2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)

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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by madamimadam »


01. For Your Entertainment (recorded version only)
02. Voodoo
03. Down The Rabbit Hole
04. Ring of Fire
05. Fever
06. Sleepwalker
07. Whataya Want from Me
08. Soaked
09. Aftermath
10. Sure Fire Winners
11. Strut
12. Music Again
13. If I Had You
14. Encore: Mad World and Whole Lotta Love

01. IIHY
02. Aftermath
03. SFW
04. Strut
05. Soaked
06. Band Interlude & SFW

01. SFW
02. IIHY
03. Music Again
04. WWFM
05. Strut
06. Sleepwalker
07. Fever
08. Voodoo & DTRH

01. WLL

01. Voodoo medley
02. ROF

01. WWFM

01. Tommy & Monte Intro
02. Fever
03. Partial Sleepwalker
04. Partial Soaked
05. Partial Aftermath
06. Partial SFW
06. Strut
07. Music Again
08. Partial IIHY
09. Adam & Brooke Dancing
10. Partial MW
11. Partial WLL

01. ROF

01. Medley

01. Strut
02. WLL- Part 1
03. WLL-Part two
04. SFW - Part 1
05. SFW-Part 2-Sideways

01. WWFM partial

01. DTRH-Sideways

01. WWFM

01. Intro Band & Dancers
02. Sleepwalker
03. Fever
04. Medley
05. WLL


01. Adam Lambert after the show at Wichita KS Part2


http://www.kansas.com/2010/07/16/140762 ... point.html
"It is what it is!"
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

Little Bee' date='May 28th 2010, 11:27 AM


July 16 - Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom) Openers: Allison

Event Info

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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 2:37 AM

Westboro Baptist Idiots will be at Wichita show from 7-8 with their hate in tow. Come prepared with giant rainbow laserbeams to blind them.
5 minutes ago via web

Is Glitter bombing considered assault?
4 minutes ago via web
Strut4MeAdam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:06 AM

ok, my heart is breaking after reading last nights thread and seeing the protesters.
we have so much love for adam...how about everyone can bring signs of love
for adam and that should be all he sees outside. somehow these people can
be blocked (without arguments) and just show love regardless of how it is making
us feel.

if it hurts us to see this, we know deep down it has got to hurt adam.

i don't know how many of us are going tonite and future nights but we should
all just put on a sign whatever we want adam to see about how we love him.

it's just really sad. i love adam so much. God loves Adam. I don't want Adam
hurting over all this. I rather have him feel our love. He just has no clue how
much we care about him and how much joy he brings us and how he's changed
our lives since we first saw him on AI!!!

I am so thankful that he came into our lives via tv/concerts.

I will tell you that 6 months or so before Adam came on tv in January 2009 I was
driving in my car with my daughter listening to the XM 1980's station and heard
the guys with the high voices and the ones who had the makeup on.

I told my daughter that I miss that so much and no one out there now is like that....

Well, soon after, Adam was on AI in Jan. 2009. I quietly kept my eye on him
and knew he was different and I was "attracted" to that. I had seen so many
shows and met so many of the bands back in the 80's.

But as I watched Adam on the show and especially when he sang Satisfaction
and THEN Black or White, I literally was speechless by that one! I was like,
"What?!" No one on that show in any season ever did that and Paula was right
on by her reaction....it was the same I had!

I voted like crazy all season and all my daughter and I could talk about was Adam
and we read about him all season online and waited for the tour.

We saw him twice on the AI tour. I never had the reaction for anyone on a stage as I did for him.
No one ever blew me away. Ever. And I got to meet him. That was one of THE
best days of our lives. I will never forget that. Anyone else I ever got to meet,
whatever....But Adam.....he is so special and sweet and so very talented, unlike
anyone else I ever saw in my entire life. And his style, awesome great perfect
good looks, clothes, make-up, etc....There is no better....

This year we saw him on the GlamNation tour. I brought my daughter. I took
some pics and a few short videos. I never saw my daughter react to anyone like she
does Adam. I laugh every time I watch the vids over because she is all you can hear....
screaming....calling out for ADAM!!! But....during Sleepwalker, as I watched Adam
on the stage singing so beautifully, I didn't hear my daughter screaming, so I looked
over at her. She had her hand over her mouth and as I looked closer, she was balling.
I put my arm around her because I know that we share the same exact love (and
thoughts) about Adam, regardless of our ages....My eyes started tearing up because
I 100% understand. Adam is something we bond very strongly about. He is the greatest
love of our life! So that was a very touching moment to me because I felt that she expressed
what is in all of our hearts. And how can we not think of our love for him when he sings "I walk
around and I feel so lost and lonely. You're everything that I want but you don't want me."

I've never seen anyone as beautiful as him and I've never heard anyone like him
who takes my breath away as he does.

We will be seeing him two more times in August which we cannot wait for.

So....after all that is said, we need to show our love to Adam so he doesn't have
to think about those "haters".

Sorry it was so long. I just really love this guy and I feel like he was an answered
prayer for me....or something like that. :wub: Maybe I wished him into
existence! :haha:

joooory' date='Jul 16th 2010, 7:00 PM

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind Don't matter and those who matter Don't mind." Dr. Seuss.
what a beautiful say. :wub:
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

lucytor' date='Jul 16th 2010, 7:55 PM

Here's Tommy:

@orianthi get back here! 16 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to orianthi

Orianthi's tweet:

Watching kid rock.. Rock it out at soundcheck
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 8:03 PM

Gotta love the Lambert family:


@negativeneil http://twitpic.com/254622 - I think your mug shots came out better than this
about 2 hours ago via Twitpic


For those that doubt... http://www.flickr.com/photos/froboy/334359...57614979271411/
about 3 hours ago via web

Exactly... @RichardBasehart Then why did He make them?
about 8 hours ago via web

No, God hates figs. And most seafood as I recall.
about 9 hours ago via web
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 8:07 PM

... and then there's Sasha....

