General Talk About Adam

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Post by Carmi »

I don't want to muck up this thread too badly, so Marie you can move my comment if you like. I won't feel hurt or offended if you do.

Seeing as how I commented and agreed with Paula, I want to make clear what I meant in my comment.

Everyone can discuss Sauli till their hearts content. It's still a free forum for that. I just don't want to read about him or any other love interest, hookup, boyfriend or what have you in a thread about Adam and a concert. That's just me. It disrupts the flow for the information that I want. That's all I.m saying. My time gets tight and I need to make fast use of it to read the information that I want.

I said that Terrance was a ~friend and Sauli was an ex lover for the simple reason that Terrance would be treated as a passing comment of " oh look, Adam has a friend with him". With Sauli, the speculation quickly turns into tinhatting them and their relationship and no one needs that imo. The Adommy nut jobs did that and still do that and it leads to insanity. However, if tinhatting is your thing, have at it. Just put it in a separate thread and have a ball.

As a side note....why is no one here really posting anymore? Why so quiet? So many great things are happening for Adam. Isn't this what we have all been waiting for for six years? I wish more folks would post and have conversations again no matter how much we agree or disagree. ::thumbup::
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General Talk About Adam


Post by madamimadam »

OK, here goes nothing...

There's a vast difference between 'shipping' and recognizing that Adam, by his very own public admission, had a relationship with someone.

When I created MTT, I purposely left out all the 'shipping' threads or individual threads to everyone Adam ever had a relationship with. I felt it was uncalled for. Adam had relationships and all of them ended.

To Adam's credit, he has remained friends with his ex'es. That means that from time to time, one of his ex'es may be at the same place, at the same time, as Adam. I see nothing wrong in mentioning those encounters in whatever thread is appropriate. For example, if Adam has a Halloween party (for which we would have a thread) and so-and-so (ex - insert your particular snowflake) is there, no harm mentioning their presence!

In this case, Sauli is in Buenos Aires at the same time as Adam. It was mentioned in the Buenos Aires thread where it belonged. A few posts were made about how lovely their relationship had been and how we want to see the "12 year old, in love" Adam again, with Sauli or someone else.

Sauli is the last long-term relationship Adam had, so of course the romantics will want for there to be hope of a reuniting.

But if another one of his ex'es was in Buenos Aires, the same romantics would hope for the best for Adam too.

If ever a conversation goes on and on in any given thread about 'shipping' (which I despise) or Adam's personal life, you ALL know that I'll cut it short and move it to a more appropriate thread.

What happened in the Buenos Aires thread... the dissent about Sauli's mention, created more of an uproar than the few posts themselves or what was called for.

So everybody cut everyone else a little slack.

As it is, MTT is very much an 'information gathering' kind of board and if a little convo takes place for a few posts in a thread that is dedicated to something else, put on your big girls/boys pants and scroll on by.

/end of rant

P.S. You can have at it in this thread to discuss the pros and cons of what I've just posted.
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Post by hotouthere »

Sealuv » Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:21 pm wrote:
madamimadam » Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:04 pm wrote:
Sealuv » Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:52 pm wrote: my modus operandi .... ::grin:: ......
And we love you just the way you are....

BTW, if you guys want to have more fun and laughs, you have to learn to talk to each other!!!!!

Just sayin'.... ::winking::
so agree .....miss our silly banter...and the bits of controversy among ourselves.....makes life and the threads more interesting.... ::grin:: ::heart:: ::thumbup::
Totally agree with this. I have been letting Marie do her social network gathering and posting and I am just writing comments for the sake of discussion...something that has been lacking since transitioning from IDF.

Paula, I appreciate your dedication as a fan and participant in this forum but I just don't agree with you on restricting what we can talk about and exactly what thread it belongs in. Free flow of thoughts in a friendly conversation is what makes a forum worthwhile. Also, as long as the topic of our discussion came about in a natural process in any thread (not something totally out of left field) and is kept to just a few comments for each person involved in a conversation, then it should be acceptable.

The only thing I see as a problem in discussing Adam's relationships is if the person commenting is totally delusional (that has proven to be a problem). Knowing that Adam and Sauli are obviously meeting up is reality and we are just hoping that Sauli can fill a bit of that persistent loneliness Adam is constantly talking and singing about!

