General Talk About Adam

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General Talk About Adam


Post by madamimadam »

This thread is where we can discuss all things Adam that don't belong in any specific thread.
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Post by Tiki »

'vistadiva' date='Nov 16th 2014, 9:41 PM'
Whoa.....great response to Adam's tweet:

ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Anyone find it interesting how straight male Pop stars r pandering to gay audiences lately!? Should we be  flattered? Progress or strategy?
Allan Carreon
@adamlambert same way you pandered to straight female fans when you were still in the closet?
(and YES...we know he wasn't in the closet...but a valid point.)
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inverse' date='Nov 16th 2014, 9:57 PM'

wait, how did Adam pander to straight females 'while he was in the closet'???

(i'm assuming this guy is referring to pre-Rolling Stone article, so while Idol was airing before he actually said the words "i'm gay".) i can't think of anything he did that was 'pandering'...


even AFTER he confirmed his sexuality to RS and did that 'hetero-erotic' photoshoot for Details... while i guess you could call it pandering... it's also nothing Adam hasn't done even before his fame on Idol. he's ALWAYS been a flirt with girls and played with hetero-erotic performing...

off the top of my head (pre-idol) :
^this is either before or after Adam and this chick tongued each other [0144.gif]

to me, Adam's Ziggy-esque, artistic pan-sexuality has just always been a part of Adam's aesthetic and performing style. it's not a marketing strategy he cooked up with his team or something he realized could use to sell records. it's always been there.
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svca' date='Nov 16th 2014, 10:02 PM'

I agree, Inverse, I don't agree with the guy's response either.
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Post by Tiki »

bebeg' date='Nov 16th 2014, 10:08 PM'

It's a great point.  I'm not quite sure what Adam was actually asking.  All artists pander to an audience.

And Adam's been doing that for years.  So why wouldn't a straight artist (Nick Jonas) who discovers that gay guys find him attractive pander to that audience.
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Post by Tiki »

midnight1211' date='Nov 17th 2014, 2:13 AM'

As a long time working professional, I've relied on marketing, sales and probably pandering to achieve my goals- pandering in the sense that I share my offer to meet potential buyers needs.

What I do not understand is agreeing with someone who defends "Lambert's hypocritical tweets" (a quote from axelcarlise twitter} - I personally do not think that Adam's thoughts are based on ANY "pretense" as is suggested in these tweets.
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MicheleDE' date='Nov 17th 2014, 4:32 PM'

Yes, I believe that all artists "pander" to a degree. They sort of have to, they're selling their product, themselves, their music. Adam is mostly just entertaining us, but there were some times when he was misleading, when he said he might be bi-curious, saying "ya never know" and then later saying he's a full f*g.  He's said he's not interested in anything other than kissing certain women. Anyway, I think he said those things back then to keep the women guessing and interested, thinking they *might* have a chance, when in actuality, of course they never did.

However, the deal with Nick Jonas is that he went into a gay bar and stripped his shirt off for them. So yeah, that's probably what Adam was referring to as pandering. And he is a thinker, and he questions things, because he's intelligent and it's good to question things. He made us all think and talk about it, he's good at that. I don't think he was throwing shade, although it did seem like it at first. Also, I agree that most female artists, especially his favorite divas such as Gaga, have done this all along. I get really irritated when female pop stars take off their clothes and flaunt themselves, especially the recent shaking their big fat booties - I find all of that disgusting. There should be no need for that if the music's good. Then you have to wonder, do they know their music's not that good? How many people actually buy music when they do that? I wouldn't. I don't have any interest in NJ's music - I listened to that one song Adam mentioned he liked, and didn't even finish listening to the whole song. It was "meh". I also don't think NJ's attractive (his face, I mean. Body, yeah, ok but I don't care).

Anyway.... I think the gist of this whole thing is, it makes us all think and discuss, and that's what Adam wanted - to get our thoughts on the whole thing. He was obviously bothered by the blatant display to get attention to sell music - but has it never bothered him before when it was Gaga, Madonna, Britney, etc?
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Post by Tiki »

name='Love2Lurk' date='Nov 17th 2014, 6:41

Yes...this is true....