Sound chickidy check check 1 2 3.... Uh
about 3 hours ago via Twitterrific

@TommyJoeRatliff why so blue? http://twitpic.com/25w7su
about 3 hours ago via Twitterrific

@LightLoveAdam http://twitpic.com/25s3yq - Niceee :-) thanks
about 3 hours ago via Twitpic

i think ill sleep now... the Westboro Baptist folks told me God hates sleep.. so i tried to stay up as long as i could... #sinner
about 15 hours ago via web

#win http://twitpic.com/25q5or
about 16 hours ago via Twitpic
@UhHuhHerMusic thats the most ive ever seen you tweet
about 17 hours ago via web in reply to UhHuhHerMusic

I feel like Mel Gibson has earned his right to a new line of jokes including his name... something like Chuck Norris.. only different...
about 18 hours ago via web

@Scorpios4Adam http://twitpic.com/25ovvj - hahaha how wrong is it that hes right under Mel Gibson?
about 19 hours ago via Twitpic in reply to Scorpios4Adam

@IndigoDaze http://twitpic.com/25ny07 - Ok we all love this :-)
about 20 hours ago via Twitpic

.... and of course, Tommy....

@orianthi get back here!
30 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to orianthi

thesecretdaily Everything we think, everything we're feeling, is creating our future.
about 9 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Retweeted by TommyJoeRatliff and 100+ others

Haha the moron to the far right in the red shirt... What does it say on it? It's blurry when I zoom in! Haha http://tweetphoto.com/32984332
about 11 hours ago via Echofon
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:00 PM

deniseneil Covering Adam Lambert show. Line of fans waiting to get in stretches all the way around the building & back to a field #cotillionnotictarena
31 minutes ago via Twitterrific

... followed by....

glitteronmyeyes Oh my eff i am parked out in a cornfield for you adam.
6 minutes ago via txt
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:06 PM

DallasGlitters Had to park in the north 40.
4 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

DallasGlitters Wow. Still trying to get in.
4 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:14 PM

tacenandy @adamlambert, thanks for signing my boob! Back to dancing to Allison!
less than a minute ago via HTC Peep

I want Adam to sign MY boob... Well he may have to get down on his knees, coz you know, my boobs... they just ain't where they use to be...........

lucytor' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:37 PM

DallasGlitters Talked to local in line. Asked if usually this big turnout for shows. She said No! She was surprised! Ha! It is HBIC lady! 10 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

DallasGlitters Asked if she had seen him b4. She said "yeah on Idol". Lol!!!! Get ready for a little NON Idol!!!!!! 8 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

DallasGlitters There are a LOT of guys here. Country boys. In baseball caps. Boots. Wonder if they r expecting Idol... 2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:42 PM

DallasGlitters There are a LOT of guys here. Country boys. In baseball caps. Boots. Wonder if they r expecting Idol...
6 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

DallasGlitters Asked if she had seen him b4. She said "yeah on Idol". Lol!!!! Get ready for a little NON Idol!!!!!!
12 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

DallasGlitters Talked to local in line. Asked if usually this big turnout for shows. She said No! She was surprised! Ha! It is HBIC lady!
15 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

DallasGlitters Ha! Searched for weapons! Big turnout!! This is a big ol honky tonk.
21 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
vistadiva' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:49 PM

Considering the last tweet...I couldn't resist bringing this over from Twitter (I think it was Anthrogeek)

If there are hillbillies, why can't there be plainsbillies??
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:52 PM

pyromindy I just let someone in front of me because she was short... I can't decide if that was nice or stupid... Hmm...
3 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

edwindeux Allison just shut it down again. Some guy from ai is next. Crowd is fierce tonight. Got gays on either side. Life is glitter n glam.
3 minutes ago via TweetCaster

pyromindy @adamlambert is next!!!!!!! http://twitpic.com/25yejp
8 minutes ago via Twitpic

glitteronmyeyes Lots of cat calls for neil on stage, he laughed and did celebratory dance on the way off the stage.
1 minute ago via txt

shereenstark Set the ringtone on my new Droid--but something feels just wrong when my dad calls and "Fever" starts playing.
2 minutes ago via web

DallasGlitters Actually, kinda surrounded by guys...
3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

DallasGlitters Ok this dude just posed for me. He's. 6'6 w girlfriend in tow
3 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

CameoKraft OMG look at how close the stairs are? http://twitpic.com/25ygnb
4 minutes ago via twidroid
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 9:57 PM

pyromindy I really wish @adamlambert would get on stage now....I am so excited!!!!!!!
3 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
vistadiva' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:00 PM

LindseyRuffolo Theory all the dudes are dressing like Kris at Adam's show tonight hoping to get banged. I know this.
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:03 PM

I'm chatting up these guys standing around. Just came to see Adam .. Like his album. Wichita may be least phobic venue yet. I'm impressed.
1 minute ago via Twitter for iPhone
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:06 PM

DallasGlitters 3 ladies from here just told it sold out tonite !!! Woohoo Wichita you rock!!!!!
less than 20 seconds ago via Twitter for iPhone

deniseneil Lambert fans lined up by the door he'll exit to take the stage, cell phones and cameras poised. It's hot in here. #cotillion
less than a minute ago via mobile web
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:08 PM

