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2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:20 am
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='Dec 17th 2012, 1:58 AM'


2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:22 am
by glambertparty
'Sabine' date='Dec 17th 2012, 2:14 AM'

Great show, Adam was wonderful, fabulous and did an amazing job. This whole project was full of win! ::wub::
bani ‏@bani_
RT @ALambertMedia: RT @NYCiLOVEu: Guys! watch Adam on official web site if u can..Miley has 4k views while A only has 1K views

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:23 am
by glambertparty
'jnmk' date='Dec 17th 2012, 2:44 AM'

awwwwwwwww ::wub::

@Sroczka79: ADAM AND SAULI ::grin::



2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:24 am
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='Dec 17th 2012, 8:43 AM'

There are lots of great tweets coming in overnight about Adam and his performance but for me, this is the best and most important tweet of the night....

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone
Millions of emails and calls re @adamIsadiva . ::smile:: very very happy publicist ( easy job etc)

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:26 am
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='Dec 17th 2012, 10:23 AM'

::heart:: ::huggy:: ::wub:: ::heart:: Is this love, is this love, is this love, is this love that I'm feeling...... ::heart:: ::huggy:: ::wub:: ::heart::

Joanna Elizabeth ‏@Joannalizzy
WOAH MY HEART RT @illuxxia *shamelessly bfberting*

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:26 am
by glambertparty
'durnet' date='Dec 17th 2012, 10:33 AM'

James Durbin ‏@DurbinRock
Who saw @adamlambert slay #VH1DIVAS? Great job mate!!

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:29 am
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='Dec 17th 2012, 11:23 AM'

Great review of the night.... ::clap:: ::thumbup::

Adam Lambert Hits High Note as Host of VH1 Divas

It was a celebration of dance music, diva-licious dresses, and style-high stilettos as VH1 Divas brought their "A" Game to the Shrine Auditorium Sunday night in Los Angeles.

While certified Diva's like Kelly Clarkson, Ciara, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Rowland, Jordan Sparks, and House DJ Havana Brown earned their stripes with high octane performances (most notably Cyrus who shock-rocked us with some serious Billy Idol), it was host Adam Lambert who may have been the most entertaining and endearing Diva of all.

The opening skit had Lambert taking "Diva lessons" from actress NeNe Leakes which included some humorous hissy fits and a pillow-thrashing tirade directed at Paula Abdul. Already renowned for his fab fashion sense and MAC guy-liner, Lambert's progressive (and may we say fun) approach to his wardrobe is second only to his spine-tingling vocal range.

And tonight, Lambert was in top form.

With frequent wardrobe changes that featured everything from fierce leather-studded jackets to a Kabbalah-inspired frock (a nod to Madonna), Lambert glided through Bowie's "Let's Dance" and Madge's "Ray of Light." Despite a rough start to the latter, he pulled it together. (There are reports he requested assistance adjusting his ear piece backstage prior to the performance, and from the looks of it, he couldn't hear himself singing.)

No matter, the show must go on, and so it did. With enough swag and sparkle to dazzle even the highest brows in Tinsel town, Lambert was a natural and broke some new ground, allowing the audience to see that he can be both funny and fierce. It's a fact his Glamberts know well, but until tonight, had not yet been witnessed by the mass populus.

Outside of Lambert's hosting highlights, there was a handful of noteworthy musical moments.

Metric turned heads with a spot on impression of Debby Harry while singing Blondie's "Heart of Glass." Seems like the real thing....
Newcomer Poloma Faith tilted heads with "Picking Up the Pieces."
Kelly Clarkson gave us a look at her canary diamond engagement bling during "Catch My Breath."
Adam Lambert upstaged and out-ranged Keri Hilson and Kelly Rowland during a Donna Summer medley. Snap.
Ciara electrified with her dance moves during MJ's "Billie Jean."
Miley Cyrus earned some genuine rock cred with a crotch grabbing, balls-out, version of Idol's "Rebel Yell."

There were also a few questions on our mind, such as "When did Pitbull become a Diva?" and "Who fired J-Lo's stylist, lighting guy, and choreographer and put him/her in charge of Ciara?"

As for Lambert? He has now been initiated into a very exclusive club. Okay, so he's not a choreographer's dream. He even admitted to that. But the first-time host brought an element of whimsy and unabashed sex appeal to The Game, as he carried a big load on his shoulders and didn't flinch once - not even when the fiercest diva's crossed his path. Maybe they'd best watch out for him. In the affectionate words of NeNe herself, "I'm gonna say this because No One else will. Adam Lambert is a b*tch on wheels!"

That ought to be enough for a return gig next year. 'Duck lips' and all.

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:30 am
by glambertparty
'Silvia' date='Dec 17th 2012, 10:54 AM'

I split he file into 6 parts and am uploading now.

I'll post the files as they are completed. :thumbs:

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:31 am
by glambertparty
'vistadiva' date='Dec 17th 2012, 1:08 PM'

Here are some goodies while Silvia is working her magic....









2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:36 am
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='Dec 17th 2012, 3:06 PM'

There are so many great pictures at it's overwhelming....


