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2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:47 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 4:35 AM



joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 4:47 AM

joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 5:00 AM

Adam Says Farewell to Allison <3

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:53 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 5:10 AM


Tommy's Intro
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 5:20 AM


2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 8:58 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 5:23 AM

Another angle, Tommy rubbing his bass b/w Adam's legs UNFF :omg: :dead:

joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 5:31 AM

joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 6:32 AM

Libracats HD

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:10 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 7:16 AM

boicantspell HD

joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 7:26 AM




joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 7:48 AM

Libracats HD



2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:15 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 8:06 AM

Libracats HD

joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 9:05 AM

Libracats HD

dnewton98 HD

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:23 pm
by Tiki
Little Bee' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 9:25 AM


on the way to LA from Seattle. gonna get some things done in the few hours we have before we head off to
BlueIndigoSky' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 10:21 AM

Tinafea, Adamtopia

Tinafea, Adamtopia

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:28 pm
by Tiki
Silvia' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 10:41 AM

barb4Adam' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 10:51 AM



2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:29 pm
by Tiki
vistadiva' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 11:38 AM

Great Australia interview

WHEN he was making his debut album, Adam Lambert was fresh out of the in-at-the-deep-end musical academy that is American Idol.

He'd sung with Kiss and Queen on the show and was bringing his own flamboyant pop dreams to life in the studio.

One of his musical collaborators had some advice for him. Her name - Lady Gaga.

"She told me about the previous three years," Lambert says. "She worked really, really hard before she made it. She told me there's no glamour, you don't get a lot of sleep, you don't get a lot of stability in your social life - you just have to count on yourself and go for it. It was a good pep talk. And she was right."

His pop brain-picking went straight to the top when he got an audience with Madonna.

"She told me that you can't get wrapped up in all the media and message boards, that everyone's going to have an opinion. People will criticise you especially when you're doing it well. You can't do much better than getting career advice from Madonna. She's the queen, right?
"I've learnt there are plenty of challenges, but if you work hard enough you can arrive. You find a spot for yourself and get to communicate with your art and hopefully inspire people. That's what I'm working towards."

So far it's working. Lambert is the first American Idol contestant since Kelly Clarkson to have international success, including Top 10 hits in Australia Whaddaya Want From Me and If I Had You from his album For Your Entertainment.

"I think my style has an international flavour. It's not your typical Americana type of performing," Lambert says.

"Internationally I don't think people shy away from flamboyance as much as Americans might."

This year Lambert has ticked another thing off his wish list - a headline tour. He's worked on the high-glamour costumes ("I was hardly going to get up there in a T-shirt and jeans") and has pieced together his Glam Nation show to "give my album a visual life, it tells an emotional story" including "an exploration of sexual energy" and a "post-coital" musical comedown among them.

His choice of bedroom partner - men - has been a major talking point. Lambert is hoping the media will soon find a new topic.

"I'm very comfortable with my sexuality and I have no qualms talking about it," he says. "It's important for me to be bold about it. There are not a lot of examples of that in pop culture. I'm happy to fill that role.

"But I did an interview the other day and every question was a sensationalised question about being gay and the gay lifestyle. There's a fine line.

"As open as I am to mentioning it, I'm not a gay spokesman. I'm a singer. I'm an entertainer who happens to be gay. I'm going to work hard with the next album to make that the message. When the first line is 'Openly gay singer Adam Lambert ...' it gets a little frustrating. The singer part should definitely come first. That's what I do."

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:38 pm
by Tiki
AniMaL' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 12:08 PM

My GlamChannel
Adam Lambert-Aftermath tribute
[bbvideo=560,315] ... r_embedded[/bbvideo]
Sagitarius' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 12:20 PM

My first post re the Puy (pew al lup) allup (which is a Native American Tribe here in the valley, First People...the Native American culture is much celebrated in the Northwest...hence the name and spelling).

I'll do a review later but I have been reading through this thread and interestingly the one thing from the posts that hits are the tweets regarding the older fans.

There were LOADS of young people (lots of screamers for no reason other than to scream) huge crowd, and every age you could imagine.

I did not sit down from the time we got to our seats (other than the toilet on my 2 bathroom breaks :teehee: ) and danced to all of the intermission songs. It was great fun to see how many older fans got into it and some were just enjoying themselves and some were really kicking it. I used to be a dancer and immodestly know I can still kick ass.

