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2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:27 pm
by glambertparty
'madamimadam' date='May 18th 2013, 12:33 AM'

Pacific Rim Video | Front Row Features

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:28 pm
by glambertparty
'madamimadam' date='May 18th 2013, 12:44 AM'

anon 2m
Adam Lambert, Jessie J, Jennifer Lopez and Hudson plus Mariah on American Idol

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:29 pm
by glambertparty
'madamimadam' date='May 18th 2013, 12:53 AM'

krista290 5h
Adam mention at about 3:40

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:30 pm
by glambertparty
'madamimadam' date='May 18th 2013, 1:42 AM'

hooplamagnet 4m
Adam Lambert -- Next 'American Idol' Judge!?

hooplamagnet 1m
Clevver Music: Adam Lambert performs "Titanium" with Angie Miller on last night's #Idolfinale! (1:38)

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:35 pm
by glambertparty
'madamimadam' date='May 18th 2013, 1:08 PM'

MasterclassLady 16 May
Highlight for me on @AmericanIdol was @AngieAI12 and @adamlambert is singing Titanium. That was all kinds of awesome.

deltafoundation 19h
So do you think Adam Lambert will be singing this at Pride in the Street on June 15?

shoshannastone 19h
Correct “@Popjustice: This is good. RT adamlambert: For those who missed it :
@AngieAI12 and I singing Titanium.

LoveMrSpencer 19h
“@adamlambert: For those who missed it :
@AngieAI12 and I singing Titanium. ” #everygotdamnthing

devenlane 19h

hooplamagnet 12h
Pic via Jason Markey

AngieAI12 10h
Absolutely LOVED singing with and getting to know @adamlambert!! Such a genuine, great guy!!! #trueartist

hooplamagnet 9h
RT@YahooOmgUK Mr @AdamLambert duetted with American Idol star Angie Miller last night - check it out here:

hooplamagnet 6h
Angie Miller took to the stage with season 8 runner-up @adamlambert This performance was pretty incredible, too

hooplamagnet 6h
American Idol 2013 Spoilers: Jessie J and Angie Miller Performance (VIDEO) | Reality Rewind

anon 6h
‘American Idol’ Recap: Candice Glover Wins Season 12 / @adamlambert mention

hooplamagnet 6h
'American Idol' 2013 Adam Lambert, Angie Miller Duet of 'Titanium' VIDEO, WATCH Season 12 Finale Performance

LambritsUK 6h
RT @MasterclassLady: Angie Miller And Adam Lambert Perform A Haunting Version Of Titanium

anon 6h
NEW @adamlambert AI after party pic via
@toddyrockstar D/L CUTE ::smile::

anon 2h
Adam Lambert – Next ‘American Idol’ Judge!? VIDEO

ViewCave 2h
New Video: Adam Lambert – Next ‘American Idol’ Judge!?

AmericanIdol 51m
Thursday's #idolfinale was packed with great music. Which songs were your favorites? See the song list:

.@adamlambert said he’d love to be an #idol judge. Do you think he’d be a good one?

anon 32m
HAHA LOVE THIS! RT @tuke18: Funny! RT @Medolive:hahah @adamlambert you should see this fanart made by @Kaltlambert ::smile::

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:36 pm
by glambertparty
'madamimadam' date='May 18th 2013, 1:23 PM'

terra_zephead Protected account 1h
Thanks to @BdwayDiva1, I've UL a super HQ version of TItanium (1GB) w/ no TV watermarks

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:37 pm
by glambertparty
'vistadiva' date='May 18th 2013, 3:20 PM'


So Adam wasn't texting after the after-party. He was on Twitter, scrolling our feeds and checking his @replies for duet feedback!!

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:39 pm
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='May 18th 2013, 4:34 PM'

Berting!!! ::thumbup:: ::wootwave:: ::huggy::
@MichaelOrland @AngieAI12 @adamlambert this arrangement~hit of the night! 2 people SINGING, no smoke 'n mirrors, just perfectly beautiful

Michael Orland Michael Orland ‏@MichaelOrland 10m
@FoxVegas @AngieAI12 @adamlambert And nobody else could have carried it off like them. Just simple orchestration and two perfect voices.

