All new(ish) Adam fans - Please tell us your story!

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All new(ish) Adam fans - Please tell us your story!


Post by madamimadam »

This thread is meant for all those fans who discovered Adam later in the game to post their stories.  We oldies love to hear how you discovered Adam, what hooked you, your favorite performance/trait/outfit, etc.

Buckle up guys!  We're in for a wild ride with Adam at the wheel!!!!

And I'm posting this as a welcome wagon gift....

Have a cigarette ready for afterwards (even if you don't smoke!)
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Post by Tiki »

(MeLainii @ May 30th 2010, 12:15 PM) *

hey madamimadam original.gif

well I searched new music for my iPod and looked on youtube .. a few weeks ago I already saw "For your Entertainment", found it real catchy but did not showed more intrest into it .. but 5 weeks ago I put it onto my iPod, listened to it on my way to work and loved it even more .. from then on my intrest for him growed and I began to do my research about him on the internet .. I began to learn more from him, found him so talented and I simply love him original.gif .. here's what I wrote to a fanpage, which asked fans to write down, what us fans love the most on him ~>

Melainii - 1st I love Adam for his straight way to say things the way they are! He never whitewashes anything and his honesty is not for anybody but on this way he knows, which Fans stand by him ANY DAY! Then I love how open he is with his sexuality and that he admitted it and feels so comfortable with it! I am really glad, that he gives a freak on press or critic and just is doing his thing! He leads by example! I love his strong heart for Charity and the way he stands in for his Family and Glamily! Of course I love his Talent, his Voice, his sense for his Clothes and his Make-Up .. He is just a very pretty Man and he is sexy, sweet and his radiation knocks you out! I simply love him for the way he is and I am so glad for being a Fan of Adam!
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Tammo @ May 30th 2010, 12:34 PM) *

I saw him with wwfm on our national music thing (TMF) and well, I was like: omg, I like him! and..I think I know him blink.gif'' Then I read his name and I was like OOHYEAAH, cause a friend of mine send a picture of him while before that and for some reason I thought he was ugly en scary _O_ But since I saw wwfm I think; damn, the guy is hot.. I saw those same pictures again and I was like: .. Tamara, you're an idiot for finding him scary first!

So there, a fan was born and since then I listen to him..most of the time  grin.gif
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LovelyWolf @ May 30th 2010, 12:59 PM) *

@ this page and the previous. HOLY MOTHERFRIGGIN SIHTE HOLY MOMMA FREAKING CROW!!!!!!!!! omg.gif

and chill out, dudes. i iz an new fan too. new-ish. *shrug*
first song I heard of his was Sure Fire Winners on an online custom radio website called Jango. and I was like WTF? whos singing that ???
and then saw 2012 ... was left mouth open over the song on the ending credits... and then FINALLY saw the FYE video and was like hooooooollllyyyyy omg.gif

btw- is it wrong to get all kinds of awkward feelings from the knees up when I see adam with glitter/vampire fangs/ rhinestones on his face/ spikes/ leather pants/ huge belt buckles/ basically anything he does??  unsure.gif question asked strictly for educational purposes only  whistling.gif  innocent.gif
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Sarah]' date='May 30th 2010, 1:52 PM'

Ooookay as I said in the other thread, I got into this only 2 days ago :lol:
I don't watch AI so the first thing I saw of him was his AMA performance. It was so funny to me that this would make such a scandal. Musically I found it rather messy and so I just didn't get the whole thing. Of course I know WWFM from radio and stuff but the sound is just too smooth for me, it's too flawless, polished, whatever you wanna call it. I guess that's just the way everything is produced these days but I don't like it.
Now for a reason unknown to me I youtubed him + "unplugged" 2 days ago, I like unplugged performances a lot. I think I saw the VH1 videos first. Yeah well and that was that. I even love his screeching and mumbling, which I absolutely despise in other performers (e.g. Christina Aguilera). All the sexual energy he shows as a stage person doesn't seem to be fake, it's just his natural way of performing, you have to love that.
His facial expressions are priceless. My favourite one is when the corners of his mouth turn slightly downwards while he's singing. Are there some good pics of this? I'd appreciate any relevant information :haha:
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TimeforaMiracle' date='May 30th 2010, 2:15 PM'
Kind of a long story. . . .

