2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)

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2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Jul 31st 2010, 9:54 PM

backstage with some friends, how gorgeous

Doriangrey' date='Jul 31st 2010, 10:37 PM

San Diego was the Climax of the California Concert series. All the majordomos, and majordomonatrixes of Skankutopia were there, Little Bee and her beelicious boys, Madam, yes she shirted homeland security, the loyal Ultra-Skanks, busy collecting aluminum cans to finance their Glam Nation adventures and me. Chelsea C was a no show so Dibaby bought her ticket, Dibaby <3 gave me her ticket row d, in front of me was Suz, in front of Suz was a 6ft tranney, so I gave my ticket to Suz grand tier, Suz gave her ticket to Lifesabeach, and later during intermission I think I saw Maria Shriver seating in Lifesabeach seat, some of this is true scout's honor. Copley Symphony Hall rendered the best sound I have heard, it should, Adam's vocals were purrrrrrfection. Loved flowed from the balcony to the pit and everyone basked in the energy and warmth that is the escence of a Lambert concert. We got both MW and the oh so mesmerizing WLL. I will testify that I did not, could not take a single breath during THAT SONG. Yes I was a little light headed and just maybe lost just a itsy bitsy amount of brain cells from oxygen deprivation, but so what #%&# I will just switch from soduku to bingo. Now that I am back at home I am wondering if the minor cognitive impairment might explain why that even though I was wearing my skinny super tight (damn the dryer) tummy controll, Houdini/David Copperfield/ Chris Angel proof jeans that my panties ended up around my ankles............again.
Dibaby' date='Aug 1st 2010, 12:30 AM

Okay folks, here is the link to my San Diego pics. Was having much difficulty as woman in front of me was flailing her arms continuously. Could have killed her. :angry:








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2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)


Post by Tiki »

lifesabeach' date='Aug 1st 2010, 12:30 AM

At one point during the show Doriangrey's eyes honestly were rolling in the back of her head and she was speaking in tongues. SWEAR!
joooory' date='Aug 1st 2010, 2:58 AM

Libracats HD
joooory' date='Aug 1st 2010, 3:56 AM

Libracats HD
joooory' date='Aug 1st 2010, 4:12 AM


Band Intro
joooory' date='Aug 1st 2010, 4:41 AM

anthrogeekPF HD
Little Bee' date='Aug 1st 2010, 4:11 PM

Where do I start?

I will try and get the rest of the shows done but as this was most recent it is easier. Have half an hour while the boys are in the pool so thought I would try and catch up a bit.

Firstly I have to say California is better than I could have ever imagined. None of us want to go back home and everyone we have met have been so friendly and kind - Lorianjava, Libracats, Borocksmysocks (?), Rattie, and everyone else at the shows. We have met so many fans and put faces to the names now.

Anyway back to San Diego.

Before the show we had been to Sea World and then went to the Hard Rock Hotel to see Adam's costume and have food and use their washrooms to get ready for the show. We were short on time so it was quite a rush and so we got to Copley Hall quite close to door opening time. We wandered around outside to see if we could see the others and 'bumped into' Monte and Tommy! We chatted to Monte for a while (had met him at Costa Mesa previously) and Lucas his photo done with him again. Monte asked Mitchell if he wanted one but he said no and explained that 'pop' music wasn't his thing and he liked rock. Monte asked him what he could do to make the show better for him - play some Metallica? Mitchell smiled and said yes and Monte said he would see what he could do. Mitchell is now a fan of Monte.

Next Tommy. We had him on our own for a few minutes, Lucas and I had our pic with him and Tommy was asking where we were from. Tommy and Monte both signed my ticket receipts.

Onto the show...

Every concert we have been at people have come over to us to ask 'Is that Lucas?', so we met so many lovely people who were all so kind to him and a lot asked to have their pic taken with him. Lucas came back to me at one point and said I have just met Adam's dad! He dragged me down there to meet him and take his pic with him. He is a very friendly and warm man who has so much patience. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him as people descended on him only to ask him if he could help them get backstage to meet Adam.