Thank the powers AFL appreciates older women and knows the influence this particular fan base has on the $'s that keep music careers profitable...and that includes Beebus.

There were two gorgeous white haired sisters who had traveled a fair distance for the show and for those eye rolls that some young gals gave I wondered what would happen if Cher, or Dolly or any of the huge names in the business had been there. Certainly Adam would have been pleased.

Long rant...aegism is rife. I'll get off my soapbox and write a much sweeter review now.

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:45 pm
by Tiki
barb4Adam' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 12:46 PM

that's Momma Leila, at homecoming I believe


2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:52 pm
by Tiki
lizziek' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 12:56 PM

This is one of my favorite gifs..his tush is mezmerising

Strut4MeAdam' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 1:50 PM

we should all have an Adam puppet....

clawme' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 3:05 PM

The length of this thing is ridiculous. I can't help it. I just...can't. Read every 3 or 4 lines - you'll get the gist.

Part 1: Before

T minus 5 hours: I go from having 0 tickets to having 1 ticket in the 5th row on the center aisle. I had planned on sitting up in the grandstand and I ended up right smack dab smack ass smack in front of the stage. Total perimeter breach. I am numb.

T minus 4 hours 59 minutes: I lose my sh*t.

T minus 4 hours 30 minutes: The notion that Adam might be able to see me has me in its evil grips. I need a burka. I don’t have a burka. I dress entirely in black, layers of black. A black hat. Nothing that reflects light. I’m a pantyhose short of full-on cat burglar. Once darkness hits, I’ll fade away. Right?!

T minus 3 hours
: Sitting in traffic, obsessed, completely completely obsessed with the fact that I will be seeing Adam up close. My friend, thankfully, carries the conversation. I am in lala land. Any response I make to anything she says is pure animal instinct.

T minus 2 hours 15 minutes: We are walking to our seats. We are getting closer and closer and closer. My legs begin to tingle we’re so close. I look down to get my bearings. Row 24. The brain machine whirrs. 5 is way less than 24. By row 19, I am certain that everything has been mislabeled and that we can’t possibly be any g.d. closer. Conspiracy!!! I get to my seat. The look on my face should have seriously alarmed people. It didn’t. That tells you all you need to know about sitting up in the Glambert zone.

T minus 2 hours: Allison comes out and when she stands at the edge of the stage, I practically have to crawl over the back of my seat to get out of her way. Repeat “T minus 4 hours 59 minutes.” Sorry person behind me. This is the real deal. I can see the sheen of sweat on her chest. When she cries and her eyelash glue gets in her eye, I can see that this is happening. I can see her trying to blink through gummy mascara. I am absolutely transfixed by the seeing of her. I watch David Immerman repeatedly flick guitar picks that don’t quite make it to the audience. Little barely visible picks. I see them. I look at the drummer and think she is crying a little but then I think that maybe that’s just her face. Either way I’m close enough to have a valid opinion on the matter.

T minus 1 hour 30 minutes: Needing a break from all of the serious seeing I am doing, I contemplate the couple in front of me. Late 60s husband and wife wearing the same military themed jacket. They do not interact or even move really. I watch the man yell at the young woman in front of him who is standing and taking pictures of Allison. I think he says, “THIS IS THE FAIR! SIT DOWN!” 4th row Adam Lambert center stage and this guy is pissed about standers. Oh honey. Honey, honey, honey. Cockblockin’ is fer foolz and this man is the biggest foo’ in town. I’m sure he really loved it when he left his seat towards the end of Adam’s show and returned to find that the crowd had rushed the stage, plugging up the aisle back to the 10th row or so.

T minus 30 minutes
: I leave the venue to use the restroom. While in line, I hear the following exchange:

Two Glamberts talking to each other in line: Adamadamadamadamadamadamadamadam
Random lady leaving the bathroom: Adam LamBART? Oh, he’s a stinker. I don’t like him anymore.
Two Glamberts: Really? Then you must die!!!!! *cue flesh-tearing and eyeball-plucking*
Random: That Adam LamBART thinks he’s better than everyone else. Thinks he’s so special. [She then recounts her story of how she was waiting in line for a ride earlier in the day with her son, who is autistic. Adam Lambart and his crew came along and got to cut in to the front. This frustrated her because it is challenging for her son to stand in line.]
Two Glamberts: *crickets*
Random: So if that’s “celebrity,” then Adam LamBART can have it.