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:41 pm
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='May 18th 2013, 4:49 PM'

Michael Orland ‏@MichaelOrland
@adamisamazing Had the greatest time - felt like we never stopped making music over the years. Made me happy to hear that voice again.

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:42 pm
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='May 18th 2013, 6:07 PM'

One more...and not just from one of us somewhat partial Glamberts ::rolleyes:: or even his immediate peers but from
"The Pianist, Arranger and Associate Musical Director for AMERICAN IDOL" ::thumbup::
Michael Orland ‏@MichaelOrland @adamlambert we had the greatest time. LOTS of laughs and even more great music went on.

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:44 pm
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='May 18th 2013, 6:50 PM'

This says it all....the awesome and exceptional star quality and so much more that makes Adam so loved and admired!
::thumbup:: ::huggy:: ::wootwave::

'Idol' finale's best: Adam Lambert lets Angie Miller shine on 'Titanium' (Video)
May 18, 2013
By: Norman Byrd
Why is Adam Lambert one of the most adored "American Idol" finalists ever? Oh, he's good looking and talented and all that -- but there's always seemed to be something extra about the Season 8 runner-up that resonates with people. It just might be his innate ability to know where the limit is. Take, for instance, his performance with Season 12 third-place finalist Angie Miller on Thursday night's finale, a performance Yahoo Music's Lyndsey Parker labeled "the finest performance" of the finale in her May 17 column. Adding support and harmony on the David Gueta (featuring Sia) hit "Titanium," Adam's duet with this season's pop princess was a masterpiece in vocal control and allowing the focus to remain on rising star, making it the best performance of the evening.

Because, in the end, that is exactly what Adam was there for -- to lend his star power and provide harmony on the "American Idol" finale for Angie, who, until she was eliminated in third place, was believed to be a ringer for the season winner. Unlike the Jessie J duet that followed, where Jessie J simply outsung the youngster that idolizes her (although Angie did an admirable job of keeping up with the Brit pop star), and although he could have easily stole the moment, it is a testament to Adam's sense of self and place that he refused to do so, providing excellent balance to the melody, singing his side of the song and letting Angie Miller shine.

The Jennifer Hudson, Candice Glover duet of Natalie Cole's "Inseparable" also gave Angie and Adam's duet a run for its money. However, whereas Jennifer and Candice seemed more like two dueling divas in a battle round on "The Voice," Angie and Adam appeared to be more of a collaboration and less of a sing-off (something the Jessie J number resembled as well).

In a night filled with newsingles, all-star duets, and even a Mariah Carey medley, "Titanium" was the perfect example of how an established performer can look just as good -- or even better -- in a supportive role. Give Angie and Adam the "Best" performance trophy...

And that just might be Adam Lambert's secret as to why so many find him the best talent "American Idol" has ever produced. Being confident in who you are says a lot about a person. And in an industry dominated by divas, alphas, and prima donna personalities, it is refreshing to see someone who doesn't have to steal the spotlight to keep the up-and-comers in their places.

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:45 pm
by glambertparty
'Love2Lurk' date='May 18th 2013, 7:32 PM'

Go Go....'like'....and comment .....YES !!!!! ::woot::

Debbie D Glambert ‏@SASpurs21Fan 3m
AmericanIdol Instagram asking if you'd like to see Adam as judge - Like n positive comment please n thank you ::smile::

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:46 pm
by glambertparty
'Love2Lurk' date='May 18th 2013, 7:50 PM'

love listening to this.......
ScorpioBert 5h
I have created a Titanium playlist w the official Video with 26 plays

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:46 pm
by glambertparty
'Love2Lurk' date='May 18th 2013, 8:10 PM'

Americal Idol tweeting......GO GO GO----> answer !!!!
@AmericanIdol Did you get chills when @AngieAI12 & @AdamLambert "Titanium" - ? #idolfinale

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:47 pm
by glambertparty
'Love2Lurk' date='May 18th 2013, 8:49 PM'

Idol Insider ‏@IDOL_Insider 8h
.@adamlambert said he’d love to be an #idol judge. Do you think he’d be a good one? #adamlambert #glamberts

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:48 pm
by glambertparty
'Love2Lurk' date='May 18th 2013, 9:35 PM'

Adam Lambert Videos ‏@AdamLambertVids 5m
ADAM FANS: Please read this re YouTube playlists/looping. We need much higher counts for Adam/Angie Idol video. Thx!