While Lucas was walking around on his own meeting people Mitchell asked me if I would put some glitter eyeliner on him! WOW!!! Really Mitchell????? I coudln't believe it but was so proud of him for being 'brave' enough to let go of his inhibitions and try it.

Walking around the hall between Orianthi and Adam's sets a young (gorgeous, good looking) guy came over and asked if he could take a pic of Lucas. We got chatting and he had a partner from Leeds in England so conversation was good. He talked to Lucas about Adam and how we had come out for the shows. He then asked for a pic of the three of us together and asked where our seats were. I said just there in row p and pointed in the direction. We then moved on and was speaking to others and I found out he was a friend of Adam's and he came up to me and asked me if I would let Lucas sit in the front row, he would let Lucas have his seat. It was just in front of Lori and Jo and I knew they would keep an eye on him so I thanked the man and said yes. We continued to talk for a while and he told me he had an art gallery in San Diego and gave me his business card. He and Lucas had their pic taken in front of the Adam screen on the stage.


Lucas was down front and Mitchell and I went back to our seats. I really can't add anyrthing about the show that others haven't already said. THe lasers were more effective than at the open air shows and Adam was amazing. We had MW and WLL. The crowd were really into it and it tool ages for them to quieten back down again in Soaked.

Lucas said that Tommy pointed and waved to him at one point and Monte smiled at him a lot and came over and handed him a pick. During Aftermath Adam looked straight at him and pointed singing the 'not alone' line.

And then Monte made Mitchell's night. Not sure what the song part he played in his intro was but it was heavy stuff and Mitchell thinks he did it for him.

Lucas was on cloud 9 for this show, at Costa Mesa he was so tired the first night due to only being here a day that he was falling asleep so for this one he had properly adjusted to CA time.


We were waiting around outside and saw Tommy. THis time he didn't have his sunglasses on and you could clearly see the makeup. He looked stunning. Lucas had another pic with him as called him 'Little Dude'.

We saw Adam very briefly as he ran from the hall to a truck. No time for pics.

Then we saw Taylor and Sasha and a mystery man by the buses .... who was that? Neil! Fans were asking for a pic of him and he was saying no and that Adam wouldn't come to the bus he was going in a van to Vegas. We were just standing there listening to the chat for a while when he walked towards Lucas and asked him if he wanted a pic. He was so lovely. He crouched right down beside him and had a great smile. Lucas shook his hand and a lady beside us said he had met Adam in London so Lucas was telling him about that. Knowing Neil doesn't like fans aroudn him much we then thanked him for his time and moved on.

* * * *

Sad that this was the end of our USA Glam Nation shows but what an amazing time we had at them. I am soooooo glad we made this trip out here,

Mitchell's thoughts on Adam now..... He quite likes Aftermath and Sleepwalker and says that Adam is a good dancer but Monte is his favourite. He also saw the Cassidy Haley show and said he prefers his music to Adam's. All in all though I will take that. I expected him to hate the whole lot.

Thank you to everyone that came over and said hello to us, and to all of you for being so kind to Lucas (and his brother). The friendliness with the fans made the experience even better than we could have ever imagined. Massive thanks to Lori for driving us to the shows/hotel/disney and for the Cassidy show, thanks to Madamimadam for the lifts back from Costa Mesa and the good times over breakfast and to Kim and Beth for a very enjoyable couple of days with you. So sad to leave you all. Thank you to Niki for bringing us down to Redondo and making sure we are ok around here. ANd I know they won't see this but thanks also to Adam and the band and Alex for Lucas' seat. Sorry if I missed anyone off by name, you are all wonderful people.

Wow this is long I am going to shut up now!

At the moment we are at Redondo Beach, we love California and don't want to go back home.

