2014-09-03 Vector Arena I, Auckland, NZ

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Sagitarius' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 2:07 PM'

This is the WWTLF light show vid from last night I was trying to post ...  :wacko:
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Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 2:38 PM

Who Wants To Live Forever - Queen + Adam Lambert

This!!vvvv :thumbs:
 cassie  Global Moderator, Vocal Virtuoso
Cassie weighed in on the WWTLF new high note? Cassie makes understanding music fun and interesting.....
"Another stellar rendition. I know that many consider the iHeart version the gold standard, but I prefer how he has been singing it more recently (even tho I miss the D5 glory note he has eliminated at the end). Listening to the version tonight, these are some of the nuances I love.

* He is singing the first verse with great delicacy. When he sings "what is this THING..." the word THING is on a G4, which is precisely where one of the natural breaks is in his range. (It is also the top note that most choral tenors can sing in full voice) In order to sing that G4 and insure that it doesn't crack, it is natural to use a little more push or oomph, which will make the note sound more powerful and strong as opposed to the light notes before it. But Adam does not add the power there. He lightly floats that G4 while still in chest voice. Most tenors who wanted to keep that note light and pure, would have had to switch to their head voices to do that, but Adam has such great control.

Going on, "who wants to live forever, who wants to live forevER, ooooo" he starts light, then gradually builds in intensity as he moves up the scale to another G4. In the past, he has hit that final syllable in his powerful, ringing chest voice, finishing the build up. More recently, he has opted, instead to build, build, and then, surprise, caress that final syllable G4. Difficult to do, but an interesting interpretation. Instead of being "angry" about living forEVER, it sounds pensive and a bit melancholy.

You will notice that on the second verse, he starts with the same delicate voice, but this time, he lets it build to the G4s on "ONLY" and "FOREVER",  singing them with the strength and emphasis we are accustomed to. As an interpretation, this works to build the song's arc, and also the convey the singer's change from pensiveness to frustration and a little anger.

* Recently, Adam has been adding an almost operatic little ornamentation or flourish on the word "us" in "It's all decided for US."
This rendition was the most embellished. Not sure why he has decided to add that recently, but it thrills me to hear it. And, yes, that is partly because it is very difficult to sing accurately because it moves between notes so quickly and the notes are so close together. A lesser singer would slur the notes or make them sound muddy. Not Adam.

* The "new high note"? I think you are talking about the D5 right before "when love must die!" He has been sneaking that one in recently, but this time he hit it and sustained it, even breaking the rhythm of the song to hold onto it a bit longer than fits into the beat. The musicians are very in tune with him, and hold off playing the subsequent down beat until he finishes "showing off." But, as per usual, Adam "shows off" at the right time, for the right interpretive reasons that enhance the song. Many "show offs" insert glory notes and riffs with no rhyme or reason, just because they can, which irritates me. In my world, everything needs to be in service to the song's meaning and intent, not the singer's ego.

While we are talking about D5s, people gasp whenever Adam hits fifth octave notes, which he does with great frequency. Why? Because they are pretty much impossible for most male singers to hit, not to mention sustain with richness and power, and in full voice. Yes, a lot of guys sing fifth octave notes ---- in falsetto. Easy peasy. Full voice, pleasing, powerful, and matching the other parts of their range? Nope. Almost NONE. I am not just talking about untrained male singers here. I am talking about classically trained tenors. They would just about kill to be able to have any notes reliably in their repertoire that end in a "5".  A C5, the first of the fifth octave notes, is considered the benchmark for excellence in an elite tenor soloist. The rest of the fifth octave, is almost never even written into the opera repertoire, it is so rare to have someone able to sing it in full voice.

And, if you are wondering, those fifth octave notes are difficult for untrained FEMALE singers to hit, too. Those are the huge belting notes that the divas hit, that also doom their voices to injury and destruction later in their careers. Trained female singers switch to head voice for the fifth octave, even sopranos. (Of course, Adam can sing well into the fifth octave in head voice, too. Not only does he have a black woman inside him somewhere, he also has an operatic mezzo soprano!)

