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2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:03 pm
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 8:34 AM'

Five songs!!

Mad world

sahiraa: - Adam singing acoustic music again


2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:03 pm
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 8:39 AM'

sahiraa: he's singing a funky version of mad world lol omg. Oh broken open was gorgeous just now <3

mian Standing ovation for adam!!!

mian Sony just presented a plaque to him for achieving gold! Ppl screaming for encore!
sahiraa Sony singapore presented adam with the gold plaque for his album sales. ENCORE SCREAMZ PLZ

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:04 pm
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 8:44 AM'

@SG_Glamberts: Down the Rabbit Hole!!!!

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:04 pm
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 8:48 AM'

I've heard from a Singapore radio that he got his gold record very early there even before US.
It's 6,000 albums for a gold record in Singapore.

sahiraa he's being all presh i wish i cld record this
half a minute ago via mobile web

mian Lol. Adam's shimmying on his seat!!
less than a minute ago via UberTwitter

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:04 pm
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 8:53 AM'

SG_Glamberts Not enough not enough Adam!!!!

Clear_Liqueur @monterrific @lobgineu Come out for drinks! A big bunch of us would like to buy you guys one!!!! I'm the girl in the pink dress. ;D
iamtimyap Adam Lambert did not disappoint! "Down to the Rabbit Hole" my favorite part of his concert-the encore! Bravo, Glambert!
mian Aw its over :(( lol glenn is demanding for a I love adam sign

Monterrific I have to say, it's really cool to see your friend that you've busted your ass with be handed a gold record in front of a packed crowd in a country you never imagined going to.@adamlambert

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:05 pm
by glambertparty
'ennaoj' date='Mar 12th 2010, 10:33 AM'

I'm BACK from the showcase!!! ::wootwave:: ::wootwave:: ::wootwave::
lets see what happened.

hmm everyone seemed to reach super duper early. The showcase started pretty late and Adam stood behind the door and waved to us for a while. And then on came the fireworks! (random) but they were awesome and it just shows that Singapore considers Adam a mega superstar!!!

after a long long time a waiting we were finally ushered in. Adam picked 5 fans who got to go up on stage and answer questions. They got a poster thing. AND A HUG! Everytime someone hugged adam the audience would just go crazy LOL.

Thennn the host and Adam talked a bit, about eating chilli crab and coming back to Singapore soon! *fingers crossed* Then Glenn (the host) taught Adam how to speak Singlish.

Singlish, by the way, is sort of an english slang that singaporeans speak hahahah.

So he made adam speak singlish and it was SO ADORABLE!! Especially when he learnt how to say thankyou (kam sia) Because then everytime we cheered he'd say kamsia! PRECIOUS OHGOD.
Okay moving on. It was meant to be a 3 song set but he sang Music again, Whataya want from me, Sleepwalker, Broken Open, Mad world.

Then he left the stage ):
so he came back! and sang down the rabbit hole!!!!!!!!!
okay I'm still flailing from his awesomeness. ::haha::
hope this post wasn't too long!

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:06 pm
by glambertparty
'adamspore' date='Mar 12th 2010, 10:38 AM'

Just came back <3

WOW ::flowers::

The show was fantastic

Love Adam he's so incredible , sounds great , looks great too <3

In short :

The host Mr Glenn Ong keep calling adam as a big big superstar ::flowers:: yay ::thumbup::

Full house , about 1500 people I think :)

Adam sang six song , MA , WWFM , SW , BO , MW and DTRH Adam dance a little during DTRH , yes , we are lucky ::yes::

After Adam sang Mad World , the whole theatre gave him a standing O :) feel extremely happy because all those VIP was the first to do so ::thumbup::

Adam was presented a gold record by Sony ::flowers::

The whole crowd went crazy for Adam , we are nuts and I love it , yes , we love Adam <3

Thank you Adam for coming to Singapore , hope to see you soon ::yes::

I have to say, it's really cool to see your friend that you've busted your ass with be handed a gold record in front of a packed crowd in a country you never imagined going to. @adamlambert

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:07 pm
by glambertparty
'adamspore' date='Mar 12th 2010, 11:20 AM'

Reason to dislike Kradam fans ...