Adam does like to delve into a subject and make us think......that is one thing I love about him....

However.....I think Adam probably gets ......hurt ...and/or....mixed feelings.....

When artists...such as NJ & SS...receives positive attention  ....when Adam received a lot of hate early on....

I do believe that has changed greatly the last year or so....he receives great media now...IMO

I do think Adam did pander a little with the Details photos....those pics were stunning... IMO  :wub:

However....remember how the Gay community really was upset by that.....

I do feel Adam is a little that....his sexuality is very much....cross over.....

Both men & women find him extremely attractive.....and.....I feel he likes that  :wub:  :yes:

I don't really see the big deal with that...tho  :rolleyes:  :wub:

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Post by Tiki »

inverse' date='Nov 17th 2014, 11:38 PM'

it makes me kind of disappointed (for lack of a better word) to hear people arguing that Adam was misrepresenting  his 'gayness' when he talked about being curious and open to experiences with girls.

sexuality is a spectrum made up entirely of grey area. very few people fall neatly into 'gay' straight' or 'bi'. but anyone can sure as hell identify in any way they want to. and should be able to do so without others complaining that they don't fit the profile perfectly. that's not your decision to make.


1. he was being honest. you know how i know? because...

2. he has actually acted on his curiosity and made out with plenty of women. that's not pandering. that deciding you want to do something for personal reasons and then doing it. this has nothing to do with what other people want from him or is it about getting a reaction.

this is different than, say (since we seem to be using him as a comparison), a Jonas brother who recently discovers he has a gay fan base, then actively decides to start exploiting himself in order to exploit their assumed sexual desire for him (like many pop stars do for straight/gay/male/female fans) by appearing half naked in as many gay-leaning publications as possible and stripping at a gay club.

now, i may be wrong, but i don't think this Jonas brother has ANY desire or curiosity about kissing a man. and there's nothing wrong with that.

but the difference is that one (Adam) is based in honest curiosity and the other (Jonas) is based purely on getting a desired reaction (sales). to me, the latter is what pandering is.
/rant. sorry, i can't keep my nose out of discussions like this. i like these convos.
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Post by Tiki »

MicheleDE' date='Nov 18th 2014, 3:51 AM'

I know he has thick skin, but he's still a person with feelings, I agree that he must get his feelings hurt and wonder why his community doesn't support him. It seems they're ready to pounce and attack him, claiming he can't sing, he's not attractive, he's jealous, all sorts of crazy things that aren't true. It's so upsetting to me as a fan, to read those things. I can't imagine how he must feel. I find it hard to take. It bothers me a lot, actually. I just can't figure them out. Someone said "he's just jealous because we don't support him" and I can't help but wonder why is that? They're the ones who are jealous, because Adam has put himself out there and he's been accepted by people in spite of being gay, and they haven't? or what? I have no idea. But there are many hurtful things said on those LGBT sites. I wonder how they act when he goes to their clubs. I'm just glad he has his boys and regular places where he knows he's accepted. And I do think there is more acceptance than there was 4-5 years ago, but apparently still a ways to go.
Very well said. I agree for the most part, however there were a few times where I questioned him back then, because I do think he teased with that idea, that women *might* have a chance - just a couple of times, but he did... and I didn't agree with him doing that, because there are some who really thought there was a chance. I never thought so... I mean, I knew he told the truth about liking to kiss girls sometimes "it's fun" ... demonstrated by kissing Kesha - but as far as more than that? No, he told us early on that he wasn't interested, but then said maybe a couple of other times. But, who knows? Maybe he did have a couple of times where he was a bit interested in a certain woman.

I never got upset about it, though... like you said, it's not our place to judge or to say how another is feeling, about their sexual orientation or whatever. I just thought it was a bit confusing, and wondered if he was just playing/teasing, or what.