As far as Sauli is concerned, I have rarely commented about him or his relationship with Adam. I am glad Adam has a friend who, based on watching every video on the internet that was translated for us from Finish to English, I think Sauli has a very similar sense of humor and love of adventure. Their full-time commitment to each other was probably more than either of them could handle at the time. After their breakup, they both appeared to re-assess what was important in their lives; they both got very serious about improving their health and fitness and are concentrating on their careers and personal happiness. It's a well known fact that you need to be happy with yourself before thinking about being in a relationship with someone else. All relationships (marriages, friendships, families, co-workers) are challenging and can be hard work! Adam had to tour and make his next record; Sauli wanted to work but his opportunities were very limited in USA and he was probably very homesick. Grown ass men need to work in order to feel a sense of accomplishment! ::haha::

None of us know what will happen in the future but for now, if they find pleasure in each other's company occasionally, then that's perfectly fine with me.

Edit: Guess Marie beat me to the punch and basically expressed a lot of my thoughts in a different way! We must have a little e.s.p. between us!
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Post by Sabine »

Sealuv » Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:52 pm[/url] wrote:
so agree .....miss our silly banter...and the bits of controversy among ourselves.....makes life and the threads more interesting.... ::grin:: ::heart:: ::thumbup::[/quote]

I am also missing the ongoing conversations and fun we had.
And I strongly dislike to be told what I am able to talk about or not as long as there are no insulting or dissing someone. If I do not like something or don`t want to be involved, scrolling is my friend. ::smile::

Some days ago Rufus mentioned that the whole family and friends are in Rio and we saw Brians daughter. People on twitter mentioned that Adam had nobody being there for him and it made them feel sad. I felt the same.

So I am happy that Sauli has been flying over and Adam has someone with whom he can share the excitement and joy of this tour. ::thumbup::
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General Talk About Adam


Post by Love2Lurk »

I miss the convo too ::rolleyes::
However....I am very thankful for the continued streams of Adam info !!! ::flowers::
Thanks guys for keeping us informed of all things Adam ::flowers::

I am also glad Adam has a friendly travel buddy from time to time.... ::wub::

I think we should stay away from the 'ships'....
a relevant mention of a special friend here & there is no big problem tho....IMO ::rolleyes:: can also use the scroll------>

just my 2cents ::cha_ching:: peace to you all ::flower::
[i][color=indigo][b]It is what it is !!! It ain't that deep !!!![/b][/color][/i]
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General Talk About Adam


Post by vistadiva »

JEEEEZZZZ, GUYS ::wacko:: ::wacko:: !!

There are more posts arguing about "Sauli mention posts" than there are actual S. mention posts. ::icant:: ::icant::

Since obviously I started this by a simple informational post in the Buenos Aires thread ("obviously Sauli is in B.A. Should be a frisky Adam show Friday")...Imma gonna have a shot at the last word.

Everybody needs a chill pill. That post could have said ... replace Sauli with Mombert, Terrance, Lady Gaga, Cheeks, Danielle, etc.... and it would have been nothing more or less than a simple comment and a reflection of Adam's anticipated "showing off a little bit" performance. No difference.

So, as Love2Lurk said....scroll!!! AND CHILL!!
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Post by Paula »

Carmi » Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:57 pm wrote: Seeing as how I commented and agreed with Paula, I want to make clear what I meant in my comment.

Everyone can discuss Sauli till their hearts content. It's still a free forum for that. I just don't want to read about him or any other love interest, hookup, boyfriend or what have you in a thread about Adam and a concert. That's just me. It disrupts the flow for the information that I want. That's all I.m saying. My time gets tight and I need to make fast use of it to read the information that I want.

I said that Terrance was a ~friend and Sauli was an ex lover for the simple reason that Terrance would be treated as a passing comment of " oh look, Adam has a friend with him". With Sauli, the speculation quickly turns into tinhatting them and their relationship and no one needs that imo. The Adommy nut jobs did that and still do that and it leads to insanity. However, if tinhatting is your thing, have at it. Just put it in a separate thread and have a ball.