My mom loves watching TMZ at 6:30 every night and I always needed something to do before the Phillies games on at 7 so I got wrapped up into it too.  Before the Idol finale, I heard some buzz about Adam Lambert but thought it was just the usual Idol person that gets hype who you forget about the next week (i.e. Blake Lewis).  I hate American Idol and never watched it though knew enough from middle school and high school to know who was who.  

I was incredibly bored during the summer before my freshman year of college.  I run track and cross country for my college so besides training I had nothing to do.  I am from an incredibly liberal household (and I am proud to say I am just the same way) and always had the mindset to give everything a fair shot.  I decided to randomly YouTube search it and the first thing that came up was Whole Lotta Love on Idol and Cryin'.  I was shocked to see those two songs performed on a show like Idol and was instantly blown away and my mother, father, girlfriend and later on sister (she moved out so it took a little later to show her the performances) were sold he was great.  I ended up watching each performance and being shocked.  The guy was good.

I always usually like everything music (except the Nickelback/Theory of a Deadman type fake rock and The Fray/Train/The Script/OneRepublic types) so it didn't really matter if it was different.  Bought the CD, liked almost everything on it (only one I didn't like is Sure Fire Winners).  

Regardless if he never sells a triple platinum CD or a diamond single, I will be a fan.  I'm a bit different as I'm a straight, college-aged male but I even got my teammates to admit he's talented and even some to become fans of him.
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drowsybrowser' date='May 31st 2010, 2:24 AM'

I was studying abroad for all of Idol. I knew nothing about it and had never heard of Adam. Towards the end of last August I crashed into Crazy at Art4Life on Youtube and was like  :fear: at Adam's voice. I was instantly like WTF, how is he doing that, and I've never heard anything like it in terms of technical ability from random people on the internet. I watched video after video and found out Adam was an Idol person and was even more mind-blown that a fierce theatre queen had somehow found his way onto American Idol and finished second. Color me hooked.

I'm still trying to find out exactly how he sings, where in his body he feels his voice, how he warms up, etc. The technical aspect of it fascinates me. If he were only a phenomenal singer I would still be hooked, but he's not, he's the first openly gay artist signed to a major label, he's a fashion fanatic, he's a hippie, he's a tv personality, he's charismatic, and he's an artist. Adam is all of this combined- color me fascinated.  :D
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LovelyWolf' date='Aug 20th 2010, 2:35 PM'

As I promised, here it is. (kinda late, so I apologise for that, but thank god I finally wrote that down :lmao: )
So I was minding my own business and doing something for school on the compy, and if you know me then you know that I can’t think without music being on and I was listening to an online radio thing where it plays songs based on your likes and dislikes and stuff and then Sure Fire Winners came up on my stream and I was like I linda like this song so I stopped what I was doing and just listened to the song with all the braincells I had left after that paper assignment killed like 1/3 of my entire brain and from kinda like I thought I don’t just kinda like, I actually do like the song and then Adam started voice freaking me with those insane notes and UNF me dead he is so friggin smexy I wanna die sometimes and reincarnate myself in his future husband but that’s not the point of this post its about how I met Adam soooo anywho after I was like UNF all over his voice right after that I clicked on the said tab in my browser to go to the page and see who the freak was singing like that and I am not kidding when I say that my first thought about his UNFy voice was that he sounds like a choir of angels singing a lullaby and I had never heard of Adam Lambert before that and I was like okay, this guy is awesome, I’m gonna favorite this song and hopefully I will hear it again sometime soon and then I did hear it a second time on the same day and the third and everytime I’d just stop whatever I was doing that was supposed to be writing a paper and just stare blankly out the window and then my roommate well one of them said that I look like I am in love because I was sighing which I didn’t notice at first and she started teasing me thinking I have another crush on one of my fellow male students and I was like wtf and stuff and I told her that I was just enjoying the song and that in a strange way it made me tingle in all the right places lmao and then I decided I had to google him to see how he actually looks like because the pic of Adam that was showing me was the one with the metal rings that have chains linked to it and he is covering his face with his hand that you can only see his UNFy eyes and I googled him and died a little inside when I found him, and then died a little more on the inside when I heard he’s gay and I’ve been dying a bit more ever since then but now that I came to love him at the lever I do now I am actually happy he’s gay because idk how I would react if any bitch would ever take advantage of him and then brake his heart and since you all know I am pracically obsessed with vampires I think I can say that I would so freaking go Van Halen on anyone that would ever dare to hurt my baby and that I would be capable of manslaughter for him without even a shred of remorse like I mean real manslaughter if I’d know for sure that killing someone would make him happy I would so do it just to know that I was able to make him happy and the thought of adam happy makes my heart feel like it’s about to explode because I love him so much and I would give my life like literally die for him!