T minus 5 minutes: FYE begins. I assume the fetal position. “He’s a regular real person,” I say to myself. It’s a mantra. Regular, real person. Deep breath. Regular, real person. Deep breath.

Upcoming....Part 2: During and Part 3: After
clawme' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 3:55 PM

Part 2: During

T minus zeeerho: Repeat T minus 4 hours 59 minutes. I see him. Like, SEEEEEEEEEE. NO HE’S NOT! He is not real. This is not, I am not. I need air. I need to get to the outside for air, except I am already outside but how would I know because my entire world is now very small. It is whatever I can see through my fingers. All else is black nothingness.

My first full moment of awareness brings me to this realization: I am fully exposed. Here’s the sitch - the 2 people on the aisle in the first row = a couple who stood right up against the stage. The 2 people behind them stayed seated. The 2 people behind them stayed seated. The 2 people behind them stayed seated. Are you following me? Do you get where I’m going with this? I’m standing. STANDING. It’s a sea of sitdownedness before me and then the stage people and then him. And I’m kind of in the aisle because Laurel and Hardy in front of me are pushed back a bit, so if I stand in front of my seat, in my layers of black clothing, I loom over The Yeller like some kind of creepy Angel of Death or something, and neither of us needs that.

WILDROSE – you mentioned the pants. Lady, you have got an eye! I didn’t make it up to Adam’s face until well into, like, Fever. Whoever made those pants, made them with Adam in them. I’ve never seen such a perfectly fitting piece of clothing in my entire life. They looked a little latex-y. Whatever they were, his thighs caressed them from the inside like it was their job and they were working overtime for twice their normal pay.

T plus finger suck: I had already paid my friend for the price of the ticket. I now open my wallet and hand over all of the remaining money in it to her. I want to kiss her feet, but it is physically impossible. I blow kisses towards the ground.

T plus 10 minutes: I really look at his face. I revisit T minus 4 hours 59 minutes. He is the smilingest smiler that ever did smile. Every other expression is followed by a smile, or some other equal glint of pleasure. Between smiles, he pouts, winks, flutters, smirks, laughs – he is never not giving good face. He constantly looks mischievous. Everything is for fun.

When he sings, I see his breath. On certain syllables, I see spit. When he swings his head, a mist of glitter and precious body fluids swirls around him. The Hair is such amazing art that it literally (no, literally) leaves me reeling. How? Bumpit? It’s not logical. I air lick it. It licks me back. Mother effer, that hair is so sick and nasty. I give my friend my jewelry.

T plus 30 minutes: Out of nowhere a drumstick lands at my feet. I pick it up and stick it down the side of my pants without once taking my eyes or mind off Adam. I am that intense. Thanks Isaac! Thanks for not throwing that pointy object just a little bit harder!

T plus 45 minutes: The inevitable happens. I see him see me. It’s the end of Music Again. He has just done about a 100 adorable little things in a row, and I am worked up into an absolute lather. So in love. So in awe of the performer he is. Sometimes he is hitting every single beat of the music with some part of his body - constant movement and play. He works the crowd with his entire face, all of his being. I am goopy and awkward. I am in the aisle and loud, fist-pump at the ready.

What I think Adam probably saw as he ended the song: Me screaming at him, “YOU! YOU! NO YOU!” while, like, throwing my arms towards him foam finger/#1 style. Merp.

T plus 20th Century Boy: This is my first time hearing this song live. I don’t remember a single thing about it. As I mentioned previously, the unwashed masses from BehindMe Land crowd the aisles. A tall man blocks my view with his picture taking. I gnaw off his camera arm and wave his bloody shredded stump around over my head. I tap him on the shoulder and shriek things. He’s creeped out enough to move on.

This is all distracting and too close and I just need space to DEAL and really at this point I’m so in the zone that it doesn’t really matter. You wanna give it to me again, big boy? Well, I’m certainly not going to say no, but you’ll have to excuse me if I just lay here completely spent while you do. So he ground one out AGAIN, and then it's over.

