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2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:56 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 14th 2010, 7:28 PM'

@corylive: Watchin my boy @adamlambert rehearse for tonight's show. One word...SICK!!!!

::shock:: SICK, OMG I can't wait ::spaz:: ::woot:: ::woot::
he is a TV Host/Warm Up for American Idol, ::huggy::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:56 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Apr 14th 2010, 7:34 PM'

corylive @RandomPenguin There is a group number tonight!! Watch out! Plus #brookewhite, #justingaston & @adamlambert!! And double-elimination!

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:56 am
by glambertparty
'AniMaL' date='Apr 14th 2010, 8:10 PM'


2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:57 am
by glambertparty
'cb3414' date='Apr 14th 2010, 8:16 PM'

@corylive So here's the deal @adamlambert - not a medley but trust, a new version of and visually INCREDIBLE!!!

hmmm i wonder

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:57 am
by glambertparty
'CakeFinale' date='Apr 14th 2010, 8:21 PM'

Oooh Maybe he's doing one of the WWFM remixes?

DanielleStori Going into idol now......Yay!!!:)
14 minutes ago via Twitterrific

TommyJoeRatliff At idol waiting to play:)
7 minutes ago via Echofon

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:57 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 14th 2010, 8:27 PM'

RT @scarlett_cherry: ..On the way to Idol with @leecherry, and @iamcarmit to see @adamlambert sing his FACE OFFFFF!!!

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:57 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 14th 2010, 8:30 PM'

RT @Monterrific: We're ready to rock American Idol tonight. Don't miss it! Looks INCREDIBLE! I'm excited.

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:58 am
by glambertparty
'glitterynfierce' date='Apr 14th 2010, 8:59 PM'

Did you guys here the announcer? He said 'you made him a rockstar, now see Adam Lambert on American Idol'

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:58 am
by glambertparty
'CakeFinale' date='Apr 14th 2010, 9:32 PM'

Monterrific Ok. We're walking to the stage.
2 minutes ago via UberTwitter

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:58 am
by glambertparty
'Little Bee' date='Apr 14th 2010, 9:42 PM'

Thank you ::flowers::

corylive: Just peeked at adamlambert getting prepped before hitting the stage. 6 pairs of hands workin on him right now. minutes away!!!!

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:59 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 14th 2010, 9:55 PM'

Billboarddotcom Only Adam Lambert can rock bedazzled ear pieces. Seriously. #americanidol

you dayum right ::spaz:: ::spaz:: ::spaz::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:59 am
by glambertparty
'jtrover' date='Apr 14th 2010, 9:56 PM'

I expected nothing less from Adam. What a great performance! ::grin::

Speaking of being a mentor, THAT performance is especially what the contestants should have paid great attention to.

I knew he'd do something different from what we've previously saw. The lasers were awesome! Looked almost like he was in a psychedelic tornado in the beginning! ::haha:: So cool!

Talk about full circle. Sooo happy for him! Glad he got to show the AI audience what he can do AGAIN! ::thumbup::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:59 am
by glambertparty
'fangurl1964' date='Apr 14th 2010, 10:08 PM'

Next week, as befits Idol Gives Back, the Top 7 will sing "inspirational" hits. Alicia Keys will serve as the mentor.

Adam Lambert gets his usual tricked-out light show for Whataya Want From Me. He's wrapped in what looks looks like a cone-shaped swirling cloud of green light. And the Whataya Want From Me is neither the version from the album nor the popular acoustic version he recently performed for VH1, but something different from either.

Hope the contestants are paying attention to this. Siobhan, in particular, should listen and learn how to sing high and still retain some sense of the song. All of them could use his sense of staging. Maybe a few of them will get some ideas about things to ask for with their lighting.

Whataya think -- best performance of the season, performance or results night?

"Now, that's a performance!" says Ryan.

Adam tells Ryan that American Idol definitely prepared him for the real world of the music business.

And Ryan reminds us that Michael, Tim or Katie is about to go home.


2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:00 am
by glambertparty
'Sumer' date='Apr 14th 2010, 10:23 PM'


2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:00 am
by glambertparty
'joooory' date='Apr 14th 2010, 10:25 PM'

Grade Adam's performance inside :flowers:

Whataya want from Adam Lambert?

Next week, as befits Idol Gives Back, the Top 7 will sing "inspirational" hits. Alicia Keys will serve as the mentor.

Adam Lambert gets his usual tricked-out light show for Whataya Want From Me. He's wrapped in what looks looks like a cone-shaped swirling cloud of green light. And the Whataya Want From Me is neither the version from the album nor the popular acoustic version he recently performed for VH1, but something different from either.

Hope the contestants are paying attention to this. Siobhan, in particular, should listen and learn how to sing high and still retain some sense of the song. All of them could use his sense of staging. Maybe a few of them will get some ideas about things to ask for with their lighting.

Whataya think -- best performance of the season, performance or results night?

"Now, that's a performance!" says Ryan.

Adam tells Ryan that American Idol definitely prepared him for the real world of the music business.

And Ryan reminds us that Michael, Tim or Katie is about to go home.

