2010-06-26 Atlantic City, NJ, Borgata / Event Center

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2010-06-26 Atlantic City, NJ, Borgata / Event Center


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Jun 28th 2010, 8:04 PM

Band intro HD

Dancer intros
Moonlightchiara' date='Jun 29th 2010, 11:18 AM

I was at the Borgata and absolutely LOVED the concert! I think it was the best concert I have ever attended, and would kill to be able to attend more. He gives so much of himself. I was mesmerized by his singing, dancing, costumes......everything!

I do feel sad, however, that I didn't get to see him perform WLL. (Saw him perform it last summer and drooled all the way home!) I was so looking forward to the slow, sensuous version in person. Also, from where I was (in the bleachers), I couldn't see too much Adommy action. Def no hot, sexy kiss. :no:

Which brings me to my question for people who were there and might have attended other, more frisky concerts. I know Adam has said his performance is a mirror, reflecting back what the audience shows him. Since no sexy WLL and no hot Adommy action, and no tweet after the concert, I am worried, As an audience, did we let him down? He seemed happy - big smile throughout. LA there (could see THAT from the bleachers!!) Fabulous performance. I know he and Tommy have been sick with colds. But not as frisky as at other concerts. (both Nokia shows, the last Club one in DC for example) Is it that we weren't as receptive or showing him as much love? I would hate to think that.

In any case, even without WLL and kisses and tweets, he still gave an amazing performance, and i am thrilled I was able to be there.
madamimadam' date='Jun 29th 2010, 1:03 PM

I was there too and have seen three other concerts as well. I felt that Adam was under the weather. The show was awesome and Adam was amazing and to someone who had not seen any other show or the videos, it was perfection. I sat next to a woman who was a 'virgin' when it comes to GNT and she was floored by how great it was. I also met another girl who was seeing the show for the first time and she was over the moon at how amazing the show was.

We rabid enthusiastic fans who have watched every video and attended multiple shows are spoiled rotten and have become 'educated' critiques. Ignorance is bliss in this case. Adam on a 'not-so-great' night is a million times better than other artists on their 'best' nights.
Moonlightchiara' date='Jun 29th 2010, 1:36 PM

Thanks for your response. I totally agree with your last paragraph. And not that I want him to be sick, but I feel better thinking he was under the weather rather than that we as an audience didn't "reflect back" enough love. Even so, he was more than awesome.

Four shows?? Wow, I am SO envious. I couldn't go to the Nokia shows (and boy, do I wish I had been there!) and I was desperately hoping he'd do a show on the Island (Jones Beach Theater, the Colisseum or the Music Fair anyone?) Luckily, I have a wonderful friend who knows how much I love Adam, and she offered to drive to AC so I could go. Interestingly enough, she was not a fan of Adam. After the show, I looked at her and she said, "I liked it!" in a surprised voice. (She even asked about Strut, saying she really liked the "song with the cane") I asked if she could now understand his appeal and she said yes. When we got home and I told that to her husband, he asked her why. She said he's a good singer, a good dancer, he puts on a great show,and.....he's nice to look at! The look on her husband's face was priceless! (Especially since she had always kind of rolled her eyes -nicely- when I went on about him. She's NOT a fan of th makeup and campiness.)

Then, the next day we had lunch with friends who asked her about the concert (they already knew how I felt LOL) and she said, without being asked, that she could understand his appeal, etc. etc. and then said twice that he's got a good body and is nice to look at! (We already knew that but coming from her....LOL!) Someone asked if she thought he was erotic/sexy and she said yes, he was! Again, from someone who never saw his appeal! Adam, you have worked your magic again!!
CakeFinale' date='Jun 30th 2010, 12:45 AM

I haven't had a computer since this show, so ya now I get to tell you all that I MET TOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah:
This was my 4th and final show :( But omg. Meeting Tommy made up for all the crap The Water Club put us through. Never stay there. Seriously. If you're going to a show there, stay at the Borgata, not the Water Club. But omg. The concert was AWESOME. We were like...7 or 8 people away from the stage this time, and then on top of a fantastic show, met Tommy afterwards in the casino. Got a pic with him :D My eyes are closed in the pic but ohwell he is the sweetest!!!
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2010-06-26 Atlantic City, NJ, Borgata / Event Center


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Jun 30th 2010, 8:02 AM

Soaked HD
Little Bee' date='Jun 30th 2010, 8:20 PM

joooory' date='Jul 1st 2010, 1:24 AM


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2010-06-26 Atlantic City, NJ, Borgata / Event Center


Post by Tiki »

Silvia' date='Jul 1st 2010, 2:27 AM

joooory' date='Jul 1st 2010, 3:04 AM

RT @catcherofdreamz: Very Elvis-y @adamlambert http://twitpic.com/21f9s7
Wow Elvis Indeed. :omg:

