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Post by svca »

Is it bad that I can't wait until Christmas is over ??

For an introvert like myself, these holidays are a nightmare....days and days of non-stop visiting and conversing and being "on". It's so exhausting !!! I usually start getting stressed already the beginning of December.

I love my family (most of them), but it's much easier to spend a couple of hours taking my mom and sister to lunch and catching up, than to have 10 or 12 people spend ALL DAY together and talk, talk, talk. I know, I know, I'm lucky to have a lot of family, and we are close, but it will literally take me at least a week to recoup from the holidays.

Just thought I'd give a bit of a different perspective on this...it's so hard to explain to people how draining this is....people just think you're weird. ::cryblownose::

I hate that I feel that way....I wish I could just get excited like everybody else. I will say that I AM SUPER EXCITED about my daughter visiting us from Japan this year. I haven't seen her in almost 2 years and I can't wait to up to the airport on Wednesday and watch that little screen to see her and my son-in-law as they get off the plane.

That's my best Christmas present this year ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup::
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Post by madamimadam »

svca » Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:46 pm wrote:Is it bad that I can't wait until Christmas is over ??

For an introvert like myself, these holidays are a nightmare....days and days of non-stop visiting and conversing and being "on". It's so exhausting !!! I usually start getting stressed already the beginning of December.

I love my family (most of them), but it's much easier to spend a couple of hours taking my mom and sister to lunch and catching up, than to have 10 or 12 people spend ALL DAY together and talk, talk, talk. I know, I know, I'm lucky to have a lot of family, and we are close, but it will literally take me at least a week to recoup from the holidays.

Just thought I'd give a bit of a different perspective on this...it's so hard to explain to people how draining this is....people just think you're weird. ::cryblownose::

I hate that I feel that way....I wish I could just get excited like everybody else. I will say that I AM SUPER EXCITED about my daughter visiting us from Japan this year. I haven't seen her in almost 2 years and I can't wait to up to the airport on Wednesday and watch that little screen to see her and my son-in-law as they get off the plane.

That's my best Christmas present this year ::thumbsup:: ::thumbsup::
I totally get where you're coming from!!!! I too am a loner (only child, learned early to enjoy my own company).

I'm Jewish, so I do Passover and Rosh Hashannah... Both holidays are two-nights affairs, but I have slowly but surely convinced my family that I will attend only one night for each holiday... The minute I get there, I can't wait to leave...

It's like you said... I enjoy a luncheon with a couple of friends but I hate all 'events' (weddings, barmitzvahs, etc.) that have tons of people and that go on for hours on end.

You are not alone!!!! ::hugkissblush::
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Post by svca »

Thank god, somebody understands !!! It's not that we don't love our families, it just gets to be too much. I have a sister, but have always preferred my own company, have always been an avid reader, and used to drive her crazy, because she's the complete opposite...she'll talk to any stranger and will know their life story within minutes. I wanted to read, she wanted to play when we were little.

Thank goodness my husband is like me....we just have to look at each other and we know when it's time to go home.

I just had to vent...I told somebody this at work, and she actually told me I was weird and said I was being selfish...not sure how selfish applies, but ok ::wacko::
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Post by Sealuv »

Was listening to NPR a couple of months ago.... think it was Terry Gross Fresh Air ...anyway the talk was about introverts and this book ..."Quiet: The Power of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking"..........
I am an Aquarius with Leo and Sagittarius ..moon ...rising......my life has been a constant battle between my Aquarius loner and the Leo and Sagittarius extrovert...many times... to a total guilt in "why am I not comfortable with cocktail parties vs an intimate part of six"??...which i so luv more....you actually can get to know the individuals......and it is real.......

We are a society that seems to push the extrovert ...which states there is something wrong to just "be" comfortable in oneself and oneself's company.......my feeling ...the person who is comfortable with oneself is pretty special........ ::wub:: but still trying to own this..... ::smile::
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Post by madamimadam »

svca » Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:43 pm wrote:Thank god, somebody understands !!! It's not that we don't love our families, it just gets to be too much. I have a sister, but have always preferred my own company, have always been an avid reader, and used to drive her crazy, because she's the complete opposite...she'll talk to any stranger and will know their life story within minutes. I wanted to read, she wanted to play when we were little.