^^^that was me freaking out. Wow, I somehow managed to write that without any commas, semicolons or any full stops. That’s a new personal best. Sigh. I apologise but I am so not editing that Image
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vampfever' date='Aug 20th 2010, 5:08 PM'

Ok, so I haven't been around this board for very long compared to a lot of you who have been here since the beginning of idol, so I am going to share my not so exciting story.

I've watched AI from the beginning, and I've usually been able to pick out the winners from the auditions. Before the show started, a friend sent me "Dust in the wind".  She was going through all the potential contestants and that one caught her eye.  As soon as he sung the first few notes, I said, "Damn, that boy can sing."   I wasn't so sure during Adam's audition, he seemed tentative, he had a nice voice and good looks but you could tell he was nervous or holding back.  I didn't understand why Simon said he was too "theatrical", I figured he must have been looking at something in his portfolio that we didn't know about.  Paula said that he was the best from every audition, and boy was she right. (Sucks that she's going to Xfactor, AI's loss).  Anyway, once the top 12/13 happened, I had no doubt that Adam was the best.  Everyone else just seemed to pale in comparison, he was a natural entertainer and had an effortless, exceptional voice.   From then on, it was the "Adam Lambert" show for me.  I only watched to see what he was going to sing next.  When he did Ring of Fire, I was like "Holy crap!".  I couldn't believe how creative he got with that song and that he had the guts to do it during country week.  After that, he just continued to excel.  I didn't read the boards or anything, I mostly read Jacob's recaps from TWOP.  His recaps are pure gold if you haven't read them, and you could see Jacob quickly going from snarky criticism of Adam to becoming a big fan and admirer.

Adam broke AI, I do believe.  I don't think they will ever find another Adam Lambert to bring the sheer talent and professionalism that he brought to the stage.

I was very worried for him when I saw the AMA's.  It was the first time that I really saw him make a mistake, and it was a big one to me.  He didn't have the credibility in the music industry yet to do something like that and get away unscathed, but it certainly gave him publicity, good or bad, and I don't know if there was something wrong with the sound but it was not good.  I believe that he learned a big lesson out of the whole thing, and I think it also woke him up to a big group of people out there that are just looking for a chance to bring him down because of his sexuality.  He did not want to be a poster boy for being "out and proud" but I do think it made him one, and it made people think about the double standards in the media.  He has bounced back pretty well, but I hope he gets a chance to release "Fever", that is my favorite unreleased song other than "Soaked."

Anyway, I don't fantasize about him in a romantic way, I just think he's going to be a huge star, an icon and I want to be able to watch that happen.  I admire his self-confidence, his creativity and style, and his professionalism.  I know there are big things to come from him, he'll never bore me and he's pretty to look at.

So, a few months back I finally decided to look for a board to find info and pics of the tour and Adam's career.  I finally settled on this one because everyone seems so nice and supportive on one another and a newbie wouldn't be afraid of joining in. I don't visit other boards, I simply don't have the time. (Although I like to look at Adam boards from other countries, they are so interesting!)  I have a weird, quirky sense of humor, so forgive me if I make bad jokes on occasion.

So, that's me.  Hi.  :wave:
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'Kodinfire' date='Aug 23rd 2010, 3:15 PM'

I've been a glambert for 2 and half months now, so I do consider myself a newish fan. Prepare for a longish entry. I'm a total diehard fan is an understatement.  :lol:

Early June I was bored and I was looking for something that was edgy and entertaining. So I went youtubing or youtube window shopping. I heard this name "Adam Lambert" somewhere but I didn't know where I heard it from. So I typed it in and found the FYE music video. I thought it was sexy but it was generic  :huh: so I didn't bother with it for another 2 weeks or so, but I did download the song. I listened to it casually and I thought wow, these lyrics are very frisky, but it had such a powerful and (dominatrix) vibe that I kept listening to it. I couldn't stop listening to it (that's pop music) and I got hooked to the song.

I then wikied Adam Lambert and I found out that he was gay. Which didn't detract me from his work or style at all. If anything, it actually made it more interesting that somebody like him would be able to make it in the mainstream. I haven't been listening to mainstream for several years, mainly because I thought that it was all pretentious corporate crap and people who I feel are more product than artist and thus don't deserve their fame.