In all fairness, to prove my objectivity (hahaha) the last D5 he hit in this rendition was a bit flat. j/s. He is only, tho' just barely, human.

* Finally, I like the little extra pause he added to "who waits forever..........anyway."  Like an afterthought. You know, how you add, "whatever" or "anyway" when you maybe got a little too personal or deep and there is this slight awkwardness in the conversation? Yeah, that".
Read more: http://adamtopia.com/thread/2518/03-auckla...9#ixzz3CHKeep3o
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Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam @ Sep 3rd 2014, 2:38 PM

Who Wants To Live Forever - Queen + Adam Lambert

This!!vvvv thumbsup.gif
cassie Global Moderator, Vocal Virtuoso
Cassie weighed in on the WWTLF new high note? Cassie makes understanding music fun and interesting.....
"Another stellar rendition. I know that many consider the iHeart version the gold standard, but I prefer how he has been singing it more recently (even tho I miss the D5 glory note he has eliminated at the end). Listening to the version tonight, these are some of the nuances I love.

* He is singing the first verse with great delicacy. When he sings "what is this THING..." the word THING is on a G4, which is precisely where one of the natural breaks is in his range. (It is also the top note that most choral tenors can sing in full voice) In order to sing that G4 and insure that it doesn't crack, it is natural to use a little more push or oomph, which will make the note sound more powerful and strong as opposed to the light notes before it. But Adam does not add the power there. He lightly floats that G4 while still in chest voice. Most tenors who wanted to keep that note light and pure, would have had to switch to their head voices to do that, but Adam has such great control.

Going on, "who wants to live forever, who wants to live forevER, ooooo" he starts light, then gradually builds in intensity as he moves up the scale to another G4. In the past, he has hit that final syllable in his powerful, ringing chest voice, finishing the build up. More recently, he has opted, instead to build, build, and then, surprise, caress that final syllable G4. Difficult to do, but an interesting interpretation. Instead of being "angry" about living forEVER, it sounds pensive and a bit melancholy.

You will notice that on the second verse, he starts with the same delicate voice, but this time, he lets it build to the G4s on "ONLY" and "FOREVER", singing them with the strength and emphasis we are accustomed to. As an interpretation, this works to build the song's arc, and also the convey the singer's change from pensiveness to frustration and a little anger.

* Recently, Adam has been adding an almost operatic little ornamentation or flourish on the word "us" in "It's all decided for US."
This rendition was the most embellished. Not sure why he has decided to add that recently, but it thrills me to hear it. And, yes, that is partly because it is very difficult to sing accurately because it moves between notes so quickly and the notes are so close together. A lesser singer would slur the notes or make them sound muddy. Not Adam.

* The "new high note"? I think you are talking about the D5 right before "when love must die!" He has been sneaking that one in recently, but this time he hit it and sustained it, even breaking the rhythm of the song to hold onto it a bit longer than fits into the beat. The musicians are very in tune with him, and hold off playing the subsequent down beat until he finishes "showing off." But, as per usual, Adam "shows off" at the right time, for the right interpretive reasons that enhance the song. Many "show offs" insert glory notes and riffs with no rhyme or reason, just because they can, which irritates me. In my world, everything needs to be in service to the song's meaning and intent, not the singer's ego.

While we are talking about D5s, people gasp whenever Adam hits fifth octave notes, which he does with great frequency. Why? Because they are pretty much impossible for most male singers to hit, not to mention sustain with richness and power, and in full voice. Yes, a lot of guys sing fifth octave notes ---- in falsetto. Easy peasy. Full voice, pleasing, powerful, and matching the other parts of their range? Nope. Almost NONE. I am not just talking about untrained male singers here. I am talking about classically trained tenors. They would just about kill to be able to have any notes reliably in their repertoire that end in a "5". A C5, the first of the fifth octave notes, is considered the benchmark for excellence in an elite tenor soloist. The rest of the fifth octave, is almost never even written into the opera repertoire, it is so rare to have someone able to sing it in full voice.

