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***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:35 am
by svca
What happened to your laptop, girl? Adam overheated it ?????

Gotta watch out for those pictures you put on it ::winking:: ::winking::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:07 pm
by madamimadam
Sorry I have been MIA for the last 3 days. I've had terrible stomach cramps for 3 days... Not period related. I've gone through menopause over 10 years ago.

This morning I was at the hospital for routine blood tests and EKG... Then went to have my hair done (my present to me in honor of my show tonight in Montreal!)... Then ran some errands and had my car washed... Just in case Adam needs a 'get away car'... ::icant::

Now I'm finally home for an hour and then off to my son for a BBQ because my granddaughter is leaving for camp tomorrow... and then... finally... off to my QAL show!!!!

I am eternally grateful to Hrithika for holding up the fort while I felt sorry for myself with my stomach cramps... ::hugkissblush::

Hopefully, tomorrow, my life will resume its normal pace and I'll be back full steam ahead.

BTW, once I get back to my car, I'll try to do another stream with me talking about how the show was... So keep the stream going... ::hello::

And during the show, be sure to follow @TALCvids... She'll be doing what I usually do during shows... Tweeting links to periscopes and streams for each song...

Now I'm off to relax for a bit. OOOFTA!!!!

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:16 pm
by Lizziek
So sorry to hear about your stomach problems Marie. I know it can be quite painful. Hope they figure out what the cause is. ::derrderr::

Have a wonderful concert! Enjoy every minute. ::dancing:: ::wootdance::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:32 pm
by madamimadam
Lizziek wrote:So sorry to hear about your stomach problems Marie. I know it can be quite painful. Hope they figure out what the cause is. ::derrderr::

Have a wonderful concert! Enjoy every minute. ::dancing:: ::wootdance::
Thank you! Dinner is served... I'll talk to you guys once I'm settled in my seat! ::hello::

Hrithika: I've added a bunch of stuff to our MTT transfers. Can you bring them in?

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 6:36 pm
by Hrithika
they done now some sleep ::sleep::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:08 pm
by Tiki
graceinc wrote:Hello all, i am looking to find a way to watch the Game of thrones season 7 on live streaming, sadly i missed my first episode as i could not watch.
A friend suggested me to get a vpn and referred this link which is here: ... es-online/

But i am not comfortable watching it with a VPN. Any other way out that can help. Please suggest do not want to miss the remaining episodes.

Help !!!!!
 ! Message from: Tiki
Sorry graceinc I really can't help you, but there is nothing wrong with using a VPN. Hola is good and it's free. Never had any problems with it. ::smile::

I have moved your question here and deleted the thread as this is where to put any questions you have about anything going forward. ::smile::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:52 am
by Hrithika

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:58 pm
by madamimadam
::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:43 pm
by madamimadam
My daughter-in-law's mother (the "other" grandmother) just sent me this email... We have 3 grandchildren. Boy 11, girl 10, boy 7... ::hysterical:: ::icant:: ::hysterical:: ::icant:: ::hysterical::

At one point during a game, the coach called one of his 9-year old baseball players aside and asked, "Do you understand what co-operation is? What a team is?"

"Yes, coach," replied the little boy.

"Do you understand that what matters is whether we win or lose together as a team?"

The little boy nodded in the affirmative.

"So," the coach continued, "I'm sure you know, when an out is called, you shouldn't argue, curse, attack the umpire, or call him an asshole. Do you understand all that?"

Again, the little boy nodded in the affirmative.

The coach continued, "And when I take you out of the game so that another boy gets a chance to play, it's not a dumb ass decision or that the coach is a shit head is it?"

"No, coach."

"Good," said the coach.

"Now go over there and explain all that to your grandmother."

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 8:47 am
by svca
::crylaugh:: ::crylaugh::

I'll have to remember that, Marie, in case I get grandkids at some point.

Love the Scaramucci, or whatever his name is, jokes....does anyone else find him creepy? I thought it was just me, but my son posted something on facebook, with a comment that he finds the guy creepy.

Ok, not just me then.

Where does Donny find these people???????? Probably don't want to know. ::bleh::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:40 pm
by madamimadam
svca wrote:::crylaugh:: ::crylaugh::

I'll have to remember that, Marie, in case I get grandkids at some point.

Love the Scaramucci, or whatever his name is, jokes....does anyone else find him creepy? I thought it was just me, but my son posted something on facebook, with a comment that he finds the guy creepy.

Ok, not just me then.

Where does Donny find these people???????? Probably don't want to know. ::bleh::
Scaramucci makes me long for the 'cuddly' Spicey!!!! ::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:36 pm
by madamimadam
Hrithika: WOW! You're quick, girl! I had just finished going through my overnight twitter feed and was getting ready to bring in the stuff, but you did it ALL! Have I mentioned how much I love you lately? Coz, I sure do!!!!


***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:38 pm
by Hrithika
Thank you Team work ::highfive::

I just come home from work this evening and logged in and saw the stuff i had nearly no time today at work to be online so was trying to catch up .

With my laptop macbook pro then i am fast ::yes:: not so much with a PC at work

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:41 pm
by svca
I haven't said it for a while, and after today's news, I feel it bears repeating.

I hate 45....a disgusting, evil person. ::argh:: ::argh:: ::argh::

I want my old president back ::crying:: ::crying::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:25 am
by madamimadam
svca wrote:I haven't said it for a while, and after today's news, I feel it bears repeating.