Then I looked up Adam Lambert on American Idol, and I saw his Black and White performance + the Judges reactions + the endearing Idol background story, and that was Hook, Line and Sinker for me.  :haha: I was phailing in front of the computer screen because that was the first time I saw him perform live, and he had such amazing stage presence! and his voice hit notes that were INSANE and I LOVED the part where he just runs up to the judge's faces and starts singing that he ain't afraid of anything and He looked so touched by the judges comments :'(  and I'm so happy to see that somebody who's worked their a** off for the past 8 years finally get their break especially since they're so incredibly talented and superstar material!  :w00t:

... That was the point I stopped making sense and turned into a rambling fangirl incapable of conveying articulate and coherent speech. I could only squee and gush about Adam Lambert. :lol: People thought I was going crazy because English is supposed to be my best subject and I'm a straight A student. Thankfully this phase only lasted 2 weeks, or I'm pretty sure my brain would have exploded due to rabidness  :haha: I was pretty nuts. I promise I'm tame and levelheaded now though.  :thumbs:  I never even bothered with with american pop culture, I only cared about Japanese pop culture  :haha: But during that time it was crazy because NEVER have I ever been so obsessed with a celebrity, even more so an AMERICAN MAINSTREAM celebrity. I didn't know it would ever happen to me but it did, so now I can check off the "Severe Celebrity Worship" off of my crazy-things-that-youths-do list.

2 months later, I think I've seen every single Adam Lambert interview, appearance, news article, music vid, photo etc... I think I now know why I was so obsessed with him. I have tons of respect for him. Especially after how gracefully he handled the entire AMA "scandal". He's just someone who gets it and that's very rare these days in pop culture. Most celebs are in the fritz and I don't blame them, considering the ridiculous amount of public scrutiny and insanity they get. It's overwhelming and I now understand why Britney Spears went crazy. I got really pissed off at how much crap Lambert was getting from the entire ABC and AMA "scandal". But I also found it to be hysterical because it was so massively blown out of proportion and the new anchors/tabloids were so dense and didn't notice that.  

No I do not wish that Lambert was straight. I see him as a role model, simply because his philosophy and style resonate very well with me.It's very similar to mine, except his is more well thought out, developed and expansive because he's an adult and I'm still a teen. I was also very precocious, showoffy, liked to dress up, liked to pose for photos and liked to perform and sing as an elementary school kid too. But it was something I gave up when I went into junior high because of self-conciousness, body image issues, bad skin with acne etc....(Kinda like Lambert in highschool LOL emotional eater). It was easy for me to make friends and I'm great with leadership and social events, but I felt that I was holding back a lot and selling myself short. Seeing Lambert where he is now gives me a feeling of self empowerment. I feel like I'm a lot more open-minded, less conservative (I was conservative in the first place cuz I was scared of being judged) and articulate after a summer of following Adam Lambert's work, interviews etc... I do things that come naturally to me now and it's liberating I tell ya!
Whew! That was long. Don't even get me started on his voice and performance style, fashion and I how I gleefully enjoy all his work etc... or else this post will never end. This story makes me sound extremely dedicated LOL, but it's true and that's why I posted it here. :)

Long Live King Glambert!
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Post by Tiki »

JKrutoo' date='Mar 24th 2011, 1:26 PM'

Ok, I'll do this. Back in January, I was busy being all fangirl over Desmond Harrington. I decided to youtube the IIHY video, because I'd never seen it. I am a huge AI fan, but was only a mild Adam Lambert fan. Gay guys typically do nothing for me, and I was only mildly entertained by his music.

Well. The list of clips that came up when I searched for IIHY all mentioned Tommy Joe Ratliff. I figured this was a boyfriend of Adam's. Then, I clicked one of them and watched a vid. It was a fan vid of the many kisses. I replayed. And again. And again. The vid got serious mileage.

I became an Adam fan by-proxy. Tommy was my focus. Like I said, gay men just didn't do it for me. But over the next few months, Adam's magnetism just grew and the point of fascination. I bought his album, listen to it EVERY DAY and I never miss an Adam or Tommy tweet now. And as much as I love Tommy, Adam's much more fascinating, perhaps because's there's more information to consume. So, I'm an official Glambert, to the point where I am now thinking "Desmond who?" :wub:
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aviddem' date='Mar 24th 2011, 4:13 PM'

:clap: Madame :clap:  Excellent idea resurrecting this thread!  C'mon newbies, tell us your stories!

I've been around here since the beginning, but I'll tell a story of a new fan I've been working on...

