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'BHS9697' date='Apr 17th 2013, 11:31 AM'

OK, then... Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I guess...

I won't be posting the direct link to this SFGN crap because the site does not deserve any hits. IMHO, of course.

Publisher's Editorial

Adam Lambert’s GLAAD Award a Joke
Norm Kent 10:34 AM
Few things reflect how shallow national LGBT organizations can be other than the revelation that the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation is going to coronate Adam Lambert with a national media award in San Francisco next month.

When my business partner and I started the South Florida Gay News four years ago, we promised each other we were going to publish a newspaper that focused on illuminating the lives and dimensions of America’s emerging LGBT community.

We were unified in mind and spirit that there were local and national newsmakers working towards LGBT equality, fighting for your rights, and standing up for all of us, who you would want to read about.

Neither of us thinks Adam Lambert is such a person. Good, he can sing. Good, he became a national star on American Idol. As obvious as it was that he was gay, he also remained in the closet during his meteoric rise to stardom while on the TV show.

Now that he is open and out, everyone wants to play off his celebrity. Fresh off being crowned the Queen of Gay Pride in Miami Beach, he is now headed to Pittsburgh in June to play the Grand Madame in their parade.

He is a rising young gay star whose career is just beginning, and maybe someday he will take his fame and fortune and advance the cause of LGBT equality. But he has not yet done so.

Therefore, seeing him on the cover of our newspaper a few weeks ago made my partner and me puke. In fact, for all intents and purposes, consider Pier Guidugli the co-author of this column. We are 100 percent on the same page about this issue.

As I have been on leave, the staff has been running the show. You hire good people and you trust them to do the job. My business partner trusts me to make sure we get the job done. Both of us went ballistic that Lambert was on our cover. Other than feature new makeup every day, what has this kid done to warrant a cover story?

While Pier and I were fuming over the cover in the evening, our Associate Publisher, Jason Parsley, was setting up an exclusive follow up interview with Lambert for the next morning. During the interview, Lambert revealed to Parsley that he had recently broken up with his boyfriend. Parsley is the first to get the story.

Sensing the newsworthiness of this shocking revelation, Parsley goes online with it immediately.

Thanks to Adam Lambert and Jason Parsley, our SFGN website crashed. Why? Because after Parsley’s story on Lambert’s boy breakup went online at SFGN.com, it was picked up first by Lambert’s groupies and within hours a slew of entertainment and gossip sites had picked up the story and linked back to us. Our servers could not handle the traffic.

Because Adam Lambert has become a national obsession, the story went viral, from coast to coast and into Europe. It may as well have gone galactic. My business partner and I were blown away.

Four years of publishing the Express Gay News, and four years into South Florida Gay News, and the story that takes down our website is Adam Lambert’s breakup with his boyfriend? This is unreal. How shallow have we become?

The award that Lambert is getting from GLAAD is its highest honor. It’s presented to “an openly LGBT media professional who has made a significant difference in promoting gay rights.”

Give me a break. This award is presented to whoever can fill the seats and make money for GLAAD at its annual fundraising dinner.

“Adam Lambert’s continued success as one of the world’s best-selling pop stars shows LGBT people that they can be themselves and make it in a mainstream industry that many feel unfairly rejects them,” GLAAD spokesman Wilson Cruz said in a statement.

Save it, please. Struggling to find anything that Lambert has ever done for gay rights, the group noted that he spoke out for a referendum in Maryland last year upholding a gay marriage law. Oh, he also wore a purple shirt on Spirit Day last year.

Adam Lambert has become an openly gay world-class performer and is a remarkably talented singer and songwriter. In truth, there is really no legitimate reason he should not be on our cover. We have featured entertainers before, and he was the grand marshal of Miami Beach pride. There was a local angle to feature him in South Florida.

Still, folks, let’s marshal our senses. Adam Lambert may be a Grammy nominee, a Billboard 200 artist, and he may sleep with other men, but he has not made a career promoting gay rights. He has made a career promoting himself, his music, and his albums.