And, if you are wondering, those fifth octave notes are difficult for untrained FEMALE singers to hit, too. Those are the huge belting notes that the divas hit, that also doom their voices to injury and destruction later in their careers. Trained female singers switch to head voice for the fifth octave, even sopranos. (Of course, Adam can sing well into the fifth octave in head voice, too. Not only does he have a black woman inside him somewhere, he also has an operatic mezzo soprano!)

In all fairness, to prove my objectivity (hahaha) the last D5 he hit in this rendition was a bit flat. j/s. He is only, tho' just barely, human.

* Finally, I like the little extra pause he added to "who waits forever..........anyway." Like an afterthought. You know, how you add, "whatever" or "anyway" when you maybe got a little too personal or deep and there is this slight awkwardness in the conversation? Yeah, that".
Read more: http://adamtopia.com/thread/2518/03-auc ... z3CHKeep3o

Love2Lurk' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 3:18 PM
stunning  :wub:

Adam is so amazing  :wub:
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loveroftalent @ Sep 3rd 2014, 2:00 PM

I am going to listen to the one from the Forum again... heart.gif

loveroftalent' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 3:50 PM

Listened to it over and over again.  I think it's a tie.. <3  <3
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loveroftalent @ Sep 3rd 2014, 2:50 PM

Listened to it over and over again. I think it's a tie.. heart.gif  heart.gif
lelemaple' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 4:42 PM

Isn't it perfect? Like so perfect I put it on my iPod to listen to in the car. I've probably watched that video 150 times since early July. Another perfect one from that show is Love Kills. It's fantastic!
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lelemaple @ Sep 3rd 2014, 4:42 PM

Isn't it perfect? Like so perfect I put it on my iPod to listen to in the car. I've probably watched that video 150 times since early July. Another perfect one from that show is Love Kills. It's fantastic!
loveroftalent' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 4:56 PM

Another song I love... <3 But I love anything Adam sings..

Read the remark

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loveroftalent @ Sep 3rd 2014, 3:56 PM

Another song I love... heart.gif But I love anything Adam sings..

Read the remark

https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10 ... =2&theater

lelemaple' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 5:01 PM

Awww that's awesome! I love when he wins new people over.
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lelemaple @ Sep 3rd 2014, 5:01 PM

Awww that's awesome! I love when he wins new people over.
'loveroftalent' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 5:09 PM

I love that he thinks Adam is the best vocalist as he has seen all the best vocalists.
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Post by Tiki »

loveroftalent @ Sep 3rd 2014, 4:09 PM

I love that he thinks Adam is the best vocalist as he has seen all the best vocalists.

lelemaple' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 5:39 PM

I'm a new fan myself, so he won me over, although I was a casual observer since Idol. When he showed up on Glee I thought he was fantastic and then when this tour was announced, there was no going back since I've been a Queen fan most of my life. He made the experience better than I ever expected.
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Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam @ Sep 3rd 2014, 12:38 PM

Who Wants To Live Forever - Queen + Adam Lambert

This!!vvvv thumbsup.gif
cassie Global Moderator, Vocal Virtuoso
Cassie weighed in on the WWTLF new high note? Cassie makes understanding music fun and interesting.....
"Another stellar rendition. I know that many consider the iHeart version the gold standard, but I prefer how he has been singing it more recently (even tho I miss the D5 glory note he has eliminated at the end). Listening to the version tonight, these are some of the nuances I love.

* He is singing the first verse with great delicacy. When he sings "what is this THING..." the word THING is on a G4, which is precisely where one of the natural breaks is in his range. (It is also the top note that most choral tenors can sing in full voice) In order to sing that G4 and insure that it doesn't crack, it is natural to use a little more push or oomph, which will make the note sound more powerful and strong as opposed to the light notes before it. But Adam does not add the power there. He lightly floats that G4 while still in chest voice. Most tenors who wanted to keep that note light and pure, would have had to switch to their head voices to do that, but Adam has such great control.