Speaking of Kesha, that one guy sitting at his table in the recent pic - if you look at his IG - he has on eyelashes & looks like Kesha a bit... I wonder if that's the same guy Adam said he used to make out with. lol ... he looks kinda young, though, so idk... (the Tye guy)

Anyway, I love the guy, and have for over 5 years. He needs to get that new music to us soon!!!!
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Post by Tiki »

3ku1' date='Nov 18th 2014, 4:39 AM'

It is a question of attainability. The dude is a celebrity. Gay or Straight, he is unattainable. Whoever he chooses to pander to his up to him. But I never felt he did it out of an agenda. He can never win with the media back then. He was open, but he wasen't going to be something the industry or the community expected him to be. He was going to be himself fullstop. I like this quote from Adam "I never wanted to go my entire career hiding anything. Or trying to cover something up. It's just not my style. Sexuality is so sensationlized, everyone has to feel they have to label it or put it out. But I'm proud of it. I'm proud of my sexuality. I've no hang ups. I have no shame. But for me it's not like me wearing a T-Shirt saying Gay, it's Adam". Being a very straight guy haha, Adam has really opened my mind to alternative lifestyles.  
It is a question of attainability. The dude is a celebrity. Gay or Straight, he is unattainable. Whoever he chooses to pander to his up to him. But I never felt he did it out of an agenda. He can never win with the media back then. He was open, but he wasen't going to be something the industry or the community expected him to be. He was going to be himself fullstop. I like this quote from Adam "I never wanted to go my entire career hiding anything. Or trying to cover something up. It's just not my style. Sexuality is so sensationlized, everyone has to feel they have to label it or put it out. But I'm proud of it. I'm proud of my sexuality. I've no hang ups. I have no shame. But for me it's not like me wearing a T-Shirt saying Gay, it's Adam". Being a very straight guy haha, Adam has really opened my mind to alternative lifestyles.
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Post by Tiki »

bebeg' date='Nov 18th 2014, 9:42 AM'
I guess it's a matter of how we each interpret what was said and done.  For me, it was obvious right after idol that Adam was pandering to the straight women who voted for him on idol.  After watching the 20/20 interview I suspected that he was told by the 'powers that be' to keep those women interested.  And he did...the bi-curious comments...the 'who's the lucky woman' comment.  

As for Nick Jonas - I see nothing wrong with what he's doing.  He's a straight artist who discovered that gay men find him attractive, so why not use it?  He isn't implying that he's interested in any of these men just embracing their being attracted to him.  I find it positive and a huge step forward.  I'm sure there have been lots of straight artists who knew they had gay fans but would have never played to them
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Post by Tiki »

sandyrk' date='Nov 18th 2014, 12:08 PM'

I like what you say.  I do think that both of them "pander" and I don't think there's anything wrong with it.  Adam is doing it less these days, as he doesn't need to -- his fan base is growing nicely just by him being out there in so many different venues.  To me, his comments about NJ were interesting, but not a big deal.  I hope he always puts things out there that are controversial.

This is a nice thread.  There was something similar on ALF that sorta fell apart -- the Adam Lambert Debate Club.
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Post by Tiki »

Love2Lurk' date='Nov 18th 2014, 2:55 PM'

Love reading these comments.....interesting discussion :thumbs:
One thing that may have bothered  Adam in the past.....

There have been several straight pop stars like Lady GaGa & Katy others...

Who have gotten acclaimed & kudos for singing to LGBT issues....

And here is Adam....LGBT....perfectly willing to take that lead.....

These 'straight pop stars' get more attention....on a larger scale.......than Adam has ....

Early on.....He said.... he didn't want to be the poster child for the LBGT issues....

Since then however..... He has learned his importance to many that are actually LGBT....

And participates in many ways to speak to this important message.....

He just doesn't seem to get the bigger attention that say...NJ might be getting on this subject....

I could be wrong....just seems that way some times....