Look here from another fan, the similarity is INSANE !! :omg:

donnamb' date='Jul 2nd 2010, 9:58 PM

So, I've dragged husband to Sayreville and Borgata. And he was good with that, but kind of looking askance that I also had tickets to Musikfest in Bethlehem and the Staten Island show. He was sounding very much like he wouldn't be up for Musikfest.
Came home from work tonight, and he asked - so when's our next Adam Lambert show? I"ve got this song in my head and I need to listen to it, don't know the name, please play the CD. Turns out the song stuck in his brain was Fever, and going out to Musikfest is back on the table.
joooory' date='Jul 4th 2010, 10:55 PM

ravgal4 HD Amazing Videos. :thumbs:



Music Again



Silvia' date='Jul 5th 2010, 9:07 AM

11 HD vids by vegas1024
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2010-06-26 Atlantic City, NJ, Borgata / Event Center


Post by Tiki »

Moonlightchiara' date='Jul 5th 2010, 9:38 AM

Addendum to this story:
I had a "3rd of July" party with a different group of friends. These friends also feel Adam is talented, but don't see the sex appeal or my obsession My AC friend came to the party and they started asking her what the big deal was. She said again the he was nice to look at, had a great body, was a good dancer, and was very sensual.(They all already agree that he is a great singer.) She also said that you couldn't tell how sensual he was from pictures (speak for yourself, girl, LOL!) but when you saw him perform, you could really see it. She said he has a definite eroticism to him. None of them are fans of the makeup so they were really skeptical, but she stuck to her guns and said when you saw him perform, it was very sexy.
Ah.....it is only a matter of time :yes: :D
Silvia' date='Jul 8th 2010, 9:36 PM

Soaked partial

Music Again partial

CakeFinale' date='Jul 25th 2010, 1:33 AM

Finally got back to my pics!! So this day was....well torture. The concert made the day much better though. I'm not gonna go into all the details but let's just say we won't be staying at the Water Club ever again and if you want to know all the details, here's my review of The Water Club on Trip Advisor :haha: Nice hotel - horrible StaffI'm actually going back to the Borgata to see Kris in 2 weeks but we are staying at the actual Borgata this time and not the effing Water Club :thumbs:

So ya after all the crap with trying to get our room, then we found out that the bracelets had been given out and were all out :fear: But in the end it didn't matter cause we were like 3rd in line in the non-bracelet side of the line and they opened the doors on both sides at the same time :haha: So wehen we got into the theatre there's was only about 30-40 people in there before us :D We were again on the Tommy side of the stage and about 7-8 people away from the front :D :D It was pretty dang awesome considering we thought there was going to be about 200+ people getting in before us! So ya...the show started and before Adam even stepped on the stage 3 people around me had already passed out and had to be helped out of the place :fear: Then Adam came out, and all was right in the world once more for an hour :wub: There's sometimes man...when you're that close, it just feels like you're making complete eye contact with him and you can just....I don't know how to describe it and I probably sound ridiculous right now but you can feel it when you make eye contac twith it, that's what I'll say :wub: Here are some pictures and then the final little bit of my night is after them :whistling:






Monte's behind the head solo from Sleepwalker :haha:












So after the show we finally got our room, so we went up and were starting to get ready for bed and I got on Twitter for a minute and saw Liz tweet that she was roaming the casino with Monte and Tommy. So me and my friend took off so fast that 2 of our other friends didn't know what was happening and just stayed in the room :roll: And so we went down and walk around a little and then turned the corner and there stood Tommy!!!!! And luckily he was already taking pictures with people, cause if he had just been like hanging out with Liz and Monte or osmething and not talking with fans when I got there I definitely would not have bugged him. And then this happened!!!!! :w00t: :D :w00t: :D :w00t: :D :w00t: :D


I couldn't really get out a whole lotta words :haha: But I managed to say thanks for the pic (his response "Of course! No problem!Anytime! ") and tell him what an awesome show it had been (his response, "Thanks so much!"). Then he said to himself "I don't know what's going on right now" and went back to some fans that he had been taking pics with and talking to before we got there.

I went to bed a very happy girl that night :wub: ^_^ :wub: ^_^ I still look at that pic and like lose my breath thinking "omg he touched me, omg his head was that close to mine! ;omg: He's so friggin tiny! i had my arm around his waist and it was just like there was tnothing there :haha: And if he hadn't had on his tall creepers he would have definitely been about an inch or so shorter than me :haha: But what a doll :wub:

And ya I'm going back to AC in 2 weeks, just for the weekend to see Kris!!! :D Crossing my fingers that AC works twice for me and I get to meet him!
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