I stand there wondering what exactly just happened. I have a drumstick in my pants. This seems normal. I go home.
clawme' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 6:13 PM

Part 3: After

Random observations and thoughts:

~Somebody needs to institute the Audience Fashion Show. Men and women of all ages were did up – some really fabulous stuff. That said, everyone I saw that was dressed up looked uncomfortable. I’m sorry but if you’re going to show up at the Puyallup fair dressed like a club kid, then you’d better be prepared to own it. You will be in the minority.

On the other hand, I’d be curious to know how many people there were dressed in all black. I felt like I had found my lost tribe.

~Tommy had the cutest little black cowboy boots about which Adam, who is without a doubt, a smack-talking troublemaking smart-ass, flipped him crap. “I like your boots, Tommy. I like your boots. Circa 1987. Do you like his boots? Yeah, Guns ‘n Roses.” I have a feeling that that discussion was to be continued later on…in bed. (Get it, Druncass?)

~At one point during SFW Adam was standing on the part of the stage where the fans could reach him. He’s planted in front of this group of women, who from what I could see, were not groping him, and there’s this moment where they look at him and he looks at them and shrugs as if to say, “Show me what you got.” I’m not actually joking about that. The look on his face in response to their hesitation about what to do with him right there and not moving seemed to say, “Bitches, I’d wanna touch me too. How brave r u?” Well played, Adam LamBART. Well-played.

~ The drummer is way smaller than Tommy. I’m surprised he got the drumstick as far as he did. I love ya, Cam, but the idea of Adam surrounded by a band of twee and/or miniature men needs to be a reality, like, yesterday.

~Allison was so broken up, poor thing. She was standing there knee-deep in admiration for and appreciation of Adam, doing everything she could to collect herself while thanking the audience for supporting him. It was a really genuine and sweet moment.

~Adam’s connection with the people on stage with him seems really intense (except for Cam). I’m thinking that you can’t work that closely with Adam and not have an intense connection with him. He’s a big personality and seems to bring out the best in others. A benevolent dictator, if ever there was one. He and Terence were having some kind of macho chest-thumping eye-f*cking contest, I think. Every time they were face-to-face, and I looked at them, I felt dirty.

I’m a dirty dirty girl. :devil:

So, yeah, probably a good place to stop. I think I’ve sucked what I can from the experience. Now onward and upward...and downward and upward and downward and upward and faster and faster. Heh. This is what I do with a day off. Anyway, I’m not going anywhere. Are you going anywhere? This isn’t the end – it’s just a commercial break. Everyone go pee and get snacks. Hurry! The show will be back on before we know it.

Thanks to you all for such a terrific summer of love and delicious mayhem. It has been so fun to travel around the U.S. with you. <3 Watch out world! Here we come!

WILDROSE: So glad we have “met.” :yes:

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:53 pm
by Tiki
Sagitarius' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 3:13 PM

My total thanks and appreciation for the videos and updates and great posts form the IDF Glamily...

Vista darlin' were so right when you said to look at the vids from my show. It's amazing how much is missed in the excitement of the performance and the fabulous people you meet when you are all basking in the AFL experience.

I'm going to review bit by bit as others have done so I can cover all the news. On my way home last night I thought I wouldn't have too much to tell but today my brain is full with so many things I'm tripping over the adventure.

I shared early in this thread that Puyallup is my family has lived there since 1903. The fairgrounds are within 1/2 mile of where the original farm of my great-great Norwegian/Swedish grandparents settled. I also work there and my office is a short 10 minutes from the valley.

The rockin' sun god, Adam Lambert, brought the much- prayed- to- the- universe blue skies and NO RAIN !
It has rained heavily for the last several days and tho' the grandstand seats are covered the thousands of infield seats are not and I truly had sleepless nights (invested much?) worrying about the weather and what that would mean to the attendance.

I left my office early and took back roads to the fairgrounds knowing the traffic would be heavy and was surprised there was available parking near the main gate. As I gathered up my "stuff", gratefully leaving my umbrella :) I opened my car door and heard, loudly, the glorious VOICE. My god, Adam was doing his soundcheck ! :w00t: At the fairgrounds where I grew up ! And the sound was covering blocks away ! :yes:

Needless to say I was thrilled and rushed to get my butt into the fair to listen to the soundcheck. It took a while but I finally made it in, had to go around the venue to the area where as a kid, you could watch the rodeo through the fence. NOT NOW ! It is heavily shrouded and there were many Glamberts, Skanks, etc listening and a few who had climbed on some structure were able to see. Beautiful voice; sound carried like the white clouds floating overhead and it was a definate moment for me considering how many years I have
attended the fair, on school days, sometimes performing, or showing at the exhibits or meeting some hot guy/guys (if a group of us girls went together) screaming on the rides (roller coaster on which our dear Adam rode) and enjoying the thrill of making out with the "bad boys" you admired at school but only had the nerve to let them know you were game because of the wildness and freedom of the fair. So many years of the beloved Puyallup Fair. sigh...

