2010-07-10 Louisville, KY, Kentucky Center Performing Arts

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2010-07-10 Louisville, KY, Kentucky Center Performing Arts


Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 11th 2010, 3:36 AM

angelbaby000 http://twitpic.com/24b89d

Sweaty happy Adam http://bit.ly/diAKnP

Silvia' date='Jul 11th 2010, 3:36 AM


WLL Great Vid
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2010-07-10 Louisville, KY, Kentucky Center Performing Arts


Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 11th 2010, 3:42 AM


aquariussue7 http://twitpic.com/24b9cs
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 11th 2010, 3:47 AM

angelbaby000 http://twitpic.com/24bazg

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 11th 2010, 4:28 AM

angelbaby000 http://twitpic.com/24bjaz
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 11th 2010, 4:43 AM

angelbaby000 http://twitpic.com/24bony

baragon' date='Jul 11th 2010, 9:52 AM

This is part of what gives him such a larger than life presence and personality. One moment he has this youthful/boyish charm and the next he is sexy and seductive.

And even though he has a flare about him and dances very theatrically, he has a very masculine energy, imho.

I'm pretty sure some of the straight men at these concerts feel things they haven't felt before. :lol:

And just going by my personal gaydar (which is mostly right but sometimes wrong), I believe them when they say that Tommy and Taylor are straight. I think Terrance is gay.

My brother's partner took some videos of the concert with his camera! They were seated further back than I was and on the other side of the theater though.

It'll probably take me a few days to get the vids on my home computer. I might upload them to youtube, just to add to the different clips and vantage points on there! ^_^
baragon' date='Jul 11th 2010, 10:11 AM

Yeah he said something to the effect of "he has it in the eyes" or "he gets you in the eyes" at the end of when he was talking about Tommy. I think it was as he was walking away from Tommy.

My seat was to the right of Adam when he kissed Tommy. It surprised me and I almost couldn't believe it happened! The crowd loved it. I thought, did that really happen or did they just lick their faces intensely like they did at a different concert. :lol: s

Have they been kissing like this at other concerts?

I went a long while without watching the vids from the other concerts so that I would have a feeling of surprise and suspense for this one (and boy did I experience those emotions and so much more!! ^_^ ).

When I get back home, I'm going to watch the vids of the other concerts.....

And I'm probably going to download every clip from the Louisville show that is out there. :D
Sagitarius' date='Jul 11th 2010, 2:36 PM

Damn @adamlambert !!! http://twitpic.com/24az4j

joooory' date='Jul 11th 2010, 4:05 PM

indybeck71 HD


Music Again




joooory' date='Jul 11th 2010, 4:53 PM

Partial IIHY
joooory' date='Jul 11th 2010, 9:33 PM

indybeck71 HD

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2010-07-10 Louisville, KY, Kentucky Center Performing Arts


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Jul 11th 2010, 10:50 PM

indybeck71 HD
joooory' date='Jul 11th 2010, 10:58 PM




Tommy's Intro

Brooke Intro & End IIHY
baragon' date='Jul 12th 2010, 9:48 AM

Sounds like bitter queens, imho.

Calling a gay man, she or her is a way of acknowledging the gayness. It can be a bit homophobic though depending on context (but not necessarily so as Michelle Collins jokingly refered to Adam as a lady in one of their interviews and he didn't mind) and gays usually talk that way about a closeted gay or someone percieved that way.

For example, a lot of people (including Kathy Griffin) refers to Ryan Seacrest with female pronouns. A lot of gay and political blogs do the same to Senator Lyndsey Graham too.

But Adam isn't closted or self hating like those guys might be.

I'm glad that I went to a show where the gays loved Adam.