Thank goodness my husband is like me....we just have to look at each other and we know when it's time to go home.

I just had to vent...I told somebody this at work, and she actually told me I was weird and said I was being selfish...not sure how selfish applies, but ok ::wacko::
I've got a little bit of your sister in me too, though. I can talk to a stranger and know their life story within minutes too! ::haha::

I once spoke to an ER nurse and asked her if she found it hard to be on 'high alert' all the time versus being on a floor where patients are there for a few days, etc. She told me she loved the ER because she can be the patients' "best friend" for a few hours and then she can move on to someone else. She said she did not do well with 'long-term' relationships with patients.

I remember thinking that if I were a nurse, I would totally be her! ::haha::
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Post by adamazing »

No wonder I love coming here! Totally the introvert - loving this weekend - home alone for two whole days. Heaven! ::heart::
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Post by svca »

Yayyyyyy, introverts unite !! ::huggy:: ::huggy:: ::huggy::

Thanks, guys, I feel much better now....sometimes I feel so isolated....it's so nice to know that there are others like me ::grin:: ::hello:: ::hello::
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Post by donnamb »

This is the time of year when I wonder how everything will fit in and whether I'll have a meltdown. It gets complicated because both my husband and I are in the church choir, which gets handed all sorts of responsibilities this week.
So, today, I shopped for groceries (still have to hit another store for the stuff which was not to be found at the one and only store in my town), gifts for the daughters, gifts for the granddaughter, put together a high chair for the granddaughter, and made chili for son to take down to school for the pre-graduation pot luck.
And only two church services to sing at tomorrow, with decorating the church with greens in between!
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Post by infinite »

svca » Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:08 am wrote:Yayyyyyy, introverts unite !! ::huggy:: ::huggy:: ::huggy::

Thanks, guys, I feel much better now....sometimes I feel so isolated....it's so nice to know that there are others like me ::grin:: ::hello:: ::hello::
I understand what you mean... I'm an introvert also. ::hello:: ::huggy::
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Post by madamimadam »

I think that social media (this board in particular) is a wonderful way to interact with lots of people while keeping my privacy (desire for being alone) safeguarded.

I really love everyone on here and on my twitter feed. The feelings are genuine and I can get as much or as little interaction as I want.

When I'm not in the mood to interact, I can read along and say nothing or when I AM in a mood to interact, I can engage for as long and as much as I feel like it.

In real life, if you get bored or restless to leave a gathering, some social niceties are required... In certain cases (weddings, family gatherings for Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.), leaving early is either completely impossible or really awkward.

On social media though, If I 'disappear' after a while, nobody is the wiser and nobody questions my walking away for an hour or so.

So to all introverts on this board, please post when you feel like it and don't worry if you just lurk for a while. ::grouphug::
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Post by svca »

Perfectly put, Marie....I'm on here every day, go through withdrawals if I don't get to check in, but sometimes I just don't feel like posting.

Then, on the weekends, sitting here with my first cup of coffee, I want to get all chatty lol.

Fanboards are such an awesome thing for those of us that are introverts ::banana:: ::banana::
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Post by barb4Adam »

svca » Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:17 am wrote:Perfectly put, Marie....I'm on here every day, go through withdrawals if I don't get to check in, but sometimes I just don't feel like posting.

Then, on the weekends, sitting here with my first cup of coffee, I want to get all chatty lol.

Fanboards are such an awesome thing for those of us that are introverts ::banana:: ::banana::
Just the very best place to catch up and share all things Adam ::grouphug:: and keep him and his awesome music with us in all of our quiet, alone moments.
Seems like I wake up with a different of his songs playing in my head every day This morning it was "Lucy" thanks perhaps to his outstanding performance in Kansas. Love the way he wails "Lucaaay" and that growl, about 2:25 ::devil:: ...makes every song his very own! ::huggy:: ::wub::
Runs to watch again!!Image
ADAM LAMBERT - LUCY - Mix933 Jingle Jam - Kansas City
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Post by marlock276 »

infinite » Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:09 am wrote:
svca » Sun Dec 20, 2015 5:08 am wrote:Yayyyyyy, introverts unite !! ::huggy:: ::huggy:: ::huggy::