GLAAD is sucking off that publicity and fame to line their own pockets, instead of choosing someone worthy of that award. GLAAD needs to get its priorities straight. Stop awarding celebrities and acknowledge the unheralded champions of justice that fight the good fight for LGBT justice everyday. There are many out there.

Meanwhile, thanks Adam. Because of you our website got more hits and a spike we had never received anything like ever before. Break up more often, and when you do give Mr. Parsley a call.
'madamimadam' date='Apr 17th 2013, 2:01 PM'

kms15423 33m
Applause!!! for this well written response to Norm Kent's bitter viewpoint @soflagaynews http:/ http://tl.gd/n_1rjqlu8 via @KISSdQUEEN

RFM says:
April 17, 2013 at 12:36 pm
Ha. Ha. The funny thing is, Adam Lambert would agree with most of this poser’s diatribe (BTW, get over yourself–I’m sure SFLG serves a worthy role in the community, and publishes some interesting articles, but it’s hardly the Gay New Yorker, okay? Or was that not an article about a Glee actor’s strip-tease that I saw on your home page? And am I underestimating the intellectual sophistication of your “Gay Fitness” section?) OF COURSE he’s more likely to get the GLAAD award based on aspects of his celebrity that have nothing to do with gay activism. And OF COURSE he is, first and foremost, an entertainer, not an activist–indeed he himself has described many times how uncomfortably the mantle of Gay Role Model and leader of The Cause rested on his shoulders at first. Surely we can all agree that every person, regardless of their orientation, has a right to lead a life not defined by that orientation.

But precisely because of his celebrity, that was not an option open to Lambert, given that he chose to live his life openly. (And, FWIW, openly from the beginning, or does answering “yes that was me frenching my boyfriend in those photos, I have nothing to hide” in a pre-Idol interview spell closeted to you? What was he supposed to do–go out on the Idol stage and sing “I feel pretty and witty and gaaaaaaay?!”) Yes, there are many people struggling valiantly and in obscurity for a noble cause who should get recognized more. Do you know what makes those people especially happy? That there is a prominent, mainstream entertainer who is happily and evidently out and comfortable in his own skin. Because those worthy, obscure fighters for gay rights know that there is nothing they can do that can help the cause more than an Adam Lambert, proudly going about his own business like he doesn’t give a freak.

Polls show that recent advances in gay acceptance owe everything to the fact that conventional straight America can now put a face to Gay, and that it’s the face of someone they like and respect. That may be their brother, or their son, or their neighbor Sue, or it might be the pop-star who’s music they hear on the radio.

And speaking of radio, you know and I know that Lambert’s music would be on that radio MUCH MORE than it is if he hadn’t made the brave decision to be out from the start, and to be out in a way that doesn’t tone down his personality and make it “safe” for conservative radio PDs, and to include LGBT-themed songs on his album, and style himself in such a campy and androgynous and fierce way. And those choices? They may have hurt his career, but they make all the difference to the little queer kid trying to figure himself out in a world that until recently offered no mainstream example of someone who was actually gay and a little outré and openly so, and still made it big. NOT ONE. Until Adam Lambert.

BTW, you think it’s easy to be out like Lambert is out? Take a look at the comments sections of every article ever written about the man to get a sense of the stream of hate and vitriol that he turns his back to every day. Think for a minute about the pressure coming at him from all sides–from his record company, from his managers, from his fans, from his friends and family and community, from complete strangers, from the media, to be more gay, less gay, more political, less political, more masculine, crazier, more approachable, less open, on and on and on.

Think you’re the first editor of a gay publication who’s decided, after he gave you a strikingly honest and open interview, that this Adam guy presents a pretty nice opportunity for him to get on his soapbox and preach a load of bullshit about gay celebrity and dump it on a guy just trying to do the best that he can with a complicated situation? Newsflash, buddy: you’re not. Hell, you don’t even have originality going for you. And all the while, a little girl in Iowa or Kansas or South Florida sees someone on her TV who lets her know that its A-Okay not to conform hard and fast to this country’s fixed gender roles, that you can be a little bendy and still be fabulous and sexy and widely loved. That all these boxes, soapy and otherwise, are just so much kindling to his fire. I’m glad that GLAAD, in addition to recognizing Lambert’s myriad contributions to marriage equality and the Trevor Project and other gay rights initiatives, recognized the power of that fire most of all.
'sealuv' date='Apr 17th 2013, 4:34 PM'

agree.....standing ovation to this individual... :clap: ....this type of rhetoric should not go unchallenged and this was a beaut of a response.........here is Parsley's......