I hate 45....a disgusting, evil person. ::argh:: ::argh:: ::argh::

I want my old president back ::crying:: ::crying::
I trust in Mueller and the NYAG.... He's going down!

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:48 pm
by misswood
Folks should know by now that everything President Mini Mitts does, or tweets, or hires is a distraction to take the news and media's focus off of all of the senate hearings and investigations into him and his disfunctional family's criminal activities.

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:13 pm
by misswood
And ya'll,.. please don't fall for the phony feud between Mooch and Rinsed Penis.

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:59 pm
by madamimadam
misswood wrote:And ya'll,.. please don't fall for the phony feud between Mooch and Rinsed Penis.
::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical::

I've missed you!

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:23 pm
by svca
Oh, I know it's all distractions, but I'm just so tired of all the shit coming out of the WH. It's unbelievable ::no::

He and his minions are so disgusting in their goals and their personalities.

Ugh. I hope he goes down....bigly ::thumbsup::

***Have-At-It Never-Ending Gabfest***

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:24 am
by Aviddem
Didn't want to put this in the QAL thread as it's not QAL related. There was an article posted there about Reddit users doing new lyrics to BoRhap inspired by new appointee's two versions of their handiwork (and they're frikkin hilarious!). Must sing the lyrics...

"Cov-fe-fe Rhapsody" (to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody)

Is this our real life? Is this just fantasy?

Government landslide, no escape from reality.

Open your eyes, look at all these guys and seeeee...

They get all their joy from citizens' misery.

Because Trump's a scum, he's a joke.

We're so done, can he go?

Anyway the wind blows doesn't really matter to "T".... To "T".

♪Donaaaaaaald...just killed a maaaan...

♪Put some Trumpcare to his head.

♪Pulled his coverage now he's dead...

♪ Donaaaald... presidency's just begun.

Did you mean go destroy the USA?

Donaaald.... ooooh

Didn't mean to make you win. We often wish you'd never been born at all.

You carry-on… Carry-on as if nothing really matters.

I see a little silhouetto of a man,

Scaramucci, Scaramucci, will you do the propaganda?

Thunderbolts & lightning

very, very Spicy-EY

(Robert Mueller) Robert Mueller.... (Robert Mueller) Robert Mueller....Robert Mueller's got to go

I'm just a fat Trump, nobody loves me

He's just a fat Trump, with a bad family

Spare him his life from these hookers and pee

Easy come, easy go, when will this dumbass go

Mr Mueller! No, he will not let you go (let me go),

Mr Mueller! he will not let you go (let me go!)

Mr Mueller! we will not let you go (let me go!)

will not let you go (let him go!)

never, never let you go,

Get me those memooo-ooo-ooo-ooos

(sticking fingers in his ears) No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Oh, Mr. Mueller, Mr. Mueller (Mr. Mueller let me go)

Vladizebub, will you release her emails for me, for me, for MEEEEEEEEE!

[news ticker solo]

So you think that collusion might not be a crime?

So you think you can send Conway out to lie??

Ooooh covfefe!! can't fire this guy, covfefe!

Just gotta speak out, just gotta reach out and impeach!!!

Nothing really matters. Anyone can see. Nothing really the GOP.

any way Putin blows...

And the second version:

This whole thread inspired me. I completed my own version this morning:

Republican Rhapsody
Is this our timeline? Is this reality?

Lies about landslides, still complaints about Hillary

Open BuzzFeed, read up on the tweets and pee

I’m just a con man, need no morality

Because I’m easy bought, easy sold, little dumb, little slow

Off to Mar-a-Lago, my oath doesn’t matter to me, to me

Obama, your suit is tan

Put hot mustard on your dog

While I’m off assaulting broads

Obama, hope had just begun

But now I’ve gone and sold it all away

Obama, ooh (This reality blows)

Didn’t mean to win the vote

If I destroy the fabric of democracy

Carry on, GOP as if nothing really matters

Too late, my Vlad has come

Sends agents down my way, he’s so helpful everyday

Screw off, everybody, I’ve got to golf

Gotta hit the links and hide the kompromat

Obama, ooh, I don’t want this job

Most days I wish I never would’ve run at all

I see a lawyer who will sell out if he can

Scaramucci, Scaramucci, will you do the propaganda!

Bannon’s global fighting, very very fright’ning me

(Kelly Conway) Kelly Conway, (Kelly Conway) Kelly Conway, Kelly Conway pants on fire


(I’m just a con man, nobody loves me)

He’s just a con man from a scumbag family

Watch Fox & Friends, share his insanity

Easy bought, easy sold, will you let Flynn go?

James Comey! No, he will not let Flynn go

(Let him go) James Comey! He will not let Flynn go

(Let him go) James Comey! He will not let Flynn go

(Let him go) Will not let Flynn go

(Let him go) Will not let Flynn go

(Let him go) No no no no no no no!

(But her emails! But her emails!) But her emails, where are they?!

Melania, hides her hands and pulls away from me, from me, from meeeeeeeeeeee

interview solo

Do you think I can pardon myself from these lies?

Do you think I can stop the failing New York Times?

Coooooo-vefe! What the hell is covfefe?

Just gotta fire Bob, just gotta get Mueller outta here!

Nothing really matters, ask the GOP

Nothing really matters

Nothing but your blind loyalty

Off to Mar-a-Lago

::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical:: ::hysterical::