormous ring of fire that bedazzled his video screen as he crooned Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire” to the rainbow laser lights that sparkled out across the screaming crowd as muscled male dancers gyrated onstage — even to the fact that Lambert’s Orange amps are in fact coated in pink glitter.
View a full photo gallery of this concert. [4]
Lambert stomped onstage clad in an ensemble potentially borrowed by Boy George — complete with a maroon top hat emblazoned with an “A” — and immediately launched into “Voodoo,” a track from his debut. This was only his first of many looks. The costume changes that occurred throughout the set never caused a lull, however. As Lambert slipped off stage to don a long black trench coat, his four scantily-clad dancers wriggled around to a tribal beat, seemingly missing only a thick metal pole and a few cages in their performance.
Later Lambert, who spent all of the show barefoot despite his elaborate costumes, was squeezed into a glittery blue tux of sorts. He asked, “Are you ready to dance? I’m ready to dance. I may not be able to breathe but I can dance!” He certainly could. He clutched and twirled a cane with one hand while howling his number “Strut” into his microphone, occasionally using the cane to mime something that was, again, not subtle.
It was almost unimportant what songs Lambert sang, or whether they were from his album or covers borrowed from his stint on “Idol.” His now well-known renditions of Tears For Fears’ “Mad World” and Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love” received equal cheers to his own “Music Again” and “What Do You Want From Me.” The audience, an overly excited group composed mostly of husky middle-aged women waving glow sticks and screeching every lyric, didn’t seem to care what Lambert was singing; they just cared that he was.
Although aspects of the concert came across like a chaotic gay pride parade, Lambert’s performance was, as whole, a wildly successful exhibition of pop music spectacle, unabashed and confident in self-identity. It never felt like someone trying to cash in on a career launched via Fox, even if that’s ultimately what it was. Lambert preached a message of love throughout the night, saying before he intoned “Aftermath” that “sometimes the goal is to look inside yourself and then love will come.”
A nice sentiment, certainly, but ironic in contrast to the external explosion of visual stimuli the singer builds around himself onstage every night.
View a full photo gallery of this concert. [5]
Follow Reverb on Twitter! Here [6]!
Emily Zemler is a freelance writer and a regular contributor to Reverb. She also writes for Spin, Alternative Press, Relix and has a weekly column on [7] where she forces musicians to talk about books.
Denise Chambers is a Denver freelance photographer and regular contributor to Reverb. See more of her work here [8] ... tre/18112/

2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:13 pm
by Tiki
Silvia' date='Jul 20th 2010, 9:55 AM

I have no idea how to rip them!
madamimadam' date='Jul 20th 2010, 10:56 AM

Here you go: :D






Image Image


2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:25 pm
by Tiki
xixi' date='Jul 20th 2010, 12:51 PM

Just looking at the pics, you don't think of this as a regular concert where guys in jeans & shirts sing songs, one after another, but it's a show, it's a play in which he cleverly using songs from his album to tell the story.
A comment from "Nine" director Rob Marshall came to my mind :
Now that you’ve worked with Fergie, is there another pop artist you’d like to direct in a film?
I think Adam Lambert is an incredibly talented guy, and I’d like to work with him very much. He comes from musicals and theater, so I have this feeling he’ll have a big career past the pop world, and that’s exciting. Because I see how he works — he works as an actor when he sings.

Here is the link to the whole article if someone's interested in reading it:
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 20th 2010, 2:50 PM

From the Colorado Springs Independent:

Glitterati: Idol thoughts about Adam Lambert's live Glamorama
POSTED BY JILL THOMAS ON MON, JUL 19, 2010 AT 5:24 PM;show=comments

A much more accurate review. Blog has embedded video's.
Silvia' date='Jul 21st 2010, 10:46 AM


Aftermath HD
Silvia' date='Jul 22nd 2010, 2:59 PM



joooory' date='Jul 22nd 2010, 7:23 PM



joooory' date='Jul 23rd 2010, 8:48 PM

Adam enjoying some oxygen


2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:33 pm
by Tiki
Silvia' date='Jul 23rd 2010, 9:57 PM

joooory' date='Jul 24th 2010, 5:53 AM

Adam Lambert interact with fans - Mix 100 Radio Station Denver.
last1013' date='Jul 24th 2010, 10:54 AM

oxygen bar was at a radio station-- Denver HOT107
photog was nice enough to answer my question and posted more pics


2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:39 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 7:11 PM

Alice TV
Alice1059TV Goes Bowling with Adam Lambert in Denver, CO. SO PRESH <3
joooory' date='Jan 28th 2011, 11:40 PM

suz526 HD









2010-07-17 Denver, CO, Paramount

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:40 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Jan 29th 2011, 5:37 PM

suz526 HD