Man, this stage is tiny in Wichita! They are fixin to bring Adam in on the R side of stage! Tight security! Wanded and bag cked every1!
1 minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:12 PM'

glitteronmyeyes Lol self appointed bouncer of sorts in the audience aint takin crap from anyone pushing forward. Love the drunk good ole boys.
half a minute ago via txt

glitteronmyeyes Amazon woman is on everyones shitlist.
3 minutes ago via txt

madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:18 PM

pen_flem @adamlambert hey! The crowd in Wichita is getting a little antsy!! BRING IT ON!!! Damn, man!
half a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

deniseneil Susan is now standing on a chair to prepare to for her Adam photo. I admire her tenacity. #cotillion
less than a minute ago via mobile web

glitteronmyeyes I think amazon woman just freaking puked in front of me. Cannot believe this crap. Omg. Wichita stay classy!
2 minutes ago via txt

DallasGlitters Methinks AFL gonna get lots of love from audience. So many men here, maybe not as screamy as usual! Ha
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

deniseneil I'm watching Susan Peters, who just joined the group of camera-poised people waiting stageside for Adam. Who knew she was a Glambert fan?
4 minutes ago via mobile web
cbodina' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:18 PM

from twitter

glitteronmyeyes I think amazon woman just freaking puked in front of me. Cannot believe this crap. Omg. Wichita stay classy
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:19 PM

deniseneil The photo crowd has dispersed. The crowd is chanting "Adam Adam Adam." Looks like the glam's about to start.
less than 10 seconds ago via mobile web
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:21 PM

DallasGlitters Fye.... Screams...
half a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

glitteronmyeyes Fye remix!!!
2 minutes ago via txt

DallasGlitters Chanting starting!!!! (
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
vistadiva' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:25 PM

katie02151989 Security is too busy yelling at people w/ cameras while Adam's dressing room door is being mobbed by crazies!
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:27 PM

DallasGlitters: These peeps r standing in front of Adam dressing room door where he will come out
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:30 PM

DallasGlitters F*ckin rowdy screaming crowd!!!!!!!!
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:36 PM

glitteronmyeyes Hair extensions, no kiss on fever but very flirty.
2 minutes ago via txt
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:40 PM

UOwnMyHeartAdam ok so found the FEVER EFFIN line dance! so way cool and funny.... http://bit.ly/cc1vaG @adamlambert even the good ole boys luv u
half a minute ago via web

govsstuff Adam Lambert is certainly an entertainer! And he came in second? #cotillion
5 minutes ago via txt
grammamia' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:41 PM

UOwnMyHeartAdam ok so found the FEVER EFFIN line dance! so way cool and funny.... http://bit.ly/cc1vaG @adamlambert even the good ole boys luv u
half a minute ago via web
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:45 PM

glitteronmyeyes Crowd is realllllly loud! He saw we were good looking and he saw pretty faces! Wwfm - he looks stunning.
less than a minute ago via txt

hockeychick57 lol baww adams little face http://bit.ly/99GzUX
1 minute ago via web
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:46 PM

Since we're low on tweets, here are some pics from last night in Kansas City, MO:


Adam Smiling - Audience showing their adoration with extended applause

Monte in the Pit
lucytor' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:47 PM

madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:50 PM

hockeychick57 OMG YOU GUYS THIS CONCERT IS INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE ADAM IS STRIPPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /jk i'm not there y am i on the list.
half a minute ago via web
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:52 PM

2 minutes ago via web
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:55 PM

pen_flem @adamlambert wow!! Worth your wait!! Damn man! Yummo!
less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
vistadiva' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:56 PM

styleandchiche OK here are the hair extensions! http://twitpic.com/25yzwa
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:58 PM

DallasGlitters Interlude! I'm in back with beer... Up higher where I can see!
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 10:59 PM

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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:02 PM

slightly_askew: Next DonorsChoose theme: Glam-a-Horse-Stall
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:03 PM

govsstuff This will most likely be the last time we see Adam Lambert playing a venue this size. Hello, arenas! #cotillion
1 minute ago via txt
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:07 PM

glitteronmyeyes Thrust aka strut: this song is about lettin it allll hang out. You like my coat? Thank you terrance!
less than a minute ago via txt

govsstuff Adam Lambert is singing "Music Again". One of my faves. #cotillion
1 minute ago via txt
heliantus' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:19 PM

Brandyn_J Wow. What I said has nothing to do with Adam Lambert. He is awesome. And freak westboro.
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:25 PM

glitteronmyeyes Omfg iihy was epic - he was ssoooo playful. He said if you dont sing along imma purt the freakin mic down & walk off the stage. Crowd is ...
2 minutes ago via txt

YIKES! I had him kicked off the tweet feed... Sorry Brandyn!

DallasGlitters F*ck. WLL. Kill me now.
less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:25 PM

Omfg iihy was epic - he was ssoooo playful. He said if you dont sing along imma purt the freakin mic down & walk off the stage.
b.jewel.d' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:25 PM

He looks GORGEOUS!!!