Thanks, guys, I feel much better now....sometimes I feel so isolated....it's so nice to know that there are others like me ::grin:: ::hello:: ::hello::
I understand what you mean... I'm an introvert also. ::hello:: ::huggy::
Me too! Sometimes, with all the horror that goes on in the world, I fantasize about taking all my books and going to live in a monastery. ::smile::
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Post by svca »

I would say I'd like to join you, Marlock, but being an introvert, you probably wouldn't appreciate the company ::icant:: ::icant:: ::icant::
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Post by marlock276 »

svca » Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:43 pm wrote:I would say I'd like to join you, Marlock, but being an introvert, you probably wouldn't appreciate the company ::icant:: ::icant:: ::icant::
It'll work . . . our rooms could be on opposite sides of the monastery! We DO need wifi though! ::haha::
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Post by svca »

Well, today's the day, kiddies....

Get to pick up my daughter and son-in-law at the airport today. Leaving work early, their flight is supposed to get in about 4:30. Hitching a ride to the airport with my SIL's parents (great people) and meeting up with my hubby and son there. We like to give them a little welcoming committee when they come to visit ::wub:: ::wub::

Can't wait to see them; it's been close to 2 years since I've seen my daughter. This is an awesome Christmas present !!! ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::wootdance:: ::wootdance:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo::
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Post by Paula »

svca » Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:10 am wrote:Well, today's the day, kiddies....

Get to pick up my daughter and son-in-law at the airport today. Leaving work early, their flight is supposed to get in about 4:30. Hitching a ride to the airport with my SIL's parents (great people) and meeting up with my hubby and son there. We like to give them a little welcoming committee when they come to visit ::wub:: ::wub::

Can't wait to see them; it's been close to 2 years since I've seen my daughter. This is an awesome Christmas present !!! ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::wootdance:: ::wootdance:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo::
Awwww, yay! Enjoy yourself! ::huggy::
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Post by Lizziek »

svca » Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:10 am wrote:Well, today's the day, kiddies....

Get to pick up my daughter and son-in-law at the airport today. Leaving work early, their flight is supposed to get in about 4:30. Hitching a ride to the airport with my SIL's parents (great people) and meeting up with my hubby and son there. We like to give them a little welcoming committee when they come to visit ::wub:: ::wub::

Can't wait to see them; it's been close to 2 years since I've seen my daughter. This is an awesome Christmas present !!! ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::wootdance:: ::wootdance:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo::
Have a wonderful visit with your daughter and son-in-law. ::hello::
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Post by Tiki »

svca » Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:10 am wrote:Well, today's the day, kiddies....

Get to pick up my daughter and son-in-law at the airport today. Leaving work early, their flight is supposed to get in about 4:30. Hitching a ride to the airport with my SIL's parents (great people) and meeting up with my hubby and son there. We like to give them a little welcoming committee when they come to visit ::wub:: ::wub::

Can't wait to see them; it's been close to 2 years since I've seen my daughter. This is an awesome Christmas present !!! ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::wootdance:: ::wootdance:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo::

Awwwwwwwww! How awesome for your svca. ::grin:: Hope you get to have lots of quality time with your daughter and son-in-law during the holidays. I can only begin to imagine how you are feeling right now. ::huggy::
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Post by madamimadam »

svca » Wed Dec 23, 2015 9:10 am wrote:Well, today's the day, kiddies....

Get to pick up my daughter and son-in-law at the airport today. Leaving work early, their flight is supposed to get in about 4:30. Hitching a ride to the airport with my SIL's parents (great people) and meeting up with my hubby and son there. We like to give them a little welcoming committee when they come to visit ::wub:: ::wub::

Can't wait to see them; it's been close to 2 years since I've seen my daughter. This is an awesome Christmas present !!! ::clapbig:: ::clapbig:: ::wootdance:: ::wootdance:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo:: ::woohoo::
WOW! TWO YEARS? Enjoy the visit, BB. Hope you get some one-on-one time with your daughter with all the craziness of the holidays swirling around you.

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