I have a sister who is a devout christian and only listens to christian radio.  I gave all my sisters Adam's acoustic EP for Christmas, and this sister kind of wrinkled her nose a bit, and I could tell she was ready to be all judgemental (like some Christians tend to do :angry: ).  She never even opened it and a couple of weeks later she asked if I would mind if she gave it to our cousin who is a fan of Adams.  I said sure, that's ok. :/

A few days later, I sent her a message on Facebook and embedded a youtube of Adam singing "The Prayer" by David Foster.  She loved it and actually posted it on her wall, and said she might even open the acoustic CD and give it a listen.  (I don't know if she actually has yet, but she did not give it away :thumbs: ).  Fast forward a few weeks, and she, my mom and I were watching Idol, and this sister loved James Durbin's performance of You Got Another Thing Coming.  She was in awe of James' wails, and I told her if you liked that, you're gonna LOVE this.  I played Adam singing Born to be Wild on my laptop while she had on my earbuds, and you should have seen her face!!!!  She was actually squealing and clapping towards the end, and I kept motioning shhhhh, he's not done yet, listen to that last vocal run.....I GOT HER!!!  Rather, Adam got her!

She now wants to see all of Adam's AI performances so I used Madams's Treasure Chest of Links to burn the DVD (thanks Madame!) and she and my mom are going to watch this weekend.   After that, I'm going to have her over for dinner and watch the Glam Nation DVD.  I fully intend to distract her attention from the TV for the Fever kiss (I know, I know :rolleyes: ...but baby steps, people!!!).
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randomperson' date='Mar 24th 2011, 7:51 PM'

i've been lurking this forum for about a few weeks and this is my first post.

I became a fan (understatement) about lol 3 weeks ago!! I forgot exactly when because the last few weeks has been such a blur.

Now read through the whole thing because the first few sections aren't too pretty.

First, I do not like AI at all. I thought it was all a bunch of people oversinging karaoke and most of it makes my ears bleed. And most of the singers that AI produce sounds generic and lame. So when Adam was on, the clips they show of him on the news was all the part that he screamed and i rolled my eyes and was like "yep, another Idol hype, just a bunch of screams and no substance"

Then after all that was over and he released his first single i didn't like it at all, i'm like "so this is what all the hype was about?? this generic dance song that sounds like anyone could sing it...lame..." though I did DL the song because i thought it was catchy LOL. Same with WWFM, fine song but sounds like alot of stuff on the radio, ignored him ever since (Adam and Glamberts please forgive me!! ;_;)

Regarding his looks, i thought he looked cool and respected him for being different, but never thought he was that attractive, but this is just from short news clips (oh man how wrong was I??)

Then something happened, I forgot exactly what prompted me, but I was browsing through Youtube and somehow stumbled some of his youtube videos, I forgot which it was, was it an interview, IIHY video, unplugged live, i don't know, but I could not stop watching. I stayed up till 3 in the morning watching videos after videos of him! I dled the album and was like "OMG!! why didn't he released these as single?" I listened to it on my headphones all night long and was humming it for the next 3 weeks and still do now. I sing them in my car and almost drove off road a few times cos i was singing along too excited and eyes not paying attention. Here's what I remembered I saw the first few days:

his Iheartradio performances - OMG my mind was BLOWN!! I went from feeling incredibly happy from Fever and cried during Mad world

IIHY video - another OMG! moment. He looked sooo adorable and that second outfit with the hat is TO.DIE.FOR. I want it on me right now!!

All of his AI performances - just one OMG! moment after another. I'm like what's up with all the news and media talking about his screams when he only does it like half the time. When he sang the ballads I want to cry everytime.

His interviews - this is what got me up all night! I can't stop listening to him talk, he's such sooo intelligent and smart and such a good heart. I can't imagine anyone watch him talk and not be charmed by him. And the more I read about his life story, his struggles, and his philosophy, he slowly changed my life. I feel like he's my best friend and now any doubts I have about is gone. I love myself more, I love my family/friends more, and I don't remember ever being SOO happy non-stop. I walk around all day with a smile on face, and I think of him and I get the instant giggles. My coworkers are like "what drug are you on and where can I get some?" LOL, and it made them smile too. and this is all happening within 3 weeks. Yep, hard to imagine huh?