In Defense of Adam Lambert!

My publisher Norm Kent published an editorial today blasting Adam Lambert and GLAAD for giving him an award. I disagree with the piece – and him – wholeheartedly.

Kent attempted to make the case that Lambert hasn’t done anything for the gay community in his short few years on the public stage. But what my publisher obviously failed to realize is just how much Adam Lambert has been doing for the gay community.

He’s the first mainstream pop artist to come out at the beginning of their career. Look how long it took celebrities like Elton John or George Michael to come out?

Lambert was out and proud before he ever released a single or album proving that being gay isn’t detriment to one’s career. He embraced his sexuality from the start never shying away from it, which included kissing a man on stage. And when he released that album he became the first out LGBT artist to reach number one on the Billboard 200.

I don’t like sports, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see the newsworthiness of a story involving a gay athlete. And it wouldn’t make me puke to put them on the cover.

Who I am to judge what someone else is interested in? My publisher likes baseball. I don’t. But that doesn’t give me the right to tell him he shouldn’t care about something he loves.

Lambert recently appeared on the Chinese version of The Voice, singing to a television audience of 400 million people. Let me rephrase that, an openly gay man appeared on a communist country’s television show singing to 400 million people. No matter how you look at it, that is significant.

So Adam Lambert isn’t just making a difference in America, he’s making a difference all over the world. He recently performed in Russia, a country that may ban foreign gay couples from adopting children; that is trying to ban ‘homosexual propaganda;’ and last year Moscow banned Pride marches in the city for the next 100 years. Yet Lambert performed there giving young LGBT people in Russia hope and a role model to look up to.

Earlier this year he also performed in Ukraine as the lead singer for Queen. The Eastern European country also has problems with its gay community, and just this month an LGBT advocacy group told the European parliament to suspend visa agreement with them until it fulfills its commitments on gay rights. Two bills currently moving through their parliament include a ban on the ‘promotion of homosexuality’ which if adopted would seriously undermine the freedom of expression of LGBT people and a bill that would criminalize ‘propaganda of same-sex relationship’ and be punishable by imprisonment.

Lambert could just as easily stay away from these countries, but instead takes his music and sexual orientation to them, showing the normalcy of being gay.

Just as Lambert said in our interview: “One of the thing that drives me the most is when I was younger I didn’t really have a lot of gay role models who were proud and gay and open and were who they were. If I can help a young person feel more comfortable in their own skin or be the person they want to be it’s freaking awesome.”

And then there’s his charity work. In May he’ll be traveling to Vienna to perform at Europe’s largest HIV fundraiser, Life Ball. In 2011 for his 29th birthday Lambert set a fundraising record for charity: Water, which brings safe drinking water into developing nations. He raised more than $320,000. His starting goal was a measly $29,000, proving the power of his celebrity status. These few items only scratch the surface.

It’s important for celebrities to be out and proud and GLAAD recognizes that, and that’s why it gives awards to celebrities.

Now I won’t apologize for my publisher’s opinion, as some suggested I do, because he has a right to express it, just as I have a right to disagree with it – wholeheartedly.
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Post by madamimadam »

'bebeg' date='Apr 18th 2013, 3:59 PM'

I don't know what the community achieves but the guy who wrote the original piece (I've forgotten his name...on purpose)...what he accomplishes is making himself look petty and small. It's obvious the guy has some really deep issues. And I would guess they have nothing to do with Adam personally. Adam was just the easy target for his bitterness and hate. That's why I don't believe what he thinks and feels is of any importance.

On to another article...


American Idol News: Adam Lambert wins ‘Favourite International Artist’ award

Adam Lambert has picked himself up yet another award. The trophy cabinet in his house must be bulging by now!