Going on, "who wants to live forever, who wants to live forevER, ooooo" he starts light, then gradually builds in intensity as he moves up the scale to another G4. In the past, he has hit that final syllable in his powerful, ringing chest voice, finishing the build up. More recently, he has opted, instead to build, build, and then, surprise, caress that final syllable G4. Difficult to do, but an interesting interpretation. Instead of being "angry" about living forEVER, it sounds pensive and a bit melancholy.

You will notice that on the second verse, he starts with the same delicate voice, but this time, he lets it build to the G4s on "ONLY" and "FOREVER", singing them with the strength and emphasis we are accustomed to. As an interpretation, this works to build the song's arc, and also the convey the singer's change from pensiveness to frustration and a little anger.

* Recently, Adam has been adding an almost operatic little ornamentation or flourish on the word "us" in "It's all decided for US."
This rendition was the most embellished. Not sure why he has decided to add that recently, but it thrills me to hear it. And, yes, that is partly because it is very difficult to sing accurately because it moves between notes so quickly and the notes are so close together. A lesser singer would slur the notes or make them sound muddy. Not Adam.

* The "new high note"? I think you are talking about the D5 right before "when love must die!" He has been sneaking that one in recently, but this time he hit it and sustained it, even breaking the rhythm of the song to hold onto it a bit longer than fits into the beat. The musicians are very in tune with him, and hold off playing the subsequent down beat until he finishes "showing off." But, as per usual, Adam "shows off" at the right time, for the right interpretive reasons that enhance the song. Many "show offs" insert glory notes and riffs with no rhyme or reason, just because they can, which irritates me. In my world, everything needs to be in service to the song's meaning and intent, not the singer's ego.

While we are talking about D5s, people gasp whenever Adam hits fifth octave notes, which he does with great frequency. Why? Because they are pretty much impossible for most male singers to hit, not to mention sustain with richness and power, and in full voice. Yes, a lot of guys sing fifth octave notes ---- in falsetto. Easy peasy. Full voice, pleasing, powerful, and matching the other parts of their range? Nope. Almost NONE. I am not just talking about untrained male singers here. I am talking about classically trained tenors. They would just about kill to be able to have any notes reliably in their repertoire that end in a "5". A C5, the first of the fifth octave notes, is considered the benchmark for excellence in an elite tenor soloist. The rest of the fifth octave, is almost never even written into the opera repertoire, it is so rare to have someone able to sing it in full voice.

And, if you are wondering, those fifth octave notes are difficult for untrained FEMALE singers to hit, too. Those are the huge belting notes that the divas hit, that also doom their voices to injury and destruction later in their careers. Trained female singers switch to head voice for the fifth octave, even sopranos. (Of course, Adam can sing well into the fifth octave in head voice, too. Not only does he have a black woman inside him somewhere, he also has an operatic mezzo soprano!)

In all fairness, to prove my objectivity (hahaha) the last D5 he hit in this rendition was a bit flat. j/s. He is only, tho' just barely, human.

* Finally, I like the little extra pause he added to "who waits forever..........anyway." Like an afterthought. You know, how you add, "whatever" or "anyway" when you maybe got a little too personal or deep and there is this slight awkwardness in the conversation? Yeah, that".
Read more: http://adamtopia.com/thread/2518/03-auc ... z3CHKeep3o

sealuv' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 8:08 PM

Barb...thank you so much for bringing this in...due to good old RL...have had to come and go here mainly as a lurker......and hate that!.... :haha: anyway, i'm really sad that this is the end of QAL...ik adam needs to go on and "break free"......but the symbiotic truism of this collab...well, it is pretty damn phenomenal!.....really hoping that Europe and whatever....(but definitely So America......they so deserve a touch of QAL) happen next year..... :thumbs:

After reading Cassie's take on WWTLF.........i really wish we had a few peeps here who could shine a light on the nuances of adam's vocal prowess...i use to go over to DDD a few yrs back when they were credible...now nada......