I got stopped videoing at Costa Mesa 1 son only have a few snippets.

Costa Mesa 2 we had the same security guy so I didn't want to chance getting stopped again as Copley Hall site said no cameras allowed in venue, so I recorded it all off the giant screens except MW and WLL which I did from the stage.

San Diego - whole show videod.

Gradually uploading but with slow connections and being out a lot it is taking a while. You tube account is KI55andTELL and I have uploaded loads of pics to my twitter (twitpic and yfrog) @KI55andTELL.

Will get all concert threads up to date asap.
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2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 1st 2010, 9:51 PM

anthrogeekPF HD

joooory' date='Aug 1st 2010, 11:33 PM

anthrogeekPF HD

loriandjava' date='Aug 3rd 2010, 3:16 PM

Catching up on posting from this great week of shows! Loved all the pictures and vids posted for this show! Thanks to everyone who does that, because I am selfish and just enjoy the show! It was fun taking Little Bee and her boys to SeaWorld for the day, then to the Hard Rock for dinner and a look at the Idol costume, and then on to the Copley. My favorite moment was talking to Monte before the show, near the stage door, when the adorable guitarist from Orianthi's band came by. Monte called him over and started talking guitar technical stuff. When they were done, I just said how much I enjoyed watching him play (he looks to be about 12 yrs old, but is so cute and smiley when he plays). He said "I threw you a pick, didn't I?", and I said "yeah, you did!". We talked a bit, and then during the show he threw me two more pics, one of which went down the front of my dress. LOL :haha:
The Copley was very fancy, with the ushers in tuxedoes. But they made us sit down during Ali and Orianthi. We told them there was no way we were sitting for Adam. They realized it was a lost cause. But I was on the end of the second row of the pit, so got a great view, and when Adam came to the far side of the stage, I just stepped out the end of the row, and had a view of that gorgeous man all to myself! :devil:
I also met Alex, the friend of Adam's, who was right in front of me. Imagine my surprise when he returned to his seat with Lucas!! I hadn't mentioned anything about him. Alex was so cool to do that for Lucas; he stood off to the side with the security guards while Lucas had his spot. What a love! I'm gonna have to go to his art gallery in San Diego and buy something!
The concert itself was wonderful, but kind of flat. Adam wasn't having a great time, and there was nothing special about it. I think the camera crews were affecting him. They filmed from right beside me for a while, and came out on the stage to film the crowd after the show was over.
Anyway, another great time, then it was home for a couple hours sleep before taking off to Vegas!
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2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 4th 2010, 3:53 AM





joooory' date='Aug 4th 2010, 7:14 PM

WLL Partial
joooory' date='Aug 8th 2010, 12:44 AM




End of IIHY

Adam & Brooke

Partial Fever
Little Bee' date='Aug 11th 2010, 7:49 PM

All of my San Diego videos are now uploaded, they have good sound on them. Mitchell filmed some parts so apologies for any camera shake. I don't think he did a bad job of it though.











MW and WLL
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2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)


Post by Tiki »

danilo85' date='Aug 15th 2010, 8:17 AM



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2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)


Post by Tiki »

jacci' date='Aug 23rd 2010, 3:27 PM

I was saving pictures of San Diego to look at on a rainy day...which happened to be yesterday.
So now, I apologize in advance for this massive picspam.




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2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)


Post by Tiki »

jacci' date='Aug 23rd 2010, 3:47 PM





jacci' date='Aug 23rd 2010, 5:49 PM




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2010-07-30 San Diego, CA (Copley Symphony Hall)


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Aug 24th 2010, 10:38 PM

adamfan4ever339 HD AMAZING

joooory' date='Sep 8th 2010, 5:35 AM

anthrogeekPF HD
joooory' date='Nov 4th 2010, 6:29 PM

adamfan4ever339 HD
joooory' date='Jan 16th 2011, 6:56 PM

suz526 HD
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