The “Whataya Want from Me” hitmaker attended the Chinese Music Awards earlier this afternoon, where he had been nominated for the ‘Favourite International Artist’ award at the star studded ceremony which was staged in Macau.

Lambert gushed about his fans and the support he has received since his American Idol days, when he accepted the gong and he raved:

“Thank you so much to Channel V and to you guys here, and to my fans out here.”

“I’m so glad to be here in Macau and I’m so glad to be performing for you in a little bit. Thank you, I love you!”

After his speech was finished, Lambert was quick to reach out to his Twitter followers also and revealed that he feels so ‘honored’ to have been recognised for his music and performing skills once more. He tweeted:

“So honored to have received the Chinese Music Award for Fav International Artist tonight!! Thank u Channel V! I had so much fun performing!”

The handsome star hasn’t had much down time of late and recently performed at Miami Beach Gay Pride. He took to the stage at the festival last weekend and once again was chosen for special recognition, as he was presented with the key to the city.

In a subsequent interview with PrideLiveTV Lambert admitted that he loves how festival goers feel so ‘unified’ at LGBT events. He said:

“Whenever you get to come to a celebration like this, the energy’s really high and everybody’s feeling unified and I think that’s a really nice ‘family’ feel.”

The “For Your Entertainment” singer also teased his new upcoming album and continued:

“All I can say is that I’m working on stuff and I have to be very ambiguous! I’ve no idea when I’m going to be able to talk about it. I haven’t even started recording it yet.”

Adam loves being part of the gay pride movement and confessed that he gets incredibly excited at such events. He gushed:

“It is a really important time. We’re definitely in the midst of our own civil rights movement in a way. We’re dealing with equality issues and it’s just being unapologetic and being who we are, and I love that there’s this movement going on right now.”

“People are really excited about our community, our voices are being heard and it’s become mainstream which is huge for us. It’s amazing being a part of this movement. Internationally, it makes you think of a certain freedom we have in our country.”
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'bebeg' date='Apr 18th 2013, 8:07 PM'

Byron has go it sooooo bad!! :haha:

Byron Flitsch ‏@byronjflitsch
Glamberts! Today I pretended that @adamlambert was a prince and we got to move to his country! ALWAYS DREAM BIG!


Star Spotting: Adam Lambert Is The Crown Prince Of Glam At The Chinese Music Awards (PHOTO)


Usually when we talk about Adam Lambert, we use words like "guyliner" and "neck porn." But this recent photo of Adam not only has us fanning ourselves uncontrollably from seeing him in a suit, it also has us also dipping in to a whole new set of descriptive words! Well, to be fair, the only word that comes to mind is, "DAAAYUM," 'cause Adam is looking like a FOINE-ass member of royalty. Glamberts, our leader has spoken: ALL HAIL THE SEXY SMIZE!

The "Let's Dance" singer was snapped looking like the crown Prince of Glam while attending the 2013 17th Channel V Chinese Music Awards In Macau (Can we say that we're a little jealous of Adam's vacays lately -- Miami then Macua!?) where he won the Favourite International Artist award. Anyway, we're totally not surprised Adam won such a coveted accolade (the guy has a reputation for scoring trophies). Plus, we couldn't think of a better spokesperson to represent the USA than Adam! And speaking of countries, based on this royal-esque photo and the fact that Adam already has a billion royal subjects (that's us, Glamberts!), Adam should just dub himself an official prince and even run his own country -- he could call it Glambertia! The only law: your hair can NEVER out-quiff his.
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'Love2Lurk' date='Apr 21st 2013, 6:46 PM'

I am putting this here.......

It is Adam's online auction for tickets to .........
ADAM LAMBERT: Two Tickets to Private, Very Intimate Show........there are other items being auctioned as well.....

Of course....AFL's is the highest :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Liberty Hill ‏@LibertyHill 22m
Remember @AdamLambert was robbed at American Idol? Us too. But see live show. Tix available at our online auction http://ow.ly/kd8D4

Liberty Hill's Motto is CHANGE. NOT CHARITY.