So throughout the last 3 weeks, my life changed somehow, I don't remember how it all started, but it's def. Adam doing it hahaha. He's now occupies most of days and sometimes I get worried that he's consuming so much of me and I'm starting to get a bit obsessive (I now own the deluxe digital album, tour edition of FYE, digital accoustic EP, hard copy of the EP on the way, both remixes EP, 300+ pics of him on my computer, and of course the GNT dvd, oh heck everything lol) btw, i'm still waiting for the accoustic CD and GNT DVD to arrive in the mail, waiting is torture!! But I realized how happy I've been in the past 3 weeks that being a bit obsessive is alright, it's just like finding a new hobby that you love, and Adam is my new hobby! Btw, I totally respect Adam as a HUMAN BEING and I'm happy if he's happy and I wish him the best in his career and personal life. These whole outtacontrol shipping thing I heard about makes me sad, so I guess i'm not THAT obsessive and crazy lol

OH WAIT I'm not done yet! Are you sick of me now? You'll love this actually. So I was watching his Idol perf. on my tv via youtube, and suddenly my mom ran up to my room and was like "WHO IS THAT???" I'm like Adam from Idol, and she's like "oh yeh, I heard about on the news" and she said the reason she ran to my room was because she heard the most beautiful voice coming from my room. We stayed in my room and watch all of his perf. together and his FYE stuff too and now she's addicted to him too. We discussed each performance...mother and daughter bonding time! The next few days she would come up to my room asking to see Adam again. Then she giggled and said she forgot being sad the past few days, Adam has made her so happy. My dad came in and was like 'what's going on? why aren't you in bed" lol he was jealous of this guy and my mom was like "it's okay he's gay!" We all had a good laugh. Btw, my mom been laid off and they're in the middle of fixing up the house so she's been stressed out alot, Adam helped her forget her stress, even for a little bit.

I've been lurking the forums and the blogs too and I'm very happy Adam has such dedicated and fun fans. Add me as one more person who will support him no matter what  :w00twave:  

And I was really suprised at first to find out so many of his fans are older folks, I didn't think they would like him, but now I get it, just look at my mom LOL

My cousins love him too. They actually been fans of him since Idol but they never really talked about him much because they didn't think anyone else liked him (so sad) but when I told them I'm now obsessed with him they freaked out and was like "ME TOO!!" now we all like him and have so much fun discussing him, he really bonded us closer together!

The only thing i'm upset about is I missed his actual GNT  :no:  :'(  I'm so dissipointed in myself that it took me so long to realize I love him, I get so jealous of you guys. It seems everyone who went to see him went to at least 3+ shows lol. Oh well, hopefully we're all still around when he goes on tour again, I'll be first in line.

okay i guess i'm done peace out  :hug: thanks for reading! keep spreading the love guys I'm sure there are plenty others like me and my mom. The thing with Adam is once you like him, you'll LOVE him and you can't unlike him, so his fans I believe will only get bigger not smaller, go Adam!!

Editing this: I love every song of Adam now!! FYE I actually LOOVE the Brad Walsh remix, it replaced the original for me. So much sexier, I felt dirty listening to it. and WWFM I love the acoustic and all his live performances of the song.
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Post by Tiki »

Naiya' date='May 31st 2011, 3:47 PM'

I want to share my story bc I want to show people how important it is for artists to do good groundwork and promotion. I know some people who think that fans, who aren't fans from "the beginning" aren't as worthy as those who were in it from the get go.

So I didn't watch AI season 8. It was shown here(I think?), but I wasn't all that interested. I've never been a big fan of AI or the Finnish version 'Idols' or any other singing competition shown on tv for that matter. So I didn't know anything about Adam before he came to Finland on May of 2010. I heard someone sing on the Finnish 'X-Factor', I wasn't watching it, I was in another room, and thought to myself: "Good Lord this guy can SING!!!". Usually the competitors aren't all that good in Finland, and so I was really blown away. I thought they had found someone really REALLY good for once  :haha: so I went to the living room to watch the show, and no lie, when I saw Adam, my thought-pattern went like this:"That guy is HAAAWWWWTT!! That guy is NOT Finnish.... Well obviously since he can sing..."
My dad told me who he was, and I IMMEDIATELY Googled him(well..duh!). I didn't find out more than that he was AI runner-up, gay(first reaction to this:"noooooooooooo!!") and that he was really popular in Finland.
Then I forgot about him for about a few weeks and then stumbled across his name in some MCR fanpage in LJ. I remembered him and started to find out more about him and eventually watched the whole AI season 8 online. Since the end of May in 2010 I've been a fan. Lurked around here the whole 'tour summer', and finally joined last fall.
Because I'm half Finnish half Swedish, I lived in Sweden in the fall but wasn't allowed to go to his concert in there. I was "a little" bummed. And when he was in Finland, I was in Sweden still so it was a no go then also. So never seen him live, but am dying to.