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:49 pm
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='May 18th 2013, 9:56 PM'

I've been looking at the pictures from Thursday night....

Breathtaking Perfection!!! How is it that everyone in his vicinity isn't just standing around staring at him?!?

But, I think this is my favorite --


2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:49 pm
by glambertparty
'Love2Lurk' date='May 18th 2013, 10:27 PM'

lol-psychic Laurie Ellen - Adam Lambert is WINNING! »

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:52 pm
by glambertparty
'madamimadam' date='May 19th 2013, 10:32 AM'

terra_zephead Protected account 20h
I've converted the excellent audio (DTS) from the unwatermarked Titanium vid to 5.1 PCM WAV & stereo 320k MP3

nolechica 8h
RT @terra_zephead I ULed a lossless edit of the HQ watermark-free Titanium vid … (sans Ryan's Angie intro)

LambritsUK 19h
American Idol 2013: Candice Glover wins as ratings plunge to all-time low (Adam Lambert mention/pic) via @MailOnline

MichaelOrland 18h
Okay here's a fun pic from our late night session with adamlambert and @angieai12 when we were working…

Audsidol 18h
@MichaelOrland I knew it must have been your magical sprinkles on it! #Titanium ::smile::

MichaelOrland 18h
@Audsidol Awww thanks - it was a total collaboration between Adam & Angie and me. And we had the best time working it out.

FoxVegas 18h
@MichaelOrland @AngieAI12 @adamlambert this arrangement~hit of the night! 2 people SINGING, no smoke 'n mirrors, just perfectly beautiful

MichaelOrland 18h
@FoxVegas @AngieAI12 @adamlambert And nobody else could have carried it off like them. Just simple orchestration and two perfect voices.

tuke18 19h
@MichaelOrland @AngieAI12 @adamlambert Looks like fun!!!

MichaelOrland 18h
@tuke18 @AngieAI12 @adamlambert we had the greatest time. LOTS of laughs and even more great music went on.

AmericanIdol 16h
Did you get chills when @AngieAI12 & @AdamLambert took on "Titanium" - ? #idolfinaleAdamLambertVids 12h

ADAM FANS: Please read this re YouTube playlists/looping. We need much higher counts for Adam/Angie Idol video. Thx!

hooplamagnet 11h
MT @ifelicious for my @adamlambert fans . here he is at the #idol finale after party. |

hooplamagnet 8h
MT @DariaBatina New photo: via Sarah Beth Rosa FB: Sooo stoked to meet Adam Lambert source

FoxVegas 4h
PLZE RT: 4,017 people have left comments for American Idol, supporting Adam as a judge. Let them know we'd LOVE it!

areyouentwise 3h
American Idol 2013: Adam Lambert Returns To The Stage As Candice Glover Is Crowned The Winner

anon 3h
American Idol Sees Worst Finale Ratings Ever via @fusetv … /

anon 3h
" Adam Lambert and Jennifer Hudson, who didn't win their seasons, returned to give the fading "Idol" the old verve.",0,

Milkyway2580: Titanium duet is now 247k views so close to JHud 262k! Let's keep it up, peeps ::grin::

glam_alidol 2h
Great @adamlambert Titanium
wallpaper by

kms15423 51m
'American Idol:' In Memoriam via @MTVNews Adam Lambert mention

taylorhicks: Great to see @adamlambert during the #idolfinale! He rocked Titanium with @AngieAI12! #Glambert

ClevverMusic 17h
Watch our Angie Miller (@AngieAI12) interview at the @AmericanIdol finale! She's probably the cutest thing ever:

2013-05-16 American Idol Finale - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:53 pm
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='May 19th 2013, 11:03 AM'

Pictures from the tweets Marie posted above

