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2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:52 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 20th 2010, 7:15 AM'

It was a lovely afternoon meeting up with UK fans. I really can't match forum user names to twitter names to real names atm! ::haha:: ::haha:: I need a list. Remind me of who was who pls. PM me if you don't want to put it on here?

Thanks for nice comments about Lucas, because seeing him in real life you do see the real him and not just photos which he could have been made to pose for. You saw the real him and know this is him and that he is happy.

His little face in one of my videos when he saw Adam I think said it all. He was so happy to finally see him.
Now back to Adam. I wonder if any news will filter through today of what he is up to. Sarah hall tweeted earlier about being out with laptop, camera, BB, etc and hoped she didn't get mugged. I answered her with why would you need to carry all that around with you ... unless you were planning to spend the day with a US Idol that had just arrived here.

Tonight is the BG party if he goes to that - maybe get some good press pics.

Adam tweets:

@Monterrific's ladies! Lisa, Ariel, & Aurora's Fit Pregnancy issue is out now!

On being a role model: "don't do as I do- do as YOU do" I hope young folk feel empowered to freely be whoever the fck they want to be!

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:52 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 12:05 PM'

few pictures of BB's arrival to UK ::wub:: credit to JemmaKtorou

credit to Starryeyed101


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:53 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 20th 2010, 12:06 PM'

Tweets from Boy George

@Glambert_3799 I hope he does turn up, nothing much else going on tonight!
in reply to A twitpic of you and Adam would be EPIC!!! JS!! :-)

I believe my friend Walt is bringing Adam to the party, how they know each other remains a mystery!

@mrseyebalpaul There was a request, so hopefully he will, he's coming to London I know!
in reply to I was going to ask that question RT @LambertNO @Theboygeorge nope but is adam lambert really going to your launch party tonight? xx

I hear Adam Lambert might be at my launch party tomorrow, be nice to meet him

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:53 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 1:03 PM'

another Picture of BB's arrival to UK ::wub:: credit to gemmalovesadam


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:53 am
by glambertparty
'Applethief' date='Mar 20th 2010, 4:44 PM'

Checking out the UK nightlife, Adam Lambert was spotted in central London on Saturday (March 20).

Accompanied by Samantha Ronson and her brother Mark, the “American Idol” runner-up paid little attention to the paparazzi as they walked right past.Mr Lambert arrived in London earlier this week as he is to begin his massive radio tour first in the UK and then in Germany.

Of the media fuss over his sexuality, Adam told press, “Sometimes it takes away from what I actually do. I have been labeled: ‘openly gay singer.’ And I’m like, wait, it’s ‘Adam Lambert, singer. Who happens to be openly gay.’”



:) adam hang out with sam in london. were they going to BG's party together??

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:54 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 4:49 PM'

Adam Lambert: Out in London with the Ronsons
Posted March 20th, 2010


Checking out the UK nightlife, Adam Lambert was spotted in central London on Saturday (March 20).

Accompanied by Samantha Ronson and her brother Mark, the “American Idol” runner-up paid little attention to the paparazzi as they walked right past.

Mr Lambert arrived in London earlier this week as he is to begin his massive radio tour first in the UK and then in Germany.

Of the media fuss over his sexuality, Adam told press, "Sometimes it takes away from what I actually do. I have been labeled: 'openly gay singer.' And I'm like, wait, it's 'Adam Lambert, singer. Who happens to be openly gay.'”
Boy he is so Freakin Gorgeous ::wub:: and those sexy tight pants ::devil:: i flove his style ::icecream::


do you see that small bag hanging on his thigh , what a style ^_^




2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:54 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 5:04 PM'

TheLadyLloyd OK! The Lipstick is loaded and the glitter is exploding all over my face...yes I am getting ready for @theboygeorge single launch party! #fb
TheMissPollyRae Going to @theboygeorge single launch tonight with @theladylloyd & @adamlambert - all eyeliners at the ready x

it really happening ::clap:: ::clap::

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:54 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 20th 2010, 7:55 PM'

TheLadyLloyd Took @adamlambert to meet @theboygeorge tonight at his launch! Adam looked so stunning what a beautiful boy!

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:54 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 20th 2010, 7:59 PM'





2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:55 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 20th 2010, 8:19 PM'

samantharonson Now that it's after midnight and I can't jinx it- today was perfect. Thanks BA, @iamMarkRonson and @adamlambert. #nocomplaints

theboygeorge Adam lambert is lovely, we met tonite. He's a beauty!

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:55 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 20th 2010, 8:31 PM'

theboygeorge: And very normal in the best possible sense. Merha Club was shite. Adam was the highlight!

continuing on from his earlier tweet which was theboygeorge: Adam lambert is lovely, we met tonite. He's a beauty!

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:55 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 9:51 PM'

TheMissPollyRae seeing @adamlambert and @theboygeorge together tonight was like "LEGENDS UNITED" - hope a duet will come from this - both wore fedoras x x x

how freakin sweet ::wub:: ::huggy:: BB wearing Fedora UNF ::shock::

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:56 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 10:27 PM'

TheLadyLloyd All the @adamlambert fans he was dressed up and ready for action tonight'! He is very lucky to have such dedicated fans/friends xoxo

BB is always ready for any action ::huggy:: awww how sweet ::wub::

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:56 am
by glambertparty
'Dolfin4946' date='Mar 20th 2010, 11:28 PM'


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:56 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 11:35 PM'

so Freakin Hot ::devil:: ::icecream::


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:57 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 11:39 PM'

theboygeorge -

theboygeorge - With Adam at my
party at some dreadful nightclub which pales into significance against meeting Mr Lambert!

aren't they like father and son so similar but BB is more gorgeous ::wub:: ::bleh::


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:57 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 20th 2010, 11:42 PM'

adamlambert @theboygeorge I'm honored to meet u tonight! U are one of the original glam gods! Such a treat! on top of your royalty u were so sweet.:)
theboygeorge @adamlambert Hope to see you again before you leave! Enjoy our lovely land and knock em dead!

awwww how sweet ::wub:: ::huggy:: ::heart:: ::heart::

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:58 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 21st 2010, 12:33 AM'

untagged Pictures credit to ontd_ai ::flowers::


2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:58 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 21st 2010, 9:34 AM'

adamlambert Lovin London!!

2010-03-19/28 United Kingdom Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:58 am
by glambertparty
'cb3414' date='Mar 21st 2010, 10:14 AM'

JenniRed chatting to American Idol runner up @adamlambert tomorrow. He's the new American Icon - any questionitas pls? x
16 minutes ago via web