any of you lurkers out there have some vocal expertise?...it would be such a great thread for ERA 3 and beyond! .....ik we lay peeps would be spellbound by your knowledge and critiques ........
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Post by Tiki »

sealuv' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 8:49 PM

for me STL is still my fav ....adam does it all....vocal acrobatics......campiness...and major dance twirl  :haha: ...and Roger @ 1:22 agrees...his grin is like "dude you are one muthaf*cking, unreal vocalist!" and this is after ..what?....30+ concerts........and he still has a grin when adam performs........

not gettin' into BRIDAM FEST...that is a whole other  <3 fest....... :wub:

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Post by Tiki »

sealuv @ Sep 3rd 2014, 8:49 PM

for me STL is still my fav ....adam does it all....vocal acrobatics......campiness...and major dance twirl  haha.gif ...and Roger @ 1:22 agrees...his grin is like "dude you are one muthaf*cking, unreal vocalist!" and this is after ..what?....30+ concerts........and he still has a grin when adam performs........

not gettin' into BRIDAM FEST...that is a whole other  heart.gif fest....... wub.gif

Love2Lurk' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 9:00 PM
Love this song as well....

And...yes...Roger is sort of peeking under the symbols to see Adam....with that big grin ....so cute  :thumbs:  :wub:
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Post by Tiki »

sealuv @ Sep 3rd 2014, 7:49 PM

for me STL is still my fav ....adam does it all....vocal acrobatics......campiness...and major dance twirl  haha.gif ...and Roger @ 1:22 agrees...his grin is like "dude you are one muthaf*cking, unreal vocalist!" and this is after ..what?....30+ concerts........and he still has a grin when adam performs........

not gettin' into BRIDAM FEST...that is a whole other  heart.gif fest....... wub.gif
lelemaple' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 9:50 PM

You bet! That's my other favorite. He is "muthaf*cking unreal!" The respect and admiration these guys share is so awesome! I love watching them interact.
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Post by Tiki »

Love2Lurk @ Sep 3rd 2014, 9:00 PM

Love this song as well....

And...yes...Roger is sort of peeking under the symbols to see Adam....with that big grin ....so cute  thumbsup.gif  wub.gif

loveroftalent' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 10:09 PM

Aww,  Rogers face,  Love it..
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Post by Tiki »

barb4Adam' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 10:28 PM

Such a happy boy! :hug:  :wub:
[img]http://s24.postimg.org/5wy58mls5/Bwp_CZ ... _large.jpg[/img]
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madamimadam' date='Sep 3rd 2014, 10:47 PM

The OP has been updated!
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sandyrk' date='Sep 4th 2014, 1:23 AM

So you all got me on a WWTLF kick, so I nostalgically watched my very favorite still -- Kiev.  It seems so long ago now.  But that's back when he was hitting that high note, the same one he did in the Hammersmith shows.  I missed it when it was dropped.
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barb4Adam' date='Sep 4th 2014, 1:40 PM

Luv his silliness!!! :lol:  :hug:  :wub:
"he was plotting getting in to play percussion with Rufus, then he followed by playing the keys after Brian May had already had a go,
then he photobombed a VIP selfie".......
Queen + Adam Lambert - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Vector Arena Auckland - September 3rd 2014

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madamimadam' date='Sep 4th 2014, 6:12 PM

DrBrianMay  ·  19h
Can you Free-View this ? Last night in Auckland. The first 3-D congregational Selfie Stick pic in the world ? Bri X


cirquedevic  ·  20h
Vector Arena full with magic. See you after the show tonight, @DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT @adamlambert ? ;)


Catzmadam  ·  20h
Am still reeling from the sheer magnificence of last nights concert. WOW!!! They blew the roof of Vector Arena & Adam was perfection *_____*

ScorpioBert  ·  20h
RT @lovesummer22: Wow #FYE is back in OZ iTunes Pop Album Charts at #137 \o/ @adamlambert


coconutghost007  ·  20h
What a (non) surprise, Queens Greatest Hits back up to #10 on albums chart on iTunes