Adam at Wichita - courtesy @travisheying http://twitpic.com/25zgdl


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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

heliantus' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:28 PM

OMG, Poor guy isn't even at the concert :roll: :roll: :roll:
We are totally insane. Read from the bottom up. ROFL

@Brandyn_J Sadz u couldn't make it, here's the list if you're curious. https://twitter.com/#/list/GlamFansUnite/thecotillion less than 20 seconds ago via web in reply to Brandyn_J

# Mellynnette Mellynnette
@Brandyn_J ... but you're off the list now, no worries. Peace. <3 1 minute ago via web in reply to Brandyn_J

# Brandyn Simon Brandyn_J
@UOwnMyHeartAdam I couldn't end up making to the show. But what list are you talking about? 2 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to UOwnMyHeartAdam

# Tarey lambertime
@Brandyn_J Are you at Adam's concert? It is coming from the concert thread. 2 minutes ago via web in reply to Brandyn_J

# Mellynnette Mellynnette
@Brandyn_J Aw sweetie, u were somehow put on the twitter list for Adam's concert, 100s of fans thought u were talking smack about him ... 2 minutes ago via web

# Joy LambSkank UOwnMyHeartAdam
@Brandyn_J u were on the list for tonights show! so thought u were talking about him...sorry thanks for clearing that up! LOL 5 minutes ago via web in reply to Brandyn_J

# Brandyn Simon Brandyn_J
@lambertime where is this coming from?

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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:33 PM

glitteronmyeyes Holy motherfreaker wll i am about to vom in delight. The vocals...higher than ever. He just freaked wichita and we LOVED EVERY SECOND!!!
3 minutes ago via txt

glitteronmyeyes Got wll only on vid, idk about quality as i was shaking and jizzing the whole time.
2 minutes ago via txt
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:34 PM

madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:43 PM

3r1nSh4y Best Night EVER!!!!!!!!
half a minute ago via txt

DallasGlitters Just got the most awesome pics of peeps here at concert!!! Stay tuned!!!
5 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
madamimadam' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:52 PM

StefanieR33 Tonight was awesome, talked to Monte for awhile. Touched Alli's hand. Caught another set list, Monte's pick, and LP's drumstick.
2 minutes ago via Twitter for Android

DallasGlitters Omg
less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

glitteronmyeyes Met the most fiere boy outside smoking, he wants to ravage adam. freakin love this guy-we totes bonded and hugged lots.
2 minutes ago via txt

glitteronmyeyes Cant believe how big wichita came thru, hundreds outside by the bus waiting. Everyone in a daze.
half a minute ago via txt

DallasGlitters ILHSFM!!!!!! I just danced my ass off for an hour! Wringing wet. ha. mad world !
less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 16th 2010, 11:56 PM

Omg http://yfrog.com/mrm3oj


Glam Fans

Raunchy dance w brooke during iihy he did a freaking backbend and thrusted at her. Hooooooooot! He said after he just ripped his pants. Lmao!
half a minute ago via txt
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:00 AM

Pretty boys with backstage passes! ;)

Lots of pretty boys ans he said he loved one guys hair and how tall it was. His droops after he gets sweaty or something, so funny.

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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

GlamTard' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:00 AM

All Tokyo Glam Nation Tickets SOLD OUT! (They went on sale this morning & sold out in minutes)
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:14 AM

freaking awesome
2 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

Didn't see any protestors unless they came by after 7...
3 minutes ago via TweetCaster

Everyone screaming by buses!
4 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

Cool dude!
4 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

I got his autograph!!!!!
4 minutes ago via txt

He was signing!
4 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

Holy crap. I got to meet @adamlambert. What an amazing day.
5 minutes ago via mobile web
BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:16 AM

freaking awesome

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BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:26 AM

The Wichita Eagle / Kansas.com pics:

Photos by Travis Heying, The Wichita Eagle




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Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:30 AM


Lambert’s showiness doesn’t disappoint Wichita fans
The Wichita Eagle

Adam Lambert, like many successful "American Idol" alums, draws a diverse audience to his shows, and Friday's sold-out crowd of 2,000 at the Cotillion was one of them.

Tweens, teens and 20-somethings crowded shoulder-to-shoulder on the packed Cotillion floor with moms and dads propping small children on their shoulders and young gay couples holding hands. Middle-aged couples and senior citizens well into their 80s stationed themselves at the tables circling the floors. KAKE-Channel 10 anchor and self-professed "Glambert" Susan Peters stood on a chair with her camera, trying to get a better look at the singer.

Lambert, 28, the second-place finisher but arguably most popular constant from "American Idol's" eighth season, put on a synthesized, glittery, sexually charged show that appeared to please the fans he attracted.

Lambert, known for his glam stage presence, costume changes, soaring high notes and stylized pop, performed most of the songs from his debut album, "For Your Entertainment," including radio hits "Whataya Want From Me" and "If I Had You," plus a couple of covers he personalized when he appeared on "Idol."

The set included several costume changes, each one accented with top hats, long coats, fur collars or dramatic feathers. His signature heavy black eye makeup and all-over body glitter was visible even from the back of the venue, and his floppy-on-one-side hairstyle was one of his best accessories.

The show, part pop concert, part music theater, was colorful, modern and never dull. Lambert made the most of the Cotillion's small stage, crowding on a full band, a set of stairs and four backup dancers, who gyrated in sync with their glamorous leader as a laser show projected colorful spears of light above the crowd.
Highlights of the show were Lambert's upbeat rock/pop songs, including "Fever," during which Lambert showed off his dance skills, and an end-of-the-show performance of his single "If I Had You," which was energetic, fun and showy.

His full voice and range was showcased during a performance of his single "Soaked," an orchestral ballad that ended a slowed-down portion of the show that also included an acoustic version of "Whataya Want From Me."

His Middle-Eastern-influenced rendition of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" was another highlight. You almost wouldn't recognize the song if not for the lyrics, and for the fact that Lambert performed his version during his "Idol" run. And the crowd loved his encore cover of Tears for Fears' "Mad World."

Lambert's fellow Season 8 finalist, Allison Iraheta, she of the red-streaked hair and rocking raspy voice, opened the show with a 40-minute set that included several singles off her album "Just Like You," including "Don't Waste the Pretty," "Scars," and "Friday I'll Be Over U."