That's it :) and I want to point out, that had Adam never come to Finland and done the promo in here, I prob would have never heard about him.  :yes:
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LurkingRabbit' date='May 31st 2011, 4:19 PM'

Okey, here´s my story. Actually I´ve been thinking myself this for the last couple of days. Trying to remember and understand how I became obsessed with Adam. And this forum too. Sorry for all incorrectly spelled words. It´s getting kind of late and I should be going to sleep. But I just can´t not write this right now.. So here we go.

So, sometime last year I was listening to the radio at work. I thought "oh, yes, this song again. This is really great. I love this guys voice and it´s a cathcy song" I don´t remember which song it was, but if I had to guess, I´d say it was WWFM. But I didn´t know anything more about this man, just that has an amazing voice.

The next thing I learned (might have been the same day or some other time I heard the song on radio), that the singer was one of the contestants from American Idol.  And again I was suprised, that somebody from the show could make it in international. I mean, it is a TV show, and to make a international career out of it, is kind of difficult. Or so I thought. So good for him! And then I learned that this guys name is Adam Lambert. Still didn´t know what he looked like, and I wasn´t hooked enough to start googling him.

Then I heard news, that he was going to perform in Finland, X-factor tv-show. And later last year I find out, that his tour would come to Finland as well. But still I wasn´t that much intrested in him.
I was just happy every time someone played his music on the radio, and make my day that much happier.

After that show in Finland I read from the tabloids that Adam had met Sauli in a bar after the show. I thought that it was kind of funny, because they are both known from a reality tv-show. But again I didn´t pay much attention to those articles, because they are tabloids and they tend to twist the truth sometimes..

And then came february (?) and the pictures from the disneyworld. And I was like "So there really is some kind of relationship with these two. Okey, there have been sightings of them from Paris also. How nice."
And I was happy for them. Not in the "I can´t get my eyes off of these two, because they are just too adorable" kind of happy, but just happy that two guys seems to bee having fun together.

A few days later I had some boring time at work and decided to google Adam. Just to know something more about this guy. (And it was about that time i found this forum too.)  And I saw pictures, read interviews and kind of started to get really hooked. This guy is really something! I had to wait to get home to watch youtube videos about him. And probably every spare time I had for the next few weeks, I spent wathcing videos of him. Some days later I started to watch his interviews (I had a "theme day" to search different type of thing about Adam on different days). And if I hadn´t fell in love (or got obsessed) before, I was now.

He was just so adorable and awesome in every single interview I wathced. He was (is) polite, gorgeus, funny, smiling, well-mannered, down to earth, open, and still managed to be himself. Make a point if needed, be true to himself. Just be who he is, and enjoy what the life has offered to him. And be grateful of what he has. And he seems to bee having so much fun on stage, every time he gets up there. That is how I saw him and now I just can´t seem to get enough of him. He´s smile makes me smile too. His happines is making me happy.

Sorry for the long post!
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classexa' date='Jan 18th 2012, 2:03 PM'
Thanks Silvia  :)

So uhm.. I'm Nick from Sweden and I'm kinda ashamed of how I discovered Adam  :D I actually watched Season 8 the first time because of Danny  :ermm: since I thought his audition was really good but ended up kinda disappointed as the season went along. What's more wack is that I didn't notice Adam at all during the first time(how I managed that I don't know)  :no:

About 2 years later I turned on a music channel over here and they played the IIHY video and I thought this is some good ish, I should look him up. So I googled him and noticed he was on AI Season 8. I decided to download the entire season all over again and this time I was paying attention to the right guy  :bleh: After his Satisfaction performance I was completely sold on this beast of a guy. I could really enjoy that season because I knew how it all turned out in the end. Just watching this guy hit it out of the ballpark every week  B)

That's my short story  :D
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KarDa' date='Jan 18th 2012, 3:01 PM'

Should I, shouldn't I, should I... Oh, what the heck, let's finally stop lurking. I've been reading the posts on this forum daily (if not hourly) for about a year, so...  :whistling:  Here goes:

I follow the showbiz news somewhat actively and had heard of Adam Lambert, too. I didn't watch AI, but remember him being the runner up of some season. Anyway, one morning I was driving to work with my husband and they played WWFM on the radio. My husband turned the volume up and asked "who's this?", trusting I would know the artist, like I usually do. I told him "I think it's Adam Lambert" and I thought I should look him up and hear what the other songs sound like. Before I did that I heard Aftermath on the radio. A major wake up call for me! Whaaaaat, listen to those vocals, are they for real??!! :w00t: By that time I had gotten so fed up with all of these autotuned and lip-syncing artists on the charts that I had my doubts.