DaintyGroup  ·  20h
We love this photo from the @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert VIP lounge at @TheVectorArena last night!


christy0907  ·  22h
Lovin this


Malc2392  ·  22h
Let’s take a moment to appreciate still being in a time where Adam is touring with arguably the most generally loved band ever

NobeyamaGP  ·  22h
He may not be Freddie Mercury, but damn can Adam Lambert SING!

bani_  ·  22h
looks like he’s conducting the audience with his selfie stick :)   RT @Kyo_jp: 博士selfie @DrBrianMay


chunkeymonkey81  ·  22h
“@lohablondie: rufus's at adam ;)  pic.twitter.com/uc2c8YP2aT ” ADUFUS IS REAL BRB FEELINGS


jellyyshotsss  ·  23h
Whoever thinks Beyonce is a queen hasn't seen @adamlambert perform live.

Kyo_jp  ·  23h


tattoojo  ·  23h
WOW great job @lisai59


TALCvids  ·  23h
incomparable! RT @AidanMcEwan  "Somebody To Love". Beautiful vocals @adamlambert, bring on tonight! @QueenWillRock https://vine.co/v/OuqJaVAUTgl

fede_tremo  ·  23h
@OfficialRMT looking at @adamlambert during Under Pressure. <3 #QueenAdamLambertTour


ChrisHobbsNZ  ·  24h
@adamlambert thanks for the show last night.  You were deemed WORTHY.

BlackoutMusic  ·  24h
And the backstage vibe was also very pleasant, band and crew enjoying touring. Its good to see. http://fb.me/1KxomiwgM

coconutghost007  ·  Sep 3
Love it! He nailed it indeedRT @catwhisperer69: Adam Lambert nails the camp queen act at Queen concert.


PattiHum  ·  Sep 3
Look at his pure joy in this photo!


skippynz  ·  Sep 3
@adamlambert what an AMAZING concert last night !!! THANK YOU for coming to Auckland.  A great mix of talent keeping Queen music alive :)

FririshDee  ·  Sep 3
@adamlambert Amazing show last night - you guys lifted the roof. Your voice is PHENOMENAL!!! Lifts my heart. X

ScorpioBert  ·  Sep 3

YellowsistaBert  ·  Sep 3
"@gugugagah129: I can stare at those eyes forever... <3333333 RT @erzsebet_molnar: Amazing pic.twitter.com/U7i4SUSsIz "


AlliaChulov  ·  Sep 3
No matter how many times @adamlambert performs with @QueenWillRock he always looks so honored! Truly humble man <3

Lierre_Vert  ·  Sep 3
Adam fans: Couple of pro-HQ pics of Auckland: http://adam-hq.livejournal.com/8349.html

aleks_kv  ·  Sep 3
Oh gods and goddesses! RT @MihaelaGLM
"@shadykale: his neck is calling me pic.twitter.com/heQwmIPAqS" me too :)


EMES79  ·  Sep 3

SusieFierce  ·  Sep 3
:DD RT @EMES79: " I think tonight I have seen probably (technically) the best vocalist I've ever seen Adam Lambert " https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=102046...e=2&theater

EMES79  ·  Sep 3
AWESOME WWRY http://instagram.com/p/se5--nlZEa/

ScorpioBert  ·  Sep 3
extraordinary http://instagram.com/p/serHgdweWI/

TriniQueenie  ·  Sep 3
@DrBrianMay Doc Bri doing Potterish tricks with his selfie Stick-Wand! Wish I'd be in those selfies.


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Post by Tiki »

madamimadam @ Sep 4th 2014, 6:12 PM

DrBrianMay · 19h

EMES79 · Sep 3

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 083&type=1https://www.facebook.com/leanne.fortey/ ... 166&type=3

vistadiva' date='Sep 4th 2014, 6:27 PM

These albums are both Brisbane.
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