Wearing a tight-fitting dress with black boots and tights, 18-year-old Iraheta and her backup band, which included young women on bass and drums, also performed a cover of Pat Benatar's "Heartbreaker," doubling the rock quotient in the famous rock classic.

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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:38 AM

Tommy had a rainbow feather hair extension! He is such a dollface, so affectionate and sweet, got pic with him. So patient w everyone. <333
half a minute ago via txt

Adam came out to sign and was freakin mobbed. Had tons of security around him. Got taylor and tommys autograph. Both r so presh.
2 minutes ago via txt
madamimadam' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:45 AM

glitteronmyeyes Adam came out to sign and was freakin mobbed. Had tons of security around him. Got taylor and tommys autograph. Both r so presh.
6 minutes ago via txt

deniseneil Free at last! Farewell Cotillion!! Farewell all you mohawked glow stick Glamberts!!!
20 minutes ago via mobile web
madamimadam' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:55 AM

A bit OT, but regarding the idjits from last night.... I think....

michaelsarver1 @brownfloor Adam will be fine because of all the amazing fans that love him far out weigh the haters!
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 1:20 AM

Hello, Fellow Skanks! I am back from the Wichita concert. I have witnessed beauty, and greatness, and I'm so tired, but had such an unbelievable time. I'm going to try to write up everything I can think of right now, In several posts, so I don't forget anything.

Everybody knows Adam did both MW and WLL, right? Okay, more in a few minutes. I took no vids, have no pictures, but I sure saw a lot!

I think this will all come tumbling out, in little order. The day was a very long one, as we got in line at 10 a.m. My first General Admission Concert! But based o this experiece, I'd do it again.

Ratbert and I were just talking about how we felt about the concert, and I said that I feel as if I've seen a work of art of such unutterable beauty that words cannot really explain its effect on me. I mean, how does one explain the Pieta or the works of Rembrandt or Van Gogh? There are no words. Adam falls into that category for me. I am awed.

Okay, first thing. I'd read many times how his voice is different in person, so I was prepared for that. He sang the first notes of Voodoo and I actually thought to myself: He sounds nothing like himself! That lasted for maybe four or five notes, and then my ears adjusted, and it was Adam again.

I was concerned because I'm not sure the venue was sold out, so I worried that we might not get WLL for an encore, or even that he might not have put himself fully into the concert (which is ridiculous, I know, because I get the feeling Adam would put himself full out for just twenty people!) Because we'd waited in line all day, we managed to get spots in front of the stage right in front of Tommy the second row back. Anyway, it seemed to me the crowd was wildly enthusiastic. There was a lot of screaming and hollering *during* his songs, especially in the beginning, even through Sleepwalker. Plus almost everybody sang along with him on just about every song...except Whole Lotta Love. I found myself just praying that he'd sing that because I wanted to just hear Adam! And I figured the audience wouldn't sing along with him on that. There were a lot of times when I could not really hear Adam as clearly as I wanted to because everybody around us was singing so fiercely with him!
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 1:31 AM

A few other times Adam reached for unbelievable high notes and there was so much shrieking going on that I had to really listen hard to sort him out from everybody else. For those looking for silent attention during Soaked, forget it. The crowd was hysterical and pretty much besides themselves. It did seem to me that the pause in Soaked was longer then usual, but Adam silenced everyone totally effectively with the way he raised the mike to sing again. Of course, a few seconds after that everybody was screaming again....

I will say that I listend to Soaked with my hands up to my face, pressing against my cheeks, because he was so amazing in that song. His voice like liquid gold, spun silver, gossamer silk. Then I forced my hands back down to my sides, telling myself I was being ridiculous, but then during Aftermath, I did it again, without thinking of it, because I was pretty much beside myself with such pleasure listening to him....

I was so close to him all through the concert! Maybe ten feet away max. He looked directly at me and Ratbert several times -- boy, does that man know how to work an audience! Talk about being in total command of the stage; I do think the stage is his natural environment, like my study is for me.

One thing that really struck me is that Adam smiled a *lot* during the concert. That quick, sincere smile he has, that never fails to make your heart stop? Yeah, that one. I saw that the whole concert long from him. He would just break into it even at unexpected times, for example during Aftermath, saw it often.

I've thought for a long time that a big part of Adam's success is his smile. It's so direct. Goes straight to your soul. And his eyes.... OMG, his eyes. Make-up tonight was amazing. Total glitter on the lids, eye-makeup just right, not overdone, and.... Blue hair extension on the left! Since the last time I saw him was at Fantasy Springs, where he also had his hair down and had blue hair extensions and feathers, I just about died, because I love this look on him. He looked.... duh, great! How can one man be so beautiful? I will say that there were times, just a few, when he would turn and I was really see his feminine side. Where his androgyny really was apparent. I love those moments....
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 1:36 AM

Oh, and during Music Again? I haven't watched a vid of that for several weeks, so I could remain "pure" for this concert, so I'm not sure if this is typical or not, but.... Adam was really *silly* during this song! He sort of skipped and danced in a really different kind of way, and the only way I can describe it is silly! Like short, skipping steps.... I really thought he was having a *wonderful* time during this song, and indeed throughout the whole concert.