From April 18-28, bid on celebrity experiences and memorabilia from Elton John, Rod Stewart, Heart, Dave Koz, Brandi Carlile, Adam Lambert, Dave Matthews Band, fun., P!nk, NBC's The Voice, Grateful Dead and more right here on eBay to benefit Liberty Hill.

Charity is important, but Liberty Hill creates lasting change by reforming policies, introducing new standards and safeguards and advancing equality and opportunity for every Angeleno. We invest in community organizing -- the process of bringing people together and helping them realize their power. Through organizing, people transform their own lives and learn the power of collective action, laying the foundation for lasting social change. Liberty Hill identifies leaders on the ground, strengthens their work through grant investments and intensive on-the-job training, and builds strategic alliances so they can advance a common agenda for change.
ADAM LAMBERT: Two Tickets to Private, Very Intimate Sho...
41 Bids: $2,000.00
Time left:7d 2h 12m
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'madamimadam' date='Apr 22nd 2013, 4:07 PM'

TALCvids 54m
"Adam Lambert Highlight of Miami Beach Gay Pride" Twitlonger transcription of article by S F G N, April 22, (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rjtjem

"Adam Lambert Highlight of Miami Beach Gay Pride" Twitlonger transcription of article by S F G N, April 22, 2013 by Jason Parsley:

“Clearly, Adam Lambert was the highlight of the week," said Executive Director of Pride Ivan Cano.
This year’s Miami Beach Gay Pride drew more than 75,000 people, almost doubling the attendance from its 2011 numbers. The fifth annual weeklong event featured Miami Beach Mayor Matti Bower as grand marshal, a Pride parade, headlining acts Crystal Waters, Lady Bunny, and American Idol season 8 runner-up Adam Lambert as the main attraction.

“Clearly, Adam Lambert was the highlight of the week. It was truly an honor to have such an A-lister want to be a part of our Pride. We had ‘Glamberts’ staking out their front-row positions at 8 a.m. that morning,” said Executive Director of Pride Ivan Cano

“His press conference was packed with media and photographers. He was very gracious when he accepted the Key to the City of Miami Beach. He couldn’t have been nicer or more engaged with fans and our Board, our volunteers and our community leaders. He’s genuinely a nice guy.”

Cano was excited about how well this year’s event was attended and how the festival continues to grow. In only five years the PrideFest has become one of the largest in the state, and it could soon rival St. Pete Pride, which attracts more than 100,000 attendees each year, for that title.

“[This was] well over last year’s attendance of 60,000. Our Pride keeps getting bigger and more exciting every year!” Cano said. “I’m honestly moved by the faces I see at our Pride. We truly are a diverse and inclusive event for the whole community. From drag queens to party boys to lesbian couples to straight families to activist students, there is a place for everyone at Miami Beach Gay Pride. I sincerely can’t think of a more loud and colorful day on Miami Beach.”

Cano said he taking a quick break but will be back to work on next year’s sixth annual Miami Beach Gay Pride in two weeks.

“The hardest part of this job, and this Board, is that every year we have to reinvent Pride to be bigger and better than the year before. It’s quite a challenge to outdo yourself year-after-year. But I must say that in the five year lifespan of Miami Beach Gay Pride, we have definitely accomplished that.”

He goes on to promise, or at least hint at, a possible big surprise for next year

“But ask me again in a couple of months…there could be something earth-shattering to announce.”

original link to article: http://southfloridagaynews.com/articles/ad...ay-pride/112626

anon 29s
Adam Lambert's 'Then & Now' Photo Proves That Glam Doesn't Age
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'madamimadam' date='Apr 23rd 2013, 11:47 AM'

Love this!!!! We just wish we could’ve been there to see him dance with the Glam Devil in the pale moonlight.

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'madamimadam' date='Apr 23rd 2013, 3:31 PM'

Great read!