While waiting to enter the theatre...

Whevever the door is open , everyone will scream Adam's name ...and they are a small group of fans from ontd forum keep souting Kradam Kradam....

At first I just ignore them , but they just won't quit :thumbsdown: so I have to told them to " STOP IT "

Of course they rolled eyes at me :P but I don't care , they are showing disrespect to adam. Like, come on. they're at adam's concert and they are cheering for kris allen at the same time too. I just don't get it ::thumbdown::
Other than that , it was a great night ::yes::
OK , off to sleep , must wake up early ,there is no ways I wil miss tomorrow's event ::yes::

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:58 am
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 12:04 PM'

I just read a recap from a Singapore fan.
Tons of crazy fans tonight, and many fans are even from UK, JP and other south asian countries.
There are many male fans and teenagers.
Very Very crazy.
I'm so happy for BB :'( So many people love him. The dream comes true.

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:58 am
by glambertparty
'ladidum' date='Mar 12th 2010, 12:10 PM'

yeah the vast majority was made up of teenagers. 5 people were randomly picked to meet Adam on the stage, first was a 11/12 year old, middle few were teenagers and young adult, and the last was in her 30s at least.

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:59 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Mar 12th 2010, 12:26 PM'

Quick tweet before I go.

draddee RT @sassy_ct: All the songs from the showcase (audio only):

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:59 am
by glambertparty
'ashline' date='Mar 12th 2010, 12:27 PM' goes my recap. Ignore my flailing here and there please.

Got there around 6:45 pm (the doors are supposed to open at 7 pm) because of project meetings and dayuum, the queue is like super duper long but luckily, my very enthusiastic friends are already in the frontest place so I just cut in when the security guard is looking away. :haha: So, I was at the very front. Between me and the closed door is only one or two security guards. We stood there and randomly squee for about an hour. We saw Lane and Josh in the lobby to *see* us lol. Lane was taking video at us so we just went all crazy. It was very hot, sweaty, crowded: 500 people in a queue in a not-so-big place, just imagine. This is the queue behind us.

Then as we are complaining and shouting at the security to let us in, Adam himself freaking came out into the lobby and I nearly died. did I survive..I don't know. He was so tall, so handsome, so fabulous, his jacket so sparkly, his smile so bright, his hair so gorgeous..I don't know...just arggh..He came close to the door (still inside) and wave to us. He looked plesantly surprised maybe because he saw my friend who was totally going drag queen for him. I hope so lol. The pic of Adam is from SG_Glamberts cause I was totally squeeing and forgot to take pics. FML

Anywho, they let us in after waiting for like another half an hour. Then, we just run through the security (who's telling us not to run), I elbowed someone, shoved a security girl out of the way, run up the stairs (yes, stairs!! Only those with VIP tickets can have the seat on the bottom rows >.<), and managed to get a seat in the first row, center seat, quite above but right in front of the stage. Phew...exhausting I tell you!!!

Anyway, we wait and wait. The presenter (a radio DJ) got up on stage, asked us to shout and show our love and our voice. My voice was almost gone by then tho. :( Then, a dance group came and dance to Fever and FYE sort-of medley and they are quite good. I got video but it'll take a lot of times to upload. Then, the presenter came on again and blah blah blah he talked and then it is ADAM freakING LAMBERT, bitches!!!!! We screamed like those people in horror movies do. My throat really starts to hurt but I don't give a freak. Have I said that he was fabulous, by the way? They said greetings and Adam said he liked chilli crabs..omg..he likes spicy food!!! Spicy food is like my life. I was shouting "we are soulmates, adam" when he said that haha. Then, the DJ said some Singlish words and asked Adam to ask. I don't remember all, but Adam speaking Singlish was so damn adorable I just want to jump down and hug the life out of him. (The DJ told beforehand that nobody is allowed to jump down lol..he meant it as a joke but I did want to jump down at some point). They made him say "Kam sia" - "thank you" in hokkien and oh my god, adam you precious bitch...then "xie xie" - also "thank you" in mandrin. I think I got vids..I'll upload them sooner or later but you can totally hear me fangirling all over so I am kinda embarrassed. Hee :P

Then he picked up five numbers and chose five lucky people to come upon the stages and answer a question about him. If correct, they give those people a poster and some gifts. Damn..why didn't you call my number Adam? Why? :'( Of course, all got their answers their gifts and freakING HUGS!!!!! One girl even kissed him on the cheek, wrapped her arms around his waist all the time and pinched his ass <_< biatch...