Okay, more random observations.... During Aftermath, when he's sitting on the fourth step up, his left foot is on the third step and his right foot is on the second step. Well, about half the time, the toes of his right foot angled up (a lot like one of my daughters), at about a forty-five degree angle from if they were flat. It was the cutest, most adorable, dorkiest thing. I mean, here I am being totally floored by Aftermath (my least favorte track on the CD that I now love becuase of the way he does it in concert) and he's maybe ten feet away, and I keep looking at his toes.... So, I consider this toe information my vital contribuation to the Adam Lambert encyclopedia that somebody has got to be keeping....
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 1:42 AM

Have I mentioned that his eyes sparkled? Not the make-up, his eyes! He is so completely, vitally alive on stage, and especially when he talked to the audience. There was a nice contingent of young gay men (emphasis on the young, and it was great to see!) standing with us, and among them was a young man maybe early 20s or even younger with truly gorgeous eye-make up and a very long Mohawk that stuck straight up. Adam obviously spotted him in the audiene and commented on his hair, how he must use special hair-spray to get his hair to stay up like that, and that he had trouble with his own hair staying in place (and here he sort motioned towards where the hair extension was -- and have I mentioned that I loved that extension. Ded.) So then, the fellow actually pulled out his can of hair spray from his pocket and waved it at Adam and yelled: use this.

There was also a slightly older black gay man behind me, really nice, very loud voice, who vowed that he was going to go over the barricade and drag Adam home with him.... I encouraged him to give it a try, but, alas, it was not to be.
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 1:48 AM

My mind is in such a fog. I know there's loads more about the concert to talk about, but I mean, really, how does one explain an experience like this? The Glambulge was in evidence almost constantly from where I was standing, a little more during Music Again than other songs, I thought, not too obvious most of the time, but I looked, and I certainly saw. I was actually looking at Adam's crotch one of the times and then I quick looked up at his face and that was one of the times he seemed to be looked directly at me! I am sure my face burned red, and I still feel a little funny about it, but there you go. I'm a Skank, after all....

And that reminds me that I was interviewed by some guy from KWCH (I think), channel 12 TV in Wichita. He talked to several people in line, me first, because of course we'd been waiting in line for many hours. I wonder if that might be up on the website, and whcih of the several interviews they posted? An 18 year old girl from Texas that we were friendly with most of the day gave the best interview, I thought, explaining that Adam didn't believe in hating people back when they hated you, and obvious reference to the Westboro Baptist Church people.

And....We went out to the buses after the concert. I'm not much of an autograph person, but I didn't want to leave until the crowd had thinned out. Adam came out with a bunch of security people, and he went straight down the barricade signing. The crowd was at least six deep, quite a long line that actually looped around the buses. There was no possible chance he could get to everybody, so he just did that first row, and I watched from afar and pinched myself now and then to prove that, yes, I was really in the presence of such a beautiful man. With the amazing smile. I think more than anything else I'll take home with me the memory of that smile....
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 1:59 AM

Okay, reaching the end of my energy now, but I wanted to tell you about the connversations I had with Monte, and just a little, with Tommy out at the buses. After Adam finished his move down the barricades, he immediately got into his bus. Which was the brown/tan bus, for those wanting to know. Liz from Allison's band was signing, and Taylor was sort of running back and forth and obviously having a great time signing and being recognized too.

Gradually the crowd thinned a bit, and then Tommy came out and started to sign. He was unbelievably sweet and patient with *everybody.* Men and women wanted their pictures taken with him, and he accommodated everybody. I do believe that he was out the longest by far of anybody from either band who was signing, and of course there were a *lot* of people who wanted to talk to him. Ratbert was waiting patiently at one end when he was at the other end. I wasn't really interested in an autograph, as that's not my thing, and neither is having my picture taken with anybody. I like to *talk* to people instead. Well, I went up to the other end where Tommy was, and Tommy was so thorough in signing there and having his picture taken, that there was this big gap that developed, oddly enough. And i was right there, like two feet away from him. And he looked up at me just as I realized that he was going to expect me to ask him for something, so just as he was opening his mouth to say something to me, I hauled out my ticket and said, somewhat diffidently: Gee, I guess....would you sign my ticket?

Which he did. And I figured I'd give it to Ratbert if she didn't manage to get time with him, but thankfully he did. But.... much later in the evening, when almost everyone was gone and there were just a few at the barricades left, Tommy had been talking to one of the security guys who then walked off. I was literally the only one in the vicinity, so I went up to Tommy and tried to think of something he was interested in to ask him about. So I (probably inanely) asked him: So explain to me why you like horror movies. I don't get it.

He got all alert and interested, you could see it in his eyes, and he said that he's always like them from when he was a little kid. That he really can't explain it, but it's something he's always been interested in. So I said: Do you like being scared? And he shook his head and said No, that's wasn't it, because he didn't look at the movies from the perspective of the person who is being stalked or whatever, he watches the movies differently.

Anyway, that was my Tommy encounter. Early in his time at the barricades, a young woman gave him a rainbow hair extension on a clip, it was sort of narrow. He very sweetly thanked her for it, the way he was so sweet in talking to everybody. Then another woman said, put it on! So he did, clipped it to his left side, up high, and then he signed more autographs and had more pics taken like that.

Okay, next my convo with Monte, which was more extentive.
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 2:09 AM

Oh, boy, really tired, but I've got to type about Monte. Whom I love. He's my favorite in the band. I was just sort of hanging by the barricade, up front because the crowed had really thinned by then, when I realize that Monte is literally directly in front of me. He is really short, by the way. Anyway, I sort of startled and said, Monte! So good to see you! And I shook his hand and told him I'd also shaken his hand at Fantasy Springs. He sort of peered at me and then claimed to remember me, which I doubt, but I did remind him that I had taken pictures of him with a lot of other fans, one after the other, because I didn't care about having my photo taken with him, but was willing to snap others.

Anyway, I told him again that I loved seeing him on stage, and even such a simple statement seemed to really pleased him. I told him I thought he was so smooth.