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'madamimadam' date='Apr 23rd 2013, 6:13 PM'

I'm so proud of Adam's fans!!! :'( :"> :wub:

TALCvids 22m
TY for TL RT ‏@Sroczka79: ANOTHER SFGN ARTICLE Fans Fight Back: SFGN Publisher Blasts Adam Lambert in Editorial(cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rju7k7
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'Love2Lurk' date='Apr 23rd 2013, 9:22 PM'

Instinct Magazine ‏@instinctmag 8h
Help AT&T support Trevor project and earn a chance to win a meet and greet with @adamlambert! http://instinctmagazine.com/blogs/blog/hel...irectory=100011 … #attliveproud

Help AT&T Live Proud Support The Trevor Project For A Chance To Win A Meet & Greet With Adam Lambert
Written by Jonathan Higbee | Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Though supporting the Trevor Project alone is enough reason to retweet or "Like" AT&T's "Live Proud" campaign, a chance to win a meet and greet with Adam Lambert certainly seals the deal.

More details on AT&T's amazing new LGBT campaign after the break!

There are three simple ways to be a part of AT&T's "Live Proud" and help raise awareness for the Trevor Project:

1. For every 'Like' of the Facebook page www.attliveproud.com, $1 will be donated to the Trevor Project

2. For every Retweet of an @ATT, @TrevorProject or @adamlambert tweet that mentions #attliveproud, $.50 will be donated to the Trevor Project (easiest to just copy and paste into Twitter).

3. Photographs or stories of "Live Proud moments" enter folks into a contest to win an AT&T VIP experience with Adam Lambert in Los Angeles. Ten selected winners plus one guest will receive travel accommodations, an exclusive meet and greet with Adam Lambert and a private concert. To enter the contest click here: http://www.attliveproud.com. AT&T will donate a minimum of $25,000 to the Trevor Project and a maximum of $50,000.

So, what are you waiting for?

anon 43s
YAY! :DD / Adam Lambert Voted Celebrity Humanitarian Of The Year! http://socialitelife.com/adam-lambert-vote...he-year-04-2013

Adam Lambert Voted Celebrity Humanitarian Of The Year!
The Glamberts voting powers were out in full force for this one!

The staff of Socialite Life revealed who were their favorite celebrity humanitarians, and in turn we asked you which of the celebrities we nominated was your favorite.

After a whopping 16,000 votes, we are thrilled to announce that Adam Lambert was crowned the winner!

This is what SocialiteLife.com’s Editor-in Chief, Michael Prieve, had to say about Adam…

Singer Adam Lambert has lent his support to a bevy of causes such as It Gets Better Project, The Trevor Project, charity:water – just to name a few. I thoroughly love Adam for wearing his heart on his sleeve.

Thanks to all who voted!
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'madamimadam' date='Apr 24th 2013, 10:30 AM'

USA Today:


We're down to the Final Four and at least two of them — Candice Glover and Kree Harrison — are better singers than anyone Idol has found since Adam Lambert.
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'madamimadam' date='Apr 25th 2013, 2:05 PM'

unrealitytv 10h
American Idol's Adam Lambert named Celebrity Humanitarian Of The Year! http://wp.me/pCi4w-Ahb

hcluless 9h
Adam Lambert on Chinese Idol: To be an idol you have to be yourself Translated from ChinaDaily interview (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rjv1go
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'madamimadam' date='Apr 25th 2013, 2:58 PM'

PopStopTV 2h
David Arquette Talks Adam Lambert Lap Dance, Chippendale Future? http://wp.me/p2EMbu-6iA
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'madamimadam' date='Apr 25th 2013, 4:56 PM'

TALCvids 1h
#Memories & #goodtimes RT @MetrosourceMag:
MetroNOW Flashback: @adamlambert's Best Televised Performances -- http://goo.gl/zRLZw
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'Love2Lurk' date='Apr 26th 2013, 11:15 PM'

Wow !! this is awesome !!!!
Gale Whittington ‏@GaleChester 1h
Via @madmaninbedlam: ADAM LAMBERT in BEDLAM MAG | 100% FIERCE | 100% FREE: I'm posting a 20-page sampler to help... http://fb.me/178L7KqTl
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'barb4Adam' date='Apr 27th 2013, 2:14 PM'

Shanghai Daily.com
Sunday | People
For 'Chinese Idol' fans' entertainment

ADAM Lambert visited Shanghai this week as an ambassador for the upcoming Dragon TV reality show "Chinese Idol," the Chinese version of singing competition "American Idol."