As a side note....why is no one here really posting anymore? Why so quiet? So many great things are happening for Adam. Isn't this what we have all been waiting for for six years? I wish more folks would post and have conversations again no matter how much we agree or disagree. ::thumbup::
I'm in total agreement with all of this. This is what I was trying to say, but I couldn't have said it as good as you did.
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Post by vistadiva »

Carmi » Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:57 pm wrote: As a side note....why is no one here really posting anymore? Why so quiet? So many great things are happening for Adam. Isn't this what we have all been waiting for for six years? I wish more folks would post and have conversations again no matter how much we agree or disagree. ::thumbup::
I so totally agree with this comment!! I think for some reason, this board has become more of an informational board, and less open to conversation and exchanges than our old board (IDF). IDK what can be done to change that...surely having more members would help...and maybe a few other things. I know that I find myself posting a lot less here than I did on IDF.

Perhaps Marie would like to open a thread for us to discuss this...or move this discussion to the Suggestions thread?
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General Talk About Adam


Post by Hrithika »

chill and scroll thats perfect diversity is great

and there are a new snapchat from sauli with Rufus girlfreind in a bathtube in an hotelroom (i wont embed YT)
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General Talk About Adam


Post by bebeg »

vistadiva » Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:34 am wrote:JEEEEZZZZ, GUYS ::wacko:: ::wacko:: !!

There are more posts arguing about "Sauli mention posts" than there are actual S. mention posts. ::icant:: ::icant::

Since obviously I started this by a simple informational post in the Buenos Aires thread ("obviously Sauli is in B.A. Should be a frisky Adam show Friday")...Imma gonna have a shot at the last word.

Everybody needs a chill pill. That post could have said ... replace Sauli with Mombert, Terrance, Lady Gaga, Cheeks, Danielle, etc.... and it would have been nothing more or less than a simple comment and a reflection of Adam's anticipated "showing off a little bit" performance. No difference.

So, as Love2Lurk said....scroll!!! AND CHILL!!
Agree. Mentioning that Sauli is there is no different than mentioning if Danielle is there. And it's okay to be happy for Adam that someone he is obviously close to is there to share in the adventure and excitement.

However, I wouldn't like to see threads turn into 'relationship speculating' (which this in no way did). If Marie decides that there is a need for that and opens up a separate thread, I will avoid it like I did the one at IDF, History proves that the speculation turns into crazy made up stories about the lives of real people. I believe that some people forget that Adam isn't a character in some fanfic. It gets a bit creepy.

As for the other issue -- why so few are posting and why we aren't having conversations. Personally, I've found that I don't post as much because when I do find something to post it ends up in Marie's daily post in each thread and I figure it's pointless to have stuff repeated. And if I'm being honest (sorry Marie) I rarely read those posts.

And the lack of conversation -- I think it's a combination of things -- there aren't as many of us here and the threads tend to be more informational. which is great. I love how organized things are here. If I want to find something relating to a specific concert I know exactly where to look.

Maybe we need to remember this thread where we can talk all about Adam (without the relationship speculating ::haha:: ). Honestly, I don't know what the answer is. I do know that I still enjoy checking in here and sharing this journey with all of you.

I can see I was of no help. ::crylaugh::
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General Talk About Adam


Post by DerekMcG »

I honestly couldn't give a toss whom Adam is dating/not dating, as I don't feel it's any of my business. His music is why I'm here. But if others want to discuss/speculate about his love life, that's fine by me too---and this thread seems like the appropriate place to do that.

On the other issue---where is all the conversation?---I miss that too, and would welcome ideas as to how we can rekindle the flame, especially since so much worth discussing is happening right now.
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General Talk About Adam


Post by Carmi »

I've been wondering about this and I hope someone can help me out. I thought I read somewhere that for a song to be a contender for a Grammy, it must be released by September 30. Does that mean US? Or does world wide count too?

Ghost Town would be eligible for sure but how about Another Lonely Night? ALN has been serviced to overseas radio in some countries already. It would be great if Adam could have two songs in the running. Anyone know anything? ::think::
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General Talk About Adam


Post by Hrithika »

I Think there are to many threads ongoing.