Then I told him I was really sorry he wasn't able to get home to see Lisa and the kids this last time. And he agreed that it had been a totally aggravating day but that he was going to get home on...I think he said Sunday, which makes sense. He seemed really happy about that, and relaxed, not tense like I had thought he might be about the subject. And he said it was going to be a really good visit because he would get in early in the morning, maybe around 7 or 8 or so, and be able to stay....I can't quite remember how long he said he would stay, but many hours. He said this was so much better than other times he'd tried to get home, because other flights had gotten him home more like noon or 2 p.m., so he was going to have more time with the family than usual.

Then I said to him that I had thought it was very professional of him, how he had paid the extra money to get himself back to Kansas City so he could play in the concert last night, instead of just saying, the heck with then, and persisted in trying to get home. He really, really seemed to appreciate me saying this and thanked me very sweetly. He said that, truthfully, he wouldn't have got home until time to tuck the kids into bed, so by then it wasn't worth it for him to keep going, and he had a committment to return for the concert.

More in a minute....
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 2:16 AM

Okay, more about Monte. I asked him how the family was doing, and he said okay, and then I asked him if Lisa had much help. He said her parents lived not too far, and did drop in a little, but not all that much. That she was really pretty much on her own. I expressed my shock and dismay. And then I said that he needed to ask Adam to give him a big raise so that he could afford to get live-in-help for when he was away on tour. He sort of smiled at that, but then got serious and said that he was sure that would happen as soon as Adam "takes off." I am pretty sure that is the exact term he used. He said it as if that was an inevitability, though at the same time I thought to myself: Hey, he's already taken off!

Then I told him that I had contributed to the baby shower, and he was so, so appreciative, and reached for my hand to shake it again and very sincerely thanked me for it. I told him I hadn't done it for him, that I'd done it for Lisa. That I was a mother, and I knew what she was going through with small children.

And that's about it about Monte. A genuinely nice man. We parted with him telling me that he would see my again, he hoped, and he actually said it as if he meant it. I responded by saying he certainly would.

Now, I'll try to come up with something coherent about Whole Lotta Love.
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

BlueIndigoSky' date='Jul 17th 2010, 2:07 AM

Adam was wearing green briefs tonight. Can't help it his pants had a split right down the rabbit hole...couldn't not look.

Adam really did split his pants! :haha:
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 2:27 AM

Geez, Adam split his pants right in front of me and I didn't even notice? You've got to be kidding me! I mean, yes, I think it was right after his dance with Brooke that he laughed and grabbed his "stuff" (as Ratbert and I inelegantly put it), and made a joke about splitting his pants. I thought he had only joked about it and not actually done it! Darn it....

Well, IIHY was epic and active and more fun than I can ever remember having. I am pretty sure that it was at the end of IIHY and not WLL, though I might have that reversed, when Adam finished the song and then mouthed into the mike, without actually saying it out loud: I love You so Much. I don't know why, but seeing him do that was amazingly and strangely moving to me. I was so close to him, and I could really see how very sincerely he meant that. It wasn't just a line to him, a way to close off the song. He meant it, and sincerity was written all over his face.

So then everybody leaves the stage, and of course the crowd goes nuts asking for an Encore. I wonder if -- if Adam really did split his pants, if during this interval he changed into a new pair of pants? I spent the time convincing myself I wouldn't be disappointed if he only sang Mad World. Hah! So he comes out and there's that intro where you really can't tell it's MW he's going to sing, and when he starts that a good half the growd at least goes ballistic. Whcih makes me think that there were a lot of more casual fans there than I had realized.

I thought he did a great job of singing it, of being really present in the song. That must be hard. By the way, I realized during Soaked how much he was *acting* during the singing. My daughter is an actress, and it was pretty easy to recognize the signs. Not just performing on stage, but occasionally acting. I had a flash to Adam on stage during Wicked, or The Ten Commandments, and how what he was doing that very moment in front of me wasn't all that different....
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 2:37 AM

So I can't say much about Whole Lotta Love because that's in another galaxy and I am a mere mortal. It was scorching hot, lots of thrusting in all the right places, vocals to die for, and...a scorching hot look between Adam and Tommy that really surprised me. I wonder how it will look on vids, assuming that any vids get posted? Ratbert is into Adommy, and I'm not exactly adverse to the idea myself, but my focus has always been on Adam first and foremost. But I did have occasion to watch Tommy carefully! I don't think there was much Adommy action going on, no kiss in Fever, for instance, but there was one moment in the concert proper.... I can't even remember exactly when and where, it *might* have been after the intro for IIHY but I sort of think it was earlier.... Anyway, Tommy tilted his head and rubbed it on Adam's shoulder, twice, in succession, fairly quickly. Not too unusual, especially the way those two act in concerts, but this action on Tommy's part really looked different to me because it was so.... so obviously affectionate? Not acting at all. Tommy's not that good an actor, in my opinion, but the flash of affection in his eyes, and the ease and comfort with which he laid his head on Adam in this way was very striking to me.

Another interesting Adommy observation is that there were a lot of subtle looks that Adam threw Tommy's way, and a lot of times when Tommy just...looked at Adam. While he was performing, when there was little chance that Adam would be looking his way. It was a steady, quiet regard, and I don't really know what to make of it.

I really hope somebody is posting vids while I'm typing all this: I want to see what I just saw!