This follows his concert at the city's Mercedes Benz Arena in March.

Lambert, 31, was runner-up in the eighth season of American Idol, kicking off a hugely successful career that has produced two albums, "For Your Entertainment" in 2009 and "Trespassing" in 2012.

Last year, Lambert also made an appearance at the season finale of Chinese version of "The Voice."

Q: What kind of surprise will you bring to audiences of "Chinese Idol?"

A: I think I'm gonna show up, and they don't know I'm coming, so hopefully it'll be a surprise - if they know who I am! (laughs) I think it'll be fun. I'm really looking forward to meeting the contestants, feeling the good energy and hopefully providing inspiration for their auditions.

Q: You sang Tears For Fears' "Mad World" at the opening ceremony of "Chinese Idol." You also performed it during your "American Idol" journey. Does this song have special meaning for you?

A: It definitely has. It has beautiful lyrics, about feeling like you don't fit in, feeling like an outsider and being a little sad about it. All the songs I picked when I was on American Idol meant something to me, and this song in particular was a big favorite of the audiences and judges.

Being an entertainer is always an interesting balance; doing something I want to do, but if it makes the audience really happy, then I'm going to do it even more. Make them happy, make me happy, and we're all happy!

Q: Do you have any suggestions to Chinese contestants about what songs to pick?

A: I think it's really important to find songs you connect with emotionally, something that you feel. Also, I think it's important to find a song that will make you stand apart. Find something - a style or certain type of song or by certain artists - that will make the audience understand what kind of artist you could be.

Q: Do you watch any singing competitions now, like "American Idol" or "The Voice?"

A: Yeah, definitely. This season I haven't been watching so many because I've been traveling so much. My plan when I leave tonight (April 23) to go back to Los Angeles and watch all of it when I get home.

Q: It's been four years since you were on American Idol, and you are always introduced as the "runner-up of American Idol." Does it bother you that you have to carry that title all the time?

A: No. I mean, that's how people remember me.

Q: We've all seen your glamorous side on "American Idol," but off-stage, what's your life like?

A: When I'm not working, I like to hang out with my friends, go to dinner, maybe see a movie. I'm like a normal guy.

Q: What was your life like on the "American Idol" show?

A: We worked a lot; there wasn't a lot of free time. One day you're working on the song you were gonna sing that week; next day you're doing a commercial for the show; or a photo shoot or interviews. Every day, you were working.

Q: Did you have tough times?

A: I think myself and the other contestants were stressed out over whether we'd picked the right song, and how should we sing it. You end up thinking a lot. The biggest challenge is to trust your instincts and say, "This is the song I'm picking. I need stop worrying about it, just commit to singing this song, singing it well and singing with my heart."

Q: Did you ever worry about people not getting your music?

A: If I spent all my time worrying about it, I wouldn't be doing the job I'm doing. Of course I think about everything, but being an artist isn't always about being concerned all the time. You have to make a choice that you believe in, and if the audience like it, then great. Of course as a pop musician you want to appeal to people. It's balancing it.

Q: What about critics' opinions?

A: I'm really happy that the critics liked my last album "Trespassing." I was really relieved and honored because I worked hard on the album and didn't know what people would say. Overall, it got better critical review than the first album, and I was happy about that :thumbs: .

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Post by madamimadam »

'Love2Lurk' date='Apr 28th 2013, 5:52 PM'

from justjared......
SUN, 28 APRIL 2013 AT 5:20 PM
Adam Lambert: Retweet Me for the Trevor Project!
Adam Lambert leaves Bootsy Bellows with a smile on his face on Saturday night (April 27) in West Hollywood, Calif.

The 31-year-old entertainer was surrounded by pals as he left the club.

PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Adam Lambert

“I’ve teamed up w/ @ATT, @TrevorProject. For each person who RT this AT&T will donate 50¢, max 50k to @TrevorProject #attliveproud” Adam tweeted the day before – check out Adam‘s Twitter and retweet his message. The message only has over 3,000 retweets and can reach a max of 50,000!
TALCvids ‏@TALCvids 5m
Adam Lambert: Retweet Me for the Trevor Project! http://www.justjared.com/2013/04/28/adam-l...trevor-project/ … via @JustJared
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'Love2Lurk' date='Apr 28th 2013, 6:55 PM'

Adam Lambert Parties At Bootsy Bellows Along With Chris Klien, Minka Kelly, Cam Gigandet & More! April 28th, 2013 /

It was a star studded night at Booty Bellows nightclub in West Hollywood, CA last night (April 27, 2013).

Singer Adam Lambert, who previously had a very memorable at the club for his birthday, was among those who attended the festivities.

Also, joining in the fun were Gwen Stefani, Chris Evans, Minka Kelly, Samantha Ronson, Cam Gigandet and more.

Adam has teamed up with AT&T and The Trevor Project for the “Live Proud” campaign.
The project invites the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) community and beyond to take part in an effort centered on awareness, empowerment and pride. Glambert is offering a special VIP experience to a batch of lucky contest winners which will include a private concert in L.A.

AT&T will contribute a minimum of $25,000 and up to $50,000 to The Trevor Project, an org that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ youth.

From now through June 30, participants can like the campaign Facebook page. AT&T will donate a dollar for each like.

Retweet an @ATT, @TrevorProject or @adamlambert tweet that mentions #attliveproud and AT&T will donate .50 cents to The Trevor Project.

Start tweeting people! Launch the gallery to check out all the celebs leaving Bootsy Bellows.
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'bebeg' date='Apr 29th 2013, 7:51 PM'


Star Spotting: Adam Lambert's Glam Is Glowing!

by Byron Flitsch


If any of you Glamberts have wondered what it'd be like to spend an evening out with Adam Lambert (WE WONDER THIS EVERY SINGLE NIGHT), please enjoy this fantastic photo of Adam WERQUING some flashy heart-shaped glasses while out with his BFFs. Besides the obvious note that Adam looks good in any pair of shades, we've just been handed some breaking news: Adam's glam is so powerful that it glows! Those shades are pulsing at 100 Glam-a-Watts of pure sexiness! (Which is now officially a legit measurement of energy soon to be taught in every science class.)

The "Ray Of Light" singer shared his photo on Instagram with the caption, "Back in Japan...," and we are IN LOVE with Adam's attempt at being goofy with that "Derp" face. (LOL! Nice try, Adam, but your "neck porn" and leather pants will forever outweigh any attempts at being dorky.) But we're mostly loving that our Prince of Glam never misses a chance to remind the world to have fun, be yourself, and to not give an EFF what anyone thinks. While some people hit up the club acting like VIP big deals, Adam ain't got time for that -- PUH-LEASE. Adam's all, "Haters can hate, but I'm ALWAYS gonna illuminate."
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'Love2Lurk' date='Apr 30th 2013, 12:42 PM'

Adam Lambert Launches “Live Proud” Campaign To Support LGBT Community
April 30, 2013 ● by Chris Spargo

That Adam Lambert is just the greatest.

Mr. Lambert has teamed up with AT&T and The Trevor Project to launch “Live Proud,” a campaign designed to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning people.

The singer is asking fans to submit a story or image that represents their “Live Proud” moment, and the winners will get a chance to see the singer perform at an intimate, VIP concert in LA, complete with a vacation prize pack.

AT&T, for their part, will contribute at least $25,000 to The Trevor Project, an organization that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth.

Get all the details in the video above and then get to it kids. The chance to see Adam live and help a good cause?

There’s nothing better.
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'madamimadam' date='Apr 30th 2013, 1:09 PM'

anon 1m
VIDEO: Adam Lambert Announces 'Intimate Gig' to Benefit Trevor Project - BWWTVWorld http://tv.broadwayworld.com/article/VIDEO-...roject-20130430
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