A suggesting:
its better to have one dayly thread all memebers post in and have others seperate threads for archieve witch the moderators and Marie sort things in .collect media posted in the dayly thread and put it in right thread for archieve.
Then we would meet at the same thread and interact more i Think and post a lot more for we know where all peeps are :)
. Now i Think most only read and jump between all threads .
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General Talk About Adam


Post by madamimadam »

Hi guys... Finally caught up on everything...

If there is one thing I feel is a failure with MTT, it is INDEED the lack of conversation...

I read everyone's posts and here's what I think we're going to do...

The Daily News thread where you can just read all of the stuff from any given day, is divided by subject (one post per subject) which I then transfer to the individual threads. So much of the stuff in those individual threads is repeated because Hrithika or others have brought in the information in 'real time' (whereas my transfers are done once a day, late at night).

I am quite attached to the Daily News Thread and the transfers because it brings a lot of 'guests' to MTT and has become a source for many non-members.


There will no longer be updates in the individual threads until the Daily News transfers.

I'm going to create a thread where all conversation will take place. It will be a hodgepodge of anything and everything happening throughout the day, much as Atop does, except that I will NOT create a new hodgepodge thread every day. This thread will be ongoing. With the 'red' feature of new posts that we have here, it's easy to pick up where you left off.


Hrithika: When it comes to bringing in videos and pictures galore from concerts/events, please continue to do so in the individual threads. It would be counterproductive to double up on your hard work. Of course, if you want to comment on a particular picture/video, anyone is free to do so in those threads.

So, here's our new conversation thread.... What's Happening in Adam's World
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General Talk About Adam


Post by Hrithika »

Sounds good Marie ::thumbsup::


Now i hope to get to know people and newbies
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General Talk About Adam


Post by madamimadam »

Hrithika » Thu Sep 24, 2015 2:32 pm wrote:Sounds good Marie ::thumbsup::


Now i hope to get to know people and newbies
YAY! Now go post that in the new thread! ::hysterical::
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Post by hotouthere »

Just peeked in here and it seams that this thread and the new thread should be merged as they both seam to be about discussing Adam.

Marie, what do you think?
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General Talk About Adam


Post by barb4Adam »

"Hotness is uniqueness and just being yourself - that's hot" ::yessss:: ::thumbsup:: ::wub::
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General Talk About Adam


Post by DerekMcG »

(I'm not sure if this is the best thread for this post, but here it is anyway....)

This is interesting: Adam's most popular YouTube videos worldwide for the last week are the following:

1. Runnin' (studio recording)
2. Ghost Town (music video)
3. If I Had You (music video)
4. Whataya Want from Me (music video)
5. For Your Entertainment (music video)
6. Another Lonely Night (music video)
7. Never Close Our Eyes (music video)
8. Better Than I Know Myself (music video)
9. Welcome to the Show (studio recording)
10. The Original High (studio recording) ... 520Lambert

You can alter the time period as well (as far back as 2014), and---fascinatingly---Runnin' is consistently very popular, despite not having a music video.

And the top ten countries for Adam's YouTube views over the last week? Again, some very interesting findings:

1. USA
2. Poland
3. Brazil
4. Mexico
5. UK
6. Russia
7. Vietnam
8. Thailand
9. Canada
10. Germany
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General Talk About Adam


Post by 3ku1 »

DerekMcG » Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:36 am wrote:(I'm not sure if this is the best thread for this post, but here it is anyway....)

This is interesting: Adam's most popular YouTube videos worldwide for the last week are the following:

1. Runnin' (studio recording)
2. Ghost Town (music video)
3. If I Had You (music video)
4. Whataya Want from Me (music video)
5. For Your Entertainment (music video)
6. Another Lonely Night (music video)
7. Never Close Our Eyes (music video)
8. Better Than I Know Myself (music video)
9. Welcome to the Show (studio recording)
10. The Original High (studio recording) ... 520Lambert

You can alter the time period as well (as far back as 2014), and---fascinatingly---Runnin' is consistently very popular, despite not having a music video.

And the top ten countries for Adam's YouTube views over the last week? Again, some very interesting findings:

1. USA
2. Poland
3. Brazil
4. Mexico
5. UK
6. Russia
7. Vietnam
8. Thailand
9. Canada
10. Germany
Runnin should hv been a single! ill never get over it ::grin::
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