I'm sure I've forgotten a million things that I wanted to tell you all, but I think I'd better sign off. I have been on this forum as lurker and then as registered member for more than a year, and I've never been able to materially contribute anything. So, this review is my contribution, and my thanks to all of my fellow Skanks who have organized, and found tweets, and found vids, and created mp3s, and done any of a myriad of other things that have made life on this forum such a joy for me. Not to mention everyone's great sense of humor. So, thanks!
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 3:28 AM

One thing I remembered just now: We both thought Adam wasn't as tall as we expected him to be. Which is weird, you know? I think it's because he is so thin now, but even though he commanded the stage, no doubt, he didn't really have a physically commanding presence due to height. He had a physically commanding presence due to energy and sheer talent instead. Does that make sense?
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 9:07 AM

Ugh, only four hours of sleep. Parents who allow their children to run wild in the hotel parking lot at 6:30 a.m. should be punished.

Thought of a few more things. During Ring of Fire, Adam ran his left hand up the left side of his body just like he did on Idol, thus lifting his shirt in the same seductive manner. Don't tell me that wasn't deliberate! That man is in total control of his body and knows what he is doing. Considering how we always want more skin than he gives us, I was surprised to see a lot of stomach skin when the shirt he wears in the first section rode up several times. I'm not complaining....

Also, Adam was dipped in glitter last night. You could really see it glinting off his arms especially. And I already mentioned I loved his eye make-up with the glitter heavily on just the lids so when he blinked it was like we were treated to a supernova explosion. Monte's make-up was pretty much exactly the same, a twin of Adam's, so whoever did Adam's did Monte's. Tommy's eye make-up was very similar to those two, but more subdued.

About the sexual content of the night's show. After all, this was Wichita, Kansas (don't blame me, I live in Texas!) plus there were several children at the show, under the age of 10. I don't know whether Adam saw them or not, I just noticed them in the line outside. Plus, I don't really trust my evaluation of what I saw. But even so, here's what I think. I believe that while Adam didn't do anything overtly sexual in the concert like grabbing his junk or kissing Tommy, the show was very sensual and seductive at times anyway. Adam came damn close to grabbing himself several times, and I do think that sometimes excitement is heightened when an act is suggested instead of baldly presented. He certainly got the entire audience hot and bothered. I am actually amazed that he was able to tone down the sexiness during Idol as much as he was able to, because Adam's performance seems to be grounded in his earthy sexiness. How did he manage to remain himself without it? I don't know, but I sure am happy we see it now.

Since several folks have very kindly commented on my recap, I will say that though this has been written in the heat of the moment and at great speed, I am actually a professional writer of male/male romance, under the name of Jenna Hilary Sinclair, which is where my IDF name of JHS comes from. I've been writing slash fiction for nineteen years now, but got into professional writing about three years ago. So it really pleases me that folks say this recap is like you were there, because it it weren't, I'd really be in trouble!

Will post more as I remember more, but so pleased to see that there are vids up now. I am off to go watch what I just saw!
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 9:41 AM

Oh, I just watched the vid of Sure Fire Winners that is up now, and I remembered that Adam grabs Tommy in that, at what I think is an unexpected moment. At around 1:50 on this vid, and you really can't see it all that well, but puts his arm around Tommy and sort of hauls him in next to him, and then sings for a few bars. It seemed to last forever when it was live! I hope somebody else has a better view of it.

Also, in the band intros (which Ratbert is uploading right now to YouTube, though it says it will take another 30 minutes or so to go), Tommy was actually laughing at something at the tail end of LP's drum performance -- I don't know what. But when Adam came to introduce him, he wasn't exactly ready like he usually is. So Adam grabbed him by the top of the hair and it was sort of funny, how quickly Tommy about-faced from laughing to doing his thing with Adam.

Now I'm wondering how my next three seated concerts could come even close to the energy of this Wichita General Admission one. It was really great, and I am so glad we went and that we sat and stood in the blazing heat and in one prolonged thunderstorm, literally all day, just for the opportunity to get that close to the stage. Totally worth it. Can there be that much excitement and focus on Adam in a seated venue? Well, I guess I'll find out in about six weeks.

BTW, I think Ratbert has smoothed out her vid problems. She's got both Fever and Whole Lotta Love, though she focuses not just on Adam's performance but on Tommy as well, for an interesting mix. I'm not sure what else she's got, but I do hope folks enjoy her vids as much as I enjoyed being in awe of Adam's great voice last night. I haven't mentioned his voice enough, and that's easy to do because Adam is the complete package. But once I adjusted to the fact that he really did sound different the first few seconds -- hey, that isn't Adam! -- he hit notes that I cannot believe many performers can. I had to consistently remind myself, right in the middle of the performance, that I was hearing him sing *live,* that it wasn't a recording, that a human throat and lips (yum!) were actually making those sounds.

Adam Lambert: I love him so much. (Is that trademark Joooory? LOL!)

Little Bee' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:30 PM




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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


Post by Tiki »

MoreGlam' date='Jul 17th 2010, 2:32 AM

while we are waiting for more of the FABULOUS JHS' review, here is Adam signing tonight :)

Adam Lambert after the show at Wichita KS Part2
[bbvideo=560,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3OEDhYa ... e=youtu.be[/bbvideo]
JHS' date='Jul 17th 2010, 3:08 AM

Just watched Aftermath on Ratbert's laptop, and she said: "It's like he's lit up from inside." A perfect description. He was so animated singing that!

Also, forgot to mention that after Aftermath, he blew a kiss to the crowd. Yes, I caught it! LOL!
kashmir' date='Jul 17th 2010, 3:43 AM

@adamlambert I taped most of the KC show and all of the Wichita show...tomorrow I'll figure out how to get it from my nano to youtube
11 minutes ago via web
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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


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Little Bee' date='Jul 17th 2010, 5:40 AM



Music Again


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2010-07-16 Wichita, KS (Cotillion Ballroom)


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Little Bee' date='Jul 17th 2010, 12:39 PM


Voodoo medley

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