It was a rite of passage and all the familiar sites of so long ago were wrapped up in my fan-atic preoccupation of Adam Lambert. :adamhappy: to be cont:
Sagitarius' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 3:57 PM

to be cont: continues.

At the shrouded fences I turned green with envy at the gals who had climbed on the "structure' to not only hear but see the soundcheck . I thought:' I could get my leg up there and see if one of them should fall off' :thumbs: but I was dreamin' of the young fairgal 'cause no way would that have been possible now :no: sob, it stinks to have reality hit you in your childhood memory!

I watched the groups of fans and greeted a few I had met/seen at other concerts. We were all pulsating with excitement and I noted again how very lucky we were with the weather and the warm sun. (Enough to dry up the moss on our toes from sooo much past rain. :wacko: Actually the Northwest is truly a gorgeous place to live and I would never change. <3 )

I decided to go into the mall area behind the grandstand to see if I could find and "opening" to sneak up and watch the soundcheck, but alas, no luck . So I stayed at the bottom of the entrance steps to the grandstand and listened. I was near the Marcoe's fudge display and gained weight just looking at the mouthwatering chocolates. ( I did buy a batch to hopefully give to Adam/crew later but that didn't happen and now I have to eat it ALL myself! :bleh: )

As I was listening one of the counter gals remarked how great the singer was and I of course, happily and smugly, gave her way too much information about Adam and could read what she was thinking about me :ermm: )

IMO the soundcheck was not going well and at one point Adam commented "we're not rockin'it". He stopped and started Soaked several times, working on the high notes. In fact, he went through a lot of the set list...I don't know how long he had been rehearsing as he was singing when I parked my car, but he continued the check for easily 30-40 minutes after I arrived. And then the check stopped and I waited a bit and decided to move out when he started again. I really felt there was a problem and I must say a couple of times the notes he hit were off. He knew it and sang them several times acapella, adjusting. Later, during the concert, the sound, to me, was so bad I wondered he didn't actually stop the session to get it corrected. Very tinny and mouse like voice...not at all rich and I'm constantly surprised that the videos don't pick up on that. I haven't seen anyone comment on the sound but people around me noted it also. Those who have not heard him sing live would,unfortunately, think that is how his voice really sounds. Did not notice it with Allison but more on that later. be cont. again
sherrie' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 4:38 PM

I was there and I also noticed the tinny sound....seems to me it was mostly WWFM, Aftermath, ROF, parts of IIHY and often times when he was talking. Several people around me also commented on the sound, but of course thought it was the way Adam's voice always sounds. The guy sitting behind commented to his wife that Adam sounded like a little girl....I wanted to slam the guy!

Love your review.....

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:55 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 5:50 PM

dnewton98 HD

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:07 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 6:41 PM

dnewton98 HD
IIHY Part 1
barb4Adam' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 9:36 PM

All Adam, All the Time...
Adam Lambert - Boots & Boys

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:56 pm
by Tiki
joooory' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 10:13 PM

dnewton98 HD
madamimadam' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 10:30 PM
QUOTE(fangurl1964 @ Sep 22nd 2010, 7:31 PM)

In every fandom, there are those special few that everyone thanks and calls out for their hard work. Those people have been thanked profusely here, and I extend my thank-yous as well. But I want to thank all the ones that don't get mentioned that are like the glitter in the weave of the fabric we create. These are the ones who bring us a surprising bit of wit or humor, or a different perspective night after night. These are the ones who pop in and out from lurking to not lurking because they suddenly felt so overwhelmed by how Adam made them feel. The ones who stick a toe in the water for the first time, to confess their perceived shortcomings and how here, they finally feel safe. These are glamily members we may not hear or see as much from, but without them those concert seats would never be filled, night after sold out night. These are the ones I wish to thank tonight flowers.gif
Sheesh! You beat me to the punch!