Forward to the performances cause I can't deal with jealousy.

1. Music Again - the Vh1 arrangment


3. Sleepwalker - damn, he ripped those vocals at "walker, walker, waleker" and monte totally slayed the guitar riff

4. Broken Open - Omg..need I say more? i want to just wrap myself in his voice and curl up in a corner and stay there forever. I may or may not have cried. :whistle: I got mp3s. Good quality I hope. Haven't checked yet.

5. Mad World - very up-tempo group-moving arrangment. I got vid!!! :D :D :D I'll send it to probably little bee or blue rose cause I freaking hate youtube uploading function. I can give a download link though. Later peeps, later.

He said Mad World was the last song, thanked us and went off the stage. The DJ came back and everyone was chanting for encores so after a few minutes, Adam do the "Down the Rabbit Hole". I feelt like Adam was very restrained in the first five songs. Maybe it was because of the acoustic arrangement or maybe because he doesn't know the environment, he felt soo tone-downed but he let go quite a bit with DTRH...he finally stood up from his stool. Do a little dance, turn around and shake his ass *drools* I don't think I got the vids because the security was pretty tight. :'( But dayuum, it was AWESOMTASTIC!!!!!!!

And then, the band walked off but the DJ stopped him and you all know what happened. ADAM GOT HIS FIRST GOLD PLAQUE IN SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He thanked us all and it was very sweet. He blew us a kiss .... awww.

And that's that. We tried to get to him before he leaves, but damn, he was pretty quick and by the time, we reached to the cab stand to catch a cab to his hotel, he had already left and we just decided not to stalk him since he must be pretty tired. I can't wait to see him tomorrow though. ((((((((((:

Oh and these are the sorta fans the gantry gives us. Awesome haha...the otherside got Adam's CD cover photo.

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:00 am
by glambertparty
'ashline' date='Mar 12th 2010, 1:04 PM'

Hi all,

Mad world video download link: will appreciate if patient people can upload it on YT.

Got more vids but must go to sleep now for tomorrow autograph session. :) Later, k?

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:00 am
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 1:04 PM'

music again

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:01 am
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 1:07 PM'

hooplamagnet Check out the fireworks show before Adam's Singapore performance:

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:02 am
by glambertparty
'alidol' date='Mar 12th 2010, 1:27 PM'

Whataya Want From Me

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:03 am
by glambertparty
'Blue*Rose' date='Mar 12th 2010, 1:36 PM'

It's all your fault I'm going to be in the office until late tonight. Here are the audio files for the Singapore Showcase. Much thanks to Lin in Singapore.

Singapore Showcase
01 Music Again (Live Singapore Showcase)
02 Whataya Want From Me (Live Singapore Showcase)
03 Sleepwalker (Live Singapore Showcase)
04 Broken Open (Live Singapore Showcase)
05 Mad World (Live Singapore Showcase)
06 Down The Rabbit Hole (Live Singapore Showcase)
07 Adam Gets A Plaque For Going Gold (Live Singapore Showcase)

Megaupload Download link: Singapore Showcase
Sendspace Download Link: Singapore Showcase

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:04 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 12th 2010, 1:48 PM'

RT @ohalyssand: - Folder with acoustic Singapore set (WWFM,DTRH,BO,SLEEPWALKER,MW)


WWFM ::huggy::

Broken Open ::huggy::

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:04 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 12th 2010, 2:44 PM'

sleepwalker ::huggy::

Mad World ::wub::

2010-03-10/13 Singapore Promo Tour - PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:06 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Mar 12th 2010, 2:54 PM'

Download Link: Adam Lambert Interview with Class 95 Radio Station In Singapor, Thans to @sassy_ct
idk if we have this yet ::flowers::

BB Talking Singlish ::haha:: so sweet ::huggy::

DTRH ::clap::