Yes Bitches learn from the master ::devil:: ::woot::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:01 am
by glambertparty
'adamazing' date='Apr 14th 2010, 10:37 PM'


Poor Season 9 - they know that no one cares after talent like that came in 2nd last year.

Okay - so my hubby "forgot" to tell me that the company coming in this Friday changed their minds and were actually coming in today. I got home from work, cleaned the house, made the beds, etc. and they all wanted to know what we were doing for dinner.

I told them we were going to have a lazy night, order in and watch tv. What I didn't tell them was that we were going to watch AFL. My girlfriend knows I like his music, but doesn't realize the obsession.

When I turned on AI, she said, Oh, we listened to that Adam guys cd on the way here, he's really good. I told them we were watching AI because he was going to perform, probably WWFM. She said that was one of her least favorite songs on the cd.

When Adam came out and hit that first note, they sat up and took notice. These are friends I have had forever and we used to go to concerts all the time when we were much younger in the 70's.

After he got done - she said OMG, if he tours, will you go with me to see him live? He will be as good as Robert Plant was back in the day! The husband went and downloaded the whole album from itunes to his iphone and said he was impressed!

Go BB - sorry for the novel but I'm always so excited when a "uh" becomes an OMG! ::heart::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:01 am
by glambertparty
'swflaboy' date='Apr 14th 2010, 10:50 PM'

Lyndsey Parker Review

"Well, anyway, speaking of popular male contestants, at least there was one truly exciting performance this evening: Midshow, this week's mentor and Season 8's runner-up, Adam Lambert, was thrillingly beamed down onto the stage, standing atop a grid of "TRON"-style lasers and shrouded in the fog of an overactive dry-ice machine, looking like a finalist from "Mars Idol" in his silver spacesuit. And after Sir Glambert belted out "Whataya Want From Me" near a cappella, in near darkness, Ryan raved, "Now that's a performance!"--in what seemed to be a very thinly veiled dig at the top nine who have failed to measure up to last season's overall awesomeness."

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:08 am
by glambertparty
'swflaboy' date='Apr 14th 2010, 11:03 PM'

Twats from her

scarlett_cherry ...@adamlambert brought the BIZZNAZZZ...I don't think those churen were ready...and thatz whatz up

scarlett_cherry ...Smoke filled lazerzz..studded McQueen...eight octives of DOPENESS....

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:08 am
by glambertparty
'MoreGlam' date='Apr 14th 2010, 11:04 PM'

WWFM jumped at #15 on iTunes !!!!!!!!!!! ::clap:: ::clap:: ::clap::

2010-04-13/14 American Idol - MENTOR AND PERFORMANCE

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:09 am
by glambertparty
'Tiki'srose' date='Apr 14th 2010, 11:07 PM'
Was Adam Lambert A Good 'American Idol' Mentor? Experts Weigh In
'Adam can say he was on the show last year, and he knows how it feels,' outgoing bandleader Rickey Minor says.
By Gil Kaufman

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Adam Lambert has never been shy about expressing his opinions, but on Tuesday night, the season-eight "American Idol" runner-up provided some of the most candid and spot-on advice of any mentor in the show's history.

While previous mentors have typically offered sweet nothings, praise and light advice to the contestants, like another season-nine guide, Usher, Lambert dug in and really encouraged the singers to push the envelope and display their personalities, providing concrete suggestions for molding their performances.

He was unafraid to criticize their choices — counseling Andrew to punch up his version of "Hound Dog" and loosen up a bit and suggesting to Siobhan Magnus that her arrangement of "Suspicious Minds" needed to be sped up a bit to really pop — and praise them when they made the right ones. The results didn't always translate into great performances, but Lambert's efforts drew praise from no less an expert than outgoing "Idol" musical director Rickey Minor.

"From the first day I met Adam in Hollywood Week — and he stood out right then — I've always thought he was someone to listen to," Minor told MTV News on Wednesday, the day after it was announced he'd be leaving "Idol" at the end of this season for "The Tonight Show." "This is a visual art as well, and I think he did really well, because he's been in the competition and he's in their age range. It's not like some star who's been around for 30 years saying, 'You need to do this.' Adam can say he was on the show last year, and he knows how it feels. It was a great idea to have him on."

Minor said Lambert's honesty and truthfulness with the contestants, both good and bad, was refreshing. "He was the one who told them, 'No one told me I'd be working 10 times as hard [once I left the show],' " Minor said. "His thing was to challenge them, and I have a lot of respect for him having already worked with him. And now that he's come in and talked to these kids, it's even bigger."

Close "Idol" watcher MJ Santilli, who runs, said she would have preferred that an "Idol" elder like Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson be the first former contestant to return as a mentor. "But having said that, I think Adam did a fine job," she said. "He's got something many of this year's contestants lack: the ability to craft a performance that's vocally, visually and emotionally stunning."

With that unique combination and his no-nonsense attitude, Santilli said Lambert's suggestions to the nine finalists was refreshing. "Coming from that perspective, Adam was perfect," she said. "He gave the kids good advice on how to make their performances more exciting. Adam's an articulate guy who expresses himself well. He was honest and constructive."

In fact, on a night when the four panelists often agreed in the same bland way or disagreed on minor points, Santilli said Simon, Kara, Ellen and Randy "might want to take a few pointers from [Adam]."