2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:37 am
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='Dec 17th 2012, 3:22 PM'

The Real Paula Abdul ‏@PaulaAbdul
.@AdamLambert D - I - V - A #diva

Jordin Sparks ‏@JordinSparks
'DIVAS WAS AMAZING!' What did you guys think? adamlambert was incredible! Good to see you love!! ::heart::

Love, love, love that Paula was part of the opening skit last night. Those full circle moments are great.

And I love this picture of Adam and Jordin -- the look on Jordin's face. ::smile::


2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:38 am
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='Dec 17th 2012, 3:12 PM'

Adam Lambert: VH1 Divas; All laughs at the beginning!! ::thumbup:: ::wootwave::

Just a snippet..because his rehearsals are better than most 'real' performances!!! Luv the boys ::yes:: ::thumbup:: ::wootwave::

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:39 am
by glambertparty
'vistadiva' date='Dec 17th 2012, 3:45 PM'


2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:40 am
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='Dec 17th 2012, 4:41 PM'

@adamlambert Spontaneous US trends during #VH1Divas:
"Adam Lambert" & "Ray of Light"

You slayed!
::yes:: ::thumbup:: ::hello::

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:41 am
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='Dec 17th 2012, 4:43 PM'

I love him....seriously love his crazy ass! He's beautiful and stunning and adorkable and perfect!

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Had to watch the show from last night. So proud except literally just sat here a LAUGHED at my own lame ass on Ray Of Light. #wtfwasithinkin

Adam don't you understand - those are the moments that make us love you even more!!

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:42 am
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='Dec 17th 2012, 8:24 PM'

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:43 am
by glambertparty
'bebeg' date='Dec 17th 2012, 9:55 PM'

I have no idea if these have been posted here or not. I'm beginning to be overwhelmed with all the good stuff from last night and can't keep track anymore. If they are already here....sorry.

From Billboard -

(just quoting the Adam mentions)

Adam Lambert, Jordin Sparks Pay Tribute to Whitney Houston, Donna Summer At 'VH1 Divas': Watch

....Keeping the show on schedule and energized was Lambert, who had a flub-free night and was clearly elated at the end of it. "I had so much fun," he told The Hollywood Reporter after the show. "Figuring out all the outfits and all the different beats was a little bit stressful, but when I got out there for the show, it just felt really warm and the energy was great." ....

....Lambert added that his favorite moment of the show came during the Donna Summer medley, which he described as "pretty magical." As for whether he found singing one of Madonna's most challenging songs intimidating? "Yeah," he said, "but I had a lot of fun and I liked my outfit."

Indeed, you could even see the musical theater lover in Lambert come out swinging -- with multiple acts and costume changes rather than a one-song performance and you're out. Or so Lambert noted: "Usually with these events, you do one thing and you're done and it's like being shot out of a cannon. But the way this thing was structured, and that I got to sing with other artists onstage, was something fresh for me. I really got to enjoy myself and get comfortable. It was really cool."

VH1 DIVAS Behind The Scenes: The Top 16 Things You Didn’t See On TV

1. American Idol alumnus Adam Lambert ran out to greet the original Idol, Kelly Clarkson, and the two shared a warm hug just minutes before show time backstage. Adam did a little turn showing off his duds.

10. You guys, we can’t resist sharing one more Brandy deet. Here she is with Adam Lambert, a quick conversation in which she called him “her baby” and adorably pinched his cheeks.

12. We would be remiss if we didn’t mention what an absolute sweetheart that Adam Lambert is. Here, he poses for a quick picture with his “Ray Of Light” dancers just seconds before he went on stage. Adam was lovely to his dancers, making jokes and dancing dirty with them to keep everyone loose before the big performance. Additionally, you would not believe how incredibly polite he was to this sound guy while asking him to adjust the volume levels of his ear pieces. What a great guy!

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:41 pm
by glambertparty
'jnmk' date='Dec 17th 2012, 9:01 PM'

do we have this yet?

Adam Lambert Divas 2012 - Red Carpet

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:46 pm
by glambertparty
'barb4Adam' date='Dec 17th 2012, 11:18 PM'

Luis†∆ngel ‏@Lou_XOXO@adamlambert I'm not gonna lie! I laughed too.
But you were rather cute you snuggie-wearin-Madonna-sangin-exorcist you!!!! #AdamIsADiva
Retweeted by Adam Lambert

Rose ‏@holarosarita @adamlambert I was laughin' too! But that doesn't mean it was bad! #thoroughlyentertained

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert @holarosarita aha you GET IT!

From his Instagram.....I don't think he was too unhappy with any of it!!

2012-12-16 VH1 Divas - HOST AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:50 pm
by glambertparty
'jnmk' date='Dec 18th 2012, 1:52 AM'

lambertlust is posting some cell phone video from the audience:

lambertlust - Adam Lambert show closing speech Divas 2012

lambertlust - Adam Lambert Duck Lips Speech - Divas 2012

lambertlust - 'Hot Stuff' ending - VH1 Divas 2012

glory note!!!

lambertlust - Clip from Donna Summer Medley - VH1 Divas 2012

lambertlust - Adam Lambert - Ray Of Light - VH1 Divas 2012