When we were walking from the hotel to the show, some of the young gays that dressed up (in leather pants and heels etc) were walking in front of us and when they walked by a bar that had several gay men sitting outside they shouted "Adam Lambert yeah!" to the young guys because they could tell that they were going to the concert because of the way they were dressed. B)

I also think that a lot of gays and other people still don't know what to make of a lot of straight women finding Adam to be sexy because it use to be "common knowledge" that women wouldn't feel that way and that is why gay actors and musicians had to be closeted for so long.

So there is a bit of self hate there because some of these gays just expect that straight people would feel negatively toward Adam.

But if they would go to one of Adam's concert they will see that everyone finds Adam to be sexy whether they are a straight woman, gay man, lesbian, or a straight man! :w00t:

And they would see that his talent is unbelievable and nothing to scoff at.

They would be instantly converted to fans the way my brother's partner was.
baragon' date='Jul 12th 2010, 10:07 AM

You know, when I first saw some of the guys that dressed up for the concert as we were walking to it, I actually thought "Oh God.." because where I live they would have been hate crimed for dressing like that in public.

It was so great when people began to shout positive affirmations at them.

It was like I was in a different world.

This has been one of the most liberating experiences I've had. I've never seen people being so open in public like that.

Its strange because I've visited New York in the past and not experienced anything like this. I went with a partner that was a strict Muslim so we didn't visit any bars or gayborhoods. We just visited some universities and a Mosque. :lol:

So far with this Louisville trip we've gone to the mind blowing Adam Lambert concert on Saturday and then to a bar afterwards, and then on Sunday we had our car towed away and got it back (my brother had never been in a taxi before :lol: ), gone to the zoo, and visited a Huslter sex store (where my brother and I actually saw a guy that we went to High School with.....we got embarrassed and ran out....we had never been to such a store. :lol: ).

Today, I'm going to a teacher interview in Lexington, and then tomorrow we are heading back to hickville and our mundane lives. :lol:

I totally understand the fans that go to multiple Adam concerts. If I could, I sooo would! :D
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2010-07-10 Louisville, KY, Kentucky Center Performing Arts


Post by Tiki »

Little Bee' date='Jul 12th 2010, 4:09 PM

I think it was made my Mindchnger

joooory' date='Jul 12th 2010, 7:07 PM

Kelly K sat down with Adam Lambert before his performance at the Brown Theater this past weekend.

Ben and Kelly Show
Kelly Interviews Adam Lambert
joooory' date='Jul 12th 2010, 9:21 PM

Q102's Backstage with Brian Douglas Adam Lambert talks about his Idol experience.


Q102's Backstage with Brian Douglas Facebook.
Adam_Fan_Forever' date='Jul 13th 2010, 1:38 AM

This was in my Google alerts and I thought it was appropriate to the conversation.

Rainbow mage

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I really like Adam Lambert


Like most fags, I thought he was just a narcissistic famewhore. And true, he probably is.... but I also sense empathy and compassion, even if he's just absorbing your social imprint to boost his own self up like Miley Cyrus. And well, I think all gay men know how to get attention and become 'famous.' It's like we were born with the ability naturally.

And he has balls to come out of the closet, at a time when it was actually pretty risky I think. He waited until it was safe, true, but I guess that makes sense but at least it wasn't TOTALLY down the road like Ricky Martin. Like I think, he struggles with wanting to be a giving, normal guy and a typical narcissistic hollywood famewhore and I think that's cute and I relate to that a lot. He should come on the story as a half-demon adventurer on the side of good. Him and Fefe Dobson of course. =)

And most of the flack he's getting actually comes from other gays, gay males who I think are very jealous. I say to them, to my community: Please get over it! Adam is a great guy with lots of talent. STOP hating on people because they're naturally better than you.

So Adam I'm sorry I judged you! Love ya babe!
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2010-07-10 Louisville, KY, Kentucky Center Performing Arts


Post by Tiki »

joooory' date='Jul 14th 2010, 4:10 PM


Partial SW

Partial Strut

Partial Aftermath
joooory' date='Jul 14th 2010, 6:39 PM

feather4archuleta HD
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