I have read all of the many thanks extended to a 'certain few' who, granted do an awful lot on this board, but to me what makes this board so special is the league of fans on here, newbies, oldies who seldom post, lurkers who finally get brave enough to speak up.

This board is exactly what Adam talks about. We have young ones, moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas?, different colors, different sexual orientation, different walks of life, different religions (Arabs and Jews get along just fine on here), different degrees of wealth/non-wealth and yet... WE ALL GET ALONG SPLENDIDLY! The young ones are never 'talked down' to. The elders are 'respected'. The level of intelligent posts, snarky remarks, off-the-cuff humor is boundless. Nobody EVER asks a 'stupid' question for here, no question is ever stupid! All questions are answered with love and a true desire to help. Every new tip on how to better our Adam enjoyment is happily shared with all... and that, my friends, is what makes this board THE BEST PLACE TO BE!!!!!

Now as to all the nostalgia displayed in the last pages, COME ON, guys! We're going on a world tour! I've never been to any of these places I'm off to in the next two months! And just think of it, no airline problems, questionable water pressure, funny looking food, fiasco with hotel reservations, lost luggages... Just the comfort of our homes with our computers and we get to travel the WORLD with our Glamily! How great is that... So onwards and upwards folks... We're off on a world tour in a couple of days, so do your laundry, shopping, cleaning in the next two days because we'zzzzz goin' be bizzzzzyyyy!!!!


2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:10 pm
by Tiki
madamimadam' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 10:58 PM

Adam Lambert Puyallup - Don't Stop Believin' Puppet Singalong
madamimadam' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 11:08 PM

Nothing to do with last night's show, but awesome mention for a cause very near and dear to Adam's heart.
barb4Adam' date='Sep 22nd 2010, 11:28 PM

ambertical @TommyJoeRatliff You work that bass so fast & hard your hands are a 11 minutes ago via Twitpic
barb4Adam' date='Sep 23rd 2010, 12:23 PM

jcquarious If you don't like me cause I like @adamlambert and listen to his music, then I don't like YOU for NOT liking @adamlambert. Get off my list! 37 minutes ago via web

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:12 pm
by Tiki
Sagitarius' date='Sep 23rd 2010, 12:27 PM

I do want to say one thing about the fair may not have sold out but there were people to the rafters of the grandstand. Every age and style you can imagine.

The biggest surprise to me, was the amount of older men. This is not a venue where people are season ticket holders and therefore go to all concerts regardless of who's playing. It was a ticket buying decision and even if it was a wife or friend who bought the ticket, the audience was having a great time.

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:14 pm
by Tiki
Druncass' date='Sep 23rd 2010, 2:14 PM


2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:18 pm
by Tiki
barb4Adam' date='Sep 23rd 2010, 2:17 PM

elvesrule @powderpuffnails it was awesome!! i wasnt there before the show but afterward i got a pic with taylor :) 9 minutes ago via web in reply to powderpuffnails

powderpuffnails @elvesrule Yes, I was in Puyallup- had the best time- how about you ??? 10 minutes ago via web in reply to elvesrule

powderpuffnails °•.¸♥¸.•°˚ˆ*♥¸¸.•♥•° GOOD MORNING GLAMBERTS °•.¸♥¸.•°˚ˆ*♥¸¸.•♥•° HAD THE BE

sherrie' date='Sep 23rd 2010, 3:12 PM

I was there and the concert itself was fantastic, once it started :( I saw Adam standing in the wings watching Allisan's set and he was wearing the shirt and leather pants for his set, couldn't tell if he had his makeup on. I have no idea what would take so long, but there were a lot of people around me grunbling about it. Everyone was dancing and having fun for about the first twenty five minutes and then you could see people slowly begin to lose their energy and by the time Adam finally appeared, I think a lot of the people there just out of curiosity had lost their enthusiam. He has done this a couple of times before, I'm not sure why, but whatever it is they need to address the problem or Adam will start getting a bad reputation. Frankly if I was there to see someone I didn't know much about I would have thought it was rude and I wouldn't have been happy....even as a big Adam fan the long intermission was beginning to annoy me. :flowers:

2010-09-21 Puyallup, WA (The Puyallup Events Center)

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:21 pm
by Tiki
Druncass' date='Sep 23rd 2010, 4:12 PM
