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2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:20 am
by glambertparty
'claddagh182' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 2:26 AM'

IamCarmit @adamlambert WOW! ADAM...FIRE and u worked out that obstacle course of a stage I luv u! xoxo so proud
10 minutes ago from web

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:21 am
by glambertparty
'hollygo72' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 2:39 AM'

I wasn't inside the theater. I was backstage in the press room. A bunch of girls from IDF were inside so they'll let you know. But from watching on the TV screen I could see EVERYONE in the theater standing up when Adam Lambert came on and they all remained standing at the end.

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:21 am
by glambertparty
'CiaoBella' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 2:41 AM'


2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:21 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 2:41 AM'

PerezHilton Adam Lambert's all over my website - literally - and I like it!
3 minutes ago from web

woow Preze you making me like you a lil bit ::haha::

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:22 am
by glambertparty
'hollygo72' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 2:43 AM'

Also, from where I was, the sound quality was really off for EVERYONE. You could barely hear a lot of them half the time. Lots of bum notes hit (as well as falling on bums :P ).

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:22 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 2:48 AM'

VicStiX All the crowd you could see on camera was mostlt celebs, who were ALL in SHOCK!! LOL The Adam fans were GOING CRAZY! It was AMAZING LIVE!!!
half a minute ago from web

yaaaay for the fans ::woot::

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:23 am
by glambertparty
'~SilverGirl23~' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 2:50 AM'

LOVE him!!!! Must watch this post-show interview.

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:23 am
by glambertparty
'CiaoBella' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 2:52 AM'

were these posted? start from top...
lyndseyparker Lots of mixed feelings.

lyndseyparker I'm a huge Adam Lambert supporter & always will be. I think he's the best Idol ever & has released the best Idol album ever.

lyndseyparker This was NOT the disaster some people are making it out to be but it was so hyped I wonder if it could have ever lived up to expectations.

lyndseyparker Adam will be fine. Tomorrow he releases a truly amazing album. And he got people talking. No one is even talking about Gaga's flaming piano.

lyndseyparker 1 more tweet: I wasn't offended by Lambert's performance AT ALL. But I fear it may have alienated more conservative viewers. Hopefully not.

lyndseyparker Thank you to my readers who get where I was coming from. As someone we all admire might say, "It's not that deep." LOL. Goodnight now.

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:23 am
by glambertparty
'randomviolins' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 3:00 AM'

Adam Lambert Fakes a Blow Job Onstage, Kicks a Lady Between the Legs

"America's favorite Is He or Isn't He?, Adam Lambert, likes it both ways, but mostly he likes it with men, in their mouths. Please allow him to show you exactly how, on primetime television at the American Music Awards."

Best. Review. Ever.

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:24 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 3:05 AM'

PerezHilton The west coast censored the Adam Labert kiss! WTF???? That's BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! #CensorshipSucks #EndHomophobiaNow
2 minutes ago from web

awwww Preze you making me like you a lil bit ::flowers::

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:24 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 3:08 AM'

Adamlambert Hope u had fun tonight! We did.
1 minute ago from Echofon

awww bb ::huggy::

PerezHilton @AdamLambert Thank you! Thank you! I appreciate you. I respect you. I thank you!
2 minutes ago from web

aww preze stop it i can't like more than this !!! ::wub::

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:24 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 3:09 AM'

adamlambert All hail freedom of expression and artistic integrity. :) fans: I adore u.
1 minute ago from Echofon

awwwwwwww he adore us ::wub:: bb i flove him ::huggy::

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:25 am
by glambertparty
'MsAdamsEve' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 3:26 AM'

Adam's album is #7 in pop on US itunes lol

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:25 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 3:27 AM'

ali22san Nighty Night Tweeps. So proud of @adamlambert. So proud to be his friend and to be able to be a part of this journey.
2 minutes ago from UberTwitter

awwwww she is so sweet ::wub::

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:25 am
by glambertparty
'jtcc321' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 3:27 AM'

From Daughtry's drummer... :D

@joeybarnes: The American Music Awards are over and Adam Lambert and Lady GaGa have set the bar for the future of entertainment...absolutely brilliant!

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:25 am
by glambertparty
'mysticdragon' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 3:52 AM'

His deluxe album is now at #14 and #25 for the standard in overall chart, #7 i& #11 in pop. And hey it's only been 5 hours since the AMA aired.

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:26 am
by glambertparty
'HollyinCa' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 4:01 AM'

Adam says the kiss happened "in the moment".

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:26 am
by glambertparty
'judesmum' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 5:23 AM'

yeds...we were there, it was a cool place..lotsa of adam fans. it was packed, lots of crazy dresses.

as far as the show, the sound was a little off, hard to explain....LOVED his perfornmancce tho. Not sure why people seem to be so upset ??? It was risque, but we knew it would be.

he was sitting about 20 rows ahead of us for most of the show, we had a perfect view of him :)

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:26 am
by glambertparty
'judesmum' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 5:32 AM'

people were talkibng about the we didn't see the red carper, we had to go in at 3:45....they made us go in.

some people knew he fell...I didn't think he fell...but I do now, and he saved it like a pro.

crowd seemed to enjoy him, not on the scale of an AI show when people lost it every time they whoed him...but the general response seemed good.

going t bed now, must sleep !

2009-11-22 American Music Awards (Nokia, LA) - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:26 am
by glambertparty
'Libracats' date='Nov 23rd 2009, 5:44 AM'

There were a few Adam fans sitting next to us, so when Adams name would be announced there was some cheering in our section. Hard to tell if it was everywhere. Some other people w talked to at the after party said there was a lot of cheering in their sections too. The girls next to me kept looking at us wondering what we were cheering about. I don't think they knew who Adam was. As soon as Adam came on everyone stood up. This did not happen for all of the performers. I think they might have had some problems with the audio because some of the words were cut out, even live, unless he just didn't sing them, don't know. I enjoyed it a lot of course and thought his sexy interaction with the dancers was very hot!! I loved the kiss and there was a definite smirk on his face they showed on the big screen monitor right after the kiss that didn't make it into the video. Too bad cause the look was priceless.
I'm gonna have to go to bed now. I'm sure Lori and Judesmum can add a lot more. We all had a really good time.
I knew he fell. My heart about stopped when I saw it comming. But he recovered well and a lot of people thought it was deliberate. It didn't really seem to matter.
Oh and as judesmum mentioned we got a really good view of Adam in his seat all night.