I have also wondered if there has been ....'LGBT parts'...that Adam may have auditioned for in movies/TV....

and....they went to 'straight' actors......just guessing & wondering ????
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Post by Tiki »

jussayin' date='Nov 18th 2014, 4:08 PM'

oh yay.....a wank thread!!!
'vistadiva' date='Nov 19th 2014, 2:33 PM'

:clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

aviddem' date='Nov 19th 2014, 2:38 PM'

:w00t:  *pops popcorn*
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Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Nov 19th 2014, 11:07 PM'

So.... about that Elvis tweet... There are two theories floating around in the twitterverse... :roll:

Pick your favorite one...

Option 1...

lovesummer22  14m14 minutes ago
So many feels.....RT @PattiHum: Thanks to @bamafanPF ! Here is his tweet about Trespassing, 3 years ago yesterday.

ScorpioBert  1h1 hour ago
If Adam has a song named 'Tonight Elvis is Dead' , that would be really interesting

PattiHum  1h1 hour ago
My take on the Elvis pic? It is a line from one of his new songs. Yup, that's my guess! He threw us a bone!

SusieFierce  1h1 hour ago
@PattiHum the awkward phrasing made me think acronym but I couldn't come up w anything. I do think artist is someone he'd like tho.

PattiHum  1h1 hour ago
@SusieFierce @aleks_kv And yesterday someone said it was the anniversary of him telling us the title of "Trespassing" is that true?

Option 2...

lovesummer22  34m34 minutes ago
Priscilla Presley opens Elvis exhibit - Yahoo New Zealand - Yahoo New Zealand Entertainment

PattiHum  32m32 minutes ago
Can't imagine Adam going to London for this Elvis exhibit.

ScorpioBert  32m32 minutes ago

Option 3...

Make yp your own!

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Post by Tiki »

donnamb' date='Nov 20th 2014, 12:08 AM'

Option 3?  He cut the side bangs and went back to silver/grey whatever that color was.  Thus any resemblance to that trailer art version of Elvis is dead.  alright - just a thought.
madamimadam' date='Nov 20th 2014, 12:12 AM'

Probably best option out there so far!
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Post by Tiki »

@ Jul 20th 2014, 2:27 PM

I found it interesting where he talks about Adam Era 3, hoping for a better reception in this "Sam Smith loving" America.

Why does it seem to be so much easier for the US to embrace people like Sam Smith, make a big deal out of him coming out, promote him everywhere, and yet Adam has had to fight for every inch in the last 5 years, living out and proud? I will never get that.  no.gif

But awesome review; the guy writes like he's definitely a fan.

daisydoggie @ Nov 19th 2014, 11:50 PM

Just got this link in my Google alert on Adam and I wanted to respond to your question about why it is easier for Sam Smith than it has been for Adam. I think Adam's very handsome face and his sex appeal is threatening to many people. Adam is a very sexy gay man and he can't help but be sexy and gorgeous. I think a lot of women are attracted to him and they resist it by rebuffing him. Being attracted to a gay man doesn't compute in their brains. I see this happening with my sister. She never liked stylish men. She is happy with a guy who wears nice clothes but is not sexy-just your average guy. The clothes, the make-up, the costumes-too much for her. Sam Smith is not threatening in that way. He is more your average guy.

Adam was the first out of the gate and he came out full force. Loaded with personality, glam and talent. He made you notice him. He was in everyone's living room week you couldn't ignore him. People watched, but when it came to supporting his music, they shied away. I think the things we love about Adam was too much for some to handle. Adam is a hurricane, and some can only handle a drizzle.
madamimadam' date='Nov 20th 2014, 1:19 AM'

I am bringing this in here because I love what daisydoggie had to say...

"Adam is a hurricane, and some can only handle a drizzle."

Perfect explanation in so few words!!!!
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Post by Tiki »

3ku1' date='Nov 20th 2014, 2:19 AM'

Third Option ? Just a random tweet haha. Not all of his tweets have hidden messages ;).
madamimadam' date='Nov 20th 2014, 3:19 AM' post='26611978']
Just joking, BB...  :D
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Post by Tiki »

Moonlightchiara' date='Nov 28th 2014, 3:00 PM'

Am I the only nut job wondering if Adam hosted Thanksgiving at his new home?
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