During the time I didn't actively look Adam up I had realized that he has quite a strong fan base in my native Finland. Apparently a lot of people had watched his performances on AI. I was still very surprised to hear that he was coming to Finland for a gig. And then, there suddenly were rumors Adam had a fling with a certain Finnish guy, called Sauli. I didn't think much of it at first, but then I saw the pictures of Adam and Sauli together in LA and the look on Adam's face when he was looking at Sauli... and I realized it was for real. I got totally hooked on their love story and it also made me more interested in "Adam the Artist", too.

I think it must have been the WWFM live performance on Ellen, after his Grammy nomination, that made me look up all of Adam's American Idol performances on Youtube, you know, to be absolutely sure that the guy can really sing as well as it seems. And boy oh boy, could he ever! A Whole Lotta Love sealed the deal for me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, his voice is absolutely phenomenal! I bought his album, been watching videos on Youtube over and over again - and have completely fallen in love with his voice and charisma.

So, that's my story, so far. I've set my camp here firmly and have no plans to leave.  <3
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*SleepWalker*' date='May 21st 2013, 5:04 PM'

After reading all the amazing storys about becoming a Glambert, I will post mine as well.  :)

I'm a Glambert since April 2011.  :D   I remember WWFM to be played in the radio veeeeery often at that time and the month before and that song really starts to annoy me  :">  (today I love it).
One day I was watching some Tokio Hotel  :D videos at when there appears a new video clip....
The name of the song sounds good.... Sleepwalker.... And that Adam Lambert guy looked very good with his black emo hair, make up, black coat.... had never heard of him before...but now I was curious and so I watched the video... and watched it again...and again...and again...I was blown away by his voice, the lyrics, his pure self  :omg: he reached something very deep inside of me and from that moment on, I was in love  :wub: it was like magic...
I wanted to find out more about that Adam guy and searched for more music of him. And I was a little shocked when I found out that he was the one singing WWFM (but like I said, after watching some live performances of it, I really started to love it). :haha:  It was so different from that powerful amazing Sleepwalker!! Then I found the Glam Nation Tour videos, watched maaaaany interviews and became very obsessive during a very short time....  :w00t:
Since then Adam influenced many aspects of my life in a very positive way and it might sound cheesy but without Adam and his music I wouldn't be the person I am today.  :rolleyes:

Yes, thats my Glambert story.  :teehee: I have been in love with Adam (and Sleepwalker  ;) ) ever since and he enriches my life in many ways...  :wub:

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infinite' date='Sep 14th 2014, 2:01 PM'

I'm not so new anymore... :)
but I will tell you my story:
I was reading fanfiction (Queer as folk) when I came across  a writer who had this pic in his profil
^^(my first thought was: what a cutiepie)  :haha: ^^
and he had  an youtube link of  Fever or Enter sandman ( I don't know for sure) video in it.
I clicked on it...watched it ... and thought: he is really good...then watched some more ...
and in the end I was hooked ( how could I not be  :haha: ) I think that was in the second half of 2011.
I was a lurker on here for so long. Today a year ago I thought I should sign up here. Now I am here... :haha:
(sorry if my English is a bit rusty. I'm not a native English speaker.)
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Zenia' date='Nov 9th 2014, 12:52 PM'

Well here goes.

Hi everyone I am the newest member here.Just registered today.

But I am not a new Adamfan.I have followed him since Idol 8.

My story.
Idol 8 .I did'nt watched until my daughter afsked me to watch it with her.
Mom there's a guy you have to hear,she said.

I listened and I looked. And I could'nt believe my reaction to this "creature"
He hit me full frontall.
All my nerve endings was in high allert.
I felt I was drowning in a sea of sounds.
And I think i went in to a trance.
I have never reacted that Way to ANYONE before.I found it little scary at first.
But I had no option other than to give in to the "crazyness of Adamworld"
And there is no way back.

If they ever find a cure for the Adambug